HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-25-64Minutes March 21th meeting
The regular meeting of the Lake.ille Planning Commiss� n -fis held
on March 25,1964, in tx.e La�.eville Township Hall. All members; were
Lotion ti !.s m�!de be 6rtalow ,;.rad seconded by Stel*maier to grant a permit
to Fred Schweich to build ca house on the John Maryien nronerty located
third lot in and north of Joel Haglund.
Motion made by StapmaiF•r and sec :ndrd by Barrett to zone co-:mercial
four hundred and ei^-hty feet by four hundred feet (480x400 feet) in section
thir*y-six (35) twelve hundred feet (1200 feet) crest of Northern Natural
Cas property and north of Milw.,ukoo tracks as requested. b,�• =emery Sowieja.
He was also grnnted. permit to erect steel building and Private dwelling.
Motion was made by Barrett and RFC"nded by Stegmaiar to -raint permit
to zone commercial Government lot seven(7) of section twent�r four (24)
for use as a gravel pit. Requested Iti uecar E. Rambert.
.lotion was made b -r Barrett and seconded by Josenh Tabaka to ;?rant
permit to Alexander Construction Company to build asphalt plant in the
northwest quarter of sect on three (3) range twenty (20) with provisions
to w sh exhnust and a screeninf* of every-reens. Request made by `elm. C. Grimme;
Motion was made by °T`.,.baka grid seconded by Barrett to Mone co-mercial
out lots two (2) and three)3) of Dannays' Colleve Park.
Aesreotfully subm .., CteO,
Roland Simones, Clerk