HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 09 September 17, 2015 Item No. ______ INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK PRELIMINARY PLAT SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING PROPOSED ACTION Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a resolution approving the preliminary plat of Interstate South Logistics Park. Approval of this motion will allow the developer to proceed with the submittal of final plat plans for the development of a 240,000 square foot manufacturing/warehouse building on property located south of 215th Street (CSAH 70) and west of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). OVERVIEW Representatives of Scannell Properties have submitted an application and plans for the first phase preliminary plat of Interstate South Logistics Park. The preliminary plat includes one lot and two outlots on 176 acres. The Planning Commission held a public hearing at their September 10, 2015 meeting and recommended unanimous approval of the preliminary plat. The revised landscape plan was submitted which addresses stipulation 4 of the planning report. PRIMARY ISSUES TO CONSIDER Is the preliminary plat consistent with the approved Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) approved by the City Council on June 1, 2015? Yes, the preliminary plat is consistent with the approved AUAR and meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. SUPPORTING INFORMATION ◊ Resolution approving the preliminary plat ◊ Revised landscape plan ◊ September 10, 2015 draft Planning Commission meeting minutes ◊ September 9, 2015 draft Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes ◊ September 4, 2015 planning report and engineering report Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Financial Impact: $ None Budgeted: Y/N ____ Source: _________________________________ Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, AUAR___________________________ Envision Lakeville Community Values: Economic Development Supporting a Diversified Local Economy_______ CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. ______ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICTS PARK WHEREAS, Scannell Properties, LLC has requested approval of the preliminary plat of one industrial lot and two outlots to be known as INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK, located south 210th Street (CSAH 70) and west of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) in the City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota, and legally described as follows: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 114, Range 20 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Dakota County, Minnesota lying westerly of the highway known as Dodd Boulevard; and also all that part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 114, Range 20 West, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the highway known as Dodd Boulevard. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing at their September 10, 2015 meeting, preceded by notice as required by the Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee unanimously recommended approval of the preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the preliminary plat is acceptable to the City; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council: INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK preliminary plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the September 4, 2015 engineering report. 2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee. 3. The site and buildings shall be developed in compliance with the plans approved by the City Council and Zoning Ordinance requirements. 2 4. A financial security shall be submitted to guarantee installation and completion of the approved landscaping for Lot 1, Block 1 and for the wetlands and stormwater and infiltration basins at the time of final plat approval. All landscaped areas within and adjacent to the parking lot shall be irrigated. Landscaping shall not be planted in street boulevards. 5. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the I-1 District. A sign permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 6. Snow storage shall take place in required parking spaces. 7. Site lighting shall not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-of-way. The lighting plan shall be amended to demonstrate this stipulation prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. 8. The building is required to be constructed of integral colored concrete materials consistent with Section 11-17 9.E of the Zoning Ordinance. 9. The chain link security fence shall be black vinyl coated. A fence permit shall be approved prior to installation of the fence. 10. The building permit plans and site plans must include outdoor trash enclosure details that comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements if trash is to be stored outside. The trash enclosures shall match the exterior materials of the principal buildings and shall include maintenance free gates. 11. If required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), approval of permit No. 7460 shall be obtained from the FAA prior to commencing construction with the use of a crane or cranes taller than 35 feet in height. 12. A parking deferment agreement shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to occupancy of the building. DATED this 21st day of September 2015 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Matt Little, Mayor 3 ATTEST: _______________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CITY OF LAKEVILLE ) I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. _________is a true and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lakeville at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 21st day of September 2015 as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. __________________________ Charlene Friedges City Clerk (SEAL) Drafted By: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 1 NATIVEORASS ' 1, ' t / � I K 1 O �` dIII 0 'r n1 \ Til �nal z I . NUNN -� (SEE DETAII I —jtoss LLJ MAINTENANCE STRIP -v EDGER LONG FENCE MEW 0 CONIFE SCREENIN LIJ Iu_ r C, v , DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES - 2.5" CAL. 0 4' HOT. ~ I � �- 10 QUACKING ASPEN +� �� Populus tremuloldes 12 > i i \ 6 - �. y O Ir / REFEK TO EROSION COMROL PLAN FOR ,o Z, y ,, L . ..Cy `S_ ��T •I ,Y' p• r Y :,Q 'F✓ QD Z_ Z I:1� ,i'�. • SEEDING OF THE BASINS FLOWERING CRABAPPLE Malus spp. .. 23.0 ACRES • '• GRASS r . X Y a Q _ SOUTHERN i C)003494 SO FT o a BLACK HILLS SPRUCE a aLLJ/ Picea demata n 7 !71 n 7 J 1?rrn ri�7rri rl rrn :I-1 1 Yrn L I�' o, �¢ < FRANCES HOSTA (18" TALL) aL J (y� L Q Q' WIjI, NA t r NAnWcluss z ry J [ JO r UAYLILY ;. NATIVE GRASS Hemerocallis sp. C, v , DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES - 2.5" CAL. 0 4' HOT. ~ I � �- 10 QUACKING ASPEN +� �� Populus tremuloldes 12 REQ OAK Quercus cobra 17 O NORTHWOOD RED MAPLE Acer mbruln'Northwood' ORNAMENTAL TREES - 2.0" CAL. 0 4' HGT. 2 FLOWERING CRABAPPLE Malus spp. CONIFEROUS TREES - 8' HT. GRASS r . MAINTENANCE STRIP (SEE DETAIL) AUSTRIAN PINE Pinus Nigra 34 LIMITS OF IRRIGATION BLACK HILLS SPRUCE ! Picea demata n 7 !71 n 7 J 1?rrn ri�7rri rl rrn :I-1 1 Yrn PERENNIALS 148 Q < FRANCES HOSTA (18" TALL) .. - _ .. ...._ NA r NAnWcluss UAYLILY ;. NATIVE GRASS Hemerocallis sp. KARL FOERSTER GRASS Calamagrostis x acutiflora'Karl Foerster' SEAL SUB CONSULTANT PRIME CONSULTANT 77 BUSH HONEYSUCKLE W E N C K (D ®mLouCKS RED TWIGGED DOGWOOD Cornus sericea'Baileyi' ALPINE CURRANT Responsive partner. Exceptional outcomes. REVISION DESCRIPTION I DWNj APP REV DATE i! l I.I II. it �I PROJECT TITLE INTERSTATE S LAP CLIENT 5C SEEDING NOTES SEED MIXTURES TO BE APPLIED AT RATESAS NOTED IN THE LEGEND. ALL SEED MIXTURE! TO INSTALLED PER THE MNDDT BROADCAST SYSTEM EXCEPT FORAREAS WITH 3:1 SLOPES. SEED MIXTURES ON 3:1 SLOPES TO BE HYDROSEEDED. ALL NATIVE SEED MIXTURES TO FOLLOW THE 2014 MNDOT SEEDING MANUAL'S GUILDLINES FOR YEARLY AND LONGTERM MAINTENANCE, GENERAL NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID. HE SHALL INSPECT SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK. ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK OR MATERIALS SUPPLIED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING ROADS, CURBS(GUTTERS, TRAILS. TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING PLANTING OPERATIONS. ANY DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. IRRIGATION TO INCLUDE AREAS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF IRRIGATION AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. THIS INCLUDES THE IN -GROUND IRRIGATION OF PARKING LOT ISLANDS AND BUILDING FOUNDATION LANDSCAPING AS REQUIRED BY ZONING ORDINANCE. SHEET TITLE SISTICS PARK LANDSCAPE PLAN VIN OWN BY CHK'D APP'D DWG DATE 09 17/2015 L DDL NWE NWE SCALE AS SHOWN E L 4 PROJECT NO. SHEET N0.REV NO. -OURT 5024-0005 L-� Q� DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES - 2.5" CAL. 0 4' HOT. 16 IMPERIAL HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos var. inennis'Skyline' 10 QUACKING ASPEN +� �� Populus tremuloldes 12 REQ OAK Quercus cobra 17 O NORTHWOOD RED MAPLE Acer mbruln'Northwood' ORNAMENTAL TREES - 2.0" CAL. 0 4' HGT. 2 FLOWERING CRABAPPLE Malus spp. CONIFEROUS TREES - 8' HT. 16 y� AUSTRIAN PINE Pinus Nigra 34 BLACK HILLS SPRUCE Picea demata PERENNIALS 148 Q FRANCES HOSTA (18" TALL) Hosta'Francee' PATRIOT HOSTA (18" TALL) Hosta'PatrioY UAYLILY Hemerocallis sp. KARL FOERSTER GRASS Calamagrostis x acutiflora'Karl Foerster' DECIDUOUS SHRUBS - (Y to 4' HGT.) 77 BUSH HONEYSUCKLE (D Diervilla lonicera RED TWIGGED DOGWOOD Cornus sericea'Baileyi' ALPINE CURRANT Ribes alpinum SPIREA Spirea Spp. 52 CONIFEROUS SHRUBS - IS GAL. CONT.) MEDORA JUNIPER - (4' HGT. MIN.i Juniperus scopulowni 'Medora' MINT JULEP JUNIPER Juniperus x pfitzeriana'Mini julep' TAUNTON YEW (18" HGT. MIN.) Taxus x media'Taunton' VINES 15 ENGLEMAN IVY Panhenocissus quinguefolia'En lelmannii' ❑ SOD TURF SEED - MNDOT 25-131 ❑COMMERCIAL APPLICATION RATE: 220/ACRE MULCH: MNDOT TYPE 1 NATIVE SHORT GRASS SEED -MND0T 35-221 APPLICATION RATE: 50 LBS)ACRE MULCH: MNDOT TYPE 1 WET GRASS SEED - MNDOT 33-261 (below NWL) ❑NATIVE APPLICATION RATE: 50 LBS/ACRE MULCH: MN007 TYPE 1 SEEDING NOTES SEED MIXTURES TO BE APPLIED AT RATESAS NOTED IN THE LEGEND. ALL SEED MIXTURE! TO INSTALLED PER THE MNDDT BROADCAST SYSTEM EXCEPT FORAREAS WITH 3:1 SLOPES. SEED MIXTURES ON 3:1 SLOPES TO BE HYDROSEEDED. ALL NATIVE SEED MIXTURES TO FOLLOW THE 2014 MNDOT SEEDING MANUAL'S GUILDLINES FOR YEARLY AND LONGTERM MAINTENANCE, GENERAL NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID. HE SHALL INSPECT SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK. ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK OR MATERIALS SUPPLIED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING ROADS, CURBS(GUTTERS, TRAILS. TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING PLANTING OPERATIONS. ANY DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. IRRIGATION TO INCLUDE AREAS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF IRRIGATION AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. THIS INCLUDES THE IN -GROUND IRRIGATION OF PARKING LOT ISLANDS AND BUILDING FOUNDATION LANDSCAPING AS REQUIRED BY ZONING ORDINANCE. SHEET TITLE SISTICS PARK LANDSCAPE PLAN VIN OWN BY CHK'D APP'D DWG DATE 09 17/2015 L DDL NWE NWE SCALE AS SHOWN E L 4 PROJECT NO. SHEET N0.REV NO. -OURT 5024-0005 L-� Q� CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES September 10, 2015 Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Members Present: Chair Jason Swenson, Vice Chair Linda Maguire, Brooks Lillehei, Karl Drotning, Scott Einck, Pat Kaluza, Jason Kelvie, Ex -officio member Nic Stevens Members Absent: Paul Reuvers Others Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; David Qlson, Community and Economic Development Director; Frank Dempsey," Associate Planner; Daniel Licht, The Planning Company; Alex Jordan, Development esign Engineer; "'and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary 3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes The August 20, 2015 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. 4. Announcements Mr. Morey stated,:that the following item was distributed to the Planning Commission at tonight's meeting: f A. September 9, 2015 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources meeting draft motions redaTding.the Interstate South Logistics Park preliminary plat and the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 15th Addition preliminary plat 5A. Interstate SouthLogistics, Park Chair Swenson opened the public hearing to consider the application of Scannell Properties #180 LLC for a preliminary plat of one industrial lot and one outlot to be known as interstate South Logistics Park. Dan Salzar with Scannell Properties presented a brief overview of their request. Mr. Salzar indicated that this will be a 240,000 square foot manufacturing facility for SSB Manufacturing Corporation with approximately 200 employees. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that the application is proposing one 23 acre lot and one outlot on a 176 acre industrial zoned parcel. The property is located south of 215th Street (CSAR 70) and west of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). The proposed Lot 1, Block 1 will be occupied by SSB Manufacturing Company who manufactures mattresses for Simmons and Serta Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, September 10, 2015 Page 2 mattress companies. The site plan proposes the construction of a 240,000 square foot office, manufacturing and warehouse building on Lot 1. An Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) was prepared for the proposed 176 acre property in advance of the preparation of the preliminary plans. The City Council provided a negative declaration on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on February 17, 2015 and approved the AUAR at their June 1, 2015 meeting. Future build -out of Interstate South Logistics Park is estimated to include up to 2.2 million square feet of light industrial warehousing and distribution space. ., Access to the first phase of the Interstate South Logistics. Park project will be from 217th Street at Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). Future ..phases will be accessed from extensions of 217th Street and a future extension of`Jacguard Avenue. There will be no driveway access directly to 215th Street (CSAR M). Mr. Dempsey indicated that the building setback requirements 0,44he 1-1 District are being met with the proposed site plans for Lot 1, as indicated in 'the September 4, 2015 planning report. V The proposed landscape plan is described :in detail in the September 4, 2015 planning report along with the Planning Depat�t�ent staff recommendations and amendments to the landscapematerials that were°:proposed. Mr. Dempsey stated that a financial security shall be submitted to guarantee installation of the landscaping on Lot 1., Mr. Dempsey reviewed site plan items related to setbacks, landscaping, parking, along with a possible parking deferment, traffic circulation, outdoor storage, loading docks, signage, site lighting, `trash enclosure and snow storage, which are discussed in detail in the September 4, 2015 planning report. Mr. Dempsey commented that the Zoning Ordinance requires the building to be constructed with concrete panel walls that are integral colored, exposed aggregate or integral colored concrete but not painted as proposed on the building elevation Plans. Exterior building materials and mechanical equipment screening will be reviewed by staff at the time of building permit submittal for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance requirements. Mr. Dempsey stated that the Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Interstate South. Logistics Park preliminary plat subject to the 13 stipulations listed in the September 4, 2015 planning report. Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public for comment There were no comments from the audience. Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Maguire to close the public hearing at 6:13 p.m. Ayes: Lillehei, Einck, Maguire, Swenson, Kelvie, Kaluza, Drotning Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, September 10, 2015 Nays: 0 Page 3 Chair Swenson asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: Commissioner Drotning asked about the staging of the proposed ponding and why all of the ponding is at the south end of the property. Mr. Salzar stated that the regional ponds have been planned along the channel at the south end of the property to serve future development. Ponds will be constructed as needed with future development phases. Motion was made by Maguire, seconded by Drotning to recommend to City Council approval of the Interstate South Logistics Park preliminary plat of one industrial lot and one outlot subject to the following 'stipulatidns: 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the September 4, 2015 engineering report. 2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee. 3. The site and buildings shall be developed`in compliance with the plans approved by the City Council and Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. The landscape plan shall be, revised to include additional landscape screening along Dodd Boulevard and the trailer_ parking area along the south side of the property to provide visual screening of the trailer parking area in accordance with Zoning Ordinance requirements 5. A financial security shall,be submitted to guarantee installation and completion of the approved landscaping for Lot 1,`,Block 1 and for the wetlands and stormwater and infiltration basins of the time of�final plat approval. All landscaped areas within and adjacent to the parking lot shall be irrigated. Landscaping shall not be planted in street boulevards. 6. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the 1-1 District. A sign permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 7. Snow storage shall take place in required parking spaces. 8. Site lighting shall 'not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-of-way. The lighting plan shall be amended to demonstrate this stipulation prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. 9. The building is required to be constructed of integral colored concrete materials consistent with Section 11-17 9.E of the Zoning Ordinance. 10. The chain link security fence shall be black vinyl coated. A fence permit shall be approved prior to installation of the fence. 11. The building permit plans and site plans must include outdoor trash enclosure details that comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements if trash is to be stored outside. The trash enclosures shall match the exterior materials of the principal buildings and shall include maintenance free gates. 12. If required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), approval of permit No. 7460 shall be obtained from the FAA prior to commencing construction with the use of a crane or cranes taller than 35 feet in height. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, September 10, 2015 Page 4 13.A parking deferment agreement shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to occupancy of the building. Ayes: Einck, Maguire, Swenson, Kelvie, Kaluza, Drotning, Lillehei Nays: 0 513. Interstate South Logistics Park Community and Economic Development Director David Olson presented the staff report. Mr. Olson stated that SSB Manufacturing Company manufactures Serta and Simmons mattresses and is the #1 mattress manufacturer in the United States. They are proposing a 240,000 square foot manufacturing` and warehouse facility on a 23 acre site in the new Interstate Logistics Park located,in the southwest corner of County Road 70 and Dodd Boulevard. The projecf"would be..a build -to -suite -to -lease project with Scannell Properties constructing the building anicheasing it back to SSB Manufacturing. The preliminary plat was cortsidered previously at -tonight's Planning Commission meeting. t_ . Mr. Olson indicated that SSB Manufacturing would create 200 new jobs in Lakeville with a starting wage of $17.35 per hour. He expJeirted that these jobs will be quality positions that are not manual labor jobs but rattier will require automation experience based on the company's new investments in advanc;d machinery. Mr. Olson indicated that the estimated development cost of the project is $15.7 million. The SSB Manufacturing TIS application is .seeking TIF assistance in the amount of $1,645,929 which is identified as the financing gap in the project. The total amount of TIF eligible '=costs for tie project is estimated at $7.7 million. Mr. Olson reviewed Springsted I nc.'s, the City's financial consultant, Draft TIF Plan for the project, which►.is explained in detail in the September 4, 2015 planning report. Mr. Olson explained .that the primary purpose of designating most of Airlake Industrial Park as a Redevelopment Project Area in 1984 was to provide the impetus for private development, maintain and increase employment, and to increase the tax base for the City. 