HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03.b City of Lakeville Administration Department Memorandum To: Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Allyn G. Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator Copy: Justin Miller, City Administrator Date: September 18, 2015 Subject: Packet Material for the September 21st City Council Work Session. Agenda Item: Review Revised Proposals for the Development of the183rd Street Property. At the August 24th work session the City Council reviewed the four development proposals submitted for the 19 acres of land the City owns north of 183rd Street. After reviewing the proposals the City Council narrowed the list down to DR Horton Homes, Pulte Homes and KRB Development. Council directed staff to contact each of the finalists to determine if they were willing to revise their proposals to include more diversified housing products balanced with the City’s desire to obtaining the best price for the land. All three developers submitted revised proposals which are attached for your review and summarized in the accompanying PowerPoint presentation. Staff will be available at the September 21st work session to review each of the proposals and to discuss the next steps. If you have any questions before the work session, please contact me at 952.985.4402 or at akuennen@lakevillemn.gov. D.R. Horton, Inc.-Minnesota 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, MN 55044 www.drhorton.com September 8, 2015 Mr. Allyn Kuennen via email only: akuennen@lakevillemn.gov Assistant City Administrator City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 RE: 183 rd Street Property Request for Proposals Dear Mr. Kuennen: As a follow-up to our recent phone conversation, D.R. Horton, Inc. – Minnesota (“Horton”) is pleased to submit this revised letter summarizing terms to be incorporated into Horton’s purchase of the 183 rd Street Property. Purchase Price/Development Concept: The Purchase Price for the Property is $1,400,000. Per our conversation, no change to our development concept was requested. Earnest Money: Horton will pay to the City $5,000 of non-refundable Earnest Money within ten (10) days of full execution of a purchase agreement. In addition, Horton agrees to pay all City legal expenses related to the preparation of the purchase agreement in excess of the $5,000 of non-refundable Earnest Money. Due Diligence: Upon execution of a purchase agreement, Horton agrees to immediately begin its inspection of the property (including environmental studies, soil borings, wetland delineations, tree survey, boundary survey, and topographic survey) and submit applications for development. We’d hope to simultaneously submit preliminary and final plat applications (if recommended by the City) in order to accelerate the Closing date. Closing: There shall be a single Closing on the Property. The Closing shall occur within fifteen (15) days after the later of final plat approval from the City and approval of all required wetland permits (we are hoping to avoid any wetland impacts, if possible). We look forward to again partnering with the City of Lakeville on another quality neighborhood. Please contact me with any questions at 952-985-7827 or ramullenbach@drhorton.com. Sincerely, Ron Mullenbach Land Manager 2M f)roz" O,c5��'�2rs V September 14, 2015 Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 RE: 183R1 STREET PROPERTY To whom it may concern: Please accept this Proposal from our Development Company — KRB Development Our contact information is: KRB Development 14750 Cedar Ave South Suite 100 Apple Valley, MN 55124 Contact —William Ryan 612.718.2800 Email — paula ryanrealestate.com We are submitting two alternative proposals for the 183rd Street property. Please see attached. Option 1 being our original proposal had 39 lots total North Parcel — Proposed RS -2 South Parcel — Proposed RS -3 Original proposed price $1,550,000 IJ� <I `df A I, r—1 I\ IT1 I L) P-- 11 1 `J 1 ) .