HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.f Service & License Agreement Contract Information
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
Contact Information
Street Address
Address 2
City State Postal
CivicPlus provides telephone support for all trained clients from 7am –7pm Central Time, Monday-Friday (excluding holidays). Emergency
Support is provided on a 24/7/365 basis for representatives named by the Client. Client is responsible for ensuring CivicPlus has current
Emergency Contact & Mobile Phone
Emergency Contact & Mobile Phone
Emergency Contact & Mobile Phone
Billing Contact E-Mail
Phone Ext. Fax
Billing Address
Address 2
City ST Postal
Tax ID # Sales Tax
Exempt #
Billing Terms Account
Info Required on Invoice (PO or Job #)
Contract Contact Email
Phone Ext. Fax
Project Contact Email
Phone Ext. Fax
Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
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CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. CPA 06.01.15-0202
CivicPlus Advantage Contract Terms and Conditions
CivicPlus Advantage Invoicing & Payment Terms
The following agreement terms apply to the CivicPlus Advantage Plan – whereby the initial project development fees and recurring fees
are paid equally over a three (3) year period. See Exhibit A for complete details and fee options.
1. Notwithstanding any of the below, any liabilities or obligations to be incu rred by Client over the course of this contract shall be
contingent on approval of this contract and its terms and conditions, including all attached exhibits, scopes of work, and
service level agreements. CivicPlus agrees and affirms that such approval is of the essence for this contract.
2. Billing for the CivicPlus Advantage Plan begins upon contract signing.
3. The CivicPlus Advantage Plan provides a fixed fee for an Agreement term of 36 months from the first date of billing. At 36
months, Client has the following options:
a. Contract for 12 months of standard Annual Services with CivicPlus. Base rate of $69,125 is subject to a technology
investment and benefit fee of 5 percent (%) of the total Annual Services costs beginning the fourth year of
consecutive service.
i. After forty-eight (48) months of continuous service, Client is entitled to a no-cost redesign, details noted in
Exhibit B. Redesigns that include additional features not available on the original website may be subject to
additional charges. Additional features include, but are not limited to, additional modules and integration of
third-party software.
b. Terminate services with CivicPlus by providing written notice as noted in Term 6.
4. Payment is due 30 days from date of invoice. Unless otherwise limited by law, a finance charge of 2.9 percent (%) per month
or $5.00, whichever is greater, will be added to past due accounts. Payments received will be applied first to finance charge s,
then to the oldest outstanding invoice(s).
5. Client allows CivicPlus to display a “Government Websites by CivicPlus” insignia, and web link at the bottom of their web
pages. Client understands that the pricing and any related discount structure provided under this agreement assumes such
perpetual permission.
6. If a client change in timeline causes CivicPlus to incur additional expenses (i.e. airline change fees), Client agrees to
reimburse CivicPlus for those fees. Not to exceed $1,000 per CivicPlus resource per trip.
Agreement Renewal
7. Either party may terminate this Agreement at the end of the contract term by providing the other party with 60 days written
notice, prior to the contract renewal date. The Contract Renewal Date is thirty-six (36) months after the original contract was
signed by the Client. Renewal Options are listed in Term 2 of this Agreement.
8. In the event of early termination of the Agreement by the Client within the first twelve (12) months of the Agreement, full
payment of the remainder of the total First Year fees are due within 15 days of termination.
9. In the event of early termination of the Agreement by the Client after twelve (12) months, but before the expiration of the
Agreement, Annual Services fees for year(s) two (2) and three (3) will be prorated and Client will be charged only for the time it
remains as a Client of CivicPlus. Full payment of the remainder of the total First Year fees and prorated fees are due within 15
days of termination.
10. This contract may be extended to any municipality in the State of Minnesota to purchase at contract prices in accordance with
the terms stated herein.
Ownership & Content Responsibility
11. Upon full and complete payment of submitted invoices for the Project Development and launch of the website, Client will own
the Customer Content (defined as website graphic designs, the page content, all module content, all importable/exportable
data, and all archived information).
12. Upon completion of the development of the site, Client will assume full responsibility for website content mai ntenance and
content administration. Client, not CivicPlus, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability,
appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all Customer Content.
Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Page 2 of 3
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. CPA 06.01.15-0202
Intellectual Property
13. Intellectual Property of the CivicPlus Government Content Management System (GCMS®) will remain the property of
14. Client shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make
available to any third party the GCMS® software in any way; (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the GCMS®
software; (iii) create Internet “links” to the GCMS® software or “frame” or “mirror” any GCMS® administrative access on any
other server or wireless or Internet-based device; or (iv) reverse engineer or access the GCMS® software in order to (a) build
a competitive product or service, (b) build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMS®
software, or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMS® software. The CivicPlus name, the CivicPlus
logo, and the product and module names associated with the GCMS® software are trademarks of CivicPlus, and no right or
license is granted to use them.
15. Client, subject to the limitations and immunities in Minn. Stat. Chapter 466, and CivicPlus shall defend, indemnify and hold the
other Party harmless, its partners, employees, and agents from and against any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, penalties,
losses, fines, liabilities, damages, and expenses including attorney’s fees of any kind, without limitation, in connection wi th the
operations of and installation of software contemplated by this Agreement, or otherwise arising out of or in any way connected
with the CivicPlus provision of service and performance under this Agreement. This section shall not apply to the extent that
any loss or damage is caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of either party.
16. CivicPlus will not be liable for any act, omission of act, negligence or defect in the quality of service of any underlying carrier or
other service provider whose facilities or services are used in furnishing any portion of the service received by the Client.
17. CivicPlus will not be liable for any failure of performance that is caused by or the result of any act or omission by Client or any
entity employed/contracted on the Client’s behalf.
18. Client agrees that it is solely responsible for any solicitation, collection, storage, or other use of end-users’ Personal Data on
the website. Client further agrees that CivicPlus has no responsibility for the use or storage of end-users’ Personal Data in
connection with the website or the consequences of the solicitation, collection, storage, or other use by Client or by any third
party of Personal Data.
Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Page 3 of 3
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. CPA 06.01.15-0202
We, the undersigned, agreeing to the conditions specified in this document, understand and authorize the provision of service s outlined
in this Agreement.
Client: City of Lakeville, Minnesota CivicPlus
_____________________________ _________ ________________________ _________
Mayor, City of Lakeville Date Director of Sales, CivicPlus Date
_____________________________ _________
City Clerk, City of Lakeville Date
Sign and E-mail the entire contract with exhibits to:
We will e-mail a counter-signed copy of the contract back to you so we can begin your project.
CivicPlus does not require a physical copy of the contract, however, if you would like a physical
copy of the contract, mail one (1) copy of the contract with original signature to:
CivicPlus Contract Manager
302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500
Manhattan, KS 66502
Upon receipt of signed original, we will counter-sign and return the copy for your files.
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Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Exhibit A 1 of 4
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. PD 06.01.2015-0202
Exhibit A - CivicPlus Project Deliverables
All Quotes are in US Dollars and Valid until December 31, 2015.
Project Development and Deployment
Initial GCMS® upgrades, maintenance, support and hosting – no additional cost
Server Storage not to exceed 10 GB
Project Enhancements
3 Days On-Site Navigation & Content Consulting
1 Day On-Site Citizen Engagement & Roadmap Consulting
3 Department Header Packages w/ Themes
Civic Media with 10GB storage for www.lakevillemn.gov
Total First Year Fee $69,125
Annual Services (Continuing GCMS® Upgrades, Maintenance, Support and
Subject to annual 5% increase starting year 4 and beyond.