'He also `explained that Interstate South Logistics Park is not currently located within the Airlake Redevelopment Project Area, but the proposed TIF Plan for this project is proposing that the current Airlake Redevelopment Project Area be amended to include the Interstate South Logistics Park in order to create a new TIF District for this project. Representatives of SSB Manufacturing are also working with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) on Minnesota Investment Fund and Job Creation Fund applications. If approved, these two programs could provide up to $2 million of additional assistance for this project. Mr. Olson stated that staff is requesting that the Planning Commission adopt the resolution recommending to the City Council that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District No. 21 is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES September 9, 2015 Chair Swan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Lake Marion Conference Room at City Hall. Members Present: Lori Bovitz, Tom Goodwin, Judy Hayes, Howard Lovelace, Jeanne Peterson, Bob Swan Members Absent: Scott Kelly Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Brett Altergott, Recording Secretary Tamara Wallace 2. Approval of August 19 minutes Minutes were approved as written 3. Citizen comments There were no citizen comments 4. Staff report At the last City Council work session, the Land of Amazement ’s concept and plan was approved after further review of the project’s pricing and scope. Staff is currently working on a fundraising campaign which will ultimately include marketing materials to attract corporate donations, and grant writing. The fundraising campaign will run from October 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016. Details on the fundraising game plan will be presented at the next City Council work session on September 21. Construction at Pioneer Plaza will conclude on Thursday, September 10 with the installation of the tree, followed by a rededication ceremony held on Thursday, September 17 at 6:00 p.m. As a follow-up from previous discussions, in the coming weeks, staff will begin looking at programming to see if there are ways to incorporate more recreational sports for middle school to high school age groups. 5. Other Business Jeanne Peterson asked about the upcoming Haunted Fo rest event, and when the department would begin looking for volunteers to participate. Next meeting the committee would like updates on the health of the trees at some of the parks seen on the parks tour, as well as final numbers for paddle boarding at Antlers Park. DRAFT Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, September 9, 2015 Page 2 6. Announcements None 7. Interstate South Logistics Park 1st Add. Preliminary Plat Staff reviewed the Interstate South Logistics Park 1st Add. Preliminary Plat and discussed park dedication, trails, wetland impact, and tree preservation. Motion made by Judi Hayes, seconded by Jeanne Peterson to recommend to City Council approval of the Interstate South Logistics Park 1st Add. Preliminary Plat subject to the recommendations as presented by City staff Ayes: unanimous 8. SBF 15th Addition Preliminary Plat Staff reviewed the SBF 15th Addition Preliminary Plat and discussed park dedication, trail connections, greenway access, drain age issues, ponding, and acknowledged there were no trees or wetlands. Motion made by Tom Goodwin, seconded by Lori Bovitz to recommend to City Council approval of the SBF 15th Addition Preliminary Plat subject to the recommendations as presented by City staff Ayes: unanimous The tour of the southern parks was tabled until the September 23 Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources committee meeting. 9. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tamara Wallace, Recording Secretary 1 City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: September 4, 2015 Subject: Packet Material for the September 10, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Consider the application of Scannell Properties #180 LLC for the preliminary plat of Interstate South Logistics Park Action Deadline: December 18, 2015 BACKGROUND Scannell Properties #180 LLC (Scannell) has submitted preliminary plat application and plans for Interstate South Logistics Park, which proposes one, 23 acre lot and one outlot on a 176 acre industrial zoned parcel. The property is located south of 215th Street (CSAH 70) and west of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). The proposed Lot 1, Block 1 will be occupied by a mattress manufacturer, SSB Manufacturing Company, who manufactures mattresses for Simmons and Serta mattress companies. The proposed preliminary plat includes a site plan for the construction of a 240,000 square foot office, manufacturing and warehouse building on the southeast quadrant of the property. Future lots will be determined when Outlot A is preliminary and final platted at the time specific development projects are proposed. Future build-out is estimated to include up to 2.2 million square feet of light industrial warehousing and distribution space. The preliminary plat plans have been submitted to: 1. The Engineering Department 2. The Parks and Recreation Department 3. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee 4. The Dakota County Plat Commission 5. Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization 2 The following exhibits are attached for your information: EXHIBITS A. Location and Zoning Map B. Aerial Photo Map C. Master Site Plan D. Survey E. Preliminary Plat (4 Pages) F. Site Plan (2 Pages) G. Grading Plan (4 Pages) H. Tree Preservation Plan I. Landscape Plan J. Site Lighting Plan K. Building Elevations Plan Zoning and Surrounding Uses. The property is zoned I-1, Limited Industrial District. The proposed project is surrounded by the following existing or planned land uses: Direction Existing Use Land Use Plan Zoning North 215th Street (CSAH 70) and Developed and Undeveloped OP District Properties Office Park OP, Office Park District South Eureka Township Agricultural Use Properties Outside City Limits. Eureka Township Comprehensive Plan guides for agricultural use Agriculture per Eureka Township Zoning Map East Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) and First Park Lakeville Industrial Development Light Industrial/Warehouse and Public/Semi-Public I-1, Limited Industrial District West Undeveloped Property in MUSA Expansion Area B Office Park OP District STAFF ANALYSIS PRELIMINARY PLAT a. Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) - An AUAR is a comprehensive document that identifies the environmental and other impacts anticipated to result from the development of a specific property. The AUAR study was used to determine whether an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) should be prepared. The Final AUAR completed for the Interstate South Logistics Park development was adopted by the City Council on June 1, 2015. 3 The AUAR was prepared for the proposed 176 acre property in advance of the preparation of the preliminary plat plans. The AUAR was prepared by the developer’s engineering and planning consultant in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Quality Board (EQB). The development of the AUAR was overseen by Community and Economic Development, Planning, and Engineering staff with the assistance of WSB Associates, Inc. on behalf of the City. The AUAR was completed based on the directive of Minnesota Statute 4410.3610, subparagraph 4 that states, “the content and format of an AUAR document must be similar to that of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW), but must provide for a level of analysis comparable to that of an EIS for impact typical of urban residential, commercial, warehousing and light industrial development and associated infrastructure”. The AUAR was distributed to 22 governmental agencies for their review and comment. Comments on the AUAR were received by five agencies and were addressed in the final AUAR. The developer’s consultant (Sambatek) responded to the comments received by the governmental agencies. Responses were prepared addressing each of the review agency comments. The final mitigation plan has also been prepared for the proposed project. The AUAR included a detailed study and analysis of the following factors: AUAR POINTS OF STUDY Various maps of the study area Property location and legal description Development type and intensity Fish and wildlife resources in the area Planned utility infrastructure Transportation infrastructure Development phasing Required permits and approvals of all known governmental agencies Proposed land use on the site Potential environmental hazards (if any) Ground cover types Physical impacts to water resources Estimated water use and supply Erosion and sedimentation control Surface water runoff Wastewater production Geologic and soil conditions Vehicle related air emissions Stationary source air emissions, odors, noise and dust Visual impacts Compatibility with plans and land use plans Cumulative impacts Impact on infrastructure and public services The City Council provided a negative declaration on the need for an EIS on February 17, 2015 and approved the AUAR at their June 1, 2015 meeting. b. Comprehensive Plan. The property is currently located in Planning District Nos. 8 and 10 of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and is in the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) which means that City municipal services, including sanitary sewer service, are available to the property. The subject property is guided Light Industrial/Warehouse according to the current plan, therefore, the proposed light industrial and warehouse use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Interstate South Logistics Park 4 preliminary plat meets the recommended goals and objects of Planning District Nos. 8 and 10. c. Existing Site Conditions. The site is currently undeveloped and, until last year, was used for the production of row crops. The property is bounded by Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) to the east and 215th Street (CSAH 70) to the north. A 115kV electric transmission line runs from east to west along the north boundary of the property. A 16.5 foot wide communication easement is also located across the northeast quadrant of the property. A public roadway, drainage and utility easement is located along the northeast part of the property at Dodd Boulevard. This easement will be considered for vacation at the time that area is preliminary and final platted. Wetlands and a stream are located within the parent parcel and will be dedicated to the City as an outlot(s) in future platting phases. d. Lot/Block/Outlot. The preliminary plat of Interstate South Logistics Park consists of one lot, one block and one outlot. The lot proposed with the preliminary plat exceeds the minimum lot area and lot width requirements for the I-1, Limited Industrial District. The following is a tabulation of the lot and outlot as noted on the preliminary plat plans, which does not include road right-of-way dedication. Preliminary Plat Lot and Outlot Lot Area and Lot Width Requirements Lot 1 Outlot A 30,000 sf Area 23 Acres 136.7 Acres 100 feet 862 feet N/A e. Streets. The preliminary plat of Interstate South Logistics Park includes the partial construction of 217th Street between Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) and the west boundary of Lot 1. Future street construction will include the westerly extension of 217th Street and the southerly extension of Jacquard Avenue south of 215th Street (CSAH 70) in compliance with the Transportation Plan. There are three streets associated with the first phase preliminary plat of Interstate South Logistics Park: 215th Street (CSAH 70) is a two-lane roadway that abuts the north side of the property and is classified as a high density minor arterial in the Transportation Plan. The existing road right-of-way width of 137 feet is adequate for future planned road improvements. Ultimate development includes plans to construct 215th Street (CSAH 70) as a four lane divided roadway. An existing roadway easement exists so no additional right-of-way is required with the Interstate South Logistics Park final plat. Full access to the Interstate South Logistics Park at 215th Street (CSAH 70) will occur at the time that Jacquard Avenue is constructed. Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) abuts the east side of the property. Dodd Boulevard is classified as a low density minor arterial roadway as identified in the 5 Transportation Plan. A total of 60 feet of west half right-of-way will be required to be dedicated with the final plat consistent with the Dakota County Road Plat Review Needs Map. Current improvements to Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) include the construction of turn lanes at street intersections between 215th Street and Pillsbury Avenue in Scott County. Access from Interstate South Logistics Park onto Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) will be at 217th Street and 220th Street to line up with the streets in First Park Lakeville. 217th Street is a local street that will include a full access onto Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) consistent with Dakota County Access Spacing Guidelines. 217th Street will be constructed as a 40 foot wide rural section road within an 80 foot wide right-of-way. 217th Street is identified in the Transportation Plan as a minor collector road that will be extended to the west toward Interstate 35 as development occurs. f. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utilities. City sanitary sewer and water is currently available to the site, which is within the current MUSA. All public utilities will be constructed by the developer to serve the proposed first phase development following final plat approval. Sewer and water will be available to serve the remaining outlot area when it is platted and developed. The existing and planned future City sanitary sewer and water systems available to serve the area of the preliminary plat are adequate to accommodate the proposed and future industrial buildings within the preliminary plat area. Grading and utility plans have been submitted with the Interstate South Logistics Park preliminary plat. Grading, drainage, erosion control, and utility review comments are addressed in the engineering report dated September 4, 2015. A copy of the engineering report is attached for your review. Engineering recommends approval of the Interstate South Logistics Park preliminary plat. g. Wetlands. Three areas of wetlands have been identified with the wetland delineation report prepared by Wenck and Associates. There are no impacts proposed to the existing wetlands on site with the development of the first phase plans. Any impacts identified with future phase preliminary and final plats will be reviewed at that time for compliance with the Wetland Conservation Act. h. Tree Preservation. The tree preservation plan identifies 66 significant trees located within the Interstate South Logistics Park preliminary plat, primarily around the channel on the south side of the property, all of which are proposed to be saved. There are other significant trees along the west property line that will be inventoried and identified at the time of preliminary and final plat of that area of the property. i. Park Dedication, Trails and Sidewalks. The City’s Comprehensive Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan does not identify any future park needs in the area of the plat. Future trails will be constructed along Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) and 215th Street (CSAH 70). No interior public trails or sidewalks are being constructed with this plat. 6 The 2015 rate for park dedication is $4,558.00 per acre totaling $104,834 for the first phase final plat. The park dedication fee will be due at the time of final plat approval at the rate in place at that time. j. Airlake Airport. Airlake Airport is considered a reliever airport under the management of the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC). The majority of the airport property is located in Eureka Township with one building and a small portion of the west end of the runway in the City of Lakeville. There is no specific airport overlay zoning that affects the Interstate South Logistics Park preliminary plat. There are currently no special zoning rules or joint airport zoning board in place to review plans or enforce special zoning regulations. The MAC did not express concerns regarding the size or use of the proposed buildings in this development in their review of the AUAR. Due to the site’s proximity to the Airlake Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration may require an FAA permit (#7460) if any construction cranes are used during the construction of the buildings. The developer is advised to coordinate any required permit with the FAA. SITE PLAN ANALYSIS Setbacks. The building setback requirements of the I-1 District are being met with the proposed site plans for Lot 1 as follows: Min. Required Setbacks (Lot 1, Block 1) Front Yard ----------------------50ft. Front Yard (217th St.)-----------------260 ft. Side Yards (west 10 ft/east 30 ft Side Yards (west and east) –105/115 ft. Rear Yard -----------------------30 ft. Rear Yard (South) --------------------650 ft. Landscaping/Screening. The landscape plan for Lot 1 of the preliminary plat proposes the following landscape materials: Landscape Materials 63 Deciduous trees 35 Conifer trees 2 Ornamental trees 84 Shrubs All plant materials shall be set back at least 3 feet from all property lines, including the boulevard street right-of-way lines. All of the landscaped areas within and adjacent to the parking lot, including landscaped islands, shall be irrigated in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. All areas not planted with trees, shrubs or perennials will be seeded with a natural grass mixture as shown on the landscape plan. 7 Planning Department staff recommends that the area between Dodd Boulevard and the loading docks and truck trailer parking south of the building include increased amounts of landscape screening along Dodd Boulevard. Consistent with Section 11-20-7, 11-20-13 and 11-21-9C of the Zoning Ordinance, the amount of landscape materials in these areas must be increased to provide the required visual screening from public right-of-way. There are some amendments required to the type of landscape materials shown on the landscape plan in order to comply with the material and design guidelines of the Corridor Gateway and Design Study. The Scotch Pines adjacent to Dodd Boulevard will have to be revised to Austrian Pines or a species of spruce tree to comply with the guidelines and to ensure long term viability for salt spray tolerance adjacent to Dodd Boulevard. A financial security shall be submitted to guarantee installation of the landscaping on Lot 1. Financial securities will be determined and submitted individually at the time of final plat approval. Landscaping for future lots will be completed as they are preliminary platted and following the approval of site and landscape plans. Access. Access to the first phase of the Interstate South Logistics Park project will be from 217th Street and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). Future phases of the Interstate South Logistics Park will be accessed from extensions of 217th Street and a future extension of Jacquard Avenue. There will be no driveway access directly to 215th Street (CSAH 70). All driveway accesses to public streets meet Zoning Ordinance requirements. Parking. The first phase building will be 240,000 square feet in area and will include office, manufacturing and warehouse spaces. The first phase building will require 431 parking spaces based on the estimated floor area of each of the uses of the building. The proposed parking plan meets Zoning Ordinance requirements subject to the administrative approval of a parking deferment. A parking deferment contract will be considered for approval by the Planning Department prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of a building permit. The Zoning Ordinance allows the deferment of up to 50% of the required number of parking spaces. The parking deferment is a contract between the City and the property owner and the document is recorded against the lot for which the parking deferment is approved. If the City determines that the parking deferment is no longer viable due to on-street parking or parking outside of designated parking spaces, the City can require the construction of additional parking spaces. The estimated required number of parking spaces is calculated as follows: Building Square Footage……………………………...240,000 square feet Office – 7,616 sf (including 10% floor area credit) ……………....38 spaces Manufacturing – 96,000 sf (including 10% floor area credit) ….247 spaces Warehouse – 129,000 sf (including 10% floor area credit)……116 spaces On-Site Parking (total required) .………………………..…..431 spaces Parking to be Constructed….……………..………..