HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03.aMemorandum City of Lakeville Community & Economic Development To: Mayor and City Council Economic Development Commission From: David L. Olson, Community and Economic Development Director Copy: Justin Miller, City Administrator Rick Howden, Economic Development Specialist Date: April 24, 2015 Subject: Review of Preliminary Tax Increment Financing Application from Mendell Inc. The City recently received an application for Tax Increment Financing (TIF) assistance from Mendell Inc. Mendell is a medical device manufacturing company located 21463 Greneda Avenue in Airlake Industrial Park. Mendell relocated from Bloomington to Lakeville in 2003 and currently operates in a 28,600 square foot building and currently has approximately 94 employees. As a result of continued growth of their business, Mendell is proposing to construct a 18,200 square foot addition to their building and add 12-25 new jobs over the next two years. The average salary of these jobs will range from $51,000 to $59,300. Bryan Bartz, President of Mendell Inc. will be present at both the City Council Work Session on April 27th and the EDC Meeting at April 28th to discuss company's continued growth in Lakeville. The request for Tax Increment Financing is to assist in filling a project financing gap of approximately $436,612. Mendell is also in the process of submitting an application to the State of MN Job Creation Fund program which is administered by the MN Department Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to fill a portion of the project financing gap. The City Council approved a resolution of support of this application at the April 20' City Council meeting. The level of assistance under the Job Creation Fund program is determined by the number and wage level of the actual jobs that are created and retained for at least one year as well as the total capital investment in building improvements for the project. The plans for the proposed expansion were forwarded to the County Assessor's Office to determine the estimated market value of the Mendell property after completion of the expansion. The Assessor's Office has determined that the range of the market value for the expanded Mendell building to be between $52 to $56 per square foot. Using the higher end of this range results in a net increase of market value for property tax purposes of $1,047,200. This results in a total estimated amount of $114,000 of tax increment being available during the nine year period in which tax increments can be captured for an Economic Development TIF District. The TIF application from Mendell indicates that any TIF assistance be provided on a pay-as-you-go basis which means that TIF funds would be reimbursed on an annual basis after the payment of property taxes has occurred. This eliminates any financial risk to the City. While the amount of available TIF assistance for this project does not fill the financing gap, when matched with State of MN Job Creation Fund reimbursements, should be able to offset the majority of the financing gap for this expansion project. It should also be noted that TIF funds are only available to reimburse eligible site improvements which are currently estimated at $359,000. Requested Action: If the Council and EDC support this preliminary request from Mendell for TIF assistance, the next step would be for the City HRA Board and City Council to call for a public hearing to consider the creation of a new Tax Increment Financing District and retain Springsted to prepare the required TIF Plans and notifications to Dakota County and ISD #194. EN DELL, April 21, 2015 Mr. David Olson Community and Economic Development Director City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Dear David: Re: Proposed Expansion — Incentive Request 5;tcializing in Precision Machining of Cuslam Medical ?evicc ^omponen's Thank you for previously meeting with our firm over the past two years to discuss and seek solutions for our proposed expansion and the potential assistance the City of Lakeville can provide. We sincerely appreciate how creative your staff has been to investigate scenarios/options that: • Maximize building expansion and employee parking opportunities • Storm water solutions, pond sizing and locations We include, for your consideration, the application form, fee and additional information for your review. Please proceed with your process — time is of the essence. 