HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.gMarch 31, 2015 Item No. PERFORMANCE AGREEMENTS FOR THE LAKEVILLE AREA ARTS CENTER Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve performance agreements with the following performers for the Lakeville Area Arts Center. Performers • Pamela McNeill Productions — Rumors & Dreams, Saturday May 15, 2015 • Zorongo Flamenco Dance — Flamenco On Fire, November 7, 2015 • ECE — The Hunts, April 16, 2016 Passage of this motion will result in confirming the performers needed to offer programs advertised in the Parks and Recreation brochures and the LAAC playbill. Overview The Lakeville Area Arts Center offers activities to the public as advertised in the Lakeville Parks and Recreation brochures and the LAAC Playbill. Performers are contracted for concerts as advertised. Primary Issues to Consider • None Supporting Information • Performer agreements ( Jo Masiarchin L keville Area Arts Center Manager Financial Impact: Budgeted: Y/N Y Source: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Parks & Recreation and Arts Center Brochure and LAAC Playbill Community Values A Sense of Community and Belonging Agreement between the City of Lakeville and Pamela McNeill Productions Pamela McNeill — Rumors & Dreams will perform a one hour, forty minute show with a fifteen minute intermission beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 15, 2015, at the Lakeville Area Arts Center, 20965 Holyoke Avenue, in Lakeville. For the performance, the Pamela McNeill will receive a $3,000.00 guarantee, and 75% of the ticket sales after the guarantee, tax, and ticketing surcharge. Both Pamela McNeill and the Lakeville Area Arts Center staff will work to promote the show. Pamela McNeill Productions will announce the event on its website and use its data base of contacts and fans to make the show known. The Lakeville Area Arts Center will promote in its 2014-2015 playbill, media releases, marquee, newsletters, and using other available resources. The Lakeville Area Arts Center will print and sell tickets through its box office and ticket outlets. By signing at the bottom of this letter of agreement, Lakeville Area Arts Center agrees to the following conditions: 1) Performance Space Stage will be clear of furniture, props, scenery sound booth and the piano will be available. etc. There will be general stage lighting, the 2) Liability.Insurance The City of Lakeville carries the standard liability insurance for audiences, staff, and the building of the Lakeville Area Arts Center. 3) Payment Payment of the $3000.00 guarantee will be made immediately following the performance, the remainder will be made in the amount of 75% of ticket sales after the guarantee, tax and ticketing surcharge, to be paid the following week. In the event of bad weather making travel to a performance unsafe, the decision to cancel shall be made by the Lakeville Area Arts Center Coordinator and Pamela McNeill. Rescheduling of the concert will depend on availability of the performance space and Pamela McNeill. I hereby agree to all conditions and terms described above: A&Iwe'e. 'ftbr-1Zeecr Pamela McNeill Date As an authorized representative of the. City of Lakeville, I hereby agree to all conditions and terms described above: Matt Little, Lakeville Mayor Date City Clerk Date Zorongo Flamenco Dance Theatre and School 3012 Minnehaha Avenue South • Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-234-1653 • zorongoflamenco@gmail.com • www.zorongo.org THIS CONTRACT for the services of ZORONGO FLAMENCO DANCE THEATRE on the engagement described below, made this day March 10", 2015 between the undersigned Purchaser of Talent (herein called 'City of Lakeville: Lakeville Area Arts Center') and 'Zorongo Flamenco Dance Theatre & School.' 1. Name of Purchaser: City of Lakeville: Lakeville Area Arts Center 2. Address of Purchaser: 20965 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville, MN 55044 3. Name of Venue: Lakeville Area Arts Center Location of Venue: 20965 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 4. Contact person: Joseph Masiarchin 5. Phone number: 952-985-4641 6. Email: jmasiarchin@lakevillemn.gov 7. Date of engagement: November 7th, 2015 8. Type of Engagement: Flamenco Dance Performance 9. Arrival time: TBD 10. Performance Time(s): 7:30 PM Description of Performance: 70 minute flamenco dance concert ("Flamenco on Fire") plus 15 minute intermission that includes 3 dancers