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City of Lakeville
Planning Department
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Daryl Morey, Planning DirectorrA
Copy: Dave Olson, Community and Economic Development Director
Date: April 24, 2015
Subject: April 27, 2015 City Council Work Session - Patio Hours of Operation
The issue of outdoor patio hours of operation has been discussed by the City Council at
meetings and work session several times over the past 12 months, with the most recent being
at the April 6th meeting during discussion of the Heavy Metal Grill liquor license. At the April
6th meeting, the City Council stated they would like to re -visit the outdoor patio hours of
operation in the downtown C -CBD zoning district.
On November 3, 2014 the City Council approved an amendment to Chapter 3-1-8-14.C.7 of
the City Code that extended the hours of operation for businesses with outdoor patios
located within 150 feet of a residential district in the C-1, C-2, and C-3 districts to 11:00 p.m. on
Sunday through Thursday nights and until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. This
amendment was approved in response to a request by Carbone's Bar and Grill for extended
patio hours of operation. In the O -R and C -CBD districts, the hours of operation for businesses
with outdoor patios located within 150 feet of a residential district remained at 10:00 p.m.
seven days a week, which is the hours of operation approved when this section of the City
Code was originally established in 2008.
In the downtown C -CBD district, Babe's Sports Bar has an outdoor patio located within 150
feet of a residential district. In addition, Heavy Metal Grill and Angry Inch Brewing Company
are proposing outdoor patios that will be located within 150 feet of a residential use (the Main
Street Manor senior housing building).
The following are options for discussion at the April 27th work session:
• Keep the outdoor patio hours the same (7:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m.) for businesses located
in the C -CBD and 0-R districts and within 150 feet of a residential use.
• Extend the outdoor patio hours for businesses in the C -CBD and O -R commercial
districts that are within 150 feet of a residential use to 11:00 p.m. on Sunday through
Thursday nights and until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights to match the hours
of operation allowed in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 districts.
• Extend the outdoor patio hours for businesses in the C -CBD and O -R commercial
districts that are within 150 feet of a residential use to either 11:00 p.m. or midnight
only on Friday and Saturday nights.
If a change to the current hours of operation is recommended by the City Council for outdoor
patios in the C -CBD district that are located within 150 feet of a residential use, staff
recommends that the residential property owners within 150 feet be notified of the proposed
change and be provided an opportunity to comment.
• April 6, 2015 City Council meeting minutes
• November 3, 2014 City Council meeting minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes, April 6, 2015 Page 3
w. Resolution No. 15-40 approving the final plat of Kenwood Hills
x. Agreement with WSB for 2015 zoning enforcement services
y. Table consideration of a Professional Services Agreement with SPC Marketing for digital
marketing at the Arts Center
z. Community Development Block Grant budget amendment for the 210th Street sidewalk
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
40=107. Public Hearing -Heavy Metal Grill Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor License
Mayor Little opened the public hearing on the application of Heavy Metal Grill LLC for an on -
sale wine and 3.2% malt liquor license at 20851 Holyoke Avenue.
The applicant, Martin Richie, requested approval of the on -sale wine and 3.2% malt liquor
license for Heavy Metal Grill, a new restaurant he plans to open in downtown Lakeville.
Chief Long presented the Police Department's investigative summary and recommended
approval of the licenses as requested.
There were no public comments.
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Swecker to close the public hearing.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
Council Members questioned the current regulations related to outdoor patio hours. Under
the current ordinance, there is no limitation on patio hours for patios that are located more
than 150 feet from a residential district. Patios located in the C -CBD District that are within
150 feet of a residential district are restricted to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. It was
explained that Main Street Manor, which is located across the street from the proposed Heavy
Metal Grill and within 150 feet of the proposed patio, has a mixed use containing both
residential and commercial. It is currently zoned PUD, not residential. Council members
expressed a desire to maintain consistency for downtown businesses with respect to patios and
their proximity to residential homes, which they stated was their intent when the patio hours
were amended last year. Mr. Morey stated this can be accomplished by changing the term
"District" in the ordinance to the term "use". If the Council so chooses, an ordinance
amendment could be placed on the next City Council meeting agenda.
City Council Meeting Minutes, April 6, 2015
Page 4
Mayor Little stated he is hesitant to change the ordinance, given that the applicant signed a
lease for this property under certain assumptions. He felt the Council should proceed with this
application under the current ordinance; and an overall discussion with respect to uniformity
downtown should take place at a later date.
The City Attorney recommended the City Council either grant approval of the liquor licenses
and patio as presented, based on the current ordinance, or table the patio portion until after the
Council adopts an ordinance amendment as suggested by Mr. Morey. He pointed out that
changing the term "District" to "use" in the ordinance will restrict the patio hours at Heavy
Metal Grill.
