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March 16, 2015
Mayor Little called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The
pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Mayor Little, Council Members Davis, Swecker, Anderson and LaBeau
Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney; Jeff
Long, Police Chief; Chris Petree, Public Works Director; David Olson, Community &
Economic Development Director; Julie Werner, Interim Finance Director; Brett Altergott,
Parks & Recreation Director; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Daryl Morey,
Planning Director; Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
3. Citizen Comments None
4. Additional Agenda Information None
5. Presentations/Introductions
Chief Long presented the February Police Department monthly report.
Brett Altergott presented the Parks & Recreation Department 2014 Annual Report.
Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Davis, seconded by Swecker to approve the following consent agenda
a. Claims for payment
b. Minutes of the March 2, 2015 City Council meeting
c. Minutes of the February 23, 2015 Council work session
d. Authorize the sale of two carousel storage systems to SJF Material Handling
e. Resolution No. 15-24 approving the Summerlyn 4th Addition final plat
f. Resolution No. 15-25 approving the Summerlyn 5th Addition final plat
City Council Meeting Minutes, March 16, 2015 Page 2
g. Resolution No. 15-26 approving the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Commercial 2nd Addition
preliminary and final plat and Development Stage PUD Plans; Resolution No. 15-27
vacating public drainage and utility easements and street right-of-way; and Resolution No.
15-28 designating “No Parking” areas on Eagleview Drive
h. Resolution No. 15-29 approving the Feldman Heights final plat; and Resolution No. 15-30
vacating public road, drainage and utility easements
i. Agreements with The Britins, Monroe Crossing, The Fabulous Armadillos Inc., George
Maurer Group and Ring of Kerry for performances at the Lakeville Area Arts Center
j. Advisory committee appointments: Lakeville Area Arts Center Board-Robert Erickson,
Jeanne Hutter and Tom Ruesink; Economic Development Commission-James Emond, Sr.,
Sheila Longie, Bob Gillen, Steve Rajavuori, Quenton Scherer and Thomas Smith; Finance
Committee-John Tuschner and Jake Johnston; Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources
Committee-Judy Hayes and Howard Lovelace; Planning Commission-Brooks Lillehei,
Paul Reuvers, Jason Kelvie and Officer Nic Stevens (ex-officio)
k. Resolution No. 15-31 approving plans and specifications and setting a bid date for 2015
miscellaneous roadway repairs and overlays, Improvement Project 15-01
l. Agreement with Mark Reamer, softball umpire coordinator
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
7. Public Hearing to Consider Kensington Boulevard Improvements
Mayor Little opened the public hearing to consider improvements to Kensington Boulevard,
Improvement Project 15-04. Operations & Maintenance Engineer Monica Heil provided an
overview of the proposed Kensington Boulevard project, which extends from 205th Street to a
point just south of the intersection with 210th Street This project was initiated as part of the
City’s pavement management program, where City streets are rated based on their condition.
The project includes pavement reclamation, spot curb and gutter replacement and installation
of new pavement section. Street lights are proposed to be replaced within the business campus
area of the project. Installation of cathodic protection will reduce the frequency of watermain
breaks and extend the useful life of the watermain pipe.
The total estimated cost of the project is $898,240. Of that, $121,600 is proposed to be assessed
to the benefiting property owners. Assessments are estimated at $52.16 per front foot for
properties with driveway access onto Kensington Boulevard.
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There were no questions or comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Davis, seconded by LaBeau to close the public hearing.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
Motion was made by Davis, seconded by Swecker to approve Resolution No. 15-32 ordering the
Kensington Boulevard improvement project and authorizing the preparation of plans and
specifications and advertisement for bids.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes – Davis, Little, Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau
8. Public Hearing to Consider Hamburg Avenue Improvements
Mayor Little opened the public hearing to consider improvements to Hamburg Avenue,
Improvement Project 15-05. Ms. Heil provided an overview of the Hamburg Avenue project,
which extends from Lakeville Boulevard to 220th Street. This project was also initiated as part
of the City’s pavement management program. Improvements include mill and overlay, ditch
improvements to address drainage issues, and driveway culvert replacement. The City is
working with the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization to obtain grant
dollars for the ditch improvements, which will help improve the quality of water entering South
The total estimated cost of the project is $579,255. Of that, $174,971 is proposed to be assessed
to the benefiting property owners. Assessments are calculated on a front foot basis consistent
with the City’s assessment policy.