and 2 musicians. Agreed upon fee: $4,000 for artist fees Terms: Purchaserwill make payment to ZORONGO FLAMENCO, INC. immediately upon completion of engagement. This agreement with 'Zorongo Flamenco Inc.' is to provide the services of Zorongo Flamenco as specified above; however, this agreement is subject to proven detention by sickness, accident, riots, epidemics, acts of God, or any legitimate conditions beyond the control of the artist. Promotion: Purchaser will work with Zorongo Flamenco to adequately promote all public showings. Performances which are limited to a certain group (e.g. students of a college) should be intemally promoted to a reasonable extent to ensure the best possible attendance. Ticketing/front of house: Purchaser agrees to fully provide for ticketing/box office, ushering, and other front of house duties if applicable. Evaluation: As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Zorongo Flamenco depends on grant funding for its existence. Many grants require that we perform some kind of evaluation of our programming. Purchaser agrees to cooperate with Zorongo Flamenco to create and complete reasonable evaluation materials if necessary. ADA accessibility: Purchaser agrees to make every reasonable effort to make the venue, parking, restrooms etc. accessible to people with disabilities. Purchaser agrees to co-operate with Zorongo Flamenco to make performances accessible through whatever means are available (e.g. descriptive captions, ASL interpretation, etc.) Zorongo Flamenco Dance Theatre 3012 Minnehaha Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55406 Contact: Lorene Bruns, Arts Administrator Phone: 612-234-1653 Email: zorongoflamenco@gmail.com Signature Purchaser ADDRESS: Lakeville Area Arts Center, 20965 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 CONTACT: Joseph Masiarchin PHONE: 952-985-4641 EMAIL: jmasiarchin@lakevillemn.gov Signature: Print Name: Lorene Bruns Date: 3/10/2015 Print Name: Legal Name: Zorongo Flamenco, Inc. Fed. Tax ID #: 36-3302530 Date: ZORONGO FLAMENCO DANCE THEATRE MINIMAL TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS STAGE: The dance stage surface is most important. It should be a minimum size of 8 feet x 16 feet. A sprung wood floor is perfect, so that it has some give to prevent injuries to the dancers. The surface must be non - slippery, stable, and free from cracks and hardware. IMPORTANT: Concrete, marble, stone and wood laid directly over these or other hard surfaces is unacceptable. The dancers reserve the right not to endanger themselves and elect not to perform in the case of an inadequate dance surface. It is often possible for Zorongo to provide a small portable floor for an additional fee. If the venue is for a party, classroom or informal performance, this is an option. Another option would be for the sponsor to put two 4' x 8' sheets of plywood over carpeted area to serve as a dance floor. Since the floor is such an important part of Zorongo's presentation, it is essential to pay special attention to this requirement. SOUND: A house speaker system is needed, with stage fill monitors for the dancers. Two microphones are needed. One microphone on a guitar stand for the guitarist, and one microphone for the singer, on an adjustable stand. The musicians will also need their own monitors separate from the house mix, one for each is preferable. The Sound console and system should be installed and working on arrival. LIGHTING: The lighting needs are on a venue by venue basis. A Rep plot can be used, with specials added as needed, where inventory allows. Any and all lighting should be hung and gelled before technician's arrival. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: 4 straight back chairs without arms — preferably attractive and all the same. A private, dressing area which can be locked. It should have clothes hangers, mirrors, and water available. This area should not be shared with the public. If possible, two dressing areas — one for female, one for male — are desirable. Refreshments such as water, coffee, fruit, and/or cookies are appreciated backstage or in the dressing rooms. IMPORTANT: Zorongo artists are flexible and friendly and want to perform their best. Attention to the requirements above will insure a most pleasurable experience for both the sponsor and the artists. �i� gS�oast AITENTERTAINMENT Enclosed please find the contract for your upcoming engagement. The following serves as both the confirmation of and invoice for services provided. ARTIST: THE HUNTS DEPOSIT DUE DATE: 04/28/2015 PERFORMANCE DATE: SAT, APRIL 16, 2016 DEPOSIT DUE:$ 2.750.00 CONTRACT NUMBER: 347647 CONTRACT DUE DATE: 04/28/2015 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please sign where indicated in the Presenter signature box and initial ALL other pages. 