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April 1, 2015 Item No. ______
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a resolution approving
the final plat of Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition.
Adoption of this motion will allow the development of 27 single family residential lots.
K. Hovanian Homes of Minnesota, LLC has submitted an application and plans for the final
plat of Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition, which includes 27 single family lots located east of
Flagstaff Avenue and south of 179th Street. The Autumn Meadows preliminary plat of 137
single family lots was approved by the City Council on April 16, 2007. The City Council
approved the first phase final plat of 47 single family lots on June 4, 2007, the second phase
final plat of 37 single family lots on May 20, 2013, and the third phase final plat of 24 single
family lots on June 2, 2014.
Primary Issue to Consider
Is the final plat of Autumn Meadows Fourth addition consistent with the Autumn Meadows
preliminary plat? The fourth and final phase final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary
Supporting Information
• Resolution approving the Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition final plat
• Signed development contract
• Temporary turnaround easements for Upper 179th Street and Fieldcrest Avenue
• Planning and engineering reports dated March 18, 2015
Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner
Financial Impact: $ None Budgeted: Y/N ____ Source: __________________________________
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances_________________________________
Notes: _ Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Home for All Ages and Stage of Life ______________________
(Reserved for Dakota County Recording Information)
WHEREAS, the owner of the property described as AUTUMN MEADOWS FOURTH
ADDITION has requested final plat approval; and
WHEREAS, the preliminary plat was reviewed by the Planning Commission and the
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee and approved by the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat; and
WHEREAS, the final plat is acceptable to the City;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council:
1. The AUTUMN MEADOWS FOURTH ADDITION final plat is approved subject to
the development contract and security requirements.
2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the development contract
and the final plat mylars.
3. The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the
Dakota County Recorder.
DATED this 6th day of April 2015
Matt Little, Mayor
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. _________is a true and correct copy of
the resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lakeville at a
duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 6th day of April 2015 as shown by the
minutes of said meeting in my possession.
Charlene Friedges
City Clerk
Drafted By:
City of Lakeville
20195 Holyoke Avenue
Lakeville, MN 55044
City of Lakeville
Planning Department
To: Daryl Morey, Planning Director
From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner
Date: March 18, 2015
Subject: Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition Final Plat
K. Hovanian Homes of Minnesota, LLC has submitted an application and plans for the final
plat of Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition which includes 27 single family lots within four
blocks on 12.72 acres currently platted as Outlot D, Autumn Meadows Second Addition. The
property is located east of Flagstaff Avenue and south of 179th Street. The Autumn Meadows
preliminary plat of 137 single family lots was approved by the City Council on April 16, 2007.
The City Council approved the first phase final plat of 47 single family lots on June 4, 2007.
The Autumn Meadows Second Addition final plat of 37 lotswas approved on May 20, 2013
and. The Autumn Meadows Third Addition of 26 lots was approved on June 2, 2014. The lot,
block and street design of the Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition final plat is consistent with
the approved preliminary plat. The final plat plans have been reviewed by Engineering and
Parks and Recreation staff.
A. Zoning Map
B. Autumn Meadows Approved Preliminary Plat
C. Existing Conditions Map
D. Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition Final Plat and Area Plat (2 Pages)
E. Dakota County Plat Commission letter dated February 11, 2015
Zoning. The zoning of the property is RS-3, Single Family Residential District.
Adjacent Uses. The adjoining properties include the following uses:
North – 179th Street
South – City Boundary of Lakeville and Farmington (agricultural use)
East – 80 acre undeveloped parcel guided for low and medium density residential uses
West – Single family homes in Autumn Meadows
Existing Conditions. The Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition final plat area consists of 12.72
acres which was preliminary graded in a previous development phase. The property lies in
the southeast quadrant of the Autumn Meadows development.
The existing conditions map shows a fence encroachment approximately 1.0 foot over south
property line. The fence is a barbed wire farm fence for the Farmington property to the south.
The barbed wire fence is considered incompatible with the proposed residential
development. A similar fence encroachment was identified with the first phase of Autumn
Meadows in 2007. The developer worked with the owner of the farm property to the south to
remove the encroachment and replace the barbed wire with smooth wire. Planning
Department staff recommends that the developer work with the adjacent property owner to
bring the fence into setback compliance and to replace the barbed wire with smooth wire
consistent with past practice. A $2,000 security shall be submitted to guarantee removal and
relocation of the fence.
Lot Size. Single family lots within the RS-3 District are required to provide a minimum lot area
of 11,000 square feet for interior lots and 12,500 square feet for corner lots. Lot sizes in
Autumn Fourth Addition range between 11,109 square feet and 22,790 square feet in area.
The size of each lot meets the minimum square footage required by the Zoning Ordinance.
Lot Width. The minimum lot width for single-family lots within the RS-3 District is 85 feet for
interior lots and 100 feet for corner lots. All lots meet the minimum lot width requirements of
the Zoning Ordinance.
Setbacks. Setback requirements for single family lots in the RS-3 District are outlined below:
Front Yard – 30 feet
Rear Yard – 30 feet
Buffer Yard – 50 feet
Side Yards:
Interior –10 feet
Corner – 20 feet
Lots 1-7, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 3 require rear yard buffer setbacks adjacent to 179th
Street. The proposed house pads shown on the Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition grading
plan indicate that all 27 lots in the final plat have adequate building pad areas that meet
setback requirements.
