HomeMy WebLinkAbout15-068CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 15-68 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FINAL ALTERNATIVE URBAN AREAWIDE REVIEW (AUAR) FOR THE INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville is a municipal corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota; and, WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville has adopted a comprehensive plan outlining where and how land can develop throughout the City; and WHEREAS, the Interstate South Logistics Park development area is located on approximately 175.8 acres of land, and is generally bordered by County Road 70 (215th Street) to the north and County Road 9 (Dodd Blvd) to the east; and WHEREAS, the Interstate South Logistics Park property is guided for warehouse/light industrial development by the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, development of the site will ultimately trigger the need for either an EIS or an AUAR to assess potential environmental impacts; and WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville, as the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU), deemed that an AUAR process was appropriate and should be completed to study possible development scenarios; and WHEREAS, a Scoping EAW for the Interstate South Logistics Park was approved on February 5, 2015; which outlined the scope of study for an AUAR and identified two development scenarios for study as follows: Scenario 1: Development of up to nine (9) buildings throughout the site resulting in approximately 2.2 million square feet of light industrial warehousing and distribution space Scenario 2: Development of two (2) large buildings resulting in approximately 3.0 million square feet of light industrial warehousing and distribution space; and WHEREAS, a draft AUAR for the Interstate South Logistics Park project; prepared pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410 and dated March 3, 2015; was completed per the adopted scoping EAW and was distributed for the required 30- day comment period which ran from March 30, 2015, through April 29, 2015; and WHEREAS, comments received during the AUAR comment period are included in the public record for the AUAR, along with explanations on how all comments were addressed, within Appendix G of the document; and WHEREAS, a revised version of the AUAR dated May 7, 2015, which included green text to identify all updates and changes was distributed for the final ten (10) business day comment period which ran from May 11, 2015 through May 22,2015; and WHEREAS, no objections were received to the AUAR during the final 10 -day comment period; and WHEREAS, a final version of the AUAR dated May 26, 2015, which removes all green language and comments from the final distributed version, has been prepared for final City Council consideration; and WHEREAS, this final AUAR has been determined by all parties to include an adequate assessment of potential environmental impacts, and includes a specific list of mitigation measures which need to be implemented as part of any future development; and WHEREAS, development of the Interstate South Logistics Park is expected to comply with all the City and review agency standards as well as the mitigation measures outlined in the AUAR. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Lakeville, hereby adopts the Final Interstate South Logistics Park Alternative Urban Areawide Review dated May 26, 2015. ADOPTED this 1 I day of June, 2015, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville CITY OF LAKEVILLE Matt ittle, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City CI rk Y/