2. Make your deposit check payable to EastCoast Entertainment, Inc. Please see contract for balance payment instructions. 3. Write your contract number on your deposit check. 4. Return a copy of the SIGNED contract and riders, along with your deposit check to: EastCoast Entertainment ATTN: Contract Processing P.O. Box 73210 North Chesterfield, VA 23235 (Please retain a copy for your records.) (We will send you a completed contract once it has been signed by the Artist.) The enclosed contract is a confirmation of the agreement that you have made to engage the performance of the named Artist for the date, time, amount and other terms shown on the contract. Failure to return the executed contract does not cancel your agreement to engage the Artist(s) for the stated performance dates) for the full amount set forth. If you have any questions regarding this contract, please don't hesitate to call. THANK YOU FOR DOING BUSINESS WITH EASTCOAST ENTERTAINMENT, INC. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE 67eativi,v YeoryedtaW1!e-Gji�erieltred E astCoastE ntertai nment. com 855-ECE4FUN (3234386) Asheville, NC Atlanta, GA i Charleston, SC I Charlotte, NC I Columbia, SC I Greenvillle, SC Richmond, VA i Virginia Beach, VA i Washington, DC i Raleigh, NC I Philadelphia, PA Do Not Staple P.O. Box 73210 - Eas�Ops't 347647 North Chesterfield ��- ENTERTAINMENT Office: RIC VA 23235 4 Agent: KRR-KATIE MORRIS This contract ("Contract") for the personal services of entertainers on the engagement described below, made on MARCH 27.2815 between the undersigned Purchaser of Entertainment (herein called "Presenter") and THE HUNTS (herein called "Artist(s)" which term is to include the named individual, the named individual's group, the named group as well as the named group's individual members); and for talent booking services and contracts between Artist(s)s, the Artist(s)' leader, manager, or representative ( the "Artist(s)' Representative"), and EastCoast Entertainment, Inc. ("ECE" or "EastCoast"). The Artist(s) are engaged jointly and severally (as a group and individually) on the terms and conditions set forth herein. The Artist(s)' Representative represents that the Artist(s) has/have agreed to be bound by the. terms and conditions set forth herein. The Artist(s) as an individual, as a group or as an individual member of the group may enforce this Contract. The Artist(s) individually and together agree to be bound by the terms of this Contract and to render services under the undersigned Artists(s)' Representative. The rider(s) that follow are hereby incorporated into this Contract. The Performance Location, Date & Time of Performance below are collectively referred to as the "Services." Performance Location ��7 Gross Price Agreed Upon: $ 5,500.00 Date & Time of Performance r r•„ ., :77 Includes total monies that Presenterwill pay for Services DEPOSIT DUE: $ 2.750.00 DEPOSIT TO: EastCoast Entertainment, Inc. on APRIL 28.2015 FED ID k: 54-1024623 BALANCE DUE:$ 2,750.00 BALANCE TO: END OF ENGAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATION OR SCHOOL CHECK PAYA LE TO EASTCOAST ENTERTAINMENT& MAILED TO ADDRIEtIti ON COVER PAGE. FEDIQ # 6,1-200288 3 PLEASE NOTE THAT BALANCE IS TO BE MADE OUT TO & MAILED TO EASTCOAST ENTERTAINMENT ON OR BEFORE PLAYDATE RATHER THAN GIVEN TO ARTIST. Presenter agrees that the terms of the attached technical rider are Incorporated Into this agreement. Presenter to provide four hotel rooms for night of show and a hot meal for ten at venue. Artist to perform 45 -min. first set followed by 15 -min. Intermission and 30 -min. second set. and conditions appear on the following page(s) and are LAKEVILLE AREA ARTS CENTER X Title: (Date) X Person signing above has authority to sign an behalf of the person and/or organization named below. If not, individual agrees to be personally liable. (MATT LITTLE) CITY OF LAKEVILLE LAKEVILLE AREA ARTS CENTER 20965 HOLYOKE AVE. LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 into this Contract by reference — VERY IMPORTANT— READ! THE HUNTS Title: (Date) Person signing above is signing