^ n n �, r— Pan Deaariotian <C r—n �)n n I TI —)I�r n I�r� omm, c. Rnsb cxcRK.,ee„mmR n+rhe.�«mea pl, mere,•t De�•�a r.nmr. nranMo,., A n l\\ --)_ nn l —L_I TTI I.—)� I n —)A A r -(inn l f� n nn r1l\TVI fill \ V 11VU /�IVLJ L_1\wly vL_IVIvI`�I Ir1i\Ivl `L_vvlvu c_]_ f—\IJv Ana TL___T__ Om1M C. RTNO CRESR OAEENwA>'.ADDITION, ecc•aainRlolherterndadplmrhereet Dakaa Ceunl), Mim,eeam vOTvlc.l "A � ` �dMU,KMUCREEKUREEYN'.gl'.V3ll1'IIUN. acordi�lalhcrtecNed p]II llu[<oP. 7 6 D na Crvmry. Mi eama F. (`F.pT m p rcnbM rt, fo owa Gmmn ,he nurOmaM comes ofeud Eaal Belf oTNe NOMweel x sem.[ „ ..,Boo s ndngm Uuwxv.Oim,ce Nonh99 deveee 5. minutes JJ eecwde 0.e aeaumed Maa m. 2 I �Il al ,F i>E thenMhLne of Baia Eael Half of WeNMhwam Iu .aNmanca o[3�.63 fev thence 9omhM de Y C mica RFees ae mu,mee 4l aewntlr 5 1 \ `I'� �� bad ncerf19.10 het N•Ihey mofhegm nR of llul aln M1e dexeiileil, IM1rncr OO g degaes,d mmWnJ mlC at f 9 ft'Ilune 'f ILS"' axU sr.g 4 Ise s[ I es,o- -' ' — — �` d mf1a�OCft fh 1.19 NJ kExR'nl Olegree=S oa�i = 2 F Y \ au .ewUreM n onh a ;� ��•aa,uem ...aNeJL. 2 \ R1 g \' ti. o[1J5.39 , Ole point of UeRimunR 3 g � II s 'b'•�e, i ' / ZONING INFORh1ATON Ize sr. 1a� na 4 .�' — CURRENT ZONING X \ r —NORTH OF CREEK RS -2 ` _—SOUTH OF CREEK RS -3 EFj a. 11.21 \ J REQUEST RE—ZONING OF RS -2 TO RS -3 2 ' I .3 _ SITE DATA y�1 za1 Tow ss. t TOTAL SITE AREA 19.02 AC. n,. O I I sr.�� i�.,s. �i'<. N OF LOTS 39 LOTS 15 p 1 x \ 2l sr -_ - _ Hn1 p sr. SINGLE(R-3)R REQUIREMENT M ur k DATA rR,1 �0. MIN. LOT AREA 11,000 S.F. 1'L Raza sr MM. LOT NDTH AT SETBACK B5 FEET ,ea,e sr MIN. LOT AREA FOR CORNER LOT 12,500 S.F. 1 MIN. LOT (MOTH AT SETBACK FOR CORNER LOT 100 FEET ' MINIMUM SETBACKS fR5-31 $ 1 FRONT 30 FEET SIDE (HOUSE) 10 FEET as s.F. SIDE (STREET) 20 FEET OUTLOT A REAR 30 FEET 71911 f 2 a y 3, 4 49[t , 3 F. 7 „ s P�NO� 4 s r \0 5 / �p 6 d' vvic.v 9 l _ f J M22853-210�p.d.g NSCALE IN FEET °�av� PROJECT NO. Teel 22853-10 SHEET 1 CF T 2rllGffoU S,esrArosIV Proposal - Option 2 - See attached from James R. Hill Option 2 has 85' lots on north, 70' lots on south. Total of 22 lots on north, total of 21 lots on south. Option 2 proposal — 43 lots North Parcel — Proposed RS -2 South Parcel — Proposed RS -4 Proposed price $1,600,000 The proposed use of RS -4 zoning on the south parcel would seem appropriate, due to the natural stream corridor buffer between the north and south parcels. The roadway connection between the parcels has been eliminated, allowing the differently zoned uses to remain unconnected. A cul-de- sac is required on the south parcel. A nlr�r--)�,Crinl Ni L_I\�LJIV �_IV VIL-\ r\I \TVI A F"\F\ �L_v1JIVV L] \V V A nlnr-[);, rinl <ir-A frl II_7v I V I /-\I\I fill \V % \V V Proorrfv Dnrrletiov (Ta1m C, ROA€CA d"ng lntM recudedplry lM1ertRP Dakora Cmwy Minmm�la ¢ .,.,.TL.0I B i on 'I ^T /` TL ___F OnLLd P, KL\'0 CREEK OREENWAt' aDU1TI0N, ¢nmNng lolhe xerarded Tle therm( nahnacmam.. xirceeeu. 7 6 " 5SI 1 4 3 ! 'I 1 (I ' �/ y11 �� IL \ ``�- I `� OV dB. kB CREeK URE 4'.41' VU1Il0 .sco dvg lnl rnNrlp l rto Dakna('nmt)•.Ni,vlesoL3, F.>:c't;Hl'Wry pwl Mxnbed as fndox'r �e md�eNe lNnh<u mvw of eddE:el HslfolNe NnnhwM Amm BmceNodh A9 tMN,rll wer Ceenaxaedipenee of3^�63 feee;ethmee woW hh<degrtcz J6in aumnnrc<l eecends ' 8 10 \ °¢- 4 x I )' 2 ? 