HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.m April 6, 2015 Item No.________ ACQUISITION OF TAX FORFEIT PROPERTIES Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a resolution acquiring tax forfeit parcels. Passage of this motion will result in the City acquiring eight tax forfeited parcels. Overview Periodically the Dakota County office of Property Taxation and Records notifies the City of a list of parcels that have gone into tax forfeiture status that are available to the City for acquisition. Minn. Stat. 282.01, Subdiv 1a, Paragraph (e) allows the City to acquire the properties for no consideration in circumstances where the parcels would be used for storm water management, right-of-way, greenway corridor, open space and wetland/natural area preservation. The parcels are acquired through a conditional use deed from the State of Minnesota. At the November 12, 2014 work session the City Council reviewed the list provided by the County and directed staff to acquire eight of the parcels. Staff provided the list of eight parcels to the Dakota County office of Property Taxation and Records and they have given their preliminary approval for the City to acquire the parcels pending final approval by the County Board at their April 21st meeting. The cost to acquire all eight properties is $2,421.20 to cover State deed fees and County recording fees. Primary Issues to Consider • Where are the parcels located and what are their potential uses? • Is there a process to turn-back the parcels to the County if the City no longer wishes to own one or more of them in the future? Supporting Information • Staff analysis of Issues (see attached) • Exhibit Showing Property Locations ___________________________________ Allyn G. Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator Financial Impact: $2,421.21_ Budgeted: Y/N _Y_ Source: Surface Water Management Fund_____ Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): ____________________________________________________ Envision Lakeville Community Value: Access to a Multitude of Natural Amnesties and Recreational Opportunities. Council Report - Page 2 SUPPORTING INFORMATION - • Where are the parcels located and what are their potential uses? The following chart and the attached maps indicate the locations and potential uses for each property - • Is there a process to turn-back the parcels to the County if the City no longer wishes to own one or more of the parcels in the future? In obtaining the parcels from the County through the conditional use deed process the City cannot sell the properties. If circumstances change in the future where the City no longer wishes to retain a parcel or a portion of a parcel acquired through the tax forfeiture process the ownership of the parcel must be transferred back to Dakota County for their retention or public sale. Parcel Identification Number Map Location Potential Use 22-19900-05-060 A Greenway/Trail Corridor/Open Space/Passive Park/ Wetland Preservation/Stormwater Basin 22-46901-09-040 B Greenway/Trail Corridor/Open Space/Passive Park/ Wetland Preservation/Stormwater Basin 22-46901-09-050 C Greenway/Trail Corridor/Open Space/Passive Park/ Wetland Preservation/Stormwater Basin 22-46901-09-130 D Greenway/Trail Corridor/Open Space/Passive Park/ Wetland Preservation/Stormwater Basin 22-47500-00-021 E Greenway/Trail Corridor/Open Space/ Wetland Preservation/Stormwater Basin 22-01300-83-034 F CSAH 50 Road right-of-way/Stormwater Basin 22-27800-00-210 G CSAH 50 Road right-of-way/Stormwater Basin 22-27800-00-220 H CSAH 50 Road right-of-way/Stormwater Basin CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO._______ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF TAX FORFEITED PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY AND DISPENSING WITH STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR REVIEW BY PLANNING COMMISSION OF ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY WHEREAS, certain property within the city of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota, legally described in Exhibit “A” (“Subject Parcels”), were forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of property taxes; and WHEREAS, the City desires to acquire the Subject Parcels; WHEREAS, the City has the authority to acquire the Subject Parcels from the State of Minnesota through its agent, Dakota County, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 282.01; and WHEREAS, the City feels it is in the public’s best interest to acquire the Subject Parcels for public purposes, including greenway, trail corridor, open space, passive park, wetland preservation, stormwater basin and CSAH 50 road right-of-way as further identified for the specific parcel in Exhibit A; WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 462.356, subd. 2 requires that the Planning Commission review the City's proposed acquisitions and dispositions of property, and; WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 462.356, subd. 2 provides for an exception from the Planning Commission review requirement upon 2/3 vote of the City Council dispensing with the requirement and finding that the acquisition or disposal of the property has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: 1. The City Council finds that the acquisition of the Subject Parcels has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan. 2. Review by the Planning Commission of the acquisition of the Subject Parcles is hereby dispensed with. 3. Approving the acquisition of the Subject Parcels from the State of Minnesota through Dakota County for the uses identified in Exhibit A. 4. The City Clerk shall forward a certified copy of this Resolution to Dakota County. 1 180864v2 5. The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute any documents necessary to complete the acquisition of the Subject Parcels. ADOPTED this 6th day of April, 2015, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: _______________________________ Matt Little, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 2 180864v2 EXHIBIT “A” Subject Parcels Dakota County Parcel Identification Number Potential Use 22-19900-05-060 Greenway/Trail Corridor/Open Space/Passive Park/ Wetland Preservation/Stormwater Basin 22-46901-09-040 Greenway/Trail Corridor/Open Space/Passive Park/ Wetland Preservation/Stormwater Basin 22-46901-09-050 Greenway/Trail Corridor/Open Space/Passive Park/ Wetland Preservation/Stormwater Basin 22-46901-09-130 Greenway/Trail Corridor/Open Space/Passive Park/ Wetland Preservation/Stormwater Basin 22-47500-00-021 Greenway/Trail Corridor/Open Space/ Wetland Preservation/Stormwater Basin 22-01300-83-034 CSAH 50 Road right-of-way/Stormwater Basin 22-27800-00-210 CSAH 50 Road right-of-way/Stormwater Basin 22-27800-00-220 CSAH 50 Road right-of-way/Stormwater Basin 3 180864v2 !A!A !A!A !A !A !A !A 456760 456746 45675 456750 45679 §¨¦35 D O D D B L V D K E N W O O D T R L 185TH ST W 162ND ST W B C G H E A F D ²City of LakevilleCity of Lakeville Tax Forfeited PropertiesTax Forfeited PropertiesLegend !A Property Locations 00.510.25 Miles Orchard Lake 168TH ST W L A N G L E Y A V E J U DICIA L R D J U D I C I A L R D L A K E V I E W C T A ²City of LakevilleCity of Lakeville Tax Forfeited PropertiesTax Forfeited Properties Property AProperty ALegend Property Boundary 0 100 200 300 400 50050 Feet Orchard Lake LAYTON PATH JU D I C I A L R D 175TH ST W 175THST W B CD ²City of LakevilleCity of Lakeville Tax Forfeited PropertiesTax Forfeited Properties Properties B, C&DProperties B, C&DLegend Property Boundary 0 100 200 300 400 50050 Feet E Lake Marion J U P I T E R A V E 20 3 R D S T W J U R A T R L KEN SIN G T O N W A Y J U PI TER WAY 2 0 5 TH S T W ²City of LakevilleCity of Lakeville Tax Forfeited PropertiesTax Forfeited Properties Property EProperty ELegend Property Boundary 0 100 200 300 400 50050 Feet G H F 456750 188 TH S T W 18 8 TH ST W J O R D A N T R L JORDAN TRL J O P L I N A V E KEN W O O D TRL ²City of LakevilleCity of Lakeville Tax Forfeited PropertiesTax Forfeited Properties Properties F, G&HProperties F, G&HLegend Property Boundary 0 100 200 300 400 50050 Feet