A special meeting of the Lakevi',le Township Planning Board was held at the
Township hall, October 11th, 190 at 8sOO P.A. The following members were pre--entt
Mr. W. Barrett Mr. A. Pateniude
Mr. S. Kolstad Mr. R. Simones
Mr. G. Lydon
The minutes of the previous meeting were recd and corrected.
After considerable discussion it ws,* moved by Xr. Sisson*& and seconded 1p►
Mr. Barrett to table the granting of commercial zoning legstl descriptions
to Mr. Philip Stewart until such time as we adept `. zoning ordinance now being pre•
pared by Midwest Planning and Research Inc„ In this manner we would be more qualified
to control future zoning. The motion was carried unanimously.
It was moved by t:re iteru+ ude and seconded by Yr. Barrett to table the proposed
ordinance covering junked cars and auto graveyards Cantil such time as we adopt
zoning ordinance now being prepared by Midwest Plannin,E Rece•.rch Inc. This will
enable the board to ueo proper judgment and control of such ordinance.
It was moved by Mr. Barrett and seconded by her. Simones to re:ci,nd stipulation
made at the previous molting as to junked cars and auto gr4vgysrds. Notion was
carried unanimously.
It was moved by Simenes and seconded by Lydon to approve the above mimtes. The
motion was carried unanivousily.
The motion was ma.dc to adjourn And aocanded.
Respectfully submitted,
-� G, E, C.YflEN
Go E. Lydon, Secretary