2 1 ,j9� Std 17 w__" � a d " \,1 8 ' ,� _1 \ -r TKEL_ � ` T \ a: - fx \� `�1 fiva adialm,eeofa9.40 GeI la U,a ladLL afbeginrdn44f llie l:o,dio 1. exmlx,L xM1mce ntmning AeLLh 7A degnea J6 rldrwn40 acoNe€sladinana ofJ1A.13 heG [hmce South 'J dgea 0l,nimue s7.e.,nxk 4'tttaiE..lanee of _I IJ ha;lhe,x:e NmB, l6,leenes SP 6Lmm�ll second 4'ntadixmce of 130.00 Pen; IherceSanlh'3 dgaea OlmiwwteJ9 and Wes[aN.Nmin of 3913 fee[NmeeNOM l6 dgrtea.SA mimree 11 acoMa Wesla dimrce o[6n.A0 feel; Wem'e �Mh Ug degrees 19 minulee A'! xennJ. W est a:tiaan:eef l"6.SL IM u. I lal'M1egwung. ZONING INFORMATION CURRENT ZONING NORTH OF CREEK RS -2 -SOUTH OF CREEK RS -3 EQUEST RE -NORTH OF CREEK ZONING RS -3 -SOUTH OF CREEK RS -4 \ C\ al 16 a, 1 a ae 5 1114 13 clTe DATA TOTAL DTE AREA 19,02 AC, (r OFLOTS 43 LOTS X OF RS -3 LOTS 22 LOTS M OF RS -4 LOTS 21 LOTS MIN. LOT AREA RFO 1 RFMFMT h O ! E-13 11 O00 S.F. MIN. LOT WD1H AT SETBACK 85 MET LIJ v u IL v v C ` \ OU TLQT ia. NTN. LOT AREA FOR CORNER LOT 12,500 S.F. MIN. LOT WDTH AT SETBACK FOR CORNER LOT 100 FEET I 8 2 MINIMUM SETBACKS (RS -3) 3D MET SIDEN FE HWSE) IDDET T <ry c\a 2 / p RSIDEEAR (STREET) JO FFEET EET i cINOL F u Y REa R SENT A DATA e-4) MIN. LOT AREA 8,400 S.F. MIN. LOT WIDTH AT SETBACK 70 FEET MIN, LOT AREA FOR CORNER LOT 10,200 S.F. MIN. LOT WDTH AT SETBACK FOR CORNER LOT 85 FEET i) FRONT (HOUSE) 20 FEET FRONT (GARAGE) 25 FEET SIDE (HOUSE) 7 FEET DRAWN BY SIDE (STREET) 20 FEET pLM REAR 30 FEET DATE 7/16/15 N REVISIONS CAD FILE SCALE IN RET 22853-1ORp.dwg PROJECT NO. ¢ - lees 22853-10 SHEET 1 OF 1 Proposal — Option 3 - See attached from James R. Hill Option 3 has 85' lots on north, 55' lots on south. Total of 22 lots on north, total of 27 lots on south. Option 3 proposal — 49 lots North Parcel — Proposed RS -2 South Parcel — Proposed PUD Proposed price $1,560,000 This option proposes single family detached townhomes unit on the south parcel. A single story building is conceptualized on this parcel. We would anticipate setbacks between buildings to be less than what the RM -1 zoning allows and therefore propose a PUD process to establish appropriate lot widths and setbacks. The anticipated higher density zoning on the south parcel can be appropriately isolated from the adjacent single family parcels by eliminating the street connection to the north parcel and with adequate buffer plantings along the corridor between the north and south parcels. A cul-de-sac is required on the south parcel. °'. _e5. 15 11 _ 14 13 317E DATA TOTAL SITE AREA 19.02 AC. L. L; M OF LOTS 49 LOTS OF RS -3 LOTS 22 LOTS N OF P.U.D. LOTS 27 LOTS. IN $NGY_F FAUN R O REN NT k DATA (FE—l) MIN. LOT AREA 1UDpo SF.ET I MIN. LOT WIDTH AT SETBACK BS FE MIN, LOT AREA FOR CORNER LOT I— L_IV TU \ I ^) I Yraoerfv DereriRlion '�— ANI r--1:��1N1 �_ %/ /A� NITI—)A r'A —)AA \ A A T L) r\r n r1 fl Ominx f.ROSE. CRSFf:, azcnrdinpmlhe recrndeE Alm lM1eronE pakela Crnruy, hfinnevmn !1 V IJ L_Imo\ I V a L_—\ LJ LJ I—VIAryl IL�1IAU (-1UL1 7 r wau DATA MIN. LOT AREA MIN. LOT WDTH AT SETBACK "D. S.F. 55 FEET C:eduD,KIN'O CPEEfi.GREENWwti e3DDITION, acewtlinElalLt rec dpin lhex<of Detde C°vnu, Mvmeepla. MIN. LOT AREA FOR CORNER LOT vv L_vT L^ I b—vv T 75 FEET MINIMNM SETRACNc fPUDI FRONT (HWSE) 20 FEET I i L.v.CT .. J 1 4 OWd E.1— CREEK GREEN W.A1" AODT OOH. 1-91e Ilse --d poll—f. SIDE (STREET) 20 FEET REAR 30 FEET 7 6 <l r Det°IA nanlv.Minae..,Ia, I;xcERr mN pen aeA:Imea A, roudN�. AhP e5a v y I r y I \ /�� I Y f°nunennngulhe naaban romee nfa®n Eml HalfNNe N°Mwe!t Quens, IAence NOM xp tlapeea 52a nulee 441.."W