At the request of Client, CivicPlus agrees to redistribute their standardized pricing as follows:
CivicPlus Advantage Annual
Investment Payments
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
$29,474 $29,474 $29,474
Client may terminate contract at the end of 36 months or select from options available in Term 2 of the Terms & Conditions
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Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Exhibit A 2 of 4
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. PD 06.01.2015-0202
Exhibit A.1 Project Development Scope of Work
Deliverable: Project Timeline, training jump start information, online forms, kick-off meeting
CivicPlus will:
assign a project manager to this project
conduct a Project Kick-off to review awarded
establish communication plan for the duration of the
project effort
work with the Client to identify all key internal and
external project stakeholders
develop project timeline
provide access to CivicPlus University (online
training manuals, videos and other resources) for the
Client staff
Client will:
complete the following prior to Phase 1: Functionality
and Design Form, Web Team Form and Content Form,
Roles and Responsibilities Form and DNS Form
review and approve of project timeline within 5
business days
attend a kick-off meeting with key stakeholders or
decision makers
if modifications are required after the review of the
initial project timeline, Client has 10 business days to
address the modifications and come to a consensus
approve the project timeline (limited to two reviews)
prior to proceeding with the project
update the current primary live website content and
delete any pages from the website that are no longer
wanted or needed
Phase 1: Website Optimization
Deliverable: Website Optimization Meeting
CivicPlus will:
communicate status to the Client, key stakeholders
and personnel via emails or phone calls as needed
review the goals and expectations submitted on the
forms the Client completed to ensure the Client
needs are clearly understood
gather preliminary design data for use
Client will provide:
statistics from the current website from the past 12
months (optional)
pictures to be used in the overall design of the new
a list of all divisions and/or departments within the
a list of third-party and in-house developed applications
presently being utilized on the current website
a site map or outline of the current website’s
navigational structure if possible
a list of any content on the current primary website that
must remain as is (verbatim) because of legal
Phase 2: Website Layout
Deliverable: Website grayscale layout and mood board color pallet presentation
CivicPlus will:
present one custom layout in grayscale form and one
mood board color palette based on the goals
determined in the previous phase. The presented
layout will show the placement of the navigation,
graphic button and feature areas. The mood board
will reflect the color and imagery that will represent
the tone of the design
begin development of the website design upon layout
and mood board approval
Client will:
approve one layout and the mood board
review marketing packet material and guidelines
Website Layout billing milestone complete
Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Exhibit A 3 of 4
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. CPA 06.01.15-0000
Phase 3: Website Reveal
Deliverable: Website design and production website.
CivicPlus will:
present a fully functional website on a production
migrate 500 content pages from
www.lakeviewmn.gov to the production URL
conduct a quality review of the website to ensure the
functionality and usability standards are met
work with the Client to adjust design and content
work with the Client to prepare for training
migrate current plus the past three years Agendas &
Minutes in Microsoft Word.DOC or Adobe PDF
Client will:
evaluate the website design and content and provide
CivicPlus with feedback
collaborate with CivicPlus on proposed changes
revise the design according to the approved timeline
if revised design changes are requested after the
design approval timeline date, the project’s Go Live
date will be adjusted out (training and billing
milestones will remain as per approved timeline)
provide CivicPlus will all the necessary DNS items
identified for the website
Phase 4: 24 Hours Customized Interactive Webinar
Deliverable: Train System Administrator(s) on GCMS® Administration, permissions, setting up groups and users,
module administration. Basic User training on pages, module entries, applying modules to pages. Applied use and
usability consulting to result in effective communication through your website.
CivicPlus will:
provided training to the Client before the website
goes live
train up to 6 Client staff members based on internal
daily tasks and workflow
train staff members on how to use the GCMS®,
update content pages and modules
Client will:
provide a location for training with internet access
provide computers for staff to be trained on
Phase 4: Training billing milestone complete
Phase 5: Go Live
Deliverable: Custom website launched to the public.