4 Pcq!F President 21463 Grenada Avenue • Lakeville, MN 55044 phone 952A69.5500 •fax 952.469.5511 .,r. www.mendell.com .;,•�:;,.s CITY OF LAKEVILLE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING APPLICATION PROJECT: Mendell Addition 1. Business Name: Mendell, Inc. Address: 21463 Grenada Ave., Lakeville, MN 55044 Telephone: 952-469-5500 Contact: Bryan Bartz 2. Brief description of the business: Precision machine shop for the medical device industry. Mendell specialized in high precision machining of implantable devices, surgical instruments and diagnostic equipment. 3. Present ownership of the site: Lakeville Technologies, LLC. 4. Proposed project: (Building square footage, size of property, description of buildings — materials, etc.) The addition will be approximately 18,700 sq. ft. and will expand the existing manufacturing operation as well as facilitate warehouse and shipping/receiving activities. The construction materials will match the existing building — architectural concrete wall panels with steel bar joist/deck roof. The extensive windows will enhance the production areas within the building. 5. Total Estimated Project Costs: a. 1. Land Acquisition 1.18 acres $ 215,883.00 est. 2. Plat/Land development $ 79,552.28 est. b. Site Development $ 359,697.00 est. C. Building Cost $1,254,235.00 est. d. Soft Costs (Design/Engineering) $ 273,548.00 est. e. 1. Financing Costs $ 65,204.00 est. 2. Impacts from Incentives • TIF Application costs Not included • TIF/DEED Benefits Not included f. Contingencies Included 3% Total $2,248,119.28 est. 1 6. Estimated Project Costs Eligible for TIF Assistance (i.e. Acquisition, Demolition, Site Improvements, Utilities, Streets): a. Land Cost $215,883.00 b. Road Cost N/A c. Site Improvements $359,697.00 7. PLEASE SUBMIT PROJECT PROFORMAS SHOWING NEED FOR ASSISTANCE (I.E. WITH ASSISTANCE AND WITHOUT). See attached "Exhibit A" (Lease Market Study) 8. Total Estimated Market Value at completion: $2,854,300.00 approximately 9. Estimated real estate taxes upon completion: $104,191.00 +/- approximately 10. Source of Financing a. Equity TBD b. Bank Loan TBD c. TIF (Gap) Up to $436,612.00 Total TBD 11.Amount of Assistance (Estimated Gap): $436,612.00 +/- 12.Type of Assistance Requested (Upfront or Pay -as -you -Go): Pay as you go 13. Name & Address of architect, engineer, and general contractor: APPRO Development, Inc. 21476 Grenada Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 Contact: Jack Matasosky 952-469-2171 2 14. Project construction schedule: a. Construction Start Date b. Construction Completion Date c. If phased project: N/A July 1, 2015 approximately December 1, 2015 2015 Year 100% Complete 15. State specific reasons why assistance is necessary for the project (the "but for" test). The construction costs for the addition — when combined with the original building — are excessive for "market rate" rents and cost capitalization. Please review attached lease aro-forma studv. 16. Please indicate how the project would meet one or more of the following: Economic Development goals; creation of jobs that pay wages adequate to support households, job retention, or tax base expansion. The project will keep 93 jobs, paying an average of $60,200.00/year. The company anticipates an additional 12-25 jobs, paying an average of $51,000.00 to $59,297.00 /year. Hiring of these positions is anticipated to begin as early as April 2015. The typical Mendell employee is a highly trained machinist and these jobs are highly valued in the community. The building design is a tribute to the company's employees — incorporating the highest_quality of infrastructure and finishes to create a great working PnvirnnmPnt_ 17. Municipal Reference (if applicable). Please name any other municipalities wherein the applicant, or other corporations the applicant has been involved with, has completed developments within the last five years. The company moved to Lakeville from Bloomington, MN in 2003. The company expanded their building in 2008 and has once again outgrown their present space. 18.Additional Comments: 19. Submit this form along with an initial $500 nonrefundable application fee. An additional fee of $5,500 will need to be submitted should the request for assistance proceed. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CHECKLIST Applicants will also be required to provide the following documentation. 