on hfs/her own behalf Artist(s) and Artists) Representative arejointly and severally liable. See further terms in Paragraph 1. LAKEVILLE AREA ARTS CENTER JOE MASIARCHIN (952)-985-0840 (952f -985i849 I. )masiaichln@lakevillemn.gov Presenter to sign and return all copies of Contract — FAXED AND EMAILED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT (AND E -SIGNATURES) ARE BINDING 347647 teaGia� " fozyetta Pte 'xae7iencel EastCoastEnterta inment.com 855-ECE-4FUN (323-4386) Asheville, NC I Atlanta, GA i Charleston, SC I Charlotte, NC i Columbia, SC I Greenvillle, SC Richmond, VA I Virginia Beach, VA I Washington, DC I Raleigh, NC I Philadelphia, PA Do Not Staple PO. Box 73210 '� EasWoast North Chesterfield �j VA 23235flENTERTAINMEN T Contract Number. MI 11 Office: RIC Agent: KRR-KATIE MORRIS 1. The Fresenlar end the person signing for the Presenterare individually end�ointy liable for the Grass Price. The Al and the Artists) Representative are irdividuelly and jointly liable for performance under the mans of the Agreement If sive Artistfsk or the Anist(s) Repp esentetive, are an Association, Company, Corpoatlon, Pennership or arta entity other than an individual, the person staring for ilia Artistic) agrees to be personally, jointly and severally liable for the terms of the Contract 2 The Presenter shall at all times have reasonable supervision, direction, and .atml over the services of Artisgs) on this engagement If any Al have not been chosen up 'g ' g of this Contract, the Artistic)' Representative, as agent for the Presenter and under his iostructionie, hire such persons and any replacements as are required. The essential identity al the Art sla, as a unit shall not be altered by minor changes in personnel or in the name of the entertainment unit. 3. The Mill radyor its undersigned Artivls)R iumicatativefinervidually and an behalf of the Artisgs)), agrees that the Deposit is to be paid to Erecaect. This depp it is due and payable on the Deposit date specified above. The Arcist agrees tha[EastCoast may retain its previously agreed upon fee ('EastCoast fee") out of the Deposit. The Prose niter is hablaafar peyment of the Deposit to EaslCaael and any u paid amount of Deposit not paid within five (5) days of the due data is subject to a late chs a of 1.5 percent p month until paid, plus masonab a attorney's fees as well as any other collection fees and costs incurred for col lection. In the event the Deposit is paid to the Art". failure ofgAnims)s to pay the Ea teoest Fee when due gives EasiCoasl an Immediate All cause of action against the Al for the amount of the Eraccast Fee, plus reasonable attorney's fees, court casts, interest at the note of 1.5 percent per month from the due data until paid, as well as any other collection fees and costs incurred. 4. If before the date of any scheduled pert ante itisfound that the Presenter has notperbmmdfully to its obligation under any other Cc ntmct with any other party for another engagement or that the financial credit of Presenter has been impaired, the Ar isgs)s may cancel this Contract in the event that the Presenter does not perform fully all of its obligations herein, the Artisgs) s hall have the option to perform or refuse to perform hereunder, and in either event the Presenter or the p ,son signing lar the Presenteq faintly aM save e IIy, shall be liable to the Artists) s for the Cross Ince set forth herein, plus reasonable attorney's fees, zoan costs, and iri at the rate of 1.5 percent per month from the due data until paid, as well as any other collection fees and costs incurred The Artlsgs)s are hired as a unit and any changes to the urit which siggn fcantly affect the Amir( )'s abllity to meet the Presentels reasonable expectations shall constitute Artisgs)' default and larfelture of any payment under the terms of this Agreement P Ansth) Delauh') In the event of Al Default. the Presenter shell.flew EastCoest to provide a reasonable substitute Artist(s) for the Services under the same terms and conditions of this Contract ("Substituted Services) and Presenter shall be liable to pay for the Substituted Services under the terms and onal of this Contract. S. Artistic)' Ripromata6ve shall enforce disciplinary measures fcrjust cause, and carry out Instructions as to selections and manner of performance. On behalf of the Presenter, the Ansgs)' Representative will distribute the amount received form the Presenter to the Artist(s), or in place