Residential Buffer Yard Requirements. 179th Street is classified as a high density minor
arterial roadway in the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Seven lots in Block 1 and six lots
in Block 3 abut 179th Street requiring buffer yard screening. The buffer yard screening along
179th Street must provide an effective minimal visual screen of 10 feet in height. This will be
accomplished with a combination of existing topography, earthen berms and landscaping
including six foot tall evergreen trees. Berm heights in the plat propose to range between
four feet tall behind Lot 1 and six feet tall behind Lot 6. The landscape plan includes the
installation of 26 Black Hills Spruce and Colorado Spruce trees and 14 oak and maple trees in
the 179th Street buffer yard areas. Landscaping is also proposed on the north side of 179th
Street which will continue the landscaped corridor to the east boundary of the development.
Fourteen (14) spruce and eight oak and maple trees are proposed. The landscaping and
screening berms are consistent with the previous phases of the Autumn Meadows
development. The developer shall submit a security of $21,060 as a stipulation of final plat
approval to guarantee installation of the approved buffer yard landscape plan. The rear yards
must be sodded to the rear property line. A $1,500 cash escrow must be submitted with the
building permit applications for those 13 lots to guarantee installation of the rear yard sod.
This escrow will be in addition to the landscape/sod escrow required for each of the six lots at
the time of building permit.
Development Density. The Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition final plat consists of 27 single
family lots on 12.72 acres resulting in a gross and net density of 2.12 units per acre.
Phasing. The 27 lot Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition represents the fourth and final phase
of the 137 lot Autumn Meadows preliminary plat.
Outlots. There are no outlots proposed with the Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition final plat.
Access. Autumn Meadows Fourth Third Addition will have access from 179th Street and
Fieldcrest Avenue.
Streets & Right-of-Way. Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition will include the construction of
two streets, Fieldcrest Avenue and Upper 179th Street.
Fieldcrest Avenue is a minor collector road that extends from north of 170th Street to 179th
Street. Fieldcrest Avenue will be extended south to the south city limits and will end in a
temporary cul-de-sac. Fieldcrest Avenue will be extended south into Farmington when the
property in Farmington develops. Fieldcrest Avenue will be constructed within a 66 foot wide
right-of-way as a 40 foot wide two-lane street.
Upper 179th Street is a local street that will extend east from its existing terminus in the first
phase of Autumn Meadows to the east boundary of the Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition
plat. A temporary cul-de-sac will be constructed on the property to the east and will remain
in place until the property to the east develops.
Future Extension of 179th Street. 179th Street will not be constructed east of Fieldcrest
Avenue to the east boundary of the Autumn Meadows development until 179th Street is
constructed to the west boundary of the 80 acre property to the east. The developer has
submitted a cash escrow to guarantee completion of curb, gutter and paving of that portion
of 179th Street within Autumn Meadows when 179th Street is completed on the 80 acre parcel
to the east.
Temporary Turnarounds. Temporary turnaround easements will be granted by the
developer for Fieldcrest Avenue and by the owner of the property to the east for Upper 179th
Sidewalks. Five foot wide concrete sidewalks will be constructed on the south side of Upper
179th Street and on both sides of Fieldcrest Avenue.
Park Dedication. The final plat of Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition does not include any
park land dedication. Park land dedication of 2.89 acres was included with the Autumn
Meadows Third Addition final plat consistent with the Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan for a
future neighborhood park in this area. The development of the 80 acre property to the east
will include land dedication to be combined with Outlot B, Autumn Meadows Third Addition
to complete the dedication of park land identified in the City’s Park and Open Space Plan and
as reviewed with the Autumn Meadows preliminary plat. Previous phases of Autumn
Meadows final plats have dedicated a combined total of $311,385 cash to meet the park
dedication requirement through a combination of land and cash. No further cash dedication
is required with the Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition final plat.
Tree Preservation. Seventeen (17) significant trees are identified within the Autumn Meadows
Fourth Addition final plat. All trees are planned to be removed.
Wetlands. There are no wetlands within the Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition final plat.
Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control. The final plat includes grading, drainage and
erosion control plans. Grading, drainage and erosion control is discussed in detail in the
March 18, 2015 engineering report. The Engineering Division recommends approval.
Subdivision Identification Sign. No subdivision identification monument sign is proposed
with the Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition final plat.
Dakota County Plat Commission. The Plat Commission met to review the Autumn
Meadows Fourth Addition final plat on February 9, 2015. The Plat Commission has approved
the final plat as noted in their February 11, 2014 letter (Exhibit E).
The Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary
plat and complies with the requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. Planning
Department staff recommends approval of the Autumn Meadows Fourth Addition final plat
subject to the following conditions:
1. The recommendations listed in the March 18, 2015 engineering report.
2. Five foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of Fieldcrest Avenue
and the south side of Upper 179th Street.
3. The developer shall install barricades and “Future Street Extension” signs at the east end
of Upper 179th Street and the south end of Fieldcrest Avenue.
4. The developer must submit a security of $21,060 as a stipulation of final plat approval to
guarantee installation of the approved buffer yard landscape plan.
5. Sod for the 13 lots abutting 179th Street shall extend to the north property line. The
developer shall submit $1,500 per lot cash escrow at the time of building permit
application to guarantee installation of the sod to the north property line.
6. The developer shall work with the adjacent property owner to the south to bring the
fence into setback compliance and to replace the barbed wire with smooth wire
consistent with past practice. A $2,000 security shall be submitted to guarantee removal
and replacement of the fence.
7. Driveway access onto Fieldcrest Avenue shall not be allowed for Lot 7, Block 1; Lot 6, Block
2; Lot 1, Block 3 and Lot 2 Block 4.
8. Temporary turnaround easements shall be submitted for the temporary turnarounds on
Fieldcrest Avenue and Upper 179th Street.
cc: Matt Decur, Civil Engineer
Cole Harrison, K. Hovanian
Bob Weigert, Paramount Engineering