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March 19, 2015
Chair Lillehei called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
2. Swearing in of New Planning Commission member Scott Einck
Scott Einck was sworn in by Recording Secretary (and notary) Penny Brevig as a
Planning Commission member at tonight’s meeting. Chair Lillehei congratulated
and welcomed Commissioner Einck
Members Present: Chair Brooks Lillehei, Vice Chair Jason Swenson, Linda Maguire,
Pat Kaluza, Karl Drotning, Scott Einck, Joe Blee, ex-officio member Nic Stevens
Members Absent: Paul Reuvers
Others Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner;
Kris Jenson, Associate Planner; Daniel Licht, The Planning Company; Matt Decur,
Project Engineer; Andrea Poehler, Assistant City Attorney; and Penny Brevig,
Recording Secretary
4. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
The March 5, 2015 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
5. Announcements
Mr. Morey stated that the following items were distributed to the Planning
Commission prior to tonight’s meeting:
1. March 18, 2015 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee draft
meeting motions regarding the Minnesota Blue Skies Addition preliminary and
final plat and the Avonlea preliminary plat.
2. Revised Landscape plan (Exhibit I) for Minnesota Blue Skies Addition.
Mr. Morey made the following comments:
• Tonight will be Commissioner Joe Blee’s last Planning Commission meeting.
He has been an alternate on the Planning Commission for 10 years. He
thanked Commissioner Blee for his 10 years of service.
• Welcomed Commissioner Einck to the Planning Commission.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page 2
• Tonight is Chair Lillehei’s last meeting as Chair. The Planning Commission
will vote on a new Chair and Vice Chair at tonight’s meeting to become
effective April 1, 2015.
• April Planning Commission meeting dates have moved to April 9 and 23 due
to the Lakeville School District spring break the week of March 30-April 3.
• Reminder to RSVP for the March 26th Advisory Committee Appreciation Event
if you have not done so already.
6. Minnesota Blue Skies Addition
Chair Lillehei opened the public hearing to consider the application of Cory
Schubert, representing Thomas J. Walker, for the following: A. Preliminary and Final
Plat of one commercial lot to be known as Minnesota Blue Skies Addition; B. PUD
development stage plans for The Goddard School; and C. Vacation of public
drainage and utility easements.
Cory Schubert presented a brief overview of their request.
Associate Planner Kris Jenson presented the planning report. Ms. Jenson stated
that plans have been submitted for Minnesota Blue Skies Addition consisting of one
lot located at the intersection of Elmhurst Lane and 162nd Street, within the Spirit of
Brandtjen Farm (SBF) commercial area. The Goddard School, a daycare facility, is
proposed to be constructed on this lot.
Ms. Jenson reviewed the streets/site access to the property, the proposed
sidewalks/trails and off-street parking, which are all discussed in detail in the March
12, 2015 planning report.
Ms. Jenson indicated that the incorrect landscape plan was inserted into the packet
material. Staff had recommended the landscape plan be revised to include
additional landscaping along the east side of the outdoor play area adjacent to
Elmhurst Lane to break up the view of the proposed privacy fence from the public
street, which the revised landscape plan shows. She recommended that Stipulation
5 be amended as follows:
5 The landscape plan shall be revised to include additional landscaping along
the east side of the outdoor play area adjacent to Elmhurst Lane to break up
the view of the proposed privacy fence from the public street. A $37,300
security is required to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping.
Ms. Jenson stated that when the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Commercial 1st Addition
final plat was approved last year, public drainage and utility easements were added
to Outlot C. In order to plat the property for development, those easements must be
vacated. New 10 foot wide public drainage and utility easements are shown on the
plat adjacent to 162nd Street and Elmhurst Lane.
Ms. Jenson stated that Planning Department staff recommends approval of the
preliminary and final plat, PUD Development Stage plans for The Goddard School,
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page 3
and the vacation of public drainage and utility easements, subject to the seven
stipulations listed in the March 12, 2015 planning report, as amended.
Chair Lillehei opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Blee, seconded by Maguire to close the public hearing at
6:12 p.m.
Ayes: Maguire, Einck, Swenson, Lillehei, Blee, Kaluza, Drotning
Nays: 0
Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points
• Commissioner Maguire asked Ms. Jenson to clarify the change to Stipulation
5, which she did.
Motion was made by Maguire, seconded by Blee to recommend to City Council
approval of the Minnesota Blue Skies Addition Preliminary and Final plat, PUD
development stage plans for The Goddard School, and vacation of public drainage
and utility easements, subject to the following seven stipulations, as amended:
1. The recommendations listed in the March 11, 2015 engineering report.
2. The recommendations of the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources
3. The vacation of the public drainage and utility easements shall be recorded
with the final plat.
