HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07 Date: RESO P Proposed Staff reco the Kens specifica These str Overview At its Feb the Kens Notice of City Staff Prior to t costs and Followin staff reco Kensingt specifica Primary  Citize Supporti  Notic Prope ________ Monica H Operatio Financial I Related Do Communit 16 March, 20 OLUTION O PROJECT A SPE d Action ommends a sington Bou ations and ad reet improve w bruary 17, 20 sington Bou f the public f did not rec the public he d assessmen g the public ommends th ton Bouleva ations. Issues to Co en Commen ing Informa ce of Public erty Owners __________ Heil, PE ons and Main mpact: $ ocuments (CIP ty Values: 015 ORDERING ND AUTHO CIFICATIO adoption of levard Impr dvertisemen ements con 015 meeting levard Impro hearing wa ceive any res earing, City nts. c hearing an hat the City rd Improvem onsider nts ation Hearing, p s, dated Mar _________ ntenance En $898,240.00 P, ERP, etc.): Good Values f THE KENS ORIZING T ONS AND A the followin ovement Pr nts for bid fo stitute City g, the Lakev ovement Pr s published sponses from Staff will pro nd if the City Council app ment Projec ublished Fe rch 2, 2015. ngineer Budge for Public Serv SINGTON B THE PREPA ADVERTISE ng motion: roject and au or the Kensi Improveme ville City Cou oject and se and forward m the affect ovide a brie y Council ele prove the att ct and autho ebruary 27, 2 eted: Yes ices Ite BOULEVAR ARATION O EMENTS FO Move to ap uthorizing t ington Boul ent Project 1 uncil receive et a public h ded to the a ted property ef presentati ects to proce tached reso orizing the p 2015 and M Source: em No. RD IMPROV OF PLANS A OR BID pprove a res the preparat evard Impro 5-04. ed a Feasibil hearing for M affected pro y owners. ion of the pr eed with the olution order preparation March 6, 201 429 Bonds & VEMENT AND olution ord tion of plans ovement Pro ity Report fo March 16, 20 operty owne roject, proje e project, Cit ring the of plans and 15, and Lett & Utility Funds ering s and oject. or 015. ers. ect ty d ter to s 2 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO: RESOLUTION ORDERING THE KENSINGTON BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BID WHEREAS, on February 17, 2015, the City Council fixed a date for public hearing on the Kensington Boulevard Improvement Project, City Improvement Project 15-04; and WHEREAS, the required published notices of hearing through a weekly publication were given, the required mailed notice of the improvement hearing was given to each property owner in the proposed assessment area at least ten days prior to the hearing, and the hearing was held on March 16, 2015, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lakeville City Council: 1. The Kensington Boulevard Improvement Project is hereby ordered as identified in the Feasibility Report for Project 15-04, dated February 11, 2015. 2. The City expects to issue bonds for the project costs. 3. The estimated project costs are $898,240. 4. Staff is hereby authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvements, and placing advertisements for bids. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of March, 2015. CITY OF LAKEVILLE ________________________________ Matt Little, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 3 CITY OF LAKEVILLE, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of Lakeville will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 16, 2015 at the City Council Chambers, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota, to consider the Kensington Boulevard Improvement Project, which extends from 205th Street to a point just south of the intersection with 210th Street; City Improvement Project 15-04, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for the improvements is as follows: The project will include property in that part of Section 25 Township 114 Range 21, within the City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota, and also being along Kensington Boulevard between 205th Street and a point just south of the intersection with 210th Street, where the improvements associated with the CSAH 70 project terminated. The estimated cost of the improvement is $898,240.00. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. DATED this 17th day of February, 2015. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk March 2, RE: N Dear Prop This lette P.M. in t Project 1 comment The estim project co using Ci improvem ($121,600 reasonabl site. A copy o the Feasib the left ha Then clic Improvem If you wo me direct Sincerely CITY OF Monica H Operation 2015 Notice of Pub perty Owner er is to inform the Lakeville 5-04. The p t, the City Co mated cost fo osts, $63,295 ty Utility F ments will b 0) to the ben le estimate o f the prelimi bility Report and side of th ck on “Propo ment Projec ould like to c tly at 952-985 , F LAKEVILLE Heil, PE ns and Maint 201 lic Hearing f r: m you that a e City Hall C roposed roa ouncil will co r the road re is associated unds. The be funded us nefiting prop f the cost of t nary assessm t prepared fo he City’s web osed/Planned ct” link. comment on 5-2791 with a E tenance Engi 195 Holyoke Av 952-985-440 www.l for the Kensin a Public Hear Council Cham adway impro onsider order econstruction d with utility remaining sing City pr perty owners the assessme ment roll for t or the projec bsite: www.l d Constructi this project, any question ineer venue, Lakevill 00  952-985-4 lakevillemn.go ngton Boulev ring will be h mbers, 20195 ovements wil ring the impr n and utility repair in the $834,945 as roperty tax l s in accordan ent will be av the project is t, follow the akevillemn.g ion Projects, , please atten s you may ha le, MN 55044 4499 fax ov vard Improve held on Mon 5 Holyoke A ll affect your rovements. improvemen e project area ssociated wi levies ($713, nce with the vailable at the s enclosed fo “Constructi gov ” and follow nd the meetin ave. ement Projec nday, March Avenue, for C r property. nts is $898,24 a, and is prop ith surface a 345) and sp e City’s Asse e hearing and or your use. ion Projects/ w the “Kensi ng. Please fe ct 16, 2015, at City Improve Following p 40. Of those posed to be fu and storm pecial assessm essment Poli d on the City To view a co /Closures” lin ington Boule feel free to co   t 7:00 ement public e total unded sewer ments icy. A y web- opy of nk on evard ontact