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#le Laksv : Towt :ting -
'ilie regular monthly :--eeting of the Lakeville 71anning commiesion was hold Februnry
84th, 190 at 8 P.K:. in the Town Tiaall of :r ':asville Villags. The Meeting was c:ylled
to order by the chnirmaan and the following remb-re were-lreaaents W* Aarrett, J. Gralow,
Kolstaad, G. Lydon, Patenaude and "3. ' imones.
The first order of buoinoss was as request from ryl Yank.- for rezoning Lots 2'), 231 '�4
and 25, Plock l". ntle-re Park, Laak"- ills Township, from res3identiasl-aEriculturn1 to
eomrerciFl-indua;triaal for the purpose of ereetinf, a 11*1-unit apartment building.
'. petition by the surrounding ;property owners was ,)resented to the too;,rd objecting
to Yr. Y:ankats request. vigurous di;3cuesion by several of the signers objecting
to the reaonir4,, and erection of an aapRrts^ent building; was F�_d.
rr, notion mac made by Aar. Lydon and aseeonded by Vr. 'i.Jennuds to close t')e debate from
the floor. '13ia notion was carried unnnimo�!aly.
Than a rot ion was made by I:r. Parrett nd seconded by Fr. p �°tena3ude to table Yr.
Y'a nka f s re ;cent until the board * ade a further :=t Cady. Carried unaanimously.
tae next issue to eo=ce afore the board was Nr. 'v;utonss Vo' Ile home Trailer ark.
rafter awe discussion it was roved by "r. Parrett and seconded by P'r. R?tenaude to
Taoastpone the recommendation until the next meting of the board. (married tsn€animoucly.
motion etas evade and carried to adjourn.
joint resting was called to order with the Lrkevil.le Village Planning sloard for
the pur :ose of discussing mutual problerm regarding, planninf, and rezoning for the
beet interest of the cormunity.
most urgent issue centered around a request for a. laundromaat to be built eget of
''::in +:treet,and to the parking problems of the central arca of the village.
after these and other issues had t: een discussed it was moved to adjourn and curried.
The meeting_ of the Lnkeville Township planning ,Ioard was called ? aack to order and the
following motion waao Tnaede by Mr. lyden and seconded by Mr. Gralow to recomand to the
Tarin Board that a copy of the ordim nce covering a"obile Tiomes Trailer Psirks le mailed
to tfr. Eaton and that he comply with the ordin ince and its reetuire ants. Fors Lydenf
against: Putemiuds, imones, Y.olstaid, .r.rrett and Gralow.
A motion was then seeds by Gralow and seconded by �% arrett th.- t the plr.nninf; "o, -.rd take
no further action on aatonlo Trailer Park, leg:els The ' eat One-half of the Northeast
uaerter and `'outhaaiast uaarter of N* of '' s`;) of ''ectlon Four (4)9 —inohip One
Hundred Fourteen (114), Paangs Twenty (20), Dakota County, rinnesiota, uritis such tiros
&o he comrilies with Ordinance �!j, ,^ec. 2p, et al., and send hir. a letter notifying
him to that affect. Fors Parrett, Yoletad, Qtalow and Simoneel asgainat s Lyden and
A motion was r-ade to adjourn and carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Q. ^. Lyden, Secretary