HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03.c                             Est. Cost Expenditures Replacement structure $374,717 Gametime Owners Kit $50 US Communities Discount -$89,932 Freight $21,954 Site prep/grading/installation supervision $18,000 Concrete curbing $10,844 Poured in Place $39,400 Pea rock/Drain Tile (1,000 lf @ $2.50)$2,500 Engineered Wood Fiber (surfacing)$13,125 Disposal of existing playstructure $2,500 Total $393,158 Revenue 2014 Unencumbered Balance $85,000 Rotary Donation $50,000 General Fund Tax Levy Corporate Donations & Grants $233,158 Special Events (Liquor round-up, auction items, waffle breakfast)$25,000 Total $393,158 LAND OF AMAZEMENT Estimated Replacement Costs 8/19/2015 LAND OF AMAZEMENT FUNDRAISING Goal: $393,158 Collected as of: 9/1/2015 $135,050 Remaining: $258,108 Projected fundraising totals 2015-2016: 2015 2016 EVENT DATE RESPONSIBLE NOTES 1 $85,000 2014 unencumbered balance 2 $50,000 Lakeville Rotary Club commitment Rotary Club also committed to assisting with installation 3 $10,000 Liquor Dept. round -up (February 2016) 2/1-2/28 needs Liquor Committee approval 4 $10,000 City Auction proceeds from Liquor Dept. premiums Oct -15 needs Liquor Committee approval 5 $5,000 Rotray Raffle Ticket Sales Ma -16 Approved by TOL Committee 6 TBD Grants - US Banoca-Loia Founclation, enera Mills: Lriampions tor Healthy Kids, The Kresge Foundation, Land & Water Conservation Fund, Finish Line Youth Foundation, Land O' Lakes Foundation, Lockheed Martin Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, The Scoular Foundation, Union Pacific Foundation, & Wal-Mart Foundation 10/1-3/31 7 TBD Corporate giving 10/1-3/31 8 TBD Individual giving 10/1-3/31 9 $50 Anonymous donation 15 -Sep 10 11 12 13 14 #15_145,050 $15,000