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April 23, 2015
Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
2. Swearing in of New Planning Commission alternate Jason Kelvie
Jason Kelvie was sworn in by Recording Secretary (and notary) Penny Brevig as a
Planning Commission alternate at tonight’s meeting. Chair Swenson congratulated
and welcomed Commissioner Kelvie
Members Present: Chair Jason Swenson, Vice Chair Linda Maguire, Brooks Lillehei,
Paul Reuvers, Karl Drotning, Jason Kelvie, ex-officio member Nic Stevens
Members Absent: Scott Einck, Pat Kaluza
Others Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner;
Rick Howden, Economic Development Specialist; and Penny Brevig, Recording
4. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
The April 9, 2015 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
5. Announcements
There were no handouts at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Morey made the following
• Commissioner Kaluza called and is delayed due to traffic
• Welcomed Commissioner Kelvie to the Planning Commission
• The Planning Commission’s second alternate, Tom Thorstenson, is in the
audience tonight
• The May 7, 2015 Planning Commission meeting will be cancelled if none of
tonight’s agenda items are tabled
6. Angry Inch Brewing Company
Chair Swenson opened the public hearing to consider the application of Metro Equity
Management LLC for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a small brewery with a
taproom for Angry Inch Brewing Company in the C-CBD, Commercial Central
Business District, located at 20851 Holyoke Avenue.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, April 23, 2015 Page 2
Quenton Scherer with Metro Equity Management and Jon Erickson, co-founder of
Angry Inch Brewing Company presented a brief overview of their request. Mr.
Erickson stated that Angry Inch Brewing Company is a family based company. He
feels that their business will bring more people to downtown Lakeville and they hope
to become a staple in this community.
Economic Development Specialist Rick Howden presented the planning report. Mr.
Howden stated that Metro Equity Management LLC had submitted an application for
a conditional use permit (CUP) for a brewery and taproom in the former Ace
Hardware building located at 20851 Holyoke Avenue for their tenant, Angry Inch
Brewing Company.
Mr. Howden indicated that Metro Equity plans to divide the building and lease to two
separate tenants. Angry Inch Brewing Company will occupy the north half of the
building and operate a brewery and taproom with an outdoor patio and the tenant in
the south portion of the building will be Motley Crews Heavy Metal Grill that will
operate a restaurant. A brewery and taproom is allowed by conditional use in the C-
CBD district.
Mr. Howden described the current property conditions, and explained that there will
be three phases to the proposed improvements to the current building. First there
will be the tenant build out for the Heavy Metal Grill, next will be the tenant build out
for Angry Inch Brewing Company, and then the exterior building improvements,
parking lot improvements and the construction of a patio for each tenant. Mr.
Howden indicated that each tenant will have their own controllable exterior access,
along with windows that will be added to the north and south sides of the building.
Mr. Howden showed a photo of the area where the Angry Inch Brewing Company’s
patio will be located and indicated that the majority of the Angry Inch Brewing
Company patio is within excess Upper 208th Street right of way, which will require
that the property owner enter into an encroachment agreement with the City.
Mr. Howden identified on a map the parking spaces in the area of the subject
property. Parking is discussed in detail in the April 17, 2015 planning report. Mr.
Howden indicated that staff is recommending the following additional stipulation:
6. Prior to City Council consideration of the conditional use permit, the applicant
shall provide an executed shared parking agreement between the adjacent
property to the north and the applicant to allow the use of 25 parking stalls.
Mr. Howden stated that staff recommends approval of the Angry Inch Brewing
Company Conditional Use Permit subject to the five stipulations listed in the April 17,
2015 planning report, with the addition of stipulation 6.
Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, April 23, 2015 Page 3
Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Drotning to close the public
hearing at 6:15 p.m.
Ayes: Lillehei, Kelvie, Maguire, Swenson, Reuvers, Drotning
Nays: 0
Chair Swenson asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion
points included:
• Mr. Erickson was asked to explain the origin of the Angry Inch Brewery
• Options for handicapped parking was discussed and if on street parking is
allowed for handicapped parking. Commissioner Drotning thought it was
unusual that the handicapped parking stalls are not in front of the building.
Mr. Morey indicated that he will check with the Building Official whether on
street parking in front of the building would meet ADA requirements prior to
City Council consideration of the CUP.
• Commissioner Lillehei asked what the Encroachment Agreement will
accomplish. Mr. Howden explained that the Encroachment Agreement would
allow the Angry Inch Brewing Company to use City property for their patio, but
the City would still have ownership of and access to the area covered by the
Encroachment Agreement.