thereof, provide a separate memorandum to the Presenter at or before the commencement of the Services Indicating the proper disbursement to each individual Artistic 6. Neither the Presenter nor the Adisgsl shall have the night to cancel its obligations under the Contract except as otherwise provided in this Contract, or unless otherwise agreed to in a writing signed by the Presenter, Artisgs), and Eastaleet. In the situation where there is an event which is unforeseeable, unavoidable and external such that it makes execution of the obligations under this Contract impossible, illegal, or extremely Inadvisable, the following hall apply. An event ("Event")which is unforeseeable, unavoidable and external must be in the nature of an act of God (such as, but not limited to, res, explosions, earthquakes, drought, f I waves and!floods), war, hostilities, rebellion, revolution, civil war, not, acts of terrom, riscurtailment or interruption of asp traartation facilities, or proven serious Illness of the Anisthk If such an Event occurs, the Presenter, Artistic), or EastCoast may initiate ca neellafon of this Contract pursuant to this paragraph by pmvdipg written notice within reasonable time to each of the Presentee Anist(s) and EastCoast as applicable. If cancellation is initiated under this paragraph, and the Presenter, Amet(s) and East Coast all agree that this paragraph applies, then the Deposit, and if paid, the Balance shall be refunded to Presenter except that where the Artists) was ready, willing and able to perform, and the Pedonmancis is canceled or Impossible, Presenter shall mimburse Artisgs)fa-Arflia 's outohrccket travel expenses Incurred In attending at the location of the performance. ]. Notwithstanding the pmvis. of pare9mph 6, for outdoor shows, unless Presenter has an alternative indoor location acceptable to the Artisgs), Presenter assumes all weather-related risk and shall pay Artistic) the full amount of the Cmss Pero in the event the Performance Is cancelled due to inclement weather. The only time an outdoor event may be cancelled pursuant to paragraph 6 herein is if the weather related risk would cause a similar indoor event to be cancelled. 8. Once signed by both parties, this Contract constitutes the sole, complete and binding Contract between the Anist(s) and the Presentee EastCoest acts only as agent or consultant and assumes no personal responsibility or liability as between the Presenter and Anist(s). 9. The Presenter is responsible for filing IRS Form 1099, if applicable, on all payments made to the Artisgs) under this Contra&, regardless of whether such payments are made to EastCaast or to the Artists) dina lig. 10. The Fresenter shall be responsible for any and all additional costs or expenses (other than the payment of fedeml or state income taxes which may be owed by Artists) or Earaccosg .o.F ated with or related to this Contract or for the performance of obligations under this Contract, including but not limited to (i) taxes, fees or other assessments imposed by any governmental or regulatory ammdty, (other than the payment of federal or state income taxes which may be owed by Artists) or EastCoasg, (i) fees, assessments or other charges or requirements (venue - mandated rigging, audio-visual costs, electrical costs, aaused ts, ll costs cby union -venue .tads) imposed by the performance venue, 60 insurance requirements and related premiums required by the performance venue, and (iv) fees, assessments or other changes or requirements associated with the pedormence of copyrighted works. 11. The Presenter shall be responsible for any damage which occurs to the Al equipment dung the e7agoomnt it said damageis caused by en either the Presenter or any persons) attending the engagement either as a guest or member. Representatives of EastCoest are assured free and unrestncteaccess to the location of the Contract performance during said performance. 