3 All personal financial information will be kept private and confidential. ❑ 1. Written business plan or a description of the business, ownership/ management, date established, products and services, and future plans. ❑ 2. Two year financial projections, or if housing project, or leased space, include a 10 -year operating pro -forma. ❑ 3. Letter of commitment from other sources of financing, stating terms and conditions of their participation in the project. ❑ 4. Initial nonrefundable application fee of $500, with a $5,500 fee to follow should the request for assistance proceed. In addition to defraying the cost of staff time, the fee will be used to pay costs associated with processing this request for financial assistance such as legal, engineering and financial analysis. The City reserves the right to stop the processing of the request until additional fees are paid should the original amount be insufficient to pay such costs. That portion which remains unspent, if any, will be returned only if the project is denied approval. ❑ 5. Attach the following documentation: Part 1 — Corporation/Partnership Description Part 2 — List of Shareholders/Partners Part 3 — Description of Project Exhibit "A" Part 4 — But For Analysis Part 5 — List of Prospective Lessees Part 6 — Legal Description, Property Identification Numbers, maps of the project area, and project renderings Part 7 — Public Purpose Narrative Part 8 — Sources & Uses of Funds — Additional Information Exhibit "B" Jobs data The undersigned certifies that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of the undersigned's knowledge. The undersigned authorizes the City of Lakeville to check credit references, verify financial and other information, and share this infor ion with other political subdivisions as needed. The undersigned also a ee to rovide anynitioI information as may be requested by the City after th filing of this applica Applicant Name By Bryan Bartz ILS u Date April 21, 2015 Cc: Jack Matasosky, APPRO Development, Inc. 0 Exhibit A Mendell, Inc Office Manufacturing Automated Manufacturing/Warehouse Warehouse Mezzanine Total Lease Study 4-21-2015 Existing Building 4,505 sq, ft. 1,243 sq. ft. 23,502 sq. ft. _3.240 sq. ft. 32,490 sq. ft. Site Area 1.89 Acres Off-site (market) lease rates: With Proposed Addition 7,359 sq. ft. 4,277 sq. ft. 36,314 sq. ft. 3,240 sq. ft. 51,190 sq. ft. 3.07 Acres Office 7,359 sq. ft.@ $10.00/sq. ft. (midpoint) $ 73,590.00 (cost range $7.50 - $12.50 sq. ft./net) Manufacturing 4.277 sq. ft.@ $6.60/sq. ft. (midpoint) $ 28,228.00 (cost range $4.70 - $8.50 sq. ft./net) Automated Manufacturing/Warehouse $181,570.00 36,314 sq. ft.@a $5.00/sq. ft. (midpoint) (cost range $4.20 - $5.80 sq. ft./net) Warehouse/Mezzanine 3,240 sq. ft.@ $4.10/sq. ft. (midpoint) $ 13,284.00 (cost range $3.60 - $4.60 sq. ft./net) Approximate net rent/year $296,672.00 (Target Rate) Actual project costs/lease capitalization rates: Land (total acreage 3.07 acres) 133,730 sq. ft. $ 561,663.00 Building shell costs — Original with addition $3,300,000.00 Tenant Improvements — Production specific — original w/addition $ Not Included Finance costs (assumed) $ 65,204.00 Total Project Cost $3,926,867.00 Lease Capitalization (using actual costs): $3,926,867.00 @ 8.5% CAP rate = $333,784.00 Actual Lease Rate $333,784.00 (Actual Lease Rate) $296,672.00 (Target Rate) _ $37,112.00/year (gap) $37,112.00 (gap) - 8.5% (CAP rate) _ $436,612.00 (project cost gap) Exhibit B Mendell 4/22/2015 Building Expansion 2 - 3 Year Plan Range Type * / Description # Salary Total # Salary Total ** Mechanical / Project Engineer 2 $ 85,000 $ 170,000 2 $ 85,000 $ 170,000 * Quality Engineer 1 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 1 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 * Quality Control Manager 1 $ 85,000 $ 85,000 1 $ 85,000 $ 85,000 °Industrial Engineer 0 $ 65,000 $ 1 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 * Document Control Specialist 1 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 1 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 ° a` Applications Engineer 0 $ 80,000 $ 1 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 * Administrative Assistant 1 $ 35,360 $ 35,360 2 $ 35,360 $ 70,720 6 $ 420,360 9 $ 600,720 ** Machinist - Milling 2 $ 52,000 $ 104,000 3 $ 52,000 $ 156,000 Machinist - Milling Apprentice 0 $ 35,360 $ - 2 $ 35,360 $ 70,720 ** Machinist - Swiss 2 $ 62,400 $ 124,800 3 $ 62,400 $ 187,200 Machinist - Swiss Apprentice 0 $ 35,360 $ - 2 $ 35,360 $ 70,720 Quality Technician 0 $ 41,600 $ - 1 $ 41,600 $ 41,600 Laser Marking Technician 1 $ 31,200 $ 31,200 1 $ 31,200 $ 31,200 * Finisher 1 $ 31,200 $ 31,200 4 $ 31,200 $ 124,800 6 $ 291,200 16 $ 682,240 12 $ 711,560 25 $ 1,282,960 "Immediate Immediate hiring required to ensure technical expertise & validated qualified processes by occupancy date Asterisks denote number of immediate required employees Mendell, Inc Employees by City As of March 31, 2015 City Headcount % Apple Valley 2 2% Bloomington 9 10% Burnsville 2 2% Dundas 1 1% Eagan 8 9% Eden Prairie 1 1% Elko 2 2% Faribault 2 2% Farmington 9 10% Hastings 1 1% Lakeville 18 19% Lonsdale 3 3% Maplewood 1 1% Medford 3 3% Mendota Heights 1 1% Minneapolis 2 2% Montgomery 2 2% New Hope 1 1% New Prague 4 4% Northfield 4 4% Oakdale 1 1% Pine Island 1 1% Prior Lake 2 2% Randolph 1 1% Richfield 2 2% Rosemount 3 3% Saint Paul 1 1% Savage 2 2% Shakopee 2 2% South St. Paul 1 1% St Paul 1 1% Grand Total 93 3/29!2015 Medical Machining Medical Machining I Precision Medical Machining - Mardell Centrally located in the heart of Medical Alley, we make it our responsibility to ensure quality control is at its peak during the entire medical device machining process as our machined parts can have a profound impact on everyday lives of the end users. At Mendell, we understand that nearly every medical component that comes from our shop will be used to improve someone's quality of life. Our primary markets for implants and surgical instrumentation within the medical industry include: * Orthopedic Spine 0 Pelvic • Cardiovascular at Endovascular Devices Ophthalmologic Testing & Analysis • Orthopedic Medial Devices • Trauma , Endovascular We have built our reputation on machining medical parts that are technologically advanced and built to the high standards put forth by the medical industry. Our attention to detail and years of experience in the medical machining industry provide you with the parts that are manufactured with the greatest care and attention to detail, meeting your requirements every time. We have the capability to machine a variety of medical grade - materials including: PEEK OPTIMA TM • PEEK'` fµ40 , Titanium G UHMW PE • Cobalt Chrome • Ultem • 17-4 Stainless Steel i Radel • 300 Series Stainless Steel o Acetal * 400 Series Stainless Steel 0 Polycorbonate • Medical Grade Polymers • Aluminum The Mendell facility is state-of-the-art and uses technologically advanced machines for precision medical machining. `>4 We use swiss machining up to simultaneous 12 axis and CNC high speed milling machines with up to 5 sin ultaneous axis. We also have CNC turning with live tocling and wire EDM 4th axis. Our CAD/CAM software creates exact 3D model replicates of our customer's medical devices to ensure accuracy in manufacturing. We also provide a variety of finishing operations in-house including: Laser marking Bead blasting p Micro blasting Powder blasting Pin "Tumbling Tumble blasting Other finishing operations that are not done in-house, including welding, chemical processing, heat treating, or color coating, are contracted out to companies with standards as high as our own. Our quality control department is involved with every project from purchase order to final inspection. This department keeps a careful watch on the entire manufacturing process to ensure all machined parts adhere to regulations put forth by the medical industry. Our quality control processes are very important to us; if it comes from Mendell, you can expect the ultimate in quality, http:G^r ww,nvndell.conYrnadical_machring.php 12 ,W91=5 Micro Machining Micro Mach dng - Mendell Mendeli is a leader in micro machining for the medical industry. From orthopedic screws to heart implants, Mendell manufactures the most intricate and minute medical implantables used in the market today. With a state of the art facility and advanced technology, we routinely manufacture micro- miniature parts, from prototypes thru high volume production quantities. With tolerances routinely machined to .0001, internal or external threading is common on micro machined parts. Here at Mendell, we stretch the limits by micro machining tighter tolerances and more surface critical finishes. Using swiss machining and 4 axis wire EDM, our medical machining involves some of the smallest, most complex parts on the market. We provide design for manufacturing (DFM) assistance if needed and create 3D models to ensure design accuracy using our advanced CAD/CAM s oftwa re. We work with a variety of medical grade and non-medical grade materials including: • PEEK OPTIMA"" Titanium • Cobalt chrome • 17-4 stainless steel 300 series stainless steels 400 series stainless steels • Aluminum PEEK" • UHMW PE • Ultem • Radel • Aceta • Polycorbonate Mendell takes care in creating intricate parts to be used in the medical industry. Our expertise in micro