HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03.aCity of Lakeville Building Inspections Memorandum To: Justin Miller, City Administrator David Olson, Community and Economic Development Director From: Gene Abbott, Building Official Date: 9/16/15 Subject: House at 20510 Hollins Avenue On June 17, 2015, I received a phone call from Lieutenant Jim Puncochar with the Lakeville Police Department, in regards to the unsanitary conditions of the interior of the home located at 20510 Hollins Avenue. A neighbor had a concern for the safety and welfare of the inhabitants and the noticeable smell coming from the house. Police and Fire Departments were on scene and searched the house for inhabitants. No inhabitants were found. Upon entry into the lower level of the home by myself, I noticed an awful stench in part due to the amount of garbage and feces discovered in the house. The house was filled with used beer cans as well (See attached photographs). The house was open to trespass and was therefore boarded up to prevent unauthorized access to the interior. Lakeville Property Maintenance Code (PMC) section 305 stated that the interior of a structure and equipment therein shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and in sanitary condition. The conditions of the interior of house were not sanitary and therefore the Certificate of Occupancy was revoked, the public utilities shut off, and the site posted as uninhabitable. The Police Department did locate the owner, Mr. Michael Berg. The City Attorney verified that Mr. Berg is the sole owner of the property. I left him several messages to contact me in regards to his home. He eventually called me back on 6/23/15 and we discussed the condition of the home and that there was substantial cleanup required to make it habitable and weather tight. We discussed on the phone that he could enter the home to have it cleaned up and retain any of his personal belongings. Mr. Berg did state that he did not have any intention to cleaning up the house. I followed up our conversation with a letter date 6/26/2015 (see attached). Mr. Berg was required to clean up the site by 7/15/15 in order to evaluate the interior of the structure. To date the home has not been cleaned up. See photographs dated 8/12/15. Recommendation: At this time, I would recommend that the City Council consider condemning the interior of the structure per State Statute and order the house professionally cleaned in order to evaluate the interior of the structure. Such costs should be assessed to the property. If the interior of the home is damaged beyond repair then the entire structure should be condemned per State Statute and removed. 20 6 T H S T W H O L L I N S A V E H O L T A V E H O L Y O K E A V E 205T H S T W 20 5 T H S T W µ20510 Hollins Avenue Quigley-Sime Park City of Lakeville PncitinriM to Thriw June 26, 2015 Michael Berg PO Box 520 Lakeville, MN 55044 RE: Condition of home at 20510 Hollins Ave West in Lakeville, Minnesota Dear Mr. Berg: On June 17, 2015, 1 received a phone call from Lieutenant Jim Puncochar with Lakeville Police Department, in regards to the conditions of the interior of your home that were a concern for the safety and welfare of the inhabitants and neighborhood. Please see attached photographs taken at the site. Lakeville Property Maintenance Code (PMC) section 305 stated that the interior of a structure and equipment therein shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and in sanitary condition. The interior of your home is not sanitary and therefore the Certificate of Occupancy has been revoked, the public utilities have been shut off, and the site posted as uninhabitable. As we had discussed on the phone on 6/23/15, you are allowed to enter the home to obtain your personal belongings. In addition before the building can be occupied, the residence must be professionally cleaned and evaluated whether the structure is salvageable. If not completed by 7/15/2015, the matter will be presented to the City Council for appropriate action including but not limited to condemnation and potential demolition due to the current unsanitary condition. Please give me a call at 952-985-4441 by such date to set up a follow up inspection or if you have any questions. Sin rely, Gene Abbott Building Official C: Soren Mattick, City Attorney's David Olson, Community and Economic Deveopment Director Jim Puncochar, Lakeville Police Lieutenant 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 952-985-4400.952-985-4499 fax www.lakeviUemn.gov sir ��'4�F7P' 08/12/2015 ,�'� �� ;'' fit �.; ; e1 t� � �� �' Ai s � a� Y �W�yw 4 �S,��q� � .` �l � v r�� Y>.