………216 spaces Proposed Deferred Parking………………………………215 spaces Total Future Possible Parking Spaces…………………….431 spaces 8 Circulation. All parking aisles and parking stalls comply with the minimum aisle width of 24 feet and parking stall dimensions of 9 feet in width and 20 feet in length. The driveways provide adequate width and turning radii to accommodate truck turning movements and emergency vehicle access. Outdoor Storage. The preliminary plat plans propose no outdoor storage on the property other than semi-truck trailers used in the process of delivering raw materials and loading finished product to leave the site. An eight foot tall chain link fence is proposed as security fencing around the trailer parking areas on the north and south sides of the building. Staff recommends that the chain link fence is black vinyl coated and that a fence permit be applied for and approved prior to installation. Signage. No detailed sign plans have been submitted. Up to 100 square feet of freestanding signage is permitted with a maximum height of 10 feet. Up to 100 square feet of wall sign are permitted per building with up to 2 signs permitted, one sign per street frontage, for corner lots. A sign permit must be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. Site Lighting. A photometric lighting plan has been submitted for Lot 1, Block 1 of the final plat for staff review prior to the issuance of a building permit. The plan indicates maximum light intensity at any property line abutting public right-of-way will be at or less than 1 foot-candle required by the Zoning Ordinance. All lights will be downcast type fixtures. No lights shall glare onto public right-of-way or adjacent properties. Trash Enclosure. All outdoor trash enclosures must be screened with a structure that is a minimum of 6 feet in height or one foot taller than the containers and must be constructed of materials that match the architecture of the principal building. The preliminary plat plans do not include plans for outdoor trash containers at this time. The building permit plans and site plans must include outdoor trash enclosure details that comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Snow Storage. Snow storage may not take place in required parking spaces. BUILDING DESIGN/ARCHITECTURE. The building is designed to be constructed with pre-cast concrete wall panels with a painted finish. Section 11-17-9.B of the Zoning Ordinance requires that concrete panel walls be integral colored exposed aggregate or integral colored concrete but not painted as proposed on the building elevation plans. Exterior building materials and mechanical equipment screening will be reviewed by staff at the time of building permit submittal for compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. The proposed building height is 36 feet, which meets Zoning Ordinance requirements. 9 Dakota County Plat Commission. The Dakota County Plat Commission will review the preliminary plat at their September 8, 2015 meeting under the provisions of the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance for access and County Road right-of-way needs. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat subject to the following stipulations: 1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the September 4, 2015 engineering report. 2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee. 3. The site and buildings shall be developed in compliance with the plans approved by the City Council and Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. The landscape plan shall be revised to include additional landscape screening along Dodd Boulevard and the trailer parking area along the south side of the property to provide visual screening of the trailer parking area in accordance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 5. A financial security shall be submitted to guarantee installation and completion of the approved landscaping for Lot 1, Block 1 and for the wetlands and stormwater and infiltration basins at the time of final plat approval. All landscaped areas within and adjacent to the parking lot shall be irrigated. Landscaping shall not be planted in street boulevards. 6. All signs shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements for the I-1 District. A sign permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the installation of any signs. 7. Snow storage shall take place in required parking spaces. 8. Site Lighting shall not exceed one foot candle at the property line adjacent to public right-of-way. The lighting plan shall be amended to demonstrate this stipulation prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. 9. The building is required to be constructed of integral colored concrete materials consistent with Section 11-17 9.E of the Zoning Ordinance. 10. The chain link security fence shall be black vinyl coated. A fence permit shall be approved prior to installation of the fence. 10 11. The building permit plans and site plans must include outdoor trash enclosure details that comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements if trash is to be stored outside. The trash enclosures shall match the exterior materials of the principal buildings and shall include maintenance free gates. 12. If required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), approval of permit No. 7460 shall be obtained from the FAA prior to commencing construction with the use of a crane or cranes taller than 35 feet in height. 13. A parking deferment agreement shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to occupancy of the building. EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B E X H I B I T C ZONE A 4QDGTV' -CVJNGGP4WFFNG 4Q D G T V  /   4 K V C  /  4 [ C P <Y G D G T  & C W I J V G T U  . . % (KT U V  + P F W U V T K C N  . 2 SE T Z E R P R O P E R T I E S S M N L L C WETLAND (1) 321,150 SQ FT 1YPGT 8+%+0+6;/#2 EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT E m LL m 0 m 3 H n d } Q Z_ J W r" d N O M U U D Q U / CD O O O CN N O Ln C.S.A.H. N0. 70 (215TH STREET WEST) JCC JfICCI N 0 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 3 H n r Q z J W ry d M O M U U D Q U / CD O O O CN N O Ln / FTTTJ / �TTTJ FTS LTJ 0 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 3 g a_ r Q z w a_ 0 r� I U U D U U / CD 0 0 0 CN N 0 Ln/ I I / TEMPORARY / CUL-DE-SAC / EASEMENT --68--46-- —68--46 ----------- ��&-------------------------_201_� / BE / HY � SEE SHEET C-302SEE SHEET C-303 6 MATCH LINE 66 61 7 MATCH LINE I r DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT 112 -J -� ----- - - ---- -_ -� ' Z- ZONE X DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT 2 L— — — — — — — - - I I - 0 UTLOT A 136.7 AC / ' 5956062 SF I , I J� BLOCK 1 m LOT 1 I _ — I Q — I 23.0 ACRES PROPOSED LOT SEGMENT DIMENSION, TYP O — \ I I 1003494 SQ FT 4z DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT I I I it \�� I / / DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT `b 1871 O ROBERT E & KATHLEEN RUDDLE N 0 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL KDK JTW 08/20/15 SEAL SUB CONSULTANT PRIME CONSULTANT PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT RESUBMITTAL KDK JTW 09/02/15 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORTINTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK PRELIMINARY P LAT T T WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND WENCK LAKEVILLE, MN Ak THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER SOUTH HALF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FM/I'NNrE�SO/T1A. JJ ASSOCIATES OA CLIENT � DWN BY CHK'D APP'D DWG DATE JULY 2015 KDK JTW JTW SCALE AS SHOWN JARED T. ARD Responsive partner. Exceptional outcomes. S C A N N E L L PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. REV NO. PROPERTIES REV REVISION DESCRIPTION DWN APP REV DATE DATE 08/20/2015 REG. NO. 48677 821 MEANDER COURT 5024-0005 C-304 MEDINA, MN 55340 1 1 :1 1 E X H I B I T F 3 Y U 0 J M 0 0 i z n w Cn Ln 0 I U U 0 U U / CD 0 0 0 CN N 0 Ln/ ZONE X OUTLOT A 136.7 AC 5956062 SF / INV:986.9 NV:986.20 � SB 0 0 o BIT EDGE, TYPF / / TEMPORARY 6 � S y%z)4 CUL-DE-SAC R=510 EASEMENT --- ---6B-46 --- ---- 4�8----------------2-------- -201_ - , / BENCHMARK - TOP NUT ----- -- -- ---- _ �� HYD. ELEV. = 989.80 _a -2 66 _\ 1 - _ 7 DRAINAGE & UTILITY4EASEMENT �� 225 172 \ ---- —� — — — — I — — x---x--x X---X--x I DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT 29 GATE a „ - - - - - - - - B-612 CONCRETE / CURB & GUTTER, TYP " 29 TRAILER PARKING I o- / 4 I / 1 I a .CbNCkfE DOCK °APRON i r p 5' PARKING LOT SETBACK, TYP 10' BUILDING SETBACK, TYP 24' BUILDING BACK OF CUR li 8 FT HIGH SECURITY FENCE \ rn 3 do GASMAII� v v y I r7 \ As SDS \ I I \CAS \ 3 bG \ \ GAS\ SDG\ \\ I I x bC �\\ „ CqS CAS \ SDG 24 \ S I I x A A //V GA S bG \ \CAS SDC � x \ \ \ GAS SDG \\ \\ \CAS SDG II \ \ GAS V\,) \ \\\ \ CA SVG \ x \ \ CAS \ I \ \l3M \\\ \ II \ \ \ \ EDGE OF WETLAND-- ZONE ETLAND\ZONE A WETLAND (1) 321,150 SQ FT 1871 LL\ WET WET wET\ 1 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT RESUBMITTAL REV REVISION DESCRIPTION 26 DOCK °DOQRS :1 Li I ORN �N I � � z � Q I � f MCI BLOCK 1 i / a LOT 1 23.0 ACRES 1003494 SQ FT r BUILDING <�Li 240,000 SQ. FT. I \ L 58 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS DRAINAGE & UTI LITY EASEMENT I r �r �r �r ire it . .. n °201)O�K .-DOORS „ . CONCRETE 'POCK, APRON. a% I SEE INSET A FOR TD11LER I FERREL PARKING NG I THIS /AREA j CABLE BOX / 33 TRAILER PARKING \ \ \ SDC 29 TRAILER PARKING P J LN 29 � EDGE OF -BIT, TYPS CAS S AS ?" s/;;00/�/CyT TOR /S FR N �N R=361 \ \ \ DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT Q' / /^ oo / � / f A 1_9___ o SAN. TORN M H SNF PRIME CONSULTANT WENCK ASSOCIATES Responsive partner. Exceptional outcomes. PARKING DA 7A.- OFT-ICE A:OFFICE - 15,000 S. F. AT 1/200 (INCL. 109' FLOOR AREA CREDIT)= 68 MANUFACTURING - 96,000 S.F. AT 1/350 (INCL. 109' FLOOR AREA CREDIT)= 247 WAREHOUSE - 129,000 S.F. AT V1,000 INCL. 109 FLOOR AREA CREDIT = 116 PARKING REQUIRED = 431 STALLS PROPOSED PARKING. HC = 7 STANDARD = 209 TOTAL 216 STALLS DEFERRED PARKING: 215 STALLS IN TRAILER STORAGE AREA 010° DEFERRED °PARKING 'STALLS. 1° 1 L. 5 L 148 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 9.0' - �I T- T7 1-T J IIIIIIIIII lolll III(pr1Nr11111111111371 41+I� '. ���-H fFFfI�II+1+I+I+I+� 11 1 1 -IOL I RL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I� I I I � 3 / LL 6-I LILIL-Li L L1 LL LI IL IL ILI-Li _Ll JJ / INSET A N NOTE- WETLAND DELINEATION PERFORMED o 100 200 ON FEBRUARY, 2015 BY WENCK GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ASSOCIA TES, INC. PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK PRELIMINARY S ITE PLAN CLIENT LAKEVILLE, MN LOT 1 BLOCK 1 s DWN BY CHK'D APP'D DWG DATE JULY 2015 KDK JTW JTW SCALE AS SHOWN S C A N N E L L PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. REV NO. PROPERTIES 821 MEANDER COURT 5024-0005 C-305 MEDINA, MN 55340 KDK JTW 08/20/15 SEAL 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FM IIINNrEESO/TAA. JJ SUB CONSULTANT KDK JTW 09/02/15 JARED T. ARD DATE 08/20/2015 REG. NO. 48677 DWN APP REV DATE PRIME CONSULTANT WENCK ASSOCIATES Responsive partner. Exceptional outcomes. PARKING DA 7A.