machining allows us to manufacture parts than are smaller than the tip of your fingernail while maintaining the exactness the design calls for. Many of our products are used to save lives and we take our job in manufacturing these parts seriously. Our Engineering, Manufacturing and quality Control departments take care to ensure each part meets or exceeds the specified requirements and are of the highest quality. For more information on Mendell and our micro -miniature medical device manufacturing, contact us. We use our acquired experience in micro machining to bring you the most advanced manufacturing solutions in the market. http:lAaAw,iT'andell.comJiricro machring.php 1112 3!'29!20'13 Swiss Machining Swiss Machining I Swiss Screw Machining - Mendell If it can be machined, Mendell can make it! Swiss machining is designed to create the most intricate paits needed for technologically advanced industries. We work with small companies and start-up OEMs all the way Lhrough industry leaders in the medical, aerospace, and defense industries to bring them the best in quality parts. We machine prototypes through high volume production using our advanced swiss machining centers. We are able to machine components in a wide variety of sizes, dimensions, and shapes, determined by your design and the equipment used for each project. Depending on the machine used, the following can apply to the machining process: 5, 6, 8, 11, or 12 simultaneous axis u Simultaneous turning and drilling • Machining with up to 4 tools working simultaneously Enhanced synchronized superimposed operation • Up to 22 tools for main and sub -spindle work Rotating and synchronized guide bushings Up to 16,000 RPM main spindle At Mendell, our attention to detail, quality control, and customer service has built our reputation as a leader in medical device manufacturing. Medical implants and instrumentation can be incredibly detailed and accuracy is essential. Our Swiss machined products are of the highest quality and always built to exact specifications. We adhere to all medical regulations and are ISO 13485:2003 certified. Our Swiss screw components can be provided through lean manufacturing initiatives if needed. Inventory management systems, including JIT, Kanban, and Dock to Stock, are tightly controlled and products are shipped to you on time, every time. For more information on Mendell or our Swiss machining capabilities, contact us! We can help you secure the highest quality Swiss screw machined products to meet your exact specifications, http:/Ap, wv.mrxiell.com/sWss_mach dng.php X12 a29MI5 Medical Deuce Engineering -Mendell The ideal engineer is a composite ... He is not a scientist, he is not a mathematician, he is not a sociologist or writer; but he may use the knowledge and techniques of any or all of these disciplines in solving engineering problems. —N.W.Dougherty Mendell's engineering staff pulls from its nearly 100 cumulative years in manufacturing while maintaining their technical skills through independent research, external training, and customer and vendor interface, to ensure that Mendell captures every nuance of the customer's design intent. Although the majority of the Engineering team's experience is based in Medical Device manufacturing, they understand that their success depends on an objective, cohesive team approach with other disciplines inside and outside of Mendell's facility. This understanding allows the team to coordinate multiple projects while encouraging and facilitating the effective performance of others. The Engineering group ensures that Mendell isn't dependent on the heroics of competent people but instead has a continuously improved process our customers can count on. S oftwa re SolidWorks Professional 2010 a SolidWorks Standard 2010 GibbsCam 2010 Adobe Professional Competencies R Mechanical Engineer, BS Industrial Engineer, BS Functional gauging, fixture and custom tool design. Process development, maintenance and improvement. GD&T and print reading Process mapping Project management o Facilitate preproduction activities o Facilitate post -production activities i Creating SOP's and WI's Acting liaison between customer engineering and manufacturing Let our Engineers help you with your next medical device engineering project, contact us today! http:#vmw.rnendel1. contreng ineeri ng. php 112 3129/2415 7 AW, --- 3 Quality Assurance and Control Mendell's QA and QC staffs are an unusual bunch of professionals. While their colleagues in Manufacturing and Engineering would grin and offer replies containing