4. The Goddard School site shall be developed in accordance with the plans
approved by the City Council.
5. A $37,300 security is required to guarantee installation of the approved
6. Signs as shown on the plans are illustrative only. All signs must comply with
the requirements of Chapter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance. A sign permit must
be issued prior to any signs being placed or erected on site.
7. Exterior lighting must comply with the requirements of Section 11-16-17 of the
Zoning Ordinance.
Ayes: Einck, Swenson, Lillehei, Blee, Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire.
Nays: 0
7. Northern Natural Gas Company
Chair Lillehei opened the public hearing to consider the application of Northern
Natural Gas Company for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of a
natural gas transmission pipeline.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page 4
Bryan Kruger, Right-of-way Agent for Northern Natural Gas (NGG), Kelly Henry,
Division Environmental specialist for Northern Natural Gas, and Trevor Poland,
Northern Natural Gas Engineer, attended tonight’s meeting. Mr. Kruger presented a
brief overview of their request. He stated that NNG Company is proposing
installation of the new high pressure gas main to address growing customer
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that NNG is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the installation of a
new 24 inch diameter high pressure gas main within an existing NNG private utility
easement between the NNG utility site at Kenrick Avenue and 215th Street, west to
the Lakeville city limits. The request also includes the construction of a chain link
security fenced receiver lot located north of 210th Street (CSAH 70) and adjacent to
the west Lakeville city limits.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the original two gas mains were installed within the existing
private utility easement in 1960 and 1969. He described the proposed new pipeline
and explained where and how the pipeline will be installed.
Mr. Dempsey indicated the nearby land uses and the zoning of the properties that
are in the vicinity of the proposed transmission line, along with the location of the
construction access and equipment staging area and what the new receiver lot will
encompass, which are stated in the March 13, 2015 planning report.
Mr. Dempsey reviewed the seven criteria that must be met according to the
performance standards in the Zoning Ordinance, which are explained in detail in the
March 13, 2015 planning report.
Mr. Dempsey commented that he received a call from NNG regarding Stipulation 5,
requiring that the driveway be aligned with the driveway to the south at 12450 - 210th
Street. Dakota County determines driveway access onto County roads, so NNC
discussed the driveway access with Dakota County and explained that, due to the
wetlands to the east and minimal traffic in and out of this location, Dakota County
was not opposed to keeping the driveway where NNG is proposing. Staff agrees
that Stipulation 5 can be removed.
Mr. Dempsey stated that City staff recommends approval of the proposed
conditional use permit, subject to the five stipulations listed in the March 13, 2015
planning report, as amended.
Chair Lillehei opened the hearing to the public for comment.
John Raplinger, 11897 West 210th Street
Mr. Raplinger commented that his property was not directly affected by this proposal
but he had a couple of questions:
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page 5
• He asked for an explanation of two references on the plan to “loops.” What
does a loop reference, including the 24” expansion Loop D shown on the
• What type of safety precautions are being taken with a high pressure gas
Motion was made by Blee, seconded by Drotning to close the public hearing at
6:24 p.m.
Ayes: Swenson, Lillehei, Blee, Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire, Einck
Nays: 0
Chair Lillehei asked NNG representatives to respond to Mr. Raplinger’s questions.
Mr. Kruger indicated that the 24 inch pipe line is a loop system design. It is looping
NNG’s existing underground pipelines. Kenrick Loop South is the name of the street
south of 210th Street.
Trevor Poland, Northern Natural Gas Engineer, explained that when NNG adds
another pipe line that runs parallel to the original line, this is called a loop.
As far as safety precautions, Mr. Poland explained there are several requirements in
the Federal Code and from the DOT that NNG must follow for pipeline safety. He
indicated that the receiver lot that they are proposing allows them to insert inline
inspection tools into the pipeline. In heavily populated areas, they inspect the lines
every few years for corrosion, etc.
Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. There was no
discussion by the Planning Commission on this agenda item.
Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Maguire to recommend to City
Council approval of the Northern Natural Gas Company Conditional Use Permit to
allow the installation of a natural gas transmission pipeline, subject to the following
stipulations, as amended:
1. Required permits shall be obtained from the City of Lakeville and any other
affected governmental agencies prior to commencing excavation and pipeline
2. All properties affected by the pipeline installation shall be restored to original
condition upon completion of the project.