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Swecker to grant an on -sale wine and 3.2% malt
liquor license to Heavy Metal Grill, 20851 Holyoke Avenue, and to allow the sale and
consumption of alcoholic beverages on an outdoor patio until 10 p.m. (consistent with the C -
CBD District), subject to receipt of a certificate of liquor liability insurance.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Davis, Little, Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau
8. Public Hearing - Delinquent Utilities and Street Light Charges
Mayor Little opened the public hearing on the certification of delinquent utilities and
assessment of delinquent street light charges.
Interim Finance Director Julie Werner presented the list of accounts proposed to be certified.
The total amount delinquent is $2,055.92. In addition, the City collects a $35 service charge to
cover the cost of certification and 18% interest. Therefore, the total amount proposed to be
certified or assessed is $4,170.46. Ms. Werner explained that this certification/assessment
contains only those delinquent utility accounts that have had a change in ownership. All
remaining accounts will be certified or assessed in October.
There were no public comments.
Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Anderson to close the public hearing.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - unanimous
Motion was made by Davis, seconded by Swecker to approve Resolution No. 15-41 certifying
unpaid water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer charges to the County Treasurer/Auditor to be
collected with other taxes on said property and assessing unpaid street light charges.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Little, Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau, Davis
City Council Meeting Minutes, November 3, 2014
Page 3
from south to north following completion of the fourth and final phase of the adjacent
Summerlyn development to the south. While grading of Summerlyn Northwest may
commence in early 2015, streets, utilities and home construction might not occur until 2016
or later. Because of this development timeframe, Lennar is requesting that the Summerlyn
Northwest preliminary plat approval be valid for two years instead of one. Mr. Morey stated
the intersection of 190' Street and Dodd Boulevard will remain closed until completion of
the Dodd Boulevard improvements. In the interim, traffic from Summerlyn Northwest will
be directed to 190 ' Street, 1941 Street and Holyoke Avenue.
Mr. Petree outlined the efforts being made by the City and County to reduce traffic on Dodd
Boulevard. In addition to the closure of eastbound 190` Street, the City and County have
worked with the Century Ridge townhome development on the interim closure of Inca
Avenue, which is north of the Dodd and 190d' intersection, until Dodd Boulevard is
reconstructed. The City and ISD 194 are also considering options to reduce traffic onto
Dodd Boulevard from the Lakeville North High School property.
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Davis to approve the Summerlyn Northwest
preliminary plat and grant a one year extension for development of the preliminary plat.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Little, Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau, Davis
8. Ordinance Concerning Outdoor Patios
Mr. Morey presented an ordinance amendment that would allow extended outdoor patio
hours for businesses licensed to serve alcoholic beverages in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 zoning
districts. The amendment allows outdoor patios that are located within 150 feet of a
residential property to remain open until 11 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and until
midnight on Friday and Saturday. The amendment only applies to businesses located within
the C-1, C-2 and C-3 zoning districts, which includes Carbone's Pizza Bar & Grill. Licensed
establishments with outdoor patios in the O -R and C -CBD districts must continue to follow
the current ordinance guidelines.
Mark Streefland, General Manager of Babe's Sportsbar & Grill, voiced opposition to the
proposed amendment, which excludes his business from the extended patio hours.
Several downtown residents spoke in favor of, or against, extending the outdoor patio hours
for Babe's. Some residents cited noise issues from the establishment, while others indicated
that noise has not been a problem.
City Council Meeting Minutes, November 3, 2014
Page 4
Mayor Little stated he supports extending the patio hours for downtown businesses, as he
feels that all licensed establishments should be treated equally, regardless of their location.
However, he stated the City's noise ordinance must be strictly enforced.
Council Member Swecker agreed that that all businesses should be treated the same, and the
extended hours should apply to all licensed establishments.
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by LaBeau to adopt Ordinance No. 926 amending
Title 3, Chapter 1 of the Lakeville City Code concerning alcoholic beverages (outdoor
patios) in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 districts, as recommended.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau, Davis, Little
Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Little to call for a public hearing to consider an
amendment to Title 3, Chapter 1 of the Lakeville City Code related to outdoor patios in the
C -CBD District.
Council member Anderson stated he could not support a single issue motion. He stressed
the importance of enhancing the vitality of downtown and felt that the future of downtown
should be considered on a broader basis.
Council Member LaBeau expressed support for all downtown businesses. However, given
the proximity of the homes to the patio at Babe's, she urged the general manager of Babe's to
come up with solutions that could be supported by the adjacent neighborhoods.
Council Member Davis stated he would support a broader conversation regarding the future
of downtown. With respect to the Babe's patio issue, he felt that both parties need to be
open minded and willing to compromise.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Little, Swecker; Nays, Anderson, LaBeau, Davis
The motion failed.
9. Employee Health and Dental Insurance/Letter of Agreement with HealthPartners
Human Resources Manager Cindi Joosten presented a resolution setting employee health
and dental insurance rates for 2015. Staff worked with the City's brokers at National
Financial Partners to seek new insurance bids for 2015 and beyond. The lowest bid came
from HealthPartners for both health and dental and provides a 7.4% increase to health
insurance for 2015 and a not -to -exceed rate cap of 9% for 2016. HealthPartners is also