�`� � ��R. +�� Y J i A �� e r � � ,,; Y Yay'\ � �^� yf,�` Y1 �'�, i .;s' 1 i i d•Y v yy�yy � ? M� � 4 i 1 � ��Y �. L e '. f , M ¢. +r� �'. fa�� ^ i� �}�"t Y 4l�1 t R.. 4 A 4 'Y: r Y � •�. ? ,., � ? \ � � ' X� �(ii(��� p i�� . �(� i .;s' 1 i i d•Y v yy�yy � ? M� � 4 i 1 � ��Y �. L e '. f , M ¢. +r� �'. fa�� ^ i� r III I IjI�I��� IY91�d lAl l,._ ►W J 1 t R q 1 , v _ t f � 4: V P' /4 06/17/2015 L tl Il 08/12/2015 183261 183261v1 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. ____ A RESOLUTION ORDERING REPAIR OR REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS WHEREAS, the Building Official for the City of Lakeville has attempted without success to have the owner of certain property remedy the hazardous and unsafe condition of the uninhabitable house situated on property at 20510 Hollins Avenue West, Lakeville, Minnesota located in the County of Dakota (“Subject Property”); and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the building on the Subject Property constitutes a hazardous building and is a health and safety hazard within the meaning of Minn. Stat. § 463.15, subd. 3. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA: 1. The City has fully considered all evidence relating to the code violations at the Subject Property. Said evidence includes (i) a Property Report prepared by Land Title on August 6, 2015 indicating ownership of the Subject Property; (ii) a letter dated June 26, 2015 from the City of Lakeville’s Building Official to Mr. Berg with attached photos date stamped 06/17/15; and (iii) additional photographs taken and date stamped 08/12/15. 2. After fully considering all of the reports, photographs, documents, and other evidence pertaining to the code violations at the Subject Property, the City of Lakeville finds: a. Michael J. Berg is the owner of the Subject Property and that there are no liens on the Subject Property. b. The City of Lakeville has notified the owner of the code violations by letter dated June 26, 2015. c. The Subject Property, which is located in Dakota County, contains hazards to public health and safety and is therefore a Hazardous Property within the meaning of Minn. Stat. § 463.15, subd. 3. d. The interior of the home appears to have an accumulation of garbage and rubbish making it unsanitary. e. The interior of the home (and equipment therein) is deteriorating and not 183261 183261v1 2 maintained in good repair, or structurally sound condition. f. The exterior walls of the Subject Property have not been maintained in good repair. Parts of the exterior are deteriorating, siding is broken or falling off, and window and door openings have been covered with plywood. g. The gutters on the exterior of the home have plants growing inside them. h. The City has revoked the Certificate of Occupancy, shut off the public utilities and has posted the site as uninhabitable. i. The Subject Property is structurally unsound and not secured against entry, making it an unsafe building. 3. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 463.16 et seq., the City hereby adopts and approves the Order for Repair and Removal of Hazardous Conditions attached hereto as Exhibit A. 4. The City’s legal counsel, Campbell Knutson, P.A., Grand Oak Office Center I, 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290, Eagan, Minnesota 55121, is directed to serve the Order for Repair and Removal of Hazardous Conditions and to proceed with enforcement in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 463.15 et seq. ADOPTED this _____ day of _____________, 20___, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota. CITY OF LAKEVILLE By: _________________________________ ______________________, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ ____________________, City Clerk 183261 183261v1 3 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The undersigned, being the duly qualified and appointed City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, certifies that I compared the foregoing resolution adopted at a meeting of the Lakeville City Council on ___________________, 20___, with the original thereof on file in my office, and the same is a correct transcription thereof. WITNESS my hand officially as such City Clerk and the Corporate seal of the City this ______ day of _________, 20____. ___________________________________ City Clerk 183263 183263v1 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF DAKOTA FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASE TYPE: Other Civil ______________________________________________________________________________ Court File No. ______________________ IN RE: The Matter of a Hazardous Building ORDER FOR REPAIR Located at 20510 Hollins Avenue, AND REMOVAL OF Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS ______________________________________________________________________________ TO: Owners and lienholders of the above real estate: Michael Berg, 20510 Hollins Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota 55044. PLEASE BE ADVISED that pursuant to order of the Lakeville City Council and by authority of Minnesota Statutes § 463.15 et seq., you have twenty (20) days from the date of service of this Order upon you, to remedy the health and safety hazards and the hazardous condition of the property at 20510 Hollins Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 located in the County of Dakota, and legally described as follows: Lot One (1), Block One (1), Todd Addition, according to the map or plat thereof on file or of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Dakota County, Minnesota. On June 17, 2015, the City of Lakeville received a phone call from Lt. Jim Puncochar with the Lakeville Police Department regarding the interior condition of the home located at 20510 Hollins Avenue West, Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 (hereinafter the “Subject Property”) and the concern for the safety and welfare of inhabitants and the neighborhood. Photographs taken at the site revealed an accumulation of garbage and rubbish in the interior of the home making it unsafe and unsanitary. Based on the inspection and photographs, the City has revoked the Certificate of Occupancy, shut off the public utilities and posted the site as uninhabitable. 183263 183263v1 2 The following conditions must be remedied and inspected within twenty (20) days from the date of service of this Order: 1. The Subject Property, which is located in Dakota County, contains hazards to public health and safety and is therefore a Hazardous Property within the meaning of Minn. Stat. § 463.15, subd. 3. 2. The interior of the home appears to have an accumulation of garbage and rubbish making it unsanitary and in violation of the International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 edition, Section 305.1, as adopted in Lakeville City Code Section 9-8-1. 3. The interior of the home (and equipment therein) is deteriorating and not maintained in good repair, or structurally sound condition, and is in violation of the International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 edition, Section 305.1, as adopted in Lakeville City Code Section 9-8-1. 4. The exterior walls of the Subject Property have not been maintained in good repair. Parts of the exterior are deteriorating, siding is broken or falling off, and window and door openings have been covered with plywood, in violation of the International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 edition, Sections 304.6, 304.13, and 304.15, as adopted in Lakeville City Code Section 9-8-1. 5. The gutters on the exterior of the home have plants growing inside them in violation of the International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 edition, Section 304.7, as adopted in Lakeville City Code Section 9-8-1. 6. The Subject Property is structurally unsound and not secured against entry, making it an unsafe building in violation of Lakeville City Code § 9-8-3, Subd. 304.1; the International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 edition, Section 304.18, as adopted in Lakeville City Code Section 9-8-1. If you fail to remedy the code violations, the City will seek permission from the District Court for the City to do so. The City will move the District Court for summary enforcement of this Order pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 463.19 unless you remedy the situation within said twenty (20) day period or unless an answer is filed within twenty (20) days of service of this Order upon you pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 463.18. Upon enforcement of the Order by the City, all costs expended by the City will be assessed against the real property and collected as other taxes as provided in Minn. Stat. § 463.21. 183263 183263v1 3 If you fail to remedy the code violations, you must remove all personal property or fixtures which will unreasonably interfere with the repair within twenty (20) days of service of this Order upon you pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 463.24. If the personal property or fixtures are not removed within that time, then the City may sell the personal property or fixtures at public auction as provided in Minn. Stat. § 463.24 or the City may destroy the same. Dated: ______________, 2015 CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association By: ________________________________ Soren M. Mattick, #27785X Lakeville City Attorney Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The City of Lakeville, by and through its undersigned attorney, acknowledges that costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney and witness fees may be awarded to the opposing party or parties pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 549.211, subd. 1. Dated: ______________, 2015 __________________________________ Soren M. Mattick LT File Number: 525492 Report prepared on: August 6, 2015 Prepared for: Campbell Knutson Grand Oak Office Center I, 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite #290 Eagan, MN 55121 Attn: Jean Olson Client File No.: PROPERTY REPORT v service beyond the expected Applicant: Michael J. Berg Property Address: 20510 Hollins Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 County: Dakota State: Minnesota Property Type: Abstract Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot One (1), Block One (1), Todd Addition, according to the map or plat thereof on file or of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Dakota County, Minnesota. APPARENT RECORD OWNER: Michael J. Berg, a single person WARRANTY DEED: Paul M. Zeig and Michelle L. Zeig, husband and wife, to Michael J. Berg, a single person; DOCUMENT NO.: 1286558; DATED: June 27, 1995; FILED: July 6, 1995. OPEN MORTGAGES AND LIENS: -NONE- TAX INFORMATION: Tax I.D. No.: 22-76800-01-010 Taxes for the year 2015: $2,626.30, Total, are 1st 1/2 Due, 2nd 1/2 Due, Plus penalty on unpaid 1st 1/2 Delinquent Tax: 2010- $1,194.76, 2011- $2,365.04, 2012- $2,371.38, 2014- $2,551.18, plus penalty, cost and interest for each year Base Tax: $2,626.30 (Homestead) Estimated Market Value: $216,500.00 Assessed in the name of: Michael J. Berg LT File Number: 525492 Page 1 of 2 NAME SEARCHES: There are no unsatisfied judgments and notices of Federal or State Tax Liens docketed in Dakota County District Court, and the Dakota County Recorder's office appearing against the following names (through the date interest was conveyed out): Michael J. Berg Except as follows: JUDGMENT: Central Prairie Financial LLC vs. Michael Berg, dated July 30, 2010, docketed July 30, 2010 in Dakota County District Court records as Case No. 19HACV104709 in the amount of $6,667.88. JUDGMENT: Midland Credit Management Inc vs. Mike Berg, dated September 15, 2004, docketed December 17, 2008 in Dakota County District Court records as Case No. 19AVCV083985 in the amount of $1,105.89. POSTED EFFECTIVE DATE: 24th day of July, 2015 This Property Report is not a title examination, title opinion, title insurance commitment or title insurance policy. This report is furnished for the use and benefit of the requesting party. The liability of the reporting company caused by inaccuracies contained herein is limited to the amount paid for in said report. Land Title, Inc. • 2200 West County Road C, Suite 2205, Roseville, MN 55113 • phone (651) 638-1900 • fax (651) 697-6185 • landtitleinc.com LT File Number: 525492 Page 2 of 2 Foam No. S -M- WARRANTY Individual (a) to Joint Tenants Nfinnmm No delinquent taxes and'transfer enterer; CertiEcate of Real Estate Value ( K ) filed ( ) not required Certificate ofReal Estate Value No. County Auditor by �Ct Deputy STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON; S 391.05 Date: June 27 -11995 ua978 32&�55� C �a ULU LU LU L F g s a GD z a a O 3� Z U = ll! al 1�- 02 �f= r �.{ U ¢ U Y U U Cf. �a ° ❑ Q Z o X ozm ❑me° ❑ °� U z s Lu 13 �a"�¢ w cc $ ca U FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, -Paul M_ Zeig and Michelle L Zeig Husband and Wife Grantor(s), . (meatal scams) hereby convey (s) and warrant (s) to Michael J. Berg, a single person ........ , GI2ACCeS as joint tenants real property in Dakota - _ - County, Afinesota, described as follows: Lot -one (1) Block one (1) Todd Addition, according too the map or. plat thereof on file or ot record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Dakota County, Minnesota. The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. COUNTYCONSERVATION FEE $Sao M40MAS V. NOVAK !3 g- WWACOIR WMWAStIH%Att=R (ti; mvrc space is needed. continue an back) together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: Restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any. 8509 WSC DAKOTA COUN ly Paul. M_ Ze1g RSS-l-WNi ESOTA 5,� DE[ D TAX AMTSMz1a e L. 2eig STATE OF NfNNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF Dakota ,-• ..... • The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 27th day of by. Paul M Zeicrand Michelle i/! Ze: USA ANN BRUB�E.R N NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESCIA ! DAKOTA COUNT I !Ay Ca,urdsdoa 6piusJAT! 312000 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (NAME AND ADDRESS); Affiliate -d Title a Closing 14551 County Road 11 Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 ,19 95 , , Grantor(s). Taz. StatemeatsYo{the mat pnvpe�ty descalxd in this insum sent should b sent to (Ltcdudo name and address of Gzantee); Michael J. Berg 20510 Hollins Avenue Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 K"Wis] Bank of America, FSB 8300 Norman Center Drive #1000 Bloomington, Mn 55431 ON