The regular meeting of the Lakeville Planning Commission
for July was held on July 30 th at 8900 p.m. in the Township
Move was made by Tabaka and seconr'_ed by Gerh:.rt to re-
commend to the town board that permit be refused to Amos
Johnson and Associates to zone commercial -industrial Dart
of the NW 4 of 6ec. 5 and part of NE a of Sec. 6, all in
T. 114 -R. 209 Dakota Co.,Minnesota.for use as a gravel pit.
Move was made by Gerhart and seconded by Tabaka to re-
commend to the town board that permit be refused Mr. Rohn
Goosen for removal of material from the NW 4 of Sec. 5 and
part of the NE 4 of Sec. 6, all in T. 114-R.209 Dakota Co.,
Move was made by Barrett and seconded by Tabaka to re-
conLnend to the town board to zone from Agricultural to
Residential-- South 200 feet of Nw 4 ed of Sec. 32, T. 114
R.20 east of Co. road 9.
Meeting was adjourned.
Rqapectfully ubm tted,
Roland Simones, Clerk