3. Landscaping shall be installed in the locations as shown on the approved
landscape plan. All spruce trees shall be a minimum of eight feet tall. The
landscape plan shall be amended prior to City Council consideration of the
conditional use permit to show minimum eight foot tall spruce trees.
4. A permit shall be approved by the Building Inspections Department prior to
installation of the chain link fence and gate around the perimeter of the
receiver lot on 210th Street. The fence shall not exceed eight feet in height.
Barbed wire is not permitted.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page 6
5. A driveway permit will be required from Dakota County prior to installation of
the proposed new driveway onto 210th Street.
Ayes: Lillehei, Blee, Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire, Einck, Swenson
Nays: 0
8. Avonlea
Chair Lillehei opened the public hearing to consider the application of Mattamy
Homes for the following: A. Comprehensive Plan amendment to modify the 2030
Land Use Plan, Transportation Plan, and Staged MUSA Expansion Areas Plan; B.
Zoning Map amendment to rezone property to PUD, Planned Unit Development
District; and C. Preliminary Plat and PUD Development Stage Plan of 204 single
family lots, 47 attached townhouse lots, and one common area lot to be known as
Daren Laberee from Mattamy Homes along with Corey Meyer and Ryan Bloom, both
from Westwood Engineering were in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Laberee
presented an overview of the overall Avonlea project and then narrowed it down to
their Phase 1 preliminary plat request, which includes the PUD booklet.
Mr. Laberee explained why they were requesting flexibility under the PUD District to
allow for the smaller garage size and why they feel they are meeting the overall
intent of the City Code. Mr. Laberee indicated that it seems storage is the main
reason the City requires the larger garage. Mattamy feels they have a good mix of
larger homes with smaller garages and smaller homes with larger garages.
Daniel Licht from The Planning Company presented the planning report. Mr. Licht
stated that the Avonlea development is located adjacent to Cedar Avenue between
179th Street and future 185th Street. He indicated that the first phase development is
proposing 251 dwelling units. Mr. Licht stated that the proposed extension of utilities
to the subject site and phasing plan for development beyond Phase 1 has been
reviewed by City staff and found to be consistent with the City’s growth management
policies and that there is adequate public service capacity to accommodate the
proposed development. City staff recommends that the Staged MUSA Expansion
Areas Plan be amended to include the entire Avonlea development within the
current MUSA in conjunction with the Phase 1 preliminary plat.
Mr. Licht explained that the Avonlea applications include a Comprehensive Plan
amendment to revise the 2030 Land Use Plan to change the land use designations
to be consistent with those identified on the Avonlea Illustrative Master Plan for the
entire 469.6 acres.
Mr. Licht indicated that because of the wide variety of current zoning districts in the
Avonlea development area, the developer is requesting a rezoning of the entire
Avonlea development to PUD, Planned Unit Development District to provide
flexibility in the application of lot requirements and subdivision design standards and
the integration of public and private open space within the development.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page 7
Mr. Licht reviewed the Transportation Plan and how it relates to the Avonlea
development. He indicated that the developer prepared a traffic study for this area
to evaluate the impact of traffic generated by the Avonlea subdivision. Details of the
Transportation Plan and the traffic study as they relate to this development are
explained in detail in the March 12, 2015 planning report.
Mr. Licht reviewed the proposed single family lots and townhouses in relation to
Zoning Ordinance requirements. He indicated that City staff is recommending that all
of the garages for the townhouse units meet the minimum garage area requirements
specified by Section 11-58-21.D of the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Licht stated that multiple family dwellings will be subject to the requirements of
the RH-1 District unless modified through approval of a PUD Development Stage
Plan, as set forth by the draft PUD District Ordinance.
Mr. Licht reviewed the following which are explained in detail in the March 12, 2015
planning report:
• Local streets and private drives
• Guest parking
• Landscaping, including buffer yard landscaping
• Architectural requirements
• Trails
• Parks
• Open Space/Park Dedication
• HOA Clubhouse
Mr. Licht stated that the developer is proposing a model village on the south side of
Street A west of Cedar Avenue consisting of five single family lots and one three unit
townhouse building. With open space to be dedicated to the City located to the west
and south of the townhouse building to create separation from other single family
lots outside of the model village, there will be no compatibility issues by this site
Mr. Licht stated that the Phase 1 preliminary plat includes 24 outlots. The ownership
of each outlot is listed in the March 12, 2015 planning report. Mr. Licht commented
that the boundary between Outlot G and Outlot H designated for a future phase to
the south reflects a current property line and not the intended subdivision design. It
may be necessary to re-plat Outlot G in the future to establish the permanent
boundaries of the greenway corridor based on the Avonlea Master Plan.