phrases such as, "That's true" or "Obviously", further explanation reveals the true nature of their uniqueness. First, the amount of professional experience in the Quality disciplines is impressive. With an average of almost 19 years, it's very rare for an unfamiliar challenge to arise, be it measurement systems or process characterization. The Medical Device and Aerospace manufacturing sectors are the primary sources of this team's Quality education, training and experience. Mendell Quali;ij� Assurance and Control Competencies Process Validation Risk Management Investigational Studies Clean Room Validation Design, Use and Training QMS Design and Implementation ISO 13485:2003 Lead Auditor Certified Software Development and Validation Six Sigma Green & Black Belt Training* Structured Problem Solving Balanced Scorecard Failure Analysis GD&Tand Print Reading Functional Gauge and Fixture Design Chemical stress analysis * 2 CSSBB's on staff Quality Assurance and Control - Mendell Second, the broad range of competencies found in our QA and QC teams are typically only found in much larger companies, such as medical device manufacturers. From Quality Systems integration and compliance, to Process Validation (IQ,OQ,PQ) and Process Improvement, Mendell's Quality Assurance and Control teams are very wel! versed in the Quality disciplines. Currently, the team has members who hold the ASQ certifications of Certified Manager of Quality and Six Sigma Black Belt. And lastly, Mendell Quality Control employs the most advanced inspection equipment available. Both contact and visual measurement technologies are effectively utilized in the verification of product conformance. Major Dimensional Measuring) Systems and Software Zeiss and Bendix CMM Mycrona and Micro -Vu VMM 2 Optical Comparators (10-100X Mag. Capability) 4 Vertical Height Measuring Systems Laser Micrometer 2 Height Micrometers hfp://w,kw.rnandell.corNq a_conh,ol.php 112 Springsted DRAFT MEMORANDUM TO: David Olson, Community and Economic Development Director FROM: Mikaela Huot, Vice President/Consultant DATE: April 22, 2015 Springsted Incorporated 380 Jackson Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55101-2887 Tel: 651-223-3000 Fax: 651-223-3002 www.springsted.com SUBJECT: Preliminary Financing Projections for proposed new TIF project (Mendell Expansion Project) The City of Lakeville has received a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) assistance application for the proposed expansion project of an existing business, The applicant, Mendell, Inc, is proposing an approximate 18,700 square foot expansion to its existing facility to accommodate future growth of the company. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a summary of Springsted's review of the preliminary application and preliminary tax increment revenue projections based on the information made available to us relative to the proposed project. Tax Increment Assumptions Springsted made certain assumptions to calculate the estimated amount of tax increment revenue generated by the proposed new project. Those assumptions include the following: Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District — Economic Development For our analysis we anticipate that the proposed project would qualify under the Tax Increment statute as an economic development district. • Economic development districts must consist of a project that is in the public interest because: o It will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state o It will result in increased employment o It will result in preservation and enhancement of the tax base ■ Qualification as economic development TIF District • Maximum TIF District term 0 8 years after receipt of first increment 0 9 total years • Base value: o Existing land and building City of Lakeville, Minnesota Proposed TIF District No. 20: Mendell Expansion Project April 22, 2015 Page 2 o PID: 22-31060-01-010: $1,769,700 • Estimated incremental value estimated to be new building value only o 18,700 square foot building expansion o $56/square foot estimated valuation o $1,047,200 • Construction complete prior to December 31, 2015 o 100% assessed in January of 2016 for taxes payable in 2017 • Payable 2015 tax rates remain constant through district term o City: 38.948% o County: 29.633% o School: 31.459% o Other: 5.033% o Total: 105.073% • Fiscal disparities contribution rate of 39.37227% o Contribution made from TIF district property • Current class rates remain constant through district term • 3% annual market value inflator • Developer