HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 09 Date: 6 POR AD ADD Proposed Staff reco Project 15 Council’s select the assessme Overview Based on compared the affect The unit a Single Fam Townhom Staff has assessme called wit Primary I  Projec  Projec  Projec  Speci  Speci Supportin  Table  DRAF the M  Asses Monica H Operation Financial I Related Do Communit 6 April 2015 COND RTIONS OF F DDITIONS, CH DITIONS, GO d Action ommends co 5-02. Staff w May 18, 201 e 20 or 29-ye ent terms hav w the low bid d to $23,420, ted property assessment ra mily Assessm me Assessme received ap ent and the h th questions Issues to Con ct Costs: Tota ct Costs: Fina ct Costs: Feas al Assessmen al Assessmen ng Informati es comparing FT Resolution May 18, 2015 C ssment appea Heil, PE ns and Maint mpact: $ ocuments (CIP ty Values: 5 UCT THE PU CIT OXBOROUG HAPEL HILLS OODVIEW ES onducting th will bring fort 14, as reside ear assessme ve been finaliz prices receiv ,180 presente owners is $6, ates are as fo ment Rate nt Rate pproximately hearing. To d regarding pr nsider (See at al ancing sibility Repor nts: Terms an nts: Feasibility ion costs, financ Adopting As City Council m al from the p enance Engin $23,227,256 P, ERP, etc.): Good Values BLIC HEARIN TY IMPROVE GH 1ST , 2ND A S 1ST, 2ND AND STATES, CED e public hea th a resolutio nts will be g ent period. F zed. ved, the tota ed in the feas ,365,213. ollows: 42 phone c date, one asse epayment or ttached) rt vs. Bid Resu nd conditions y Report vs. B cing, and pro ssessments fo meeting. roperty owne neer Budge for Public Serv NG ON PROP EMENT PROJ AND 3RD ADD D 3RD ADDITI AR 160 ADD aring on pro on Adopting given 30-day Final assessm al cost for thi sibility report alls, e-mails, essment app r deferment o ults s Bid Results posed assess or City Impro er at 16467 G eted: Yes vices Ite POSED ASSE JECT 15-02 DITIONS, HIG IONS, CEDAR DITION AND oposed asses Assessment ys after the s ment rolls wil is project is e t. The total c $ $ letters and peal has been of their assess sments are at ovement Proj Griffon Trail Source: em No. ESSMENTS FO GHVIEW HEIG RGLEN 1ST - 3 CARROLL 1S sments for C ts for City Pro special asses l be adopted expected to cost to be spe $8,098.24 $4,049.12 walk-in visit n received. T sment. ttached. ect 15-02, to 429 Bonds & OR GHTS 1ST- 8TH 3RD AND 4TH ST ADDITION City Improve oject 15-02 a ssment heari d after the sp be $23,277,2 ecially assess ts concerning The majority be considere & Utility Funds H ement at the ng to pecial 256 as sed to g this y have ed at s 2 Primary Issues to Consider  Project Costs: Total Total Street Contract 18,664,497$ Engineering 1,958,250$ Debt Issuance 146,502$ Other 2,508,007$ Total Project Costs 23,277,256$  Project Costs: Financing Total City of Lakeville Special Assessed Street & Storm Sewer Improvements 15,925,533$ 9,560,320$ 6,365,213$ Sanitary Sewer Repairs 200,375$ 200,375 Watermain Replacement 7,151,348$ 7,151,348$ Total 23,277,256$ 16,912,043$ 6,365,213$ City of Lakeville share of cost for street and storm sewer improvements ($9,560,319) will be financed with debt; the principal and interest payments will be repaid with property tax levies commencing in 2016. The water main improvements ($7,151,348) will be financed from the Water Operating Fund. The sanitary sewer improvements will be funded by the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund ($200,375).  Project Costs: Feasibility Report vs. Bid Results Feasibility Report Bid Results Reduction Property Taxes 9,848,535$ 9,560,320$ -2.9% Special Assessments 6,379,540$ 6,365,213$ -0.2% Water Operating Fund 7,048,835$ 7,151,348$ 1.5% Sanitary Sewer Fund 143,270$ 200,375$ 39.9% Total 23,420,180$ 23,277,256$ -0.6%  Special Assessments: Terms and Conditions  Interest rate: 4.0% (20-years) and 4.5% (29-years)  Term: 20- or 29-years  First payment due with taxes payable 2016 for Phase 1 Improvements, taxes payable 2017 for Phase 2 Improvements  Senior Citizen deferments are available for those who qualify. 