Mr. Licht stated that City staff recommends approval of the Comprehensive Plan and
Zoning Map amendments, along with the Avonlea preliminary plat and PUD
Development Stage Plan, subject to the 17 stipulations listed in the March 12, 2015
planning report.
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Chair Lillehei opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Eric Burch, 20756 Gemini Trail
Mr. Burch was concerned about the traffic along Cedar Avenue and how difficult it
will be to cross Cedar Avenue without a stop light if you are riding a bike or are a
pedestrian. Also, what is the traffic plan for the second phase?
Motion was made by Blee, seconded by Maguire to close the public hearing at
7:13 p.m.
Ayes: Blee, Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire, Einck, Swenson, Lillehei
Nays: 0
Chair Lillehei asked staff to address Mr. Burch’s concerns regarding pedestrian
crossing and the general access to the second phase. Mr. Morey stated that Cedar
Avenue (CSAH 23) is under the jurisdiction of Dakota County. The preferred option
would be to have an underpass for Cedar Avenue in proximity to the 181st Street
Park and Ride. He stated the development team is currently studying this possibility
but there are constraints due to high ground water levels and the DNR creek. There
will be further discussion with Dakota County staff regarding a pedestrian crossing of
Cedar Avenue as this project moves forward. The timing and location of traffic
signals on Cedar Avenue will also be determined by Dakota County. The existing
181st Street/Cedar Avenue intersection currently has full turning movements, but in
the future will become a restricted ¾ access.
Mr. Morey clarified that the underpass would be designed to accommodate both
bicycles and pedestrians. There are other underpasses in Lakeville at 175th Street
to access Cherryview Park, under Dodd Boulevard in the Valley Park neighborhood,
and under 160th Street (CSAH 46) in Spirit of Brandtjen Farm.
Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion
points included:
• Commissioner Einck was concerned with the single access for a development
of this size. Mr. Licht stated that the Lakeville police and fire departments
indicated the single access off of Cedar Avenue was not a safety issue for the
first phase of development.
• Commissioner Drotning asked about the County’s criteria for installing
roundabouts. Mr. Morey stated he was not aware if the County has any
roundabout criteria but that is a question that could be raised with the County
at a future meeting. Mr. Licht commented that the County had an opportunity
to comment on the proposed roadway design during the EAW process.
• Commissioner Drotning stated that it is important to plan now for future
roundabouts so we are not retrofitting later.
• Commissioner Swenson commented on the proposed sanitary sewer to serve
this development. He also stated that the Cedar Avenue underpass will be
difficult at the park and ride location due to grades and groundwater levels.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page 9
• Commissioner Drotning commented that the Metropolitan Council’s draft 2040
transportation plan includes scoring criteria that favors higher density
developments along major roadway corridors.
• Chair Lillehei asked about the reference to the eyebrow cul-de-sacs. Mr.
Licht indicated that there are no eyebrow cul-de-sacs proposed in the first
phase preliminary plat. City staff is recommending that the allowance of
additional cu-de-sacs shown on the Master Plan be reviewed with each
application for a PUD Development Stage Plan/Preliminary Plat to eliminate
cul-de-sac streets in favor of through streets where physically possible.
• Chair Lillehei asked the developer to explain the reasoning behind their
proposed narrower street widths. Mr. Laberee commented that wider
roadways can actually cause people to drive faster. Narrower roadways have
a calming effect, in that with traffic friction people will pay more attention and
drive more carefully.
• Chair Lillehei asked the developer why they are proposing landscaping in the
cul-de-sac islands. Mr. Laberee indicated that Mattamy likes to have
landscaped islands in their cul-de-sacs, especially the ones that will be
exposed to Cedar Avenue. The proposed cul-de-sacs with the landscaped
islands are larger and will have adequate turnaround radius for larger vehicles
such as fire trucks and motorhomes. They are more expensive to construct
and maintain but Mattamy prefers them. He stated that the HOA, not the City,
will maintain the landscaped islands.
• The garage size was discussed. The Planning Commission concurred with
staff that the garage sizes should meet the Zoning Ordinance requirements.
Motion was made by Maguire, seconded by Drotning to recommend to City
Council approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment to modify the 2030 Land
Use Plan, Transportation Plan, and Staged MUSA Expansion Areas Plan, the
Zoning Map amendment to rezone property to PUD, Planned Unit Development
District, and the Avonlea Preliminary Plat and PUD Development Stage Plan of 204
single family lots, 47 attached townhouse lots, and one common area lot, subject to
the following 17 stipulations:
1. The applications to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map shall
be contingent upon Metropolitan Council approval.