12. In consideration of the servibaa rendered bveEilecoul In reasoning this booking and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged by the Al and the Anist(s1' Representative, the Artisgs) and the Arcimis)' presentative, jointly, individually and sieverally, agree to book all bookings tram the above Presenter for a period starting on the data stated in thhee mntrodudory paragraph of this Contract and ending twenty four (24) months after the performance data set out above, thm, 9h EastCoast ('Future Booking "). It is further agreed that the Amah) .r Amst(s)' Representative will pay a placement fee equal to 20% of the gross price agreed upon, for Future Bookings and will refer all Inquiries for Future Bookings for the Presenter to EveaCoast It is farther reed that any Future Bookings booking secured for the Amalfi)or Artat(elRepresentative, whether by..I., written Contract from said Presenter or which EasiCoast books the Artists. the risiW will give EastC.ast a a exclusive right to represent Artst(s) in that account or for that Presenter or a period of twenty-four(24) months tram the performance date set out above. EastCmst shall be a rtlflad to an injunction to enforce its rights hereunder and to restrain any of the aforementioned unauthorized acs mgading competing with Ea ccest 13. Addltronwlly, It is further agreed that neither the Argolis), or the Ari Representative, will not either Individually,I'ointly, or severally, nor through another agent or manager attempt to book other Artists or entertainment of any type to said Presenter for a period of twenty -lour months after the performance date of this Contract. If said Artist(s), or the Anist(s) Representative breaches this Contract, they shall be jointly sad severally liable for liquidated damages equal to 20% of the gross amount paid to any, Artistic), or entertainment of any kind, who is booked or performed for a Presenter in breach of the covenants contained in this Contract plus mora le attorneys fees, court cost and legal interest related to the collection thereof. 14. Artisthfa are engaged by Presenter as an independent Contactor with respect to the Services herein. IS. Artists) understands and agrees that they are liable to Presenter for Artisthas awn acts of willful miscoMuct or grass negligence. hi This Common is executed and delivered in the Commonwealth o1 Virginia and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of such state without regard to the choke of law provisionsthns therein. The parties cement to venue In either the Federal Court, Eastern District of Virginia. Richmond Division, or the Circuit Court in the County of Chesterfield and each party nsents to personal jurisdiction in Virginia for the purposes of any action. i]. Th paries may execute this Contact in any number of counterparts. Any counterpart or composite of counterparts executed by one or more parties shall be admissible in anyy formal pproceeding Siegal proof of the executingparties' Contract and intent to be legallyabound. Any party mayexecute and deli,eracount.pan oflh,s Contacttoanatherpany via Electmnk Sigature which includes f) a telephonic fscsimile. Fill an electronically scanned signature inions lin the electronic co%of the Contract. or(ii)an email.,other written ekctmnic communication clearly evidencing acceptance and intent to be legally bound. Ths forma ttirg parry's Electmnlc Signature shall have the same fame and effect as an original physical signature on a physical counterpart delivered to the other parry. 18. Each sg tory to this Contact warrants and represents that he or she is authorized to syn on behalf of and to bind the parry or parties on whose behalf he or she signs, and that he/she is not a minor is has legal capacity to contract. 19. W finding that any provision heart. is invalid or unenforceable for any reason shall affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions herein. 20. Any waiver by EmiCoast of any term orof this Contact benefiting EastCcad shall not be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach or breaches of any term or provision by said Ani0a, the Ar istbi Representative m=nter. Awaiver by any parry of any breach or default hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of anq subsequent breach or default. "i C7777D 61Qat ri ?�Voryetta4'6 GI)eeieiii EastCoastEntertainment.com 855-ECE-4FUN (323-4386) Asheville, NC I Atlanta, GA I Charleston, SC I Charlotte, NC I Columbia, SC I Greenville, SC Richmond, VA I Virginia Beach, VA I Washington, DC I Raleigh, NC I Philadelphia, PA Contract # "The Hunts" Tech Rider 1. Artist must be billed as "The Hunts." Please use only marketing and advertising materials provided by your ECE agent. 2. Presenter to provide a minimum of (2) 20 amp 120v outlets within 100' of stage. 3. Presenter to provide a drum riser with minimum dimensions of 8' x Won 24" legs. See stage plot for placement. 