HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-30-64MINUTES OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COTIPfISSION The regular meeting of the Lakeville Planning Commission for July was held on July 30 th at 8900 p.m. in the Township Hall. Move was made by Tabaka and seconr'_ed by Gerh:.rt to re- commend to the town board that permit be refused to Amos Johnson and Associates to zone commercial -industrial Dart of the NW 4 of 6ec. 5 and part of NE a of Sec. 6, all in T. 114 -R. 209 Dakota Co.,Minnesota.for use as a gravel pit. Move was made by Gerhart and seconded by Tabaka to re- commend to the town board that permit be refused Mr. Rohn Goosen for removal of material from the NW 4 of Sec. 5 and part of the NE 4 of Sec. 6, all in T. 114-R.209 Dakota Co., Minnesota. Move was made by Barrett and seconded by Tabaka to re- conLnend to the town board to zone from Agricultural to Residential-- South 200 feet of Nw 4 ed of Sec. 32, T. 114 R.20 east of Co. road 9. Meeting was adjourned. Rqapectfully ubm tted, 1 Roland Simones, Clerk