2. All 28 foot wide public streets shall be posted as no parking zones on one
side to ensure vehicle passage and emergency access; Street D shall be
posted for one-way traffic for the divided section also with no parking on
one side.
3. The allowance of cul-de-sacs shown on the Avonlea Illustrative Master
Plan beyond Phase 1 shall be reviewed at the time of application for PUD
development stage plan/preliminary plat approval to eliminate cul-de-sac
streets in favor of through streets where physically possible or where they
do not meet the minimum length requirement in accordance with Section
10-4-3.S of the Subdivision Ordinance.
4. The Avonlea PUD Booklet shall be revised to include a provision that the
64 foot wide and 74 foot wide single family lots shall allow for a three stall
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page 10
attached garage as required by Section 11-19-5 of the Zoning Ordinance,
which must be identified in the Avonlea PUD Booklet; the 54 foot wide lots
shall be exempt from this requirement.
5. Rear yard setbacks for all single family lots shall be 25 feet for the
principal building and 20 feet for an open and unenclosed deck more than
30 inches above grade.
6. The proposed Phase 1 townhouses shall comply with the applicable unit
size, exterior materials, garage size and storm shelter design and
construction requirements outlined in Section 11-58-21 of the Zoning
7. The developer must provide additional information regarding the value of
construction and the landscaping to be installed within the townhouse
portion of the development with application for final plat approval to verify
compliance with Section 11-58-21.L of the Zoning Ordinance.
8. The boundaries of the Shoreland Overlay District shall be shown on the
preliminary plat.
9. Outlots F, G, and I will be dedicated to the City for park use with Phase 1;
the net area of Outlots F, G, I and K less wetlands and wetland buffer
areas must be identified with application for final plat approval to establish
the area eligible for park dedication credit; Outlot G may be re-platted with
a future phase to establish the permanent boundaries of the greenway
corridor based on the Avonlea Illustrative Master Plan.
10. The Avonlea Master Development Agreement will identify dedication of
land to the City with Phase 1 and future phases to be credited to the
required park dedication requirement. At the point in time at which the
area of land eligible to be credited for park dedication requirements
dedicated to the City exceeds the amount required by the Subdivision
Ordinance, the City will pay the developer for the additional land at a fixed
price of $50,000 per acre.
11. The developer shall construct trails as shown within Outlots F, G, I and K;
the submitted plans shall be revised to extend the trail on the east side of
Cedar Avenue to the south line of the plat. The cost responsibility
between the City and the developer for construction of the trail adjacent to
Street J and Cedar Avenue shall be in accordance with Section 10-4-3.H.4
of the Subdivision Ordinance.
12. Development of the HOA Club House on Lot 17, Block 10 will be subject
to future application for PUD Development Stage Plan approval.
13. All model homes shall comply with the provisions of Section 11-2-11 of the
Zoning Ordinance; the setback of the off-street parking area shall be
revised to 15 feet from the right-of-way of Street A to comply with Section
11-19-11.C of the Zoning Ordinance.
14. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans shall be subject to review
and approval of the City Engineer; Outlots B, D, E, J, K, L, N, R, U and V
shall be deeded to the City for storm water management purposes.
15. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
16. The preliminary plat shall be revised to provide drainage and utility
easements at the full perimeter of Outlots O, M, P, T and X as well as over
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page 11
all of Outlots Q, S and W. All easements are subject to review and
approval of the City Engineer.
17. Documents establishing a homeowners association must be submitted to
address ownership and maintenance of private open space, boulevard
trees and landscape islands within the public right-of-ways and are subject
to review and approval of the City Attorney prior to consideration of a final
plat application.
Ayes: Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire, Einck, Swenson, Lillehei, Blee
Nays: 0
9. Election of Planning Commission Officers
Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Kaluza to nominate Commissioner
Swenson to the office of Chair and to nominate Commissioner Maguire to the office
of Vice Chair effective April 1, 2015, and to close nominations.
Ayes: Drotning, Maguire, Einck, Swenson, Lillehei, Blee, Kaluza
Nays: 0
Because it was Chair Lillehei’s last Planning Commission meeting as Chair he
expressed his appreciation to his fellow Commissioners and reflected back on their
achievements during his three year tenure as Chair. He also thanked staff for their
support and assistance.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary