HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03BNo. -�6
February 5, 2015
Chair Lillehei called the work session to order at 6:00 p.m
Members Present: Chair Brooks Lillehei; Vice Chair Jason -Swenson, Karl Drotning,
Pat Kaluza, Linda Maguire, and Paul Reuvers
Members Absent: None I
Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey andn el Licht, TP `�
Others Present: Eric Seurer, 21331 Hyali e and Mirk Priore, representing Peter
Weber, 21444 Hytrail Circle Ak AW
Zonina Ord
Daniel Licht presented possible ame tents t%c--�'Wnning
o1�j d Subdivision ordinances
and City Code as listed in, his January201 mA-6randum. He stated that
City staff compiles a list of possible ordi ce`Iliinena Mi#throughout the year for
discussion with the Planning Commission' t a work session during the winter.
Planning Commission and public commentsl "`' Istions:
• Does the proposed increase in � 120 square feet to 200 square feet, for
;detached accessory. bui.idings that require a building permit count toward the
maximum allowable accessory building area for each zoning district? Staff
confirmed that it does.
• What materials aria temporary signs typically made of and where are they
allowed "to be located'? Staff: Temporary signs are typically made of vinyl and are
only allowed on the Oalls of commercial and industrial buildings.
• What is the pi.�pose of the proposed clarification to setback requirements in the
Shoreland Overlay District? Staff: The proposed language was modeled after
the City of Prior Lake ordinance, which would be clearer for both staff and the
general public to understand the requirements for lakeshore lots with houses on
either side that are set back less than 75 feet from the Ordinary High Water Level
(OHWL) in the Shoreland Overlay District.
• Mr. Priore requested that the RS -4 District rear yard deck setback be reduced to
15 feet.
Planning Commission Work Session Minutes — February 5, 2015 Page 2
• Mr. Seurer stated that a 20 foot rear yard deck setback would work for his
• Mr. Priore stated that if the regulations are meant to preserve rear yard area,
then the impact on the rear yard area would be the same regardless of the
elevation of the deck off the ground. Mr. Licht responded that the impact of a
deck elevated more than 30 inches above grade is greater on the rear yard
privacy of the neighbors than a deck elevated less than 30.Dnches above grade.
Mr. Priore argued that neighbor privacy is also impac#al b!% the seven foot side
yard setback of the house in the RS -4 District. Mr. aI: stated that staff can
research deck setbacks in the RS -4 District and r4port back to the Planning
Commission for further discussion as part of th biic f rng on the proposed
Zoning Ordinance amendment.
• Commissioner Maguire felt that 10:00 d-rt:'was too late for graVen
operations. Mr. Licht stated that the sed ordha&uce would note , w
weekend hours for gravel mining opera so #A.irdd be more restrfctive than
currently allowed by City Code under the n' a section. Discussion took
place regarding the Midwe It reques 013 for 24/7 hours of operation.
Commissioner Lillehei supp z 8:00 a. q.00 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday to the proposed gr�ay ,mining of 015er^ 'on so the mining operation
would be able to supply road c 3struction pr„ r iso weekends.
Commissioners,, Drotni ng, Kaluza., an Repvers agree with the gravel
mining days ar vurs eratior in the proposed amendment. Commissioners
asked if the _ posed ame ment 41 impact any existing gravel mining
operations. l+ r. Morey s a#r,-d that Mi WE,:st Asphalt will be the only active gravel
mining operationter imfiW.5 and tat their days/hours of operation were
approved with their inte-m us" iP). He stated that he will review
Midwest Asphalt's approved IUP ho of operation and forward that information
to the Pianning Comml . 'on. The hours of operation approved with the Midwest
Asphalt !UP are.7:00 a.m. lir,X7:00 p.m., Monday -Saturday.
• has there been aii,issue with ins being laced on fences? Staff: Yes during
g 9p 9
elections and also on 'the Dakota Heights Park fence at 175th Street and 1pava
Avenue ommission& Kaluza questioned the reasoning behind the proposed
restriction of signs ran fences, especially for political signs. Commissioners
agreed to allow►:signs on private fences but not on public fences.
The Planning Commission directed staff to set a public hearing for formal consideration
of the proposed amendments as amended per the discussion at tonight's work session.
The work session was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Planning Commission Work Session Minutes - February 5, 2015
Respectfully submitted,
Daryl Morey, Planning Director
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