HomeMy WebLinkAbout15-078CITY OF LAKEVILLE
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Lakeville,
Minnesota (the "City"), as follows:
Section 1. Recitals.
1.01. It has been proposed that the City modify the Redevelopment Plan (the "Plan
Modification") for Airlake Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Redevelopment Project"),
establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 20 within the Redevelopment Project (the "TIF
District") and adopt the related Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor (the "TIF Plan") all
pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections
469.124 through 469.133 and Sections 469.174 through 469.1794, as amended (the "TIF Act"),
all as reflected in that certain document entitled "Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax
Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. 20 within Airlake Redevelopment
Project No. 1 (Mendell Inc. Expansion Project)", and presented for the Council's consideration.
1.02. The City has performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the
modification and approval of the Plan Modification and the TIF Plan, delivery of the Plan
Modification and the TIF Plan to the Board of Dakota County (the "County") and the Board of
Independent School District No. 194 (the "School District"), and the holding of a public hearing
by the City thereon following notice thereof published in the City's official newspaper at least 10
but not more than 30 days prior to the public hearing.
1.03. The Council has investigated the facts relating to the Plan Modification and the
TIF Plan; at the public hearing the City Council heard testimony from all interested parties on the
TIF Plan; the City Council has considered the documentation submitted in support of the TIF
District and TIF Plan, including data, information and/or substantiation constituting or relating to
why the TIF District meets the requirements to be an economic development tax increment
financing district and why the assistance satisfies the "but for" test; and the City Council has
taken into account the information and knowledge gained in hearings upon and during
consideration of other matters relating to the proposed Development.
Section 2. Findings for the Adoption and Approval of the Plan Modification and TIF
2.01. The City Council hereby finds that the TIF District is in the public interest and is
an "economic development district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174,
Subd. 12, because it will result in increased employment in the state and it will result in
preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the state. In addition, the TIF District will
facilitate the increase in production in the City by the construction of an approximately 18,700
square foot industrial manufacturing and warehouse facility for the Company (the
"Development"), and at least 85% of the facility will be used for manufacturing, warehousing,
distribution, or research, with less than 15% available for office or other space not related to such
functions. Based on representations by the Developer, the City finds that the Development is
expected to commence construction in late 2015 and be fully constructed by December 31, 2015.
The City finds that jobs will be created and maintained in this state, including construction jobs.
2.02. The City Council hereby makes the following additional findings in connection
with the Tax Increment District:
(a) The City Council further finds that the proposed Development, in the
opinion of the City Council, would not occur solely through private investment within the
reasonably foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of tax increment financing is deemed
necessary. The specific basis for such finding being:
The property on which the Development is proposed to occur would not
be developed with the 18,700 square foot expansion to the existing facility
in the reasonably foreseeable future due to the high costs related to
construction of the facility, development of the site, including
extraordinary site improvement costs. The Developer has represented that
it could not proceed with the development without tax increment
(b) The City Council further finds that the TIF Plan conforms to the general
plan for the development or redevelopment of the City as a whole. The specific basis for
such finding being:
The TIF Plan will generally complement and serve to implement policies
adopted in the City's comprehensive plan. Following subdivision and
replatting, the Development contemplated will be in accordance with the
existing zoning for the property and the City's Planning Commission has
determined that the Development is consistent with the comprehensive
(c) The City Council further finds that the TIF Plan will afford maximum
opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole for the development of
the TIF District by private enterprise. The specific basis for such finding being:
The proposed assistance will help finance public costs related to the
Development. The Development will increase the taxable market
valuation of the City and increase industrial facilities in the City.
(d) For purposes of compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175,
Subdivision 3(d), the City Council hereby finds that the increased market value of the
property to be developed within the TIF District that could reasonably be expected to
occur without the use of tax increment financing is $0, which is less than $1,726,301
which is the increased market value estimated to result from the proposed development
(i.e., $1,853,486) less the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum
duration of the TIF District (i.e., approximately ($127,185). Thus, the use of tax
increment financing will be a positive net gain to the City, the School District, and the
County, and the tax increment assistance does not exceed the benefit which will be
derived therefrom.
The provisions of this Section 2.02 are hereby incorporated by reference into and made a
part of the TIF Plan.
2.03. The Council further finds that the Plan Modification and the TIF Plan are
intended and in the judgment of the Council their effect will be to promote the public purposes
and accomplish the objectives specified in the TIF Plan for the TIF District and the Plan
Modification for the Redevelopment Project.
Adopted this 15th day of June, 2015.
City Clerk