HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, AICP Associate Planner Date: April 15, 2015 Subject: Packet Material for the April 23, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: David Boecker Conditional Use Permit Application Action Deadline: May 12, 2015 INTRODUCTION David Beocker has submitted an application for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a detached accessory building on his property that will exceed the maximum allowable accessory building square footage in the RA, Rural/Agricultural District. The request is to allow a 40’ x 80’ foot (3,200 square foot) detached accessory building to be constructed on the property. The property is 1.41 acres in area (1.24 acres when Judicial Road right of way is excluded. The property is located at 20110 Judicial Road. The City of Lakeville/Scott County line runs down the centerline of Judicial Road. EXHIBITS The following exhibits are attached for your review: Exhibit A – Location/Zoning Map Exhibit B – Aerial Photo Exhibit C – Certificate of Survey and Site Plan Exhibit D – Garage Building Elevation Plan Exhibit E – Applicant Narrative and Exhibits dated March 30, 2015 (10 Pages) Exhibit F – List of Accessory Building CUPs approved 1981 to present SITE ANALYSIS The Zoning Ordinance allows properties in the RA District a maximum accessory building area of 2% of the total lot area up to a maximum of 8,712 square feet. The lot area of this property is determined by calculating the dimensions of the property minus road rights-of-way or road easement area. The proposed new detached accessory building would be 3,200 square feet in area and less than 20 feet in height. There is also a 732 square foot tuck-under garage attached to the house that brings the total accessory building area to 3,932 square feet, which equals 7.3 % of the lot area. No other accessory buildings are located on the property. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The property’s current rural residential use is consistent with the rural density land use identified on the 2030 Land Use Plan and Planning District 10 recommendations of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. The property is designated as Permanent Rural on the Staged MUSA Expansion Area map as indicated in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The property is zoned RA, Rural Agricultural District which allows up to 2% of the property for accessory building area unless approved by conditional use permit. Adjacent Land Uses. Adjacent land uses and zoning are as follows: North, South and East– A single family home on 18 acres (RA District) West – Credit River Township (Scott County) and single family homes on 10 acres parcels Existing Conditions. The property is a metes and bounds described, non-conforming parcel abutting the east side of Judicial Road. The property consists of relatively flat terrain sloping to the south and east toward a wetland on an adjacent property. A single family home was constructed on the property in 1963 and includes a driveway and private sanitary sewer system and water well. Last year, the applicant commenced importing and compacting fill on the property to create a building pad for the proposed accessory building. The applicant’s narrative states that this was done with the understanding that only a building permit was required for the new building. Existing Zoning Ordinance Non-Conformities. The property is non-conforming in that it is less than 10 acres in area and less than 300 feet in width as required by the RA District. 2 Setbacks – The following minimum RA District building setback requirements pertain to the existing home as well as the proposed new detached accessory building: Required Existing House New Accessory Building Front Yard: 30 feet 113 feet 34.4 feet Rear Yard: 30 feet 34.7 feet 116 feet Side Yards: 10 feet 25.9 feet 20 feet Wetland: 10 feet N/A 20+ feet Allowed Accessory Building Area – The Zoning Ordinance for the RA District allows a maximum of 2% of the lot area to be accessory building space. For a 1.24 acre lot this equals 1,080 square feet unless a conditional use permit is approved. The existing attached garage and proposed new accessory building would include the following buildings square footage: Existing Attached Garage – 732 square feet Proposed Detached Accessory Building – 3,200 square feet Total proposed accessory building area = 3,932 square feet, or7.3% of the lot area. Building Materials – The proposed new accessory building will have brown prefinished steel siding with a brown prefinished steel roof consistent with other similar accessory buildings in the neighborhood and as allowed in the RA District. The north elevation will include two overhead garage doors. No overhead garage doors will face the street. The applicant proposes a building design and color similar to the detached accessory building approved in 2013 located at 16218 Laigle Avenue, which is discussed as a comparison further in this report. Building Height – A maximum building height of 20 feet is allowed in the RA District unless approved by conditional use permit. The new detached accessory building garage will be 19.4 feet in height at the peak of the roof. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ANALYSIS Chapter 18, Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance allows accessory building area requirements to be exceeded by conditional use permit subject to the following criteria: A. There is a demonstrated need and potential for continued use of the structure for the purpose stated. The property owner has indicated a need for additional garage storage of personal vehicles, recreational equipment and hobby equipment storage. 3 B. No accessory building or private garage shall be utilized for all or a portion of a home occupation, for commercial activities or for commercial storage. The property owner has been informed that no home occupation activities are allowed in the accessory building and that no storage of commercial equipment, commercial vehicles or private rental storage is allowed in the accessory building. C. The accessory building has an evident reuse or function related to a single-family residential environment in urban service areas or hobby farm environment in nonurban service areas of the city. The proposed detached accessory building can be used in conjunction with the single family home use of the property within the RA District. At least four other properties received conditional use permits for oversized accessory buildings within one mile of the Boecker property: These four properties are located at 20486 Judicial Road; 19430 Judicial Road; 19198 Judicial Road and, 12280 – 197th Street. The proposed accessory building is larger on a percentage basis than other similar buildings previously approved on a property this size in the RA District. In 2013, the City Council approved a conditional use permit for the construction of a 2,224 square foot detached accessory building for a total accessory building area of 2,927 square feet (equal to 3.35 % of the property) on a two acre lot in the RA District located at 16218 Laigle Avenue. The accessory building square footage for the Boecker property would be the largest known accessory building as a percentage of lot area in the RA District to receive conditional use permit approval since 1981. Please see the attached Exhibit F listing accessory building conditional use permits approved since 1981. The attached Exhibit B is an aerial photo map of the vicinity which demonstrates that the area is primarily rural in character and large detached accessory buildings are characteristic of the area. D. Detached accessory buildings shall be maintained in a manner that is compatible with the adjacent residential uses and does not present a hazard to public health, safety and general welfare. The proposed detached accessory building will be in a location in front of the house toward Judicial Road a setback of 34.4 feet to the Judicial Road right-of-way. The building design will be generally compatible with buildings on adjacent properties in this rural area of the City and will not present a hazard to public health, safety and general welfare. E. The performance standards and criteria of section 11-4-7 of this title shall be considered and a determination made that the proposed activity is in compliance with such criteria. 4 The provisions of section 11-4-7 of the Zoning Ordinance (Conditional Use Permits) have been considered and satisfactorily met. Please refer to the attached findings of fact. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Boecker conditional use permit to allow a total accessory building area greater than two percent of the lot area in the RA District subject to the following stipulations: 1. The accessory building shall be constructed in the location shown on the Certificate of Survey and in accordance with the approved conditional use permit. 2. The detached accessory building shall be kept, used and maintained in a manner that is compatible with the existing single family home on the property and shall not present a hazard to the public health, safety and general welfare. 3. A building permit must be approved by the City prior to construction of the new detached accessory building. 4. Electric service to the detached accessory building shall be placed underground. 5. The driveway to the detached accessory building shall be paved with concrete, bituminous or paving brick. 6. No sanitary sewer service or indoor water service shall be provided to the detached accessory building. 7. No commercial activity shall occur in any accessory building on the property, including but not limited to storage of commercial vehicles or equipment, private rental storage, or use as a dwelling. 8. All areas of disturbed ground shall be deeded or established with suitable ground cover upon completion of construction. 9. The detached accessory building materials and colors shall be compatible with the existing single family home on the property. 5 EXHIBIT A CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA BOECKER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT On April 23, 2015 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at it’s regularly scheduled meeting to consider a conditional use permit to allow total accessory building area greater than 2 percent of the lot area in the RA, Rural/Agricultural District on property located at 20110 Judicial Road. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. 1. The property is currently zoned RA, Rural/Agricultural District. 2. The property is located in Planning District No. 10 of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, which guides the property for rural density residential uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 26, 684 feet north of the southwest corner thereof; thence north 10 rods, thence east 16 rods; thence south 10 rods, also: The north 68 feet of the south 684 feet of the west 264 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 26, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota. 4. Section 11-4-3E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. 1 The existing single family home and proposed detached accessory building is consistent with the 2030 Land use Plan and District 10 recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. Provided compliance with the conditional use permit, the proposed detached accessory building will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area. c. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Provided compliance with the conditional use permit, the detached accessory building will conform with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. The subject property lies outside the current MUSA. The property is served with private sanitary sewer and water. The detached accessory building will have no impact on the City’s service capacity. e. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. The detached accessory building will not overburden the streets serving the property. 5. The planning report, dated April 15, 2015, prepared by Associate Planner Frank Dempsey is incorporated herein. 2 DATED: May ____ 2015 CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: ________________________ Matt Little, Mayor BY: ________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 3