There were no questions or comments from the audience. Ms. Heil stated the manager of Con-
Agra has expressed some concerns regarding access during construction. She stated staff will
meet with all of the affected businesses along Hamburg Avenue to coordinate construction.
Council Member LaBeau asked about ditch improvements at the corner of Hamburg Avenue
and County Road 70. Ms. Heil explained that the property owners are not proposed to be
assessed for ditch improvements, as this part of the Hamburg Avenue project is proposed to be
financed by the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization.
Motion was made by LaBeau, seconded by Anderson to close the public hearing.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Swecker to approve Resolution No. 15-33
ordering the Hamburg Avenue improvement project and authorizing the preparation of plans
and specifications and advertisement for bids.
City Council Meeting Minutes, March 16, 2015 Page 4
9. Call Public Hearing on Proposed Assessments for Improvement Project 15-02
Public Works Director Chris Petree asked the City Council to consider approval of a resolution
calling a public hearing on the proposed assessments for Improvement Project 15-02.
Ms. Heil provided an overview of the proposed improvements and project phasing. She
explained that the project will be completed over the 2015 and 2016 construction seasons. Bids
were opened on March 6, 2015. Based on the bid results, the total cost for the project is
$142,924 less than what was presented in the feasibility report. This represents a 0.6%
reduction from the feasibility report estimate. A neighborhood meeting has been scheduled for
Wednesday, March 25th, to discuss the project costs and assessments.
Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Anderson to approve Resolution No. 15-34 calling
a public hearing on proposed assessments for Improvement Project 15-02.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes – Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau, Davis, Little
10. Ordinance Amending the City Code
Planning Director Daryl Morey presented an ordinance amending Titles 7, 10 and 11 of the
Lakeville City Code, which represents the annual review and update of the zoning and
subdivision ordinances by the Planning Commission and City staff. Amendments to Titles 7,
10 and 11 are related to gravel mining hours, subdivision ordinance variances, front yard
definition, setback exceptions, accessory buildings, fences, landscaping, window signs,
temporary signs, wall signs, prohibited signs, motor vehicle fuel facility lighting, RS-4 District
setbacks, and shoreland overlay district setbacks. He explained that the ordinance includes a
reduced rear yard setback (from 30 feet to 20 feet) for elevated decks in the RS-4 District. This
deck setback issue was tabled by the City Council at its January 20th meeting.
Council members questioned the proposed change to the excavation and mining hours. Mr.
Morey explained that the proposed gravel mining hours of 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through
Friday are consistent with the City’s nuisance ordinance. Midwest Asphalt is the only active
mining operation in the City at this time. Mining at that location is currently permitted from 7
a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday under their approved interim use permit. Any new
gravel mining operation would require Council approval of an interim use permit. At that
time, the City Council could restrict the hours of operation beyond what the ordinance allows
based on mining location and proximity to residential neighborhoods. He noted that any new
gravel mining operation would need to be located on property that is outside the current
Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA).
City Council Meeting Minutes, March 16, 2015 Page 5
The City Council reached a consensus to restrict mining activities to no later than 7 p.m.
Monday through Friday.
Motion was made by Davis, seconded by Swecker to adopt Ordinance No. 936 amending Titles
7, 10 and 11 of the Lakeville City Code and Summary Ordinance No. 936 for publication.
Anderson moved an amendment to the motion, seconded by LaBeau, to amend Section 1 of
Ordinance No. 936 to restrict mining operations as follows: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through
Voice vote was taken on the amendment. Ayes – unanimous
Roll call was taken on the main motion. Ayes – Anderson, LaBeau, Davis, Little, Swecker
11. Unfinished business: None
12. New business: None
13. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, April 6, 2015
Council work session, March 23, 2015
Mayor Little adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Matt Little, Mayor