- OFT-ICE A:OFFICE - 15,000 S. F. AT 1/200 (INCL. 109' FLOOR AREA CREDIT)= 68 MANUFACTURING - 96,000 S.F. AT 1/350 (INCL. 109' FLOOR AREA CREDIT)= 247 WAREHOUSE - 129,000 S.F. AT V1,000 INCL. 109 FLOOR AREA CREDIT = 116 PARKING REQUIRED = 431 STALLS PROPOSED PARKING. HC = 7 STANDARD = 209 TOTAL 216 STALLS DEFERRED PARKING: 215 STALLS IN TRAILER STORAGE AREA 010° DEFERRED °PARKING 'STALLS. 1° 1 L. 5 L 148 DEFERRED PARKING STALLS 9.0' - �I T- T7 1-T J IIIIIIIIII lolll III(pr1Nr11111111111371 41+I� '. ���-H fFFfI�II+1+I+I+I+� 11 1 1 -IOL I RL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I� I I I � 3 / LL 6-I LILIL-Li L L1 LL LI IL IL ILI-Li _Ll JJ / INSET A N NOTE- WETLAND DELINEATION PERFORMED o 100 200 ON FEBRUARY, 2015 BY WENCK GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ASSOCIA TES, INC. PROJECT TITLE SHEET TITLE INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK PRELIMINARY S ITE PLAN CLIENT LAKEVILLE, MN LOT 1 BLOCK 1 s DWN BY CHK'D APP'D DWG DATE JULY 2015 KDK JTW JTW SCALE AS SHOWN S C A N N E L L PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. REV NO. PROPERTIES 821 MEANDER COURT 5024-0005 C-305 MEDINA, MN 55340 EXHBIT G 01 3 Y U O m 0 O CD z ry0 Q CD N O O U U D Q U / CD O O O N O Ln NOTES: - INFILTRATION BASIN AREAS SHALL BE STAKED PRIOR TO START OF ALL CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL DELINEATE THE PERIMETER OF THE BASIN WITH SILT FENCE, SNOW FENCE, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS TO PREVENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT , - 9951:0 FROM ENTERING THE AREAS AND TO PREVENT COMPACTION OF THESE AREAS. INFILTRATION BASINS MUST NOT BE EXCAVATED TO FINAL GRADE UNTIL THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED AND FULLY �°'� -STABILIZED. TEMPORARY FILTER FABRIC IN THE BASIN. BOTTOMS AS N -BOTTOMS AND TEMPORARY SURFACE PIPING FROM THE FOREBAYS TO THE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE MAY BE NECESSARY FOR PROPER CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING TO PREVENT FROM CLOGGING THE INFILTRATION SYSTEM / PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN i ELEV. 990.9 TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC _ EASEMENT------ --- ---- / / / / -------- _ ---------<----------------------------------------------- ----\_ _ \ 225 - FILTRATION BASIN 46 - _ - �L�994�, - - - - - - - - - -68 995 994 993 991 NWL=989.0 / / / / / , BENCHMARK. s L=991.9 -------------- - -- - - - - -- \ 996 ---- - _ 8g ; / -9 7% \ / v 0.5� 9 6 0.5 o 0.7� 0 0 991 / o o � I 1 _ _ Q' - - / 994 993 993 991 990 991.50/ 6 994 992991 991 993992 991 991 991990 sso_ i 0°' sso 992 989-988_987 94._986, I I I �r SWALE 1 _ I 991.90 991.90 991.90 991.90 rOREBAY+' I - - - - - sg I NWL=988.0 2 - 99.0 1.90 991.90 991. ` 989e98, o �� INFILTRATION ;BASIN 2 989899 NWL=989.0 3 FT CURB CUT 3 FT CURB CUT �� 3 FT CURB 99 + WL=990.8 EL. 991.90 ` u - - - - - - 1199495_ E 991.90 EL. 991.90 �• I u u 4 4 Q, 91.00 - - - - / I sg / � / � � - / I 6 SED FLOODPLAIN DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT EOF + 1.00 I 992.4 INFILTRATION BASIN 1 V - NWL=988.0 I clll�l o HWL=991.5 N 777� ss1 9 0 I a 4 ° W 4 °° a 4 4 ° °4 0 4 4 �a a 7 .J6 �4 � 998 C' ,ID 4 °4 °44 44 4° � 4 ay 4 4 9989 2.0% _ 4 - _ v u99R.9 - i 99.8. ti / 2.0%li 7c O UTLOT A II I \ I � I \ II I \ � I � I \ � I \ I /I+ \ L 99 7.60 HIGH Ff I I / I I I I I I � 4 BLOCK 1 LOT 1 ;I- 23.0 ACRES 1003494 SQ FT u� MATCH LINELC SEE SHEET C-603` PR POSED FLOOD LAIN C0) ELEV. 9 2.4 1-998.25 F- - - - - - - - - I rF ELEV=999.0 , I 995 / 0 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 01 3 Y U O M 0 O CD z ry0 Q CD O CDi U U 0 U U / CD 0 O O / CN N O Ln/ l 0 UTLOT A 136.7 AC 5956062 SF SEE SHEET C-602 MATCH LINE BLOCK 1 LOT 1 23.0 ACRES 1003494 SQ FT FF ELEV=999.0 OO I � I / + .00 I / , EBAY =98 1 / L=99 \ Y I I I 1 + .50 NOTES:_ 003 INFILTRATION BASIN AREAS SHALL BE STAKED PRIOR TO START OF ALL CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL DELINEATE THE I , / + .00 PERIMETER OF THE BASIN WITH SILT FENCE, SNOW FENCE, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS TO PREVENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT FROM ENTERING THE AREAS AND TO PREVENT COMPACTION OF THESE AREAS. INFILTRATION BASINS MUST NOT BE EXCAVATED TO FINAL GRADE UNTIL THE CONTRIBUTING I I DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED AND FULLY I I ti ti STABILIZED. TEMPORARY FILTER FABRIC IN THE BASIN I I ° U° u 4 I` 4 4° BOTTOMS AND TEMPORARY SURFACE PIPING FROM THE I I 1o° q a a / FOREBAYS TO THE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE MAY BE I I "' ° �' 4 ` p a a a p 4 ° 4 4 4 4 9 4 4 p G q 4 a4 a� 7- - PREVENT FROM CLOGGING THE INFILTRATION SYSTEM �� - ° ° - � NECESSARY FOR PROPER CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING TO 4 = 4 °4 � 4 � 4 4 44 , / I / I,, ° °4, ° 4 ° a 441 a oo v4 O + oo 1 994 U N PROPOSED EL OOD 9LAI4 svo GAS UU U \ I I °771 4 4 4 4 _W Q S I 992.65 992.65 992.65 992.65 992.65 992.65 99 65 .15, 9 91 7; c4S pfq EOF/ cos S b 92.30-- 992.30 992.30 992.30%� 3 v '99 2.30 992.30 992.30 C4 S' / %�) i / I - - / / / CABLE / 3GqS .50 \ I _ _ - - - BOX \ G seg// // // / / 991Sb� ° 4 a 98� / CAS S VO A O p Sb� N N + 991. S � \ I � � � _ EO Gqs I \i 934.0 +994.70 0 \ \ I I N OPOSED FLOODPLAIN 992.5 I a Ct�R6° UT °3 FT CURB CUT 4 s8 .50 3 CU B CUT _ - A w 4 8 98s s9 ` I� I" 92.90 L. 992.90 EL. 992.90 / �✓ o°, 993 CENTERLINE OF GAS MAINS ) s 98s \ o ` 992.9 99290 99.0 992.9 / /%o \I \I PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN � ---- ----- --------�-- __- ------ --- - + 990.9 LEV. 992.5 I (3q s i J 988 989 9g� g9 s - 2.0% / 1 92 9g -------------------- - ,s9\ I PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN ELEV. 992.5 \ 5 I o POND �INWL=988.5 EDGE OF V, - - - - - --------------------- HWL=993.0 / 993 `3.Jr- / / \ ' 991 � J - - -- 990 990989 {� \ ��\�o 988 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT- -- - 986 + PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN 984 985 g84 /9 1. ELEV 992 4 --- -------- '9-8-9. 9 989.9 986985 987 988 -990 990989 992 99 'I 1990 PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN -/ PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN \ + 988.1 ELEV. 992.4 ELEV. 992.4 1 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL KDK JTW 08/20/15 SEAL SUB CONSULTANT 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT RESUBMITTAL KDK JTW 09/02/15 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FM IIINNrEESO/TAA. JJ JARED T. ARD REV REVISION DESCRIPTION DWN APP REV DATE DATE 08/20/2015 REG. NO. 48677 PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN-/ - 0 50 100 i \ ELEV. 992.4 // // I / GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PRIME CONSULTANT WENCK ASSOCIATES Responsive partner. Exceptional outcomes. PROJECT TITLE INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK LAK EVI LLE, M N CLIENT � f S C A N N E L L PROPERTIES 821 MEANDER COURT MEDINA, MN 55340 SHEET TITLE PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN LOT 1, BLOCK 1 DWN BY CHK'D APP'D DWG DATE JULY 2015 KDK JTW JTW SCALE AS SHOWN PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. REV NO. 5024-0005 C-603 HIGH 17 0 UTLOT A 136.7 AC 5956062 SF SEE SHEET C-602 MATCH LINE BLOCK 1 LOT 1 23.0 ACRES 1003494 SQ FT FF ELEV=999.0 OO I � I / + .00 I / , EBAY =98 1 / L=99 \ Y I I I 1 + .50 NOTES:_ 003 INFILTRATION BASIN AREAS SHALL BE STAKED PRIOR TO START OF ALL CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL DELINEATE THE I , / + .00 PERIMETER OF THE BASIN WITH SILT FENCE, SNOW FENCE, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS TO PREVENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT FROM ENTERING THE AREAS AND TO PREVENT COMPACTION OF THESE AREAS. INFILTRATION BASINS MUST NOT BE EXCAVATED TO FINAL GRADE UNTIL THE CONTRIBUTING I I DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED AND FULLY I I ti ti STABILIZED. TEMPORARY FILTER FABRIC IN THE BASIN I I ° U° u 4 I` 4 4° BOTTOMS AND TEMPORARY SURFACE PIPING FROM THE I I 1o° q a a / FOREBAYS TO THE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE MAY BE I I "' ° �' 4 ` p a a a p 4 ° 4 4 4 4 9 4 4 p G q 4 a4 a� 7- - PREVENT FROM CLOGGING THE INFILTRATION SYSTEM �� - ° ° - � NECESSARY FOR PROPER CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING TO 4 = 4 °4 � 4 � 4 4 44 , / I / I,, ° °4, ° 4 ° a 441 a oo v4 O + oo 1 994 U N PROPOSED EL OOD 9LAI4 svo GAS UU U \ I I °771 4 4 4 4 _W Q S I 992.65 992.65 992.65 992.65 992.65 992.65 99 65 .15, 9 91 7; c4S pfq EOF/ cos S b 92.30-- 992.30 992.30 992.30%� 3 v '99 2.30 992.30 992.30 C4 S' / %�) i / I - - / / / CABLE / 3GqS .50 \ I _ _ - - - BOX \ G seg// // // / / 991Sb� ° 4 a 98� / CAS S VO A O p Sb� N N + 991. S � \ I � � � _ EO Gqs I \i 934.0 +994.70 0 \ \ I I N OPOSED FLOODPLAIN 992.5 I a Ct�R6° UT °3 FT CURB CUT 4 s8 .50 3 CU B CUT _ - A w 4 8 98s s9 ` I� I" 92.90 L. 992.90 EL. 992.90 / �✓ o°, 993 CENTERLINE OF GAS MAINS ) s 98s \ o ` 992.9 99290 99.0 992.9 / /%o \I \I PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN � ---- ----- --------�-- __- ------ --- - + 990.9 LEV. 992.5 I (3q s i J 988 989 9g� g9 s - 2.0% / 1 92 9g -------------------- - ,s9\ I PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN ELEV. 992.5 \ 5 I o POND �INWL=988.5 EDGE OF V, - - - - - --------------------- HWL=993.0 / 993 `3.Jr- / / \ ' 991 � J - - -- 990 990989 {� \ ��\�o 988 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT- -- - 986 + PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN 984 985 g84 /9 1. ELEV 992 4 --- -------- '9-8-9. 