4. Presenter to provide minimum stage size of 24' wide by 20' deep. If smaller, please specify dimensions: . Stage must be clean and swept before Artist arrives. S. Performance location should be available to Artist a minimum of (2) hours before the arrival of any guests to the venue. 6. Presenter to provide (2) large dressing rooms to accommodate (3) women and (7) men. Public restrooms are NOT sufficient. Dressing rooms should be stocked with plenty of bottled water for 10 people and some other drinks and small snacks. -Drink ideas include: variety of juices (cranberry, orange, apple, grape), sweet tea (Gold Peak Tea), soda (root beer, Pepsi, orange soda), Orange Monster Khaos, Gatorade, herbal tea (green and mint), and Starbuck's bottles of mocha or vanilla Frappuccino. Please, no diet drinks. -Snack ideas include: corn chips (Tostitos) and salsa, Cheetos, Babybel cheeses, Cheez-Its, fruit (apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, pineapple, grapes), granola bars (chewy chocolate chip) and veggie tray (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers and peppers) with hummus (ex. Sabra Roasted Red Pepper Hummus). 7. Presenter to provide a hot meal for (10) at either the performance location or a local restaurant within a reasonable distance from the venue. Hot meal for 10 - menu Ideas: Main course: spaghetti with meat sauce, baked chicken, roast beef/pork chops/steak, pot roast, lasagna, chicken Alfredo Sides: potatoes -mashed, baked steamed or grilled veggies, such as green beans, zucchini, squash, peppers (no potato salad or coleslaw) homemade soup and crackers *Please offer fresh salad with spinach leaves for the non -meat eaters dressings: Italian and ranch bread/rolls Treats: cookies, brownies, Fig Newtons, candy (Snicker's, Reese's cups, TWIx, M&M's), pudding packs and Ice cream S. Presenter to provide (2) Single King and (2) Double Queen hotel rooms (please, no Double Beds) at a clean, safe, first class hotel within a reasonable distance from the performance location. 9. Presenter to provide a parking/unloading area to accommodate Artist's vehicle (32' Class "C" motorhome with a 7' x 14' utility trailer). Please inform Artist ahead of time if parking/unloading area is located more than 100' from the stage. (Clint Hunt: 757-478-2359 cell) 10. Artist shall, at their option, sell merchandise at the performance site, retaining all proceeds associated therewith. Presenter to provide (3) or (4) 6' tables for merchandise sales and autograph signing In an easily accessible and HIGHLY VISIBLE/HIGH TRAFFIC area of the venue. 11. Presenter to make (10) complimentary tickets available to the Artist. The unused portion maybe put on sale the day of the performance. 12. Artist to provide their own sound equipment, except in the following situations: fly dates, outdoor venues, or venues with over 3000 seats. For Presenters who are providing sound, please see attached stage plot (following page) for input needs. 13. For fly dates, Presenter to provide local ground transportation, an additional night of hotel rooms, and the following backline: -professional sound system with engineer -standard professional drum kit (kick, snare, (2) rack toms, floor tom, (2) crashes, ride, high hat and drum throne) (1) electronic keyboard (Yamaha SBO or S90 or comparable synthesizer) on keyboard stand (2) acoustic/electric guitars with straps and stands (Breedlove Atlas Stage Series C25/SR, Taylor Grand Auditorium -cut away --no student models!) (1) 5 -string banjo with strap and stand (1) acoustic/electric mandolin with strap and stand (Fender FM -52E, Ibanez A -Style) (1) Gibson Les Paul Custom (or Studio) electric guitar with strap and stand (1) acoustic/electric bass guitar (ex. Breedlove Passport 8350/SMe-4) with strap and stand (2) djembes (Remo Acousticon shell models) with stands 14. Presenter agrees that Artist may cancel the performance(s) hereunder, in Artist's sole discretion, by providing at least sixty (60) days written notice to Presenter prior to the performance(s) date. In such event, Artist will return any amounts previously paid by Presenter pursuant to this agreement without payment or penalty of any sort. Signature/ Initials of Presenter Signature/ Initials of Artist v Y ` o o = o a > a ° E a 1p a c 0 acy co u x ro j.A%T/j, 3 ao E °oo a` LEO ° aaa o ; u o u © , a a A ou o E ° o n° C ° ° > ° c a E w� 0 G o a E O ry O ° V G a a 27 N ° V a �^ E .c L° EL� x° a 0 E! w 3 E`o `o + o w E�EE� a®� Y o w G a c a - - �Ymo`ffia c _ EtE s E a a E E V G> /j. n a o 0 0 6> x ti ti ti w