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November 4, 2015
Chair Swan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Lake Marion Conference
Room at City Hall.
Members Present: Tom Goodwin, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace, Jeanne Peterson,
Bob Swan
Members Absent: Lori Bovitz and Judy Hayes
Staff Present: Interim Parks & Recreation Director John Hennen, Environmental
Resources Manager Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Tamara Wallace
2. Approval of October 21 minutes
Minutes were approved as written
3. Citizen comments
Lakeville resident Anne Marie Johnson spoke in opposition of replacing the Land of
Amazement with a new structure for these general reasons: concern that replacing
the wood structure with plastic material would jeopardize the playground’s
uniqueness, that there aren’t enough play pieces dedicated to smaller children,
safety concerns as it relates to height of the new structure, the loss of seating/
visiting space, and concern over tree preservation.
Staff thanked the resident for coming in to express her concerns and admiration for
the Land of Amazement playground, and detailed the need for replacement due to
structural safety concerns. Staff showed a mock-up of the Land of Amazement’s
new playground design, which was recently approved at a City Council meeting,
and pointed out some fixtures that could be appealing to younger children, that 3
large trees would be preserved (and more if possible), new features, sitting areas
on the north side, and that the new structure would meet today’s accessibility and
safety standards.
Given the resident was fairly new to Lakeville the committee also gave suggestions
on other parks the resident could visit that have additional play fixtures geared
towards small children.
4. Staff Report
Currently staff is finishing up promotional and marketing materials for the Land of
Amazement construction which include a brochure, a video, and information on the
City’s website. Included in the brochure are the donation levels available, as well
as a catalog of specific play pieces needed that individuals or businesses can
purchase towards the project. (Staff also showed the committee the Land of
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2015 Page 2
Amazement video which provides past and present information and history on the
On Saturday, October 24, the 24th Annual Haunted Forest event was held at Steve
Michaud Park. Attendance was excellent with over 2000 turning out to the popular
event, 600 children that went through the trick-or-treating maze, and over 750 lbs.
of food donated.
Park maintenance staff has begun preparing the ice rinks and the warming house
buildings for the skating season.
5. Interstate First Addition Preliminary & Final Plat
Staff reviewed the Interstate First Addition Preliminary and Final plat and discussed
property lines, wetland impact, storm water design, grading, and tree preservation.
Motion made by Jeanne Peterson, seconded by Tom Goodwin to recommend
to City Council approval of the Interstate First Addition Preliminary & Final Plat,
subject to the recommendations as presented by City staff.
Ayes: unanimous
6. Discuss Lakeville Yellow Ribbon Request to Install Veterans Path
The Lakeville Yellow Ribbon would like to donate monies to the City for the
installation of a 6 foot, asphalt path around Veterans Memorial; ultimately they
would like to install plaques along the path in dedication to the past wars.
Staff would assist the Yellow Ribbon in creating a bid package to obtain quotes in
the hopes of constructing the path in the spring of 2016.
The committee asked questions regarding the project including tree preservation on
the site, a possible second handicap accessible entrance to the path, and what
maintenance and staff hours would be needed to maintain the path.
Motion made by Tom Goodwin, seconded by Howard Lovelace to recommend
to City Council approval to install the veterans path around the Veterans Memorial
at Aronson Park, with the possibility of exploring a second handicap accessible
Ayes: unanimous
7. Review Notes & Comments from the Northeast and North Central Park Tours
The committee continued discussion on the notes and comments from the tour of
the parks system previously completed.
Continuing with the Northeast and North Central parks, the committee discussed
the notes and comments from each park, and brainstormed ideas and key points on
the park’s use and amenities that could be added, removed, or relocated to improve
the overall quality of the park. The parks discussed at this meeting included:
Fairfeld, Dodd Trail, Greenridge, Cherryview, Foxborough, Highview Heights,
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2015 Page 3
Hypointe Crossing, Oak Shores, Rolling Oaks, Lynwood Heights, and Dakota
Heights parks.
8. Announcements
9. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Wallace, Recording Secretary