9 989.9 986985 987 988 -990 990989 992 99 'I 1990 PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN -/ PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN \ + 988.1 ELEV. 992.4 ELEV. 992.4 1 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL KDK JTW 08/20/15 SEAL SUB CONSULTANT 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT RESUBMITTAL KDK JTW 09/02/15 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FM IIINNrEESO/TAA. JJ JARED T. ARD REV REVISION DESCRIPTION DWN APP REV DATE DATE 08/20/2015 REG. NO. 48677 PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN-/ - 0 50 100 i \ ELEV. 992.4 // // I / GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PRIME CONSULTANT WENCK ASSOCIATES Responsive partner. Exceptional outcomes. PROJECT TITLE INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK LAK EVI LLE, M N CLIENT � f S C A N N E L L PROPERTIES 821 MEANDER COURT MEDINA, MN 55340 SHEET TITLE PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN LOT 1, BLOCK 1 DWN BY CHK'D APP'D DWG DATE JULY 2015 KDK JTW JTW SCALE AS SHOWN PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. REV NO. 5024-0005 C-603 3 Y U O M 0 O J CD Z_ ryD Q CD 0 0 U U 0 U U CD 0 0 i CN N 0 Ln 1 I \ \ \ \ \ \ V A 1 \—\5�'�, o�� \ \ \ \\ \S NOTES: �qsl � \ S�� A \\ \\ \� �V �v� �v ��� �—�_� �� v � v\ �� INFILTRATION BASIN AREAS SHALL BE STAKED PRIOR TO START \\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I \ 1 Gq \ \0 \ SS OF ALL CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL DELINEATE THE PERIMETER OF THE BASIN WITH SILT FENCE, SNOW FENCE \ 3+0� SV \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS TO PREVENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT \ 1 I I \ \ SSS `��� FROM ENTERING THE AREAS AND TO PREVENT COMPACTION SVD \ 1 \ I I \ \ \ \ I I OF THESE AREAS. INFILTRATION BASINS MUST NOT BE Go 4�Sb I 7--/ I EXCAVATED TO FINAL GRADE UNTIL THE CONTRIBUTING 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ 11 1 11 A \\ \V A V S S I I 11 A OAS \I �A I / / I I I I _ DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED AND FULLY \ \ \ \ \ \ V 1 I \ V 1 \ I I I I I I I I GAS I — SV, I / I I I STABILIZED. TEMPORARY FILTER FABRIC IN THE BASIN CAS / �5 D Sbo / / / / I I BOTTOMS AND "TEMPORARY SURFACE PIPING FROM THE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I FOREBAYS TO THE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE MAY BE / NECESSARY FOR PROPER CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING, TO SS g�0� S� / // / �� / / PREVENTFROM CLOGGING THE INFILTRATION SYSTEM I 1 Cq S_ 6("4S ��yoo ,M� 4 / - /v/ �q S8, / I I \ CA S/ o �° ooh - _� �i A Gqs� g�Sbo 0 \SVo OS7� A _ - --_— O Sb 72 S _ �OO S S� ASb �s ��S ll / S � EAG OF WETLAND ��/ 00 b W C4 �� — _-- SUTURE POND BORROW PIT �q w / - / i LLJqS \ 50' WETLAND BUFFER +993.50 ----------------------- 97 8 - - 13 993 i gg5 _ �(D — — — — — — — -- - 994 9g1 ggg ggg / gg5 _ SM , \ ED FLOODPLAIN PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN - ®� SM ELEV. 992.5 . ELEV. 997.4 - PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN- \ ELEV. 995.4 ELEV. 992.6 PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN ELEV. 999.1 PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN ELEV. 992.5. O PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN O ELEV. 993.4 - O / / / � 0 0 / WET / `-- —SET---- SET T _ \ ZONE A -- � � �WET \ V WETLAND (1) ------------- ���� \�\ \ \I 321,150 SQ FT /— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- ZONE X N 0 50 100 S4 i I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT RESUBMITTAL REV REVISION DESCRIPTION KDK JTW 08/20/15 SEAL SUB CONSULTANT PRIME CONSULTANT KDK JTW 09/02/15 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT - WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND WENCK THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ASSOCIATES- JARED T. ARD Responsive partner. Exceptional outcomes. DWN APP REV DATE DATE 08/20/2015 REG. NO. 48677 PROJECT TITLE INTERSTATE SOUTH LOGISTICS PARK LAK EVI LLE, M N CLIENT � f S C A N N E L L PROPERTIES 821 MEANDER COURT MEDINA, MN 55340 SHEET TITLE PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN LOT 1, BLOCK 1 DWN BY CHK'D APP'D DWG DATE JULY 2015 KDK JTW JTW SCALE AS SHOWN PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. REV NO. 5024-0005 C-604 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN L-101 N SCALE IN FEET 0 200 EXHIBIT H COMMERCIAL TURF SEED - MNDOT 25-131 CONIFEROUS SHRUBS - (5 GAL. CONT.) Juniperus scopulorum 'Medora' TAUNTON YEW (18" HGT. MIN.) PERENNIALS FRANCEE HOSTA (18" TALL) Hosta 'Francee' PATRIOT HOSTA (18" TALL) Hosta 'Patriot' Hemerocallis sp. DAYLILY MEDORA JUNIPER - (4' HGT. MIN.) SAVIN JUNIPER (18" HGT. MIN.) Taxus x media 'Taunton' Juniperis sabina ORNAMENTAL TREES - 2.0" CAL. @ 4' HGT. Malus spp. FLOWERING CRABAPPLE Picea densata BLACK HILLS SPRUCE SYMBOL DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES - 2.5" CAL. @ 4' HGT. CONIFEROUS TREES - 8' HT. SCOTCH PINE Pinus sylvestris IMPERIAL HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Skyline' NORTHWOOD RED MAPLE Populus tremuloides Quercus rubra QUACKING ASPEN RED OAK Acer rubrum 'Northwood' PLANT TYPE / POTENTIAL SPECIES LIST DECIDUOUS SHRUBS - (3' to 4' HGT.) BUSH HONEYSUCKLE RED TWIGGED DOGWOOD SPIREA ALPINE CURRANT Cornus sericea 'Baileyi' Ribes alpinum Spirea spp. Diervilla lonicera QTY. 22 2 10 148 50 34 LANDSCAPE PLAN L-100 NATIVE SHORT GRASS SEED - MNDOT 35-221 NATIVE WET GRASS SEED - MNDOT 33-261 (below NWL) Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' KARL FOERSTER GRASS 10 15 25 16 SOD APPLICATION RATE: 220/ACRE APPLICATION RATE: 50 LBS/ACRE APPLICATION RATE: 50 LBS/ACRE MULCH: MNDOT TYPE 1 MULCH: MNDOT TYPE 1 MULCH: MNDOT TYPE 1 EXHIBIT I E A 0 0 0 6 8 3 S H E E T N U M B E R S H E E T T I T L E J O B T I T L E D A T E D E S C R I P T I O N N O T E S O X P R O J E C T P R E L I M I N A R Y 9 / 1 / 2 0 1 5 9 / 1 / 2 0 1 5 E 0 L I G H T I N G S I T E S C A L E : 1 ' = 6 0 ' S I T E L I G H T I N G E O 1 N O R T H E X H I B I T J E X H I B I T K City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner From: Matt Decur, Project Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager Brett Altergott, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Date: September 4, 2015 Subject: Interstate South Logistics Park • Preliminary Plat Review • Preliminary Grading and Erosion Control Plan Review • Preliminary Utility Plan Review • Preliminary Site Plan Review • Preliminary Tree Preservation Plan Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Scannell Properties has submitted a preliminary plat named Interstate South Logistics Park. The proposed development is located west of and adjacent to Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) and south of and adjacent to 215th Street (CSAH 70). The parent parcels are two metes and bounds parcels zoned I-1, Light Industrial District (PID No. 220310075010 and 220320050010). The preliminary plat consists of one lot within one block and one outlot on 175.79 acres. The Developer is dedicating 14.09 acres as Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) and 215th Street (CSAH 70) right-of-way. The outlot created with the preliminary plat shall have the following use: Outlot A: Future development, to be retained by the developer (136.70 acres) IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 0044,, 22001155 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 77 SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The Interstate South Logistics Park site is undeveloped cultivated agricultural land. A homestead and outbuildings were located on the property adjacent to Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) at 217th Street. These buildings were removed in 2012. Three wetlands have been identified within the parent parcels. The land generally slopes from the west to the east. EEAASSEEMMEENNTT VVAACCAATTIIOONN Several easements for communication, gas pipeline, transmission line, highway, and utility purposes exist across the parent parcels. The Developer is requesting that any public road, drainage and utility easements be vacated with a future preliminary or final plat. SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) Interstate South Logistics Park is located west of and adjacent to Dodd Boulevard, a minor arterial county highway, as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. The Dakota County Plat Commission will review the development at its September 8, 2015 meeting. A total of 60 feet of right-of-way will be required on the west side of Dodd Boulevard. The Developer is dedicating right-of-way, as shown on the preliminary plat, to satisfy the right-of-way requirements. Dodd Boulevard is currently constructed as a two-lane rural roadway. Dakota County reconstructed Dodd Boulevard adjacent to Interstate South Logistics Park in 2015, widening shoulders and adding turn lanes at existing intersections (217th Street and 220th Street). The Developer is required to coordinate with Dakota County to determine the extent of improvements that will be required along Dodd Boulevard. The plan for any County road improvements must be approved by Dakota County, and a permit for the work within the right-of-way must be obtained from the County. 215th Street (CSAH 70) Interstate South Logistics Park is located south of and adjacent to 215th Street, a high-density minor arterial roadway as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The Dakota County Plat Commission will review the development at its September 8, 2015 meeting. A total of 75 feet of right-of-way will be required on the south side of 215th Street. The Developer is dedicating right-of-way, as shown on the preliminary plat, to satisfy the right-of-way requirements. Dakota County controls the right-of-way requirements and access locations along 215th Street. 215th Street adjacent to the development is constructed as a two-lane rural section roadway. There are dedicated right and left turn lanes on 215th Street at the intersection with Dodd Boulevard. Jacquard Avenue IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 0044,, 22001155 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 77 Future development of Outlot A will include the right of way dedication for and extension of Jacquard Avenue south of 215th Street. Jacquard Avenue is identified as a major collector in the City’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The Developer is required to coordinate with Dakota County to determine the extent of improvements that will be required along 215th Street for this intersection. There are no other planned connections to 215th Street as part of the Interstate South Logistics Park development. 217th Street 217th Street will be extended through Interstate South Logistics Park. 217th Street is a minor collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan and will be constructed as a rural section roadway to promote infiltration and stormwater treatment. 