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1 9'%4 Planning Department
To: Planning Commission
From: Daryl Morey, Planning Director -PIA
Date: April 7, 2015
Subject: Summary of City Council Actions on Planning Commission Agenda Items
At their April 6, 2015 meeting, the City Council:
• Approved the Avonlea preliminary plat and development stage PUD of 204 single
family lots and 47 attached townhouse units, amendment to the 2030 Land Use Plan,
Staged MUSA Expansion Areas Plan and 2030 Transportation Plan components of the
Comprehensive Plan, and rezoning to PUD subject to the stipulations recommended
by the Planning Commission with the exception of having to comply with the RM -1
District garage size requirements (from the March 191h PC meeting).
• Approved the Northern Natural Gas conditional use permit to allow the construction
of a 24 inch diameter high pressure gas main and utility receiver lot from the 215th
Street/Kenrick Avenue intersection to 210th Street and the west Lakeville city limits
(from the March 19th PC meeting).
• Approved the Minnesota Blue Skies Addition preliminary and final plat of one
commercial lot for The Goddard School, and public drainage and utility easement
vacation (from the March 191 PC meeting).