eawnedb 2 ` v gshag 11F, mh line of -d ESI HAU of ?'minuea <l ee onh [ n�Ihercefllelv:dle rrim°f d 5 vl ') s( 1 \ �— � � des Favu �4 a�of 9n[(pn la�ilMa lre F f aR 3lR Wrnc �nvagS°uh Sd degrtm 36 mnWu40 eec°nde Gnc achaance nflltll of [Sowh S ;q � r� -- ' 8., _ __ Tfl �il,�i_: '?deEres 0l nunue 5-secmaL 0.'M AJCvwrceof_1.11 fen; Hence N:nlh lfi Jegrem3g rvi Sea 11 seamda Wealetlinmce°P 130,00 &eC lhnre south T3 hEmnOl minucd9 secende weeredivtann of]91]Ree.Nen<eNMNl6 degree SE rmmfes llmcmWs Nene Y � a;el®,:e arfinda fwe.Ihrnee NaM de eege®ng Irdnlaee a'+rerAaaa wau _ A mn�Ia °r I.c..sr fes Ia u:r I:,ro,I m IKgw�,�g. 9 3 .�oAo ] ' 70NIN(: INFORUATION '\ - CURRENT ZONING —NOR1H OF CREEK RS -2 19 `si18 —SOUTH OF CREEK RS -3 REQUESTRE—ZONING OF CREEK RS -3 10 —SOUTH OF CREEK P.U.D. A16, 17, °'. _e5. 15 11 _ 14 13 317E DATA TOTAL SITE AREA 19.02 AC. L. L; M OF LOTS 49 LOTS OF RS -3 LOTS 22 LOTS N OF P.U.D. LOTS 27 LOTS. IN SCALE IN FEET $NGY_F FAUN R O REN NT k DATA (FE—l) MIN. LOT AREA 1UDpo SF.ET MIN. LOT WIDTH AT SETBACK BS FE MIN, LOT AREA FOR CORNER LOT 12,500 ST, MIN. LOT WDTH AT SETBACK FOR CORNER LOT 100 FEET \ MINIM IM crTBA K rR5— 1 FRONT 30 FEET SDE(HOUSE) 10 FEET SIDE (STREET) 2D FEET REAR 3D FEET SINGF FAMILY REOIIk N NT k (P ) DATA MIN. LOT AREA MIN. LOT WDTH AT SETBACK "D. S.F. 55 FEET MIN. LOT AREA FOR CORNER LOT D.C. S.F. / MIN. LOT WDTH AT SETBACK FOR CORNER LOT 75 FEET MINIMNM SETRACNc fPUDI FRONT (HWSE) 20 FEET FRONT (GARAGE) 2S FEET SIDE (HOUSE) 'FEET SIDE (STREET) 20 FEET REAR 30 FEET SCALE IN FEET Request for Proposal 183rd Street Property City of Lakeville, Minnesota Prepared for: The City of Lakeville Prepared by: Pulte Homes of Minnesota LLC Round 2 - September 14, 2015 Transmittal Letter September 14, 2015 Mr. Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 alcuennen@lakevillemn.gov Re: Request for Proposal, 183`d Street Property, Lakeville, Minnesota Dear Mr. Kuennen: 1 ^1 'Wilte' Pulte Homes is pleased to present our revised response to the City of Lakeville's Request for Proposal for the sale and development of 19.01 acres of residential property located on 183rd Street in Lakeville, Minnesota. We heard the comments from the City Council at their August 24, 2015 Workshop Session and have adjusted our revised proposal to address each concern as follows: The site plan has been revised to eliminate the long cul-de-sac on the south property and the resulting necessity for a variance. The new site plan has one less lot than the original submittal but conforms to code and does not require a variance. The City Council indicated they liked the Age Targeted, detached townhome product on the south property. Our revised site plan maintains this product type on the south property in addition to the single family product on the north property. Our offered Purchase Price has been increased in this revised response to the City's RFP. The new homeowners of our consumer inspired homes in Lakeville will benefit by the numerous amenities at this site, like the expansive greenway corridor, access to high quality schools, numerous recreation alternatives, proximity to emergency services and the nearby Life Time Fitness facility. As stated in the Pulte Homes Vision Statement: "We build consumer inspired homes and communities to make lives better". Pultc Homes has extensive experience in development and partnering with cities on City owned property. Most recently, Pulte Homes acquired a 26 acre parcel in 2014 from the City of New Brighton and is currently creating a new neighborhood comprised of 89 single family homes and 36 townhomes. It is