CivicPlus will:
address system issues and bugs that the Client
redirect the domain name to the newly developed
website as per approved timeline
Client will:
test and update the final site as per approved timeline
notify CivicPlus on any system issues or bugs found in
the website
Project Enhancements:
3 Days On-Site Navigation & Content Consulting
1 Day On-Site Citizen Engagement & Roadmap Consulting
3 Department Header Packages w/ Themes
Civic Media with 10GB storage for www.lakevillemn.gov
Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Exhibit A 4 of 4
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. CPA 06.01.15-0202
Project Development and Deployment Includes the Following:
Modules Functionality
Agenda Center
Alerts Center & Emergency Alert Notification
Archive Center
Bid Postings
Business/Resource Directory
Citizen Request Tracker™ (5 users)
Community Connection
Community Voice™
Document Center
ePayment Center
Facilities & Reservations
Frequently Asked Questions
Forms Center
Job Postings
My Dashboard
News Flash
Notify Me® email and 500 SMS subscribers
Photo Gallery
Quick Links
Real Estate Locator
Staff Directory
Action Items Queue
Audit Trail / History Log
Automated PDF Converter
Automatic Content Archiving
Dynamic Breadcrumbs
Dynamic Sitemap
Expiring Items Library
Graphic Link Administration
Links Redirect
Menu Management
Mouse-over Menu Structure
Online Editor for Editing and Page Creation (WYSIWYG)
Online Web Statistics
Printer Friendly/Email Page
Site Layout Options
Site Search & Entry Log
Social Media Integration (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
User & Group Administration Rights
Web Page Upload Utility
Website Administrative Log
Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Exhibit B 1 of 1
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. CPA 06.01.15-0202
Exhibit B – Basic Redesign of Website
CivicPlus Project Development Services & Scope of Services for
CP Basic Redesign
New design for all items originally contracted for (main site, department headers and subsites)
Redevelop banner
Redevelop navigation method (may choose top drop-down or other options)
Design setup - wireframe
Redevelop graphic elements of website (Newsflash, FAQs, Calendar, etc.)
Project Management
Content Migration – Includes retouching of all existing published pages to ensure proper formatting, and
application of new site styles. Note: Content will not be rewritten, reformatted or pages broken up (shortened or
Site styles and page layouts will be touched so all pages match the new design and migrate cleanly
Spelling and broken links will be checked and reported if unable to correct
Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Exhibit C 1 of 1
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. PH 06.01.2015-0000
Exhibit C - Premium Included Hosting
Data Center Highly Reliable Data Center
Managed Network Infrastructure
On-Site Power Backup & Generators
Multiple telecom/network providers
Fully redundant Network
Highly Secure Facility
24/7/365 System Monitoring
Hosting Automated GCMS® Software Updates
Server Management & Monitoring
Multi-tiered Software Architecture
Server software updates & security patches
Database server updates & security patches
Antivirus management & updates
Server-class hardware from nationally recognized provider
Redundant firewall solutions
High performance SAN with N+2 reliability
Bandwidth Multiple network providers in place
Unlimited bandwidth usage for normal business operations (does not apply in the event of a
cyber attack)
22 Gb/s burst bandwidth
Disaster Recovery
Emergency After-hours support, live agent (24/7)
On-line status monitor at data center
Event notification emails
Guaranteed recovery TIME objective (RTO) of 8 hours
Guaranteed recovery POINT objective (RPO) of 24 hours
Pre-emptive monitoring for disaster situations
Multiple data centers
Geographically diverse data centers
DDoS Mitigation Defined DDoS Attack Process
Identify attack source
Identify type of attack
Monitor attack for threshold engagement
Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Exhibit D 1 of 1
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. SM 06.01.2015-0000
Exhibit D - Support and Maintenance
Support Services
CivicPlus’ on-site support team is available from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm CT to assist clients with any questions, concerns or
suggestions regarding the functionality and usage of CivicPlus’ GCMS® and associated applications. The support team is available
during these hours via CivicPlus’ toll-free support number and e-mail. Support personnel will respond to calls as they arrive (under
normal circumstances, if all lines are busy, messages will be returned within two hours; action will be taken on e -mails within four
hours), and if Client’s customer support liaison is unable to assist, the service escalation process will begin.
Emergency support is available 24-hours-a-day for designated, named Client points-of-contact, with members of both CivicPlus’
project management and support teams available for urgent requests. Emergency support is provided free -of-charge for true
emergencies (ie: website is down, applications are malfunctioning, etc.), though Client may incur support charges for non -
emergency requests during off hours (ie: basic functionality / usage requests regarding system operation and management). The
current discounted rate is $175/hour.
CivicPlus maintains a customer support website that is accessible 24 -hours-a-day with an approved client username and password.
Service Escalation Processes
In the event that CivicPlus’ support team is unable to assist Client with a request, question or concern, the issue is report ed