3  Special Assessments: Feasibility Report vs. Bid Results Feasibilty Report Bid Results Reduction Single Family Assessment Rate 8,116.46$ 8,098.24$ -0.2% Townhome Assessment Rate 4,058.23$ 4,049.12$ -0.2% 4 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO._________ RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS FOR CITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 15-02 FOXBOROUGH 1ST , 2ND AND 3RD ADDITIONS, HIGHVIEW HEIGHTS 1ST- 8TH ADDITIONS, CHAPEL HILLS 1ST, 2ND AND 3RD ADDITIONS, CEDARGLEN 1ST - 3RD AND 4TH ADDITIONS, GOODVIEW ESTATES, CEDAR 160 ADDITION AND CARROLL 1ST ADDITION WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for Portions of Foxborough 1st , 2nd and 3rd Additions, Highview Heights 1st- 8th Additions, Chapel Hills 1st, 2nd and 3rd Additions, Cedarglen 1st - 3rd and 4th Additions, Goodview Estates, Cedar 160 Addition and Carroll 1st Addition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Lakeville, Minnesota: 1. Such proposed assessment No. 1323 for the 20-year special assessment period for Phase 1 Improvements, No. 1324 for the 20-year special assessment period for the Phase 2 Improvements, No. 1325 for the 29-year special assessment period for Phase 1 Improvements and No. 1326 for the 29-year special assessment period for the Phase 2 Improvements, in the amount of $6,365,216.64, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessments shall be considered payable in equal annual principal installments over a default period of twenty (20) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January 2016 for property owners within the Phase 1 Improvements and on or before the first Monday in January 2017 for property owners within the Phase 2 Improvements. Residents will also have the option to select a twenty-nine (29) year assessment period with this project. Residents must request the 29- year assessment term in writing on or before May 6, 2016. The assessments shall bear 5 RESOLUTION, CONT. PAGE TWO interest at the rate of 4.0% percent per annum for the 20-year assessment period and 4.5% for the 29-year assessment period from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution for the Phase 1 Improvements, and from May 18, 2016 for the Phase 2 Improvements. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment, or any part of the assessment that remains upon receipt of partial payment(s), from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2016 for Phase 1 and from May 18, 2016 until December 31, 2017 for Phase 2. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole or part of the assessment on such property to the City Treasurer, and no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid before November 13, 2015 for Phase 1 and November 15, 2016 for Phase 2. The owner of any property at any time thereafter may pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15th or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. 4. The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the proper tax lists of the county, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. DATED this _____day of ________________ 2015. CITY OF LAKEVILLE _________________________________ M a t t L i t t l e , M a y o r ATTEST: _____________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 1 Heil, Monica Subject:FW: Special Assessment for City Improvement project 15-02 On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Chad Giese <chadmgiese@gmail.com> wrote: Mayor Little, I am writing to you today to dispute the special assessment for City Improvement Project 15-02. My family and I are residents in Lakeville and have been since December of 2012 when we moved into our property at: 16467 Griffon Trail (parcel ID 221665206070). The amount assessed of $8,098.24 I find to be unreasonable for all residents of the area. It is an amount that drastically affects my young family of 5 as I know it does other residents in the area after several conversations. After looking more closely at Minn. cha. 429, which afford me a right to appeal this assessment it appears that a property owner should only be able to be given a special assessment that bears a direct relationship to the value of the benefits that our property and my wife and I receive as a result of the above mentioned public improvements. As this is a PUBLIC improvement the remainder of costs should be funded and financed by the general public. Please accept this email notification as our official appeal to this special assessment. We look forward to your response and a dialog on the subject matter. Respectfully Chad & Natalie Giese