Payment o 95% pledged to TIF costs o 5% withheld for administrative expenses Tax Increment Revenue Estimates Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance to the City of Lakeville. Please let me know how we can best assist you as this project moves forward and should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 651.223.3036 or mhuot(a)sprinpsted.com. Projected Amount Estimated total gross revenues $120,260 Estimated City Retained Amount 5% $6,014 Estimated Total Net Revenues $114,246 Estimated Present Value date of 6/30/15 and 4% interest rate $89,617 Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance to the City of Lakeville. Please let me know how we can best assist you as this project moves forward and should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 651.223.3036 or mhuot(a)sprinpsted.com. City of Lakeville, Minnesota Proposed TIF District No. 20: Mendell Expansion Project April 22, 2015 Page 3 Projected Tax Increment Report City of Lakeville, Minnesota Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. 20 Proposed Business Expansion (Mendell Machine) Prelim TIF: Incremental Building Growth of $1.047M with 3% MV Inflator Annual Period Ending 1 Total Estimated Market Value 2 Total Net Tax Capacity 3 Less: Original Net Tax Capacity * 4 Less: Fiscal Disp. @ 39.3723% 5 Retained Captured Net Tax Capacity 6 Times: Tax Capacity Rate ** 7 Annual Gross Tax Increment 8 Less: State Aud. Deduction 0.360% 9 Subtotal Net Tax Increment 10 Less: Admin. Retainage 5.00% 11 Annual Net Revenue 12 P.V. Annual Net Rev. To 06/30/15 4.00% 12/31/15 1,769,700 34,644 34,644 0 0 105.073% 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/31/16 1,769,700 34,644 34,644 0 0 105.073% 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/31/17 2,816,900 54,838 34,644 7,951 12,243 105.073% 12,864 46 12,818 641 12,177 11,147 12/31/18 2,827,372 55,047 34,644 8,033 12,370 105.073% 12,998 47 12,951 648 12,303 10,829 12/31/19 2,837,949 55,259 34,644 8,117 12,498 105.073% 13,132 47 13,085 654 12,431 10,521 12/31/20 2,848,631 55,473 34,644 8,201 12,628 105.073% 13,268 48 13,220 661 12,559 10,221 12/31/21 2,859,421 55,688 34,644 8,286 12,758 105.073% 13,406 48 13,358 668 12,690 9,930 12/31/22 2,870,318 55,906 34,644 8,371 12,891 105.073% 13,545 49 13,496 675 12,821 9,647 12/31/23 2,881,324 56,126 34,644 8,458 13,024 105.073% 13,685 49 13,636 682 12,954 9,372 12/31/24 2,892,440 56,349 34,644 8,546 13,159 105.073% 13,826 50 13,776 689 13,087 9,104 12/31/25 2,903,668 56,573 34,644 8,634 13,295 105.073% 13,970 50 13,920 696 1 13,224 8,846 $120,694 $434 $120,260 $6,014 $114,246 $89,617 Original Net Tax Capacity based on payable 2015 property tax information Projections include total estimated market value of $1,047,200 based on preliminary information provided by assessor. ** Final payable 2015 tax capacity rates - ISD 194 and Vermillion River Watershed District. SITE SUMMARY SITE AREA: 133,894 S.F. 3.07 ACRES BUILDING AREA: EXISTING BUILDING: 28,596 S.F. PROPOSED. ADDITION: 18,222 S.F. TOTAL BUILDING: 46,818 S.F. EXISTING PARKING: 61 STALLS PARKING TO BE REMOVED: 21 STALLS PROPOSED PARKING TO BE ADDED: r�AAPPRO', TOTAL PARKING: 87 STALLS NET GAIN: ADJACENT BLDG DEVELOP IE�T NEW ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER 111.01"1 � V+C LOCATION 20'-0. PROPERTY LINE _ _ — — — — — __ 18D'-0' 21 EXISTING PARKING STALLS 7 TO BE REMOVED 18'-C' 24'-0' 18'-0' 1a -a^ I 21475 GRENADA AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 FAX szn3 : EMAILonlcepapP�odeYaloPmem.com I I LU PROPOSED ONE STORY I S EXISTING ONE STORY BUILDING 18,202213 F\\\\\\\\ ILL ` O I ma 28,59fi S.F N\\\\\\\SUR NEW DRIVEIN O00 �lz- 47 NEW PARKING STALLS TO BE ADDED I I I — b LU w 10 N 8 cca a w 9 61 7 2 N m N EXISTING FRONT ENTRY � I 1 19 40 EXISTING PARKING SPACES TO REMAIN _ _ TWO LOADING DOCKS AINING/ 20 L T — PROPERTY LINE '.^ — — ---... _ _ \ TRUCK STCREE WALL 4 I PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 27 z a m i LINE _ — PROPER __- — — �1 F -- w No. Desuipllon Dale EXISTING STORM I WATER POND I I \\ I I - dl I I I ADJACENT BUILDING I �� � J I ff 1 I MENDELL MACHINE ADDITION SITE PLAN Rciea ean,�c 15-03-0030 Dte Issue Date 0—by SWC 1=30-0- .. >;�Y�SitePlan Checked by Checker Al -1 Scale 1" = 30'-0" SITE SUMMARY SITE AREA: 133,894 S.F. 3.07 ACRES BUILDING AREA: EXISTING BUILDING: 28,596 S.F. PROPOSED. ADDITION: 18,222 S.F. TOTAL BUILDING: 46,818 S.F. EXISTING PARKING: 61 STALLS PARKING TO BE REMOVED: 21 STALLS PROPOSED PARKING TO BE ADDED: 47 STALLS TOTAL PARKING: 87 STALLS NET GAIN: 26 STALLS