217th Street will have an 80-foot right-of-way with a 40-foot wide paved section and two-foot gravel shoulders. There are dedicated right and left turn lanes at the intersection with Dodd Boulevard. A temporary cul-de-sac on 217th Street is planned within a temporary easement in Outlot A. An escrow for future removal of the temporary cul-de-sac will be required with the final plat. Future development of Outlot A will include extension of 217th Street through Interstate South Logistics Park to an intersection with the future extension of Jacquard Avenue. The City’s Transportation Plan indicates that 217th Street will ultimately extend west to Kenrick Avenue (CSAH 5). SITE PLAN REVIEW A Preliminary Site Plan was submitted for Lot 1, Block 1, Interstate South Logistics Park. The Site Plan features a 240,000 square foot manufacturing, warehouse, and office building and three parking lots. 130 trailer parking spaces have been provided in two paved parking lots accessible from 217th Street and from Dodd Boulevard. Trailer parking lots are enclosed by a fence and access drives to the lots are gated. Trailer parking spaces are 55’ deep and 12’ wide. Parking for 216 automobiles, including 7 designated handicapped spaces, has been provided in a paved parking lot. A single access drive from 217th Street serves this lot. 215 automobile parking spaces are proposed to be deferred on the site, including 158 deferred spaces within the planned trailer parking spaces. Automobile parking spaces are 20’ deep and 12’ wide. 220th Street will not be extended through the development. A private access will be constructed to Dodd Boulevard to align with 220th Street. The private driveway will serve Lot 1, Block 1 and a future development in Outlot A. A Final Site Plan must be submitted and reviewed with the Final Plat. IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 0044,, 22001155 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 77 CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility and street construction shall be off of Dodd Boulevard at the proposed intersection of 217th Street and at the proposed private access to Dodd Boulevard. The Developer is required to coordinate accesses to Dodd Boulevard with Dakota County. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDDEEWWAALLKKSS The Park Dedication Fee has not been collected on the parent parcels and no future park needs within this development are indicated in the City’s Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan. The Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan does identify bituminous trails along the south side of 215th Street and west side of Dodd Boulevard adjacent to the Interstate South Logistics Park. The Developer is responsible for posting escrows for 5/8th of the trail costs adjacent to each development within Interstate South Logistics Park with each final plat. The Park Dedication requirement will be satisfied through a cash contribution that must be paid with the final plat. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANNIITTAARRYY SSEEWWEERR Interstate South Logistics Park is located within sub-district SC-10180 and SC-10410 of the South Creek sanitary sewer district as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sewer Plan. The wastewater from the proposed site will be conveyed by City-owned sanitary sewer facilities to the Elko/New Market interceptor and then to the Empire Wastewater Treatment Plant. The existing City-owned downstream facilities are adequate to convey the wastewater generated by the proposed development. The Developer proposes to extend sanitary sewer from the MCES interceptor to the site and then along 217th Street to the west property boundary. Private sanitary sewer service will be extended from the sanitary sewer for development within Lot 1, Block 1, Interstate South Logistics Park. Service stubs have been extended to Outlot A consistent with the development plan included in the Interstate South Logistics Park AUAR. The developer will receive a credit for oversizing of sanitary sewer within the plat. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and must be paid with the final plat. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN Development of Interstate South Logistics Park includes the extension of public watermain. As identified in the City’s Comprehensive Water Plan, a 12-inch watermain will be extended to the subdivision from an existing stub along Dodd Boulevard and looped along future 217th Street to an existing stub along Jacquard Avenue. IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 0044,, 22001155 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 77 Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer and watermain facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. OOVVEERRHHEEAADD LLIINNEESS Great River Energy (GRE) has an existing electric transmission line along 215th Street. City Code does not require the transmission line to be buried. The Developer is responsible for coordinating and relocating GRE transmission poles if necessary. A security will be required for this work and must be paid with the final plat. DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG Interstate South Logistics Park is located within subdistrict SC-7, SC-9A, SC-19, and SC-20 of the South Creek District of the City’s Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan. The Vermillion River Watershed JPO requires that runoff rates from new development not exceed the existing runoff rates for the 1, 10 and 100-year critical duration storm events. The Interstate South Logistics Park AUAR (prepared by Sambatek in 2015) identified infiltration and ponding areas for the AUAR as a whole. The land use on the site is currently row crop agriculture (corn) and soils are classified as hydrologic soil group (HSG) B. Drainage on the existing site is split. A portion of the site drains north to the county road right-of-way. The remainder of the north half of the site drains east through the center of the site to the existing culverts under Dodd Boulevard. The south half of the site drains south to the southern channel of South Creek. The proposed drainage plan, as designed by Wenck dated September 01, 2015, splits the site into several drainage areas and provides infiltration and ponding for each area. Regional basins have been planned along the channel at the south end of the property to serve future development. Areas within Lot 1, Block 1, Interstate South Logistics Park drain to interior stormwater and infiltration basins. To ensure there is adequate distance between groundwater and the bottom of the infiltration basins, a copy of the Soils Report submitted September 2, 2015, will be reviewed. The final grading plan must indicate any proposed borrow areas. Any borrow area locations must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the commencement of the borrow activity. The Engineering Department has submitted requested changes to the grading and stormwater management plan. Changes must be incorporated into the final plans prior to approval of grading permits or final plats. The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building permits will not be issued until IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 0044,, 22001155 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 77 a soils report and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by City staff. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Development of Interstate South Logistics Park includes the construction of public and private storm sewer systems. The public storm sewer will be located within public right-of- way and/or temporary public drainage and utility easements, as shown on the preliminary plat. The privately-owned and maintained storm sewer will be located within Lot 1, Block 1, Interstate South Logistics park and will collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from within the development to the public storm sewer system. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and must be paid with the final plat. FEMA FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS Portions of Interstate South Logistics Park are shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone A by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on this designation, a portion of the plat is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), as determined by FEMA. A Letter of Map Revision is required to determine the Base Flood Elevation for the floodplain. The Letter of Map Revision process will run concurrently with development. The Technical Memo determining the Base Flood Elevation and demonstrating no significant impact to the floodplain submitted by Wenck on September 2, 2015, will be reviewed prior to approval of a grading permit or final plat. WWEETTLLAANNDDSS An off-site wetland delineation report was completed by Wenck and Associates in late February/early March. After the aerial analysis, it was determined that there are three wetlands located in the project area. The Notice of Application was sent out 3/16/15. No adverse comments were received during the comment period. Based on the information provided in the report dated March 2015 and site visit, the indicated wetland boundaries have been determined to be acceptable for use in implementing the Wetland Conservation Act. IINNTTEERRSSTTAATTEE SSOOUUTTHH LLOOGGIISSTTIICCSS PPAARRKK PPRREELLIIMMIINNAARRYY PPLLAATT SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 0044,, 22001155 PPAAGGEE 77 OOFF 77 There are no impacts to existing wetlands on site with the current plans. If impacts are proposed with future phases a wetland replacement plan must be submitted, reviewed and approved prior to any impacts. As future phases are submitted the wetlands and wetland buffers must be placed in Outlots dedicated to the City. It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain proper wetland approvals from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. TTRREEEE PPRREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN The tree plan identifies 66 trees around the existing channel on the southern property line. All trees are proposed to remain. Trees along the property’s western boundary will be inventoried and included in a tree preservation plan when that area is platted. EERROOSSIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLL The developer is responsible for obtaining a MPCA Construction Permit for the site as well as developing a SWPPP for the site prior to construction. The permit requires that all erosion and sediment BMPS be clearly outlined in a site’s SWPPP. Changes made throughout construction must be documented in the SWPPP. A maintenance schedule for the first 2 years must be included in the plans. This must include mowing 2 to 3 times, 30 days apart during the first year with the mower deck set about 6-8 inches off the ground. The second year, the pond areas must be mowed once before weeds set their seeds. This will reduce weed establishment, and help stimulate the desirable vegetation. This will cut down on maintenance in the long-term. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff or the Dakota County Soil and Water District. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the developer. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, grading and erosion control plan, utility plan, site plan, and tree preservation plan for Interstate South Logistics Park, subject to the requirements and stipulations within this report.