• The Planning Commission agreed with the additional stipulation suggested by
Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Maguire to recommend to City
Council approval of the Angry Inch Brewing Company Conditional Use Permit to
allow a small brewery with a taproom in the C-CBD, Commercial Central Business
District, located at 20851 Holyoke Avenue, subject to the following stipulations:
1. A conditional use permit amendment shall be required for any future building
expansion, new structures, or operational changes that include the brewery
and taproom.
2. All signage shall meet Zoning Ordinance requirements. An approved sign
permit is required prior to the installation of any new signage.
3. The applicant shall be required to provide a security to be based on the cost
estimated for installation of a new water service to the tenant space to be
occupied by Angry Inch Brewing Company. The security amount will be
determined prior to City Council approval, and submitted prior to the issuance
of the building permit.
4. A building permit shall be required prior to commencing construction.
5. Prior to City Council consideration of the conditional use permit, the property
owner shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the City to allow the
construction of the outdoor patio in the Upper 208th Street right of way and for
the existing overhang located on the east side of the building.
6. Prior to City Council consideration of the conditional use permit, the applicant
shall provide an executed shared parking agreement between the adjacent
property to the north and the applicant to allow the use of 25 parking stalls.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, April 23, 2015 Page 4
Ayes: Kelvie, Maguire, Swenson, Reuvers, Drotning, Lillehei
Nays: 0
7. David Boecker
Chair Swenson opened the public hearing to consider the application of David
Boecker for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a detached
accessory building exceeding the maximum allowable floor area in the RA,
Rural/Agricultural District, located at 20110 Judicial Road.
Mr. Boecker presented a brief overview of his request. Mr. Boecker indicated that
his property is smaller than the other properties in this area, but it is grandfathered.
They plan to use the accessory building for the overflow of their hobby farm related
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that David Boecker has submitted an application for a conditional use permit
(CUP) to allow the construction of a detached accessory building measuring 40 feet
x 80 feet (3,200 square feet) on his property that will exceed the maximum allowable
accessory building square footage in the RA, Rural/Agricultural District.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the property is non-conforming in that it is less than ten
acres in area and less than 300 feet in width as required by the RA District. He
indicated that construction of this accessory building would be consistent with the
character of the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Dempsey explained that this area is
likely to remain rural for a long time as the Comprehensive Plan does not program
City sanitary sewer for this area within the next 15 years.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that, including the existing attached garage that is 732
square feet in area, the total proposed accessory building area would equal 3,932
square feet, or 7.3% of the lot area.
Mr. Dempsey reviewed the CUP criteria of the Zoning Ordinance and stated that
staff recommends approval of the Boecker Conditional Use Permit subject to the
nine stipulations listed in the April 15, 2015 planning report.
Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Maguire, seconded by Reuvers to close the public
hearing at 6:33 p.m.
Ayes: Maguire, Swenson, Reuvers, Drotning, Lillehei, Kelvie
Nays: 0
Chair Swenson asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion
points included:
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, April 23, 2015 Page 5
• The Planning Commission agreed that this area will likely remain rural for a
long time and agreed that the accessory building would be consistent with the
character of this area of the city.
Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Lillehei to recommend to City
Council approval of the David Boecker Conditional Use Permit to allow the
construction of a detached accessory building exceeding the maximum allowable
floor area in the RA, Rural/Agricultural District, located at 20110 Judicial Road,
subject to the following stipulations:
1. The accessory building shall be constructed in the location shown on the
Certificate of Survey and in accordance with the approved conditional use
2. The detached accessory building shall be kept, used and maintained in a
manner that is compatible with the existing single family home on the property
and shall not present a hazard to the public health, safety and general
3. A building permit must be approved by the City prior to construction of the
new detached accessory building.
4. Electric service to the detached accessory building shall be placed
5. The driveway to the detached accessory building shall be paved with
concrete, bituminous or paving brick.
6. No sanitary sewer service or indoor water service shall be provided to the
detached accessory building.
7. No commercial activity shall occur in any accessory building on the property,
including but not limited to storage of commercial vehicles or equipment,
private rental storage, or use as a dwelling.
8. All areas of disturbed ground shall be seeded or established with suitable
ground cover upon completion of construction.
9. The detached accessory building materials and colors shall be compatible
with the existing single family home on the property.
Ayes: Swenson, Reuvers, Drotning, Lillehei, Kelvie, Maguire
Nays: 0
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary