HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-02-64MINUTES OF 1AKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION The regular meeting of the Lakeville Planning Commission for June was held on June 95th at 8;oo p.m. in the township hall. Due to the frct that there was no business to transact, the meeting was promptly adiAourned. MINU'ES OF SPECIAL M STING- July 2, 1964 Request was made by Amos Johnson and As ociates to zone Commercial -Industrial part of the NW. a of Sec. 5 and part of NE 4 of Sed. 6 all in T. 114 R. 20, Dak. Cb. Minn. dor use as a gravel pit. A petition opposing the requested gravel Pit was presented with 39 signatures- petition drawn up by the Crystal Lake Improv- ment Assoc. There was also much op-osition from the floor. Move was then made by Barrett and seconded by Gerhardt to table the request until regular July meeting allowing for further study. Request was made by Allan Sommers for permit for mobile home to be located on the Reisinger farm (Mrs. xex Reisinger). There were several present who were opposed to it. Sommers failed to rresent the necessary number of signers. Move was made by Steg- maier and seconded by Tabaka to refuse the request for permit. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully yours, Roland Simones, Clerk