HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.pApril 1, 2015 Item No. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF FARMINGTON FOR DYNAMIC SPEED DISPLAY SIGNS ON FLAGSTAFF AVENUE April 6, 2015 City Council Meeting Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to al2prove Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with City of Farmington for Dynamic Speed Display Signs on Flagstaff Avenue, City Project 14-20. Passage of this motion will establish Lakeville and Farmington project responsibilities and costs associated with the project. Overview Lakeville and Farmington propose to install dynamic speed display signs along Flagstaff Avenue near the 179th Street intersection. The signs are identified in the Flagstaff Avenue/17911 Street Intersection Traffic Control Evaluation Update and Traffic Safety Study (SRF Consulting Group, December 31, 2014) as a recommended strategy to enhance and improve traffic safety at this intersection by increasing driver attention and speed awareness of approaching vehicles. The signs can be installed in the spring of 2015. Attached is a JPA with Farmington that identifies the project responsibilities and costs. The City of Farmington will review the JPA at their regularly scheduled meeting on April 6, 2015. Primary Issues to Consider • What is the project financing? See attached response. Suvvortin,g Information • Staff analysis of primary issues • Joint Powers Agreement Za John n City Financial Impact: $7,000 Budgeted: Yes Source: Pavement Management Fund Flagstaff Avenue/179th Street Intersection Traffic Control Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Evaluation Update and Traffic Safety Study (dated 12/31/2014) Community Values: Safety Throughout the Community Staff Analysis of Primary Issues • What is the project financing? The Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices provides guidelines for sign placement. The Project costs will be shared by Lakeville (50%) and Farmington (50%) because each city will have a sign installed within their respective city limits. Future maintenance will also be shared by Lakeville (50%) and Farmington (50%). Financing will be provided from the Pavement Management Fund. Listed below is a summary of the project's funding sources: • City of Lakeville: $7,000 • City of Farmington: $7.000 Total Project: $14,000 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR DYNAMIC SPEED DISPLAY SIGNS ALONG FLAGSTAFF AVENUE BETWEEN THE CITIES OF LAKEVILLE AND FARMINGTON CITY OF LAKEVILLE PROJECT NO. 14-20 CITY OF FARMINGTON PROJECT NO. 15-02 AGREEMENT dated this 6"' day of April 2015, by and between the CITY OF LAKEVILLE ("Lakeville") and the CITY OF FARMINGTON ("Farmington"). RECITALS This Agreement is made pursuant to the authority conferred upon Lakeville and Farmington pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 471.59. The purpose of this Agreement is for the installation, operation and maintenance of Dynamic Speed Display Signs along Flagstaff Avenue as shown on Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, Lakeville and Farmington agree as follows: 1. Lakeville and Farmington consider it mutually desirable to install, operate and maintain Dynamic Speed Display Signs along Flagstaff Avenue ("Project"), in their respective city, as shown on Exhibit A. 2. Lakeville and Farmington will share Project responsibilities and jointly participate in the cost, operation and maintenance associated with the Project. 3. Project costs, including the cost of all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work, shall be shared in the amount of 50% by Lakeville and 50% by Farmington. 4. Lakeville shall administer the purchase of the Dynamic Speed Display Signs. Dynamic Speed Display Signs shall be consistent with Minnesota Department of Transportation ("MnDOT") standard specifications, including the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic LCP 14-20 & FCP 15-02 1 RK 03/26/2015 vol Control Devices C"MN MUTCD"). Lakeville and Farmington shall approve the Dynamic Speed Display Signs prior to purchase. 5. Lakeville shall be responsible for installing and programming the Dynamic Speed Display Signs. The installation and programming of Dynamic Speed Display Signs shall be consistent with MN MUTCD guidelines. Lakeville and Farmington shall approve the locations of the Dynamic Speed Display Signs prior to installation. 6. Upon completion of the work and computation of the costs, Lakeville shall invoice Farmington for their share of the Project cost. 7. Lakeville shall be responsible for inspections, operations and maintenance of the Dynamic Speed Display Signs. All inspections, operations and maintenance costs shall be shared in the amount of 50% by Lakeville and 50% by Farmington. Maintenance includes: a. Battery and solar controller replacement, and/or providing necessary electrical power b. Relocation of Dynamic Speed Display Sig11s c. Replacement of Dynamic Speed Display Signs cxr mounting equipment 8. Lakeville shall be responsible for collecting data generated from the Dynamic Speed Display Signs. Data will be shared with Farmington at their request. 9. It is agreed that Lakeville and Farmington shall indemnify, save, and hold harmless each other and all of their agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action, for whatever nature, arising out of the execution or performance of the work purchased for each respective city under this Agreement, and that Lakeville and Farmington further agree to defend, at their sole cost and expense, any actions or proceedings commenced against their respective city for the purposes of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder. Lakeville and Farmington agree that liability under this Agreement is controlled by Minnesota Statute 471.5 9, subdivision 1 a and that the total liability for the Pmlies shall not exceed the limits on governmental liability for a single unit of government as specified in 466.04, subdivision 1.(a). 10. This Agreement shall continue in effect until terminated by Lakeville and Farmington or replaced. Lakeville and Farmington may terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60) days notice. LCP 14-20 & FCP 15-02 2 RK 03/26/2015 v01 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date indicated below. CITY OF LAKEVILLE RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Zach Johnson City Engineer Charlene Friedges City Clerk Date an Matt Little Mayor CITY OF FARMINGTON RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Kevin Schorzman City Engineer David McKnight City Administrator Date LCP 14-20 & FCP 15-02 3 RK 03/26/2015 v01 Todd Larson Mayor Exhibit A le Lj- cn cn U_ N L ca cu Q O LU r-