HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-27-65LAKEVILLE TOWNSHIP PLANNING BOARD °'EETING The regular monthly meeting of the La;-eville Township Planning; Board was held January 27th, 1965 at 8t00 P.M, in the Town hall. All members were x?re", rit. 1`r. Remington appeared before the Roard requesting a variance of the Town zonin, and building ordinances to allow h`_m to operate K private dog kennel on the following property: Lot Four (4) except the East Thirty-two (32) Feet thereof, suburban "cre3 ;addition, Dakota County, Vinnesota. :after some discussion from the floor it was moved by 1.r. Burrett and seconded by i`r. Fntenaude to close the debate from the floor. The motion waa curried unanimously. motion made by Nr. Barrett and seconded by Nr. ilatenaude to recr-r.-:mend to the Town Board that the request 'e denied. Fort Stegnaier, iTones, Lyden, Xolotad, Barret, Fnten<,ude; Abstrainingt GraloS-r. 1'r. Arthur Eaton appeared before tare Board in regard to rezoning his property frog: agricultural to commnrcia.l-industrial for the purpose of developing said property for a mobile park r:nd other rental and commercial e�iterprizes. Leg}ilt The est One-half of the Northeast ".-uarter and :.outheast quarter (41 of NEI of ,_ E'_ ) of `'.eet ion Four (h), Township One Hundred Fourteen (114), Range Twenty (20), Dakota County, Minnesota. Durinj the lengthy discussion from the floor :r. Pic Guire, sur)erintandent of the achool 6i,trict rias as;:ed to express his views as to tRxes received from mobile homes and the effects '.railer parks htive on the comm unity. It was moved by Er. -aimones and seconded by Mr. Stegmaier to delay arty decision on 1"r. Eaton's Vobile Park until further study of the fucts h.:-ve been r,c de. Votion carried unanimously. :.r. V,ayne Kelly appeared before the Board in regard to rezoning to commercial - industrial for use ac �: bulk storage and warehouse the following described property: The 'gest 300 feet of the North 'QUO feet Gf the East One -]calf of the North-east .quarter (-' of NE -41) lection Thirty-three(33), Township Ole hundred Fourteen (114) Range Twenty (20)1, ':est lying aoutr; of the centerline of state Highway 50, Dakota County, Minnesota. A r:otion was wRde i,y hir. Barrett and seconded 10y V;r. Graloa: to reco!r1rend to t"•le Town Toerd that the above land :e rezoned from agriculture to co �ercial-indeu- trial. :lotion carried umnimousl;y. 1�'r. i'weber of the Zweber Realty appeared before the Board in reg!.:rd to the industriel perk contemplated by Mr. Hitchcock, industrialist of inneapolis. This proposed r°uiti-million dollar industrial park :could eover several sectiune south of the Village of La=-eville and also some sections of Eureka Pownuhip. This would include a private airport to accommodate this huge enterpr:ize. recause of no provious notification and lack o ' complete acquisition of the land the Board could not take any action at this ti e. Since there was no further bi:siness it t.ras moved a ui seconded to fid journ. Respectfully submitted, G. Z. Lydon, , ecretory