HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-18-15CITY OF LAKEVILLE
March 18, 2015
Chair Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
Members Present: Lori Bovitz, Judy Hayes, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace, Jeanne
Peterson (arrived at 6:02 p.m.), Bob Swan
Members Absent: Tom Goodwin
Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Brett Altergott, Environmental Resources
Manager Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Tamara Wallace
2. Approval of March 4 minutes
Minutes were approved as presented.
3. Citizen comments
There were no citizen comments.
4. Staff report
Staff went to Edina to gather ideas on how to incorporate an outdoor public art
gallery in Pioneer Plaza. In addition, Pioneer Plaza had a small fire on Monday,
March 16 – though there was limited damage, the power was turned off while the
cause of fire is being investigated.
On Saturday, March 21 the City Council will hold a retreat discussion at City Hall to
review several items including the Parks Plan and how it works into the Envision
5. Avonlea preliminary plat
Daren Laberee with Mattamy Homes presented the plat including wetland impact,
the 5 miles of trails, 10 miles of sidewalks, addition of a linear park that will include
both a fitness and educational component, a destination park, ponding, storm water
drainage, traffic flow, and tree installation.
Motion made by Judy Hayes, seconded by Jeanne Peterson to recommend to
City Council approval of the Avonnlea preliminary plat, subject to the
recommendations as presented by City staff.
Ayes: unanimous
6. Minnesota Blue Skies Addition preliminary and final plat
Staff presented the plat and discussed ponding and water drainage. (There are no
trees or wetlands present)
Motion made by Jeanne Peterson, seconded by Judy Hayes to recommend to
City Council approval of the Minnesota Blue Skies Addition preliminary and final
plat, subject to the recommendations as presented by City staff.
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, March 18, 2015 Page 2
Ayes: unanimous
7. Other Business
The next PRNRC meeting will be held on April 8 to align with the Planning
Commission, and will take place in the Marion Conference Room of City Hall. The
recreation division staff will join the meeting to brainstorm programming ideas, and
what the committee would like to see going forward.
Jeanne Peterson asked for an update on the open position on the Parks,
Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee. Staff reported that the position has
not yet been filled.
Bob Swan mentioned partnering with the Minnesota Zoo to assist in funding some
of the environmental education play amenities along the greenway corridor in the
Avonlea development; the implementation of dedicated Pickleball courts in the
future; and finally the addition of another rental canoe rack at other lake locations
throughout the City.
There was more discussion on organizing a “Friends group” for Parks and
Recreation that would work to raise money for special events and various initiatives
the PRNRC would like executed.
8. Announcements
April 11: 8th Annual Free Family Fun Fest (Featuring the movie “Big Hero 6”)
April 11: Classic Movie Night at the Arts Center – “Wizard of Oz”
April 20: Tree & Shrub Sale orders are due
April 24: Classic Movie Night at the Arts Center – “The Goonies”
April 25: Clean-up day/ tree & shrub pick-up at the Central Maintenance Facility
May 2: Household Hazardous Waste Drop off at Central Maintenance Facility
9. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Wallace, Recording Secretary