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The ov or 952-985   ear ers at -4610 Page 1 of 3    MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE AND THE LAKEVILLE SENIOR CITIZENS This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made and entered into by and between the City of Lakeville (CITY) and the Lakeville Senior Citizens (LSC). CITY and LSC do hereby agree as follows: WHEREAS, CITY owns and operates the property located at 20110 Holyoke Avenue, commonly known as the Lakeville Heritage Center, located in the City of Lakeville, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota. WHEREAS, CITY and LSC have a long history of cooperatively providing services and programming of benefit and interest to those age 50 and over residing in Lakeville and the surrounding area and have a desire to continue to work together. WHEREAS, LSC currently has two separate financial accounts held at Anchor Bank, 9202 202nd St. W., Suite 100, Lakeville, MN 55044; a savings account with a balance of $2,601.79 and a checking account with a balance of $19,738.28. WHEREAS, upon approval of MOU by CITY and LSC, LSC will transfer balance of savings and checking accounts to the CITY. WHEREAS, upon transfer of balances to CITY, the LSC will dissolve as a Nonprofit Corporation and will cease to exist. Lakeville Area Active Adults is a CITY-led membership group. WHEREAS, balance will not be held in a separate, private account. WHEREAS, CITY is solely responsible for reporting and audits of all funds on an ongoing basis. WHEREAS, the document entitled, “Lakeville Area Active Adults Advisory Committee Policies & Procedures” dated April, 2015, provides the duties and responsibilities of the Committee to ensure CITY and Lakeville Area Active Adults Committee adhere to guidelines. WHEREAS, approved expenditures by the Lakeville Area Active Adults Committee will benefit the Lakeville Area Active Adults and/or its programs. WHEREAS, expenditures will be voted on by current Lakeville Area Active Adults Committee and approved expenditures requested via Request for Reimbursement, signed by Claimant and CITY staff. The CITY will provide the Committee with a balance sheet on a monthly basis (Exhibits A & B) WHEREAS, all approved expenditures and reimbursements are subject to CITY financial practices. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this MOU to be executed by and through their respective authorized representatives, as of the date written herein below. LAKEVILLE AREA ACTIVE ADULTS _____________________________________ Date: ________________________ CITY OF LAKEVILLE _____________________________________ Date: ________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk _____________________________________ Date: ________________________ Matt Little, Mayor   REQU P E UEST FOR RE Page 2 of 3  EXHIBIT A IMBURSEMEENT (SAMPLLE)   P E BALANCE Page 3 of 3  EXHIBIT B E SHEET (SAMMPLE) City of Lakeville 952-985-4620 Application for Appointment to the Lakeville Area Active Adults Advisory Committee The purpose of the Active Adults Advisory Committee is to function as a support and resource to the staff and the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee in an advisory capacity, as well as make decisions on behalf of the greater Lakeville Area Active Adult membership and its programs. You must be a current (paid) Lakeville Are Active Adult member. The Committee meets monthly during daytime hours, on a mutually-agreed upon date/time by current members at the Heritage Center, 20110 Holyoke Ave. Please print: Name_______________________________________ Phone (_____) _______________ Home / C ell Address______________________________________ ____________________________ ______________ Street City/State Zip Code Email:__________________________________________________________________________________ Are you a Lakeville resident? _______ If yes, for how long? _________ How long have you been a member of the Lakeville Area Active Adults? _________ Have you previously served on any Lakeville committees or other advisory committees/boards? ________ If so, please list committees and provide the time served. _________________________________________________________________ year(s) _______________ _________________________________________________________________ year(s) _______________ Please describe educational and/or job/practical experiences that could be beneficial if you are chosen to be a member of the Active Adults Committee. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Why are you interested in serving on the Lakeville Area Active Adults Committee? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What would be your objectives or priorities if you were appointed to this committee? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Please be advised that in accordance with Minnesota Statute, the following information is considered public data: Name, city of residence, education and training, and employment history. The private data you provide is needed to identify you and to assist in determining your qualification for appointment. Only authorized employees and appointing authorities have access to the private information submitted. Active Adults Committee Application Are there any concerns that you think the Committee should address? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe the Active Adults Committee’s role. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What do you feel are the greatest duties and responsibilities of an Active Adults Committee Member? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What are your strengths and characteristics that you could bring to this committee? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Give an example of a time you contributed to a group in solving a problem. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any specific ideas, programs or opportunities that you would like addressed, changed or eliminated? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What value do you believe the Heritage Center provides to the Lakeville community? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe any specific ideas you have to enhance the Heritage Center facility or programming. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Have you participated in programs or classes at the Heritage Center?_____________ Please describe the experience that was most enjoyable to you. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Active Adults Committee Application Other comments _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________ Signature Date Please return application to: Lakeville Heritage Center, 20195 Holyoke Ave., Lakeville, MN 55044. Members of the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee will conduct interviews. Lakeville Area Active Adults Advisory Committee Policies & Procedures April 1, 2015 The duties and responsibilities of the Lakeville Area Active Adults Advisory Committee shall be to: 1. Act as a voluntary advisory committee to provide input and support to Recreation Program Coordinator 2. Raise awareness and promote the value of Active Adult programming in the community 3. Work with Recreation Program Coordinator to assist in the identification of programming in the community 4. Work with Recreation Program Coordinator to plan, implement and evaluate Active Adult programming and events 5. Stimulate participation in active adult programs and events, including volunteer participation 6. By a majority vote of all members (in-person and by proxy), approve expenditures from the Active Adults account that will benefit the Active Adults and/or its programs Meetings - The Committee shall hold a regular monthly meeting at a mutually agreed upon date/time. Special meetings for the purpose of event planning may be held as necessary. All meetings will be held at the Heritage Center and minutes will be recorded. Order of Business - The order of business will be conducted by “Robert’s Rule of Order, Revised”. The Committee year shall be from May 1 through April 30. City Staff - Recreation Program Coordinator will attend meetings and provide Committee members with meeting agendas and other pertinent information. Attendance of Recreation Supervisor and Parks Director may be requested periodically. Committee Members – Interested parties will submit an application. Active Adult Committee members will be interviewed and chosen by the Lakeville Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee. Two Co-chairs will be appointed by a majority vote of Committee members annually. One Co-chair will preside over each meeting. Recording of minutes will be assigned to one Committee member; if no one is willing to record minutes, the duty will rotate among Committee members. Minutes will serve as a permanent record of all meetings of the Committee. There will be a limit of seven members on Committee at any given time. Committee members will commit to a volunteer position (staggered) 2- year term beginning in May. If there are vacancies on the Committee, interested parties may apply to join the Committee at any time. Sub-Committees -May be formed as needs arise. Each sub-committee will report its activities and/or written recommendations to the full Committee. Membership Attendance – Meetings will be open to any current Active Adult member as an observer at any meeting. If a member has a topic they would like addressed, they will provide that information prior to the meeting or, if not possible, presentation to the Committee for discussion at that time or at a future meeting. Page 1 of 4 Voting - All motions presented for a vote of the Committee shall be decided by a majority vote if there is a quorum. Committee members absent from a meeting may sign a proxy form in order to cast their vote on financial decisions or other major decisions impacting the Active Adult membership, provided that committee member is aware the details of what they are voting on. Attendance – Attendance is expected at monthly meetings. However, if there are extenuating circumstances, let Recreation Program Coordinator know of your absence prior to the meeting. Unexcused absences in excess of three meetings in a Committee year will result in a decision of whether the Committee member should continue. Fundraising – A percentage or dollar amount from mutually agreed upon fundraisers/events will be earmarked for use by Lakeville Area Active Adults programs (to be negotiated by City Staff and Committee members prior to start of planning of fundraiser/event). All fundraisers must be overseen by Recreation Program Coordinator or other City staff and have an adequate participation by Active Adult volunteers. Payment of Expenditures – All expenditures by the Lakeville Area Active Adults will be voted on and approved expenditures requested via Request for Reimbursement, signed by Claimant, Recreation Program Coordinator and Recreation Supervisor. Recreation Program Coordinator will provide Committee members with printed balance sheet with revenues and disbursements as necessary, on a monthly or quarterly basis. (Exhibits A & B) Page 2 of 4 EXHIBIT A REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT (SAMPLE) Page 3 of 4 EXHIBIT B BALANCE SHEET (SAMPLE) Page 4 of 4