HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-24-64MINUTES OF THE LAKEYILLE PLANNINST COMM13ION The regular meeting of the Likeville Planning Coram.ssion was Held on September 24th at 8:J0 p. a. in the Township Hall. Move as made by Stegmaier and _ econded oy Tabaka to reco°nrr:end to the Town Board to approve Plat of Zweoer Brookside Estates First Addition which involves property inthe NLti of Sec. 32 T114 t 20 Dakota County,Jdnne3ota. Agreement is to take 25 .feet ;past and then 25 feet North from the South We -3t corner of Lot 14 3t these two points then proceed to round off South West corner of Lot 14 to assure freedoi of vision for traffic at this point. :,.'-_tion Carried. 4ovewas made by Gralow i.nd seconded by 3tegmaier to reco7,::end to the Town Board to approve Plat of Bassetts' Additi;n, located 4V in part of t0v't. Lot 1 in Sec. 13 T.114 R. 21; ;nd Gov't. Lot 3 in Sec. 24 T.114 1.21, provided change was made from an Easment, iioad to a Dedic,ited _load arid also that crovi lions be mads at the 3outn End of the road for turn around. Lots 3 and 4 are not of the required fro;itage. Motion carried. "Yralow Steg,nsier N Nove ws.3 ruade by J 3a.�� r 'ind seconded by 2zxadca to reco:rw lend to the Town Board that they d©ny a permit to 911r. Frank Veno to zone Co.-wiierci•il-Industrial !Dt 32 of Argo -me Farms Additon for u:3e as a Doi; Kennel. Aotion carp jed. Move .as rrade by ate gmaiar and seconded by Tabaka to recc:miend to the Town r3oard to zone Indus trial-Cormn=rcial for Flavian d-;'hite J/ to be used as a 'Funeral hoiue the following describpd property: Commencing at ti:e intersc .�tion of the Northeasterly Sight of Y ay line of `3t.�tte Highfrra.y No. 50 end t6a west line of the North West of .See. 29 T.114 A. 20, said int rsection bein_; 297.65 feet :youth of the North 4est corner thereof; thence 3outheasterl;y along said night of 141ay line a distance of 475 feet to the actual point of begi.-ming; t_.ence continuing along said :Sight of 49ay 25J feet; thence Northe--Isterly at right angles a distance of 300 feet; the�:ce [vorthwe,terly and parallel to .light o f ;ay line a distance of 250 feet; thence Southwesterly a distance of 3J) feet to tr,e point of oaginning. Motion carried. A preliminary sk:tch of F'1.-a.t was presented by `r. Fred ichweich for condiderationfind advice. i11at with corrections will oe presented at tree Octoaer meeting. Varience wap requested by Jama3 Wolter for Block. 2 Lot 13, Clays' Acres. Move ias made oy Barrett and seconded by Gralow to ..1axm/j&"d refer this to the Town Board, as no decision a,s m +de oy the ?lann i.ng Coi,,,aiss i.mn. iiespectfully suomitted,