because of these past experiences in partnering with municipalities that we are excited about this development opportunity to help create a vibrant and exciting new neighborhood for many people to call `home' in Lakeville. Our Team at Pulte Homes has put a significant amount of thought, analysis, and effort into how we will: • Efficiently develop the Property • Build housing products that are consumer inspired and of high quality • Measure the economic value of the Property for the City and how that value impacts all parties While we believe there is more work to do with the City's input on the site design, we are confident our proposed mix of traditional single family and also single -level, detached, age -targeted housing opportunities satisfies the 7500 Office Ridge Circle, Suite 325 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Pulte demand from multiple demographic groups in Lakeville and will make for a highly regarded and sought after neighborhood in Lakeville. The terms under which Pulte Homes proposes to purchase the 19.01 acres from the City of Lakeville are as follows: 1. Suver: Pulte Homes of Minnesota LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company and wholly owned subsidiary of PulteGroup, Inc., a Michigan Corporation (herein after "Pulte") 2. Purchase Price: $1,550,000.00 3. Deposits: Pulte will deposit a $25,000.00 Initial Deposit within 5 days of the Contract and which will be held by the Title Company and applied against the Purchase Price at the Closing or disbursed per the terms of the Contract. Pulte will also deposit a $25,000.00 Additional Deposit within 5 days of the City's approval of the Preliminary Plat for the development of the Property, which Additional Deposit together with the Initial Deposit, will be held by the Title Company and applied against the Purchase Price at the Closing or disbursed per the terms of the Contract. 4. Closin . The Closing of the Property will be the later of 30 days after the City's approval of the Preliminary Plat for the development of the Property or May 1, 2016. 5. Feasibility Period: The Feasibility Period shall begin on the date of the Contract and expire on the 120" day. During the Feasibility Period Pulte shall perform due diligence. 6. Conditions to Closing: The following conditions must be satisfied prior to Closing: a. No moratorium with respect to the issuance of building permits. b. Approval by the City of the Preliminary Plat for the development of the Property. c. Pulte's corporate headquarters shall have approved the purchase of the Property d. Pulte shall have received any offsite utility, drainage, construction or other easements required for the development of the Property. 7. Taxes and Special Assessments: General real estate taxes for the Property shall be prorated as to the date of Closing and all special assessments, if any, will be the responsibility of the City. S. Real Estate Commissions: Pulte and City are responsible for their respective commissions, if any. 9. Real Estate Contract: Both the City and Pultc agree to use `best efforts' to negotiate a mutually agreeable Contract to be fully signed on or before October 23, 2015. As described in greater detail in the RFP Section entitled "Why Choose Pulte", the following Pulte Proposal attributes should also be considered when the City Council makes their final selection: • The revised Pulte Proposal is very competitive in the upfront revenue realized by the City. • The revised Pulte Proposal would save the City approximately $100,000 in Trunk Storm Sewer costs that are associated with at least 2 of the other RFP responses. • The revised Pulte Proposal will likely generate in excess of $55,000 in increased Impact Fees for the City over some other RFP responses. • The revised Pulte Proposal will provide the City a higher source of long term annual tax revenue than some other RFP responses due to the higher number of homes on the proposed Pulte site plan. • The revised Pulte Proposal does not have any impacts on wetlands, whereas two of the other original RFP proposals required filing adjacent wetlands. 7500 Office Ridge Circle, Suite 325 We Build Consumer Inspirer) Homes and Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Communities to Make Lives Better Pulte • Pulte Homes has a strong reputation in the Twin Cities for building quality homes and communities and providing high levels of consumer satisfaction. In addition, Pulte Homes has built more 55+ active adult homes in the United States than any other builder through our family of brands, which includes Del Webb. One more note: Due to the delay in the proposal process, it appears that the property will not be under contract before the typical deadline (October 15") for performing wetland delineations. Therefore, we strongly recommend that the City complete a wetland delineation. Our Team at Pulte would be happy to discuss the content of our Revised Proposal and we look forward to forging a solid relationship with the City of Lakeville based on collaboration, partnership, and trust. Sincerely, o'�'d'zl David B. Deebach, Manager Land Acquisition Pulte Homes of Minnesota LLC 7500 Office Ridge Circle, Suite 325 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Telephone: (952)22.9.0724 Email: david.deebach@pultegroup.com 7500 Office Ridge Circle, Suite 325 We Build Consumer Inspired Homes and Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Communities to Make Lives Better Why Choose Pulte? Why choose the Pulte Homes proposal? 1. Up Front Revenue — Our proposal is very competitive in terms of the upfront revenue realized by the City. 2. Trunk Storm Water Savings — The original KRB and Ryland proposals require construction of a street through the wetland that divides the property. This street crossing will require the construction of a trunk storm sewer to allow water to flow beneath the new street. From our conversations with City staff, we understand that a portion of the cost of this storm sewer (up to $100,000) is anticipated to be borne by the City. Our plan eliminates this trunk storm sewer and therefore saves the City the cost of this infrastructure. This cost is an important financial factor in comparing the proposals. 3. Impact Fee Revenue — Pulte's revised proposal will generate additional impact fee revenue in excess of $55,000: $18,000 more park dedication revenue, $8,000 of sewer availability and connection charges, and $29,000 of water main unit charges than most of the other proposals. We encourage that the City calculates these revenues and consider them in comparing the full proposal values. 4. Long -Term Tax Revenue — Due to the higher number of homes in our plan and our relatively high home valuations, our estimated tax analysis indicates that the Pulte proposal will result in approximately $8,000 to $10,000 of additional tax revenue every year to the City of Lakeville than other original proposals. This perpetual source of additional City tax revenue is an important financial factor in comparing the proposals. 5. Environmental impacts — Two of the other original proposals required filling of adjacent wetlands, whereas our proposal is planned to have no wetland impacts. 6. Pulte Reputation — Pulte Homes has a strong reputation in the Twin Cities metropolitan region for building high quality homes and communities and providing high levels of customer satisfaction. Although Pulte Homes is currently not building homes in Lakeville, we are highly experienced in the region and would very much like to provide the residents of Lakeville with innovative housing options that they currently do not have. In addition, Pulte Homes has built more 55+ active adult homes in the United States than any other builder through our family of brands, which includes Del Webb. Our proposal includes a floor plan line up that specifically targets that buyer segment with the detached townhome lots reflected on the south side of the property. These floor plans are consumer inspired and tested throughout the U.S. and we are excited about bringing them to the Lakeville market, which would be the products first entrance into the Twin Cities. VNe Build Consumer Inspired Hordes and COMMUnities to Make Lives Better Development Concept Supporting Information Site Data PID 1 = 224178000021 (9.91 Acres) — North PID 2 = 224178000040 (9.1 Acres) — South Total Gross Area = 19.01 Acres Net Buildable Acres = Undefined Wetland limits require updating Properties in Vermillion River watershed and within City's Farmington Outlet Total Single Family = 22 (85' WIDE LOTS PER RS -3) = 30 (55' WIDE LOTS PER RST -2) = 52 TOTAL LOTS (2.73 LOTS/GROSS ACRE) Existing Zoning North Parcel - RS -2 Min Lot Area = 18,000 SF Min Corner Lot Area = 15,000 SF Min Lot Width = 100' Min Corner Lot Width = 120' Min Front setback = 30' Min Side Setback = 15' Side Corner Yard = 30' Min Rear Setback = 30' Proposed Zoning North Parcel - RS -3 (Single family homes Design Standard Required Provided Min Lot Area = 11,000 SF 11,050 SF (Average = 15,680 SF) Min Corner Lot Area = 12,500 SF 13,740 SF Min Lot Width = 85' 85' Min Corner Lot Width = 100' 100' Min Front setback = 30' 30' Min Side Setback = 10' 10' Side Corner Yard = 20' 20' Min Rear Setback = 30' 30' We Build Consumer Inspired Homes and Communities to Make Lives Better INP^PI10.it Existing Zoning South Parcel - RS -3 Design Standard Required Min Lot Area = 11,000 SF Min Corner Lot Area = 12,500 SF Min Lot Width = 85' Min Corner Lot Width = 100' Min Front setback = 30' Min Side Setback = 10' Side Corner Yard = 20' Min Rear Setback = 30' Prouosed Zoning South Parcel - RST -2 (Detached townhomes Design Standard Required Provided Min Lot Area — NA 7,184 — 23,698 SF; (Average = 9,603 SF) Min Lot Width = NA 55' Min Comer Lot Width = NA 70' Min Unit Width = 25' 40' Min peripheral setback = 30' 30' Min Front setback — 30' 30' Min Side Setback = NA 5' and 10' Min Rear Setback = NA 30' Front fagade stone/brick = 25% 25% Association maintained site required and provided 150'-600' Envineerinu Design Standards Design Standard Required Proposed Typ Street ROW Width = 60' 60' Cul-de-sac ROW Width = 50' 50' Local Street Width = 32' BB 32' Cul-de-sac- Street Width = 28' BB 28' Cul-de-sac Length = 150'-600' 367', 2.05', 600' Cul-de-sac Min Radius = 48' 48' We Build Consumer Inspired Homes and Communities to Make Lives Better 11, 18 3 rd St r e e t P r o p e r t y - Re v i s e d D e v e l o p m e n t Pr o p o s a l s La k e v i l l e , M i n n e s o t a — Positioned to Thrive Se p t e m b e r 2 1 st Ci t y C o u n c i l W o r k S e s s i o n La k e v i l l e , M i n n e s o t a —Positioned to Thrive 18 3 rd St r e e t P r o p e r t y Th r e e d e v e l o p e r s / h o m e b u i l d e r s s u b m i t t e d r e v i s e d p r op o s a l s fo r f u r t h e r c o n s i d e r a t i o n : DR H o r t o n H o m e s KR B D e v e l o p m e n t Pu l t e H o m e s La k e v i l l e , M i n n e s o t a —Positioned to Thrive 18 3 rd St r e e t P r o p e r t y DR H o r t o n H o m e s Re v i s e d P r o p o s a l : $1 , 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 ($ 7 3 , 6 8 4 / a c r e ) $1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ($ 6 5 , 7 8 9 / a c r e ) 22 S i n g l e F a m i l y Ho m e s 23 D e t a c h e d To w n h o m e s La k e v i l l e , M i n n e s o t a —Positioned to Thrive 18 3 rd St r e e t P r o p e r t y KR B D e v e l o p m e n t Re v i s e d P r o p o s a l : (i n c l u d e s t h r e e o p t i o n s ) Or i g i n a l O p t i o n : 1, 5 5 0 , 0 0 0 ($ 8 1 , 5 7 8 / a c r e ) 39 S i n g l e F a m i l y Ho m e s Ro a d w a y C r o s s i n g o f th e W e t l a n d La k e v i l l e , M i n n e s o t a —Positioned to Thrive 18 3 rd St r e e t P r o p e r t y KR B D e v e l o p m e n t Pr o p o s a l : Op t i o n 2 $1 , 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 ($ 8 4 , 2 1 0 / a c r e ) 22 R S - 3 S i n g l e F a m i l y Ho m e s t o t h e N o r t h 21 R S - 4 S i n g l e F a m i l y Ho m e s t o t h e S o u t h La k e v i l l e , M i n n e s o t a —Positioned to Thrive 18 3 rd St r e e t P r o p e r t y KR B D e v e l o p m e n t Pr o p o s a l : Op t i o n 3 $1 , 5 6 0 , 0 0 0 ($ 8 2 , 1 0 5 / a c r e ) 22 R S - 3 S i n g l e F a m i l y Ho m e s t o t h e N o r t h 27 P U D / R M - 1 De t a c h e d To w n h o m e s t o t h e So u t h La k e v i l l e , M i n n e s o t a —Positioned to Thrive 18 3 rd St r e e t P r o p e r t y Pu l t e H o m e s R e v i s e d Pr o p o s a l : $1 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 ( $ 6 8 , 4 2 1 / a c r e ) $1 , 5 5 0 , 0 0 0 ( $ 8 1 , 5 7 8 / a c r e ) 22 S i n g l e F a m i l y H o m e s 31 D e t a c h e d T o w n h o m e s 30 D e t a c h e d T o w n h o m e s La k e v i l l e , M i n n e s o t a —Positioned to Thrive 18 3 r d St r e e t P r o p e r t y Su m m a r y o f R e v i s e d P r o p o s a l s : D R H o r t o n $1 , 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 ( $ 7 3 , 6 8 4 / a c r e ) 22 S i n g l e F a m i l y H o m e s w i t h R e z o n i n g t o R S - 3 Z o n i n g 23 D e t a c h e d T o w n h o m e s w i t h R e z o n i n g t o R M - 1 Z o n i n g K RB D e v e l o p m e n t Or i g i n a l O p t i o n : $ 1 , 5 5 0 , 0 0 0 ( $ 8 1 , 5 7 8 / a c r e ) 3 9 S i n g l e Fa m i l y H o m e s w i t h R S - 2 a n d R S - 3 Z o n i n g Op t i o n 2 : $ 1 , 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 ( $ 8 4 , 2 1 0 / a c r e ) 4 3 S i n g l e F a m i l y H o m e s w i t h R S - 3 a n d R e z o n i n g t o R S - 4 Zo n i n g Op t i o n 3 : $ 1 , 5 6 0 , 0 0 0 ( $ 8 2 , 1 0 5 / a c r e ) 2 2 S i n g l e F a m i l y Ho m e s a n d 2 7 D e t a c h e d T o w n h o m e s w i t h Re z o n i n g t o R S - 3 a n d P U D / R M - 1 Z o n i n g Pu l t e H o m e s $1 , 5 5 0 , 0 0 0 ( $ 8 1 , 5 7 8 / a c r e ) 22 S i n g l e F a m i l y H o m e s w i t h r e z o n i n g t o R S - 3 30 D e t a c h e d T o w n h o m e s w i t h r e z o n i n g t o R M - 1 La k e v i l l e , M i n n e s o t a —Positioned to Thrive 18 3 rd S tr e e t P r o p e r t y N ex t S t e p s f o r C o u n c i l : Co n s i d e r ch o o s i n g a fi n a l de v e l o p m e n t co n c e p t an d be g i n wo r k i n g wi t h th e de v e l o p e r to pr e p a r e a pu r c h a s e ag r e e m e n t a n d pl a t t i n g ma t e r i a l s fo r co n s i d e r a t i o n by th e Pl a n n i n g Co m m i s s i o n an d Ci t y Co u n c i l .