HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-01-671967 The re ^ lvr meetin- of -the Lakeville Township Planning r -Or -rd Vram. hold 'December 29th `,t N30 p.m. "recent were Bob Ste�7maiorj rill 'Barrett, 1.1 Pz; tenrucle trid John ralow, "Iso present from the Lakeville PlanninC P)oar4j `�r* :111.1ges fsnd frt Hein7., r heering wt hold for Mro L&wrence Rytn, Mr. Ryan 7ked to h*ve r- use rermit, issued on vr-_roxi-m,--,tely 5-Pcrep locatedt rapt 650 feet of the South 325 feet of the North 975 feet of Northwest ;wnrter of Northef-st qur-rter (IM, 11 of NE nection, Twenty-nine (29), 'Po red Fourteen vmahip Ono Thin-,,.�, (114), Rrn7e Twenty (20), Twkota Courtyp !,,Tinr.. pur-.x)ee of use to hl've a on-norete block atorrge yard. Considers-ble cu,. %sion wtv heli', on .he le-ril ie-."eriptLon tnd Intended of said property* Ohere vn,s no one present to speak P;gsinsto Motion *,r,,nfte by to recommend to the .,-,,om T'oard th,t Lrwrence Ryan be ",,--nteA- n. epecial we permit nth a time limit of 5-.=,earm te) uve vaid property except thct lrnd of raid def-,oription lying rest of f7ounty Road, 15 for the stor"ge of 0-Inerp:,.e blocks. `girl tire would pry r fcll under the catt:g - 4 fiction 11 of the new zonin7, ordipnoe when p,,,-Psed, qnconded by Btr"tt Ind a-oproved. I iisousei-nn r., r- held ,n the r<Yi5!ed flerticn .11,(C - 1,,beled PF, -.,m -An_- .1p4rPtioniq of the now Zonin-) Ord. It -7rv- 11-3.0cided that paragrsph (1) should btr deleted* ,,he next meetin,!, will be held on %';rr.uT-,,ry 26 tt 8sYl L M—otion made by -roslow ! n,, reconcled by 7,rrrett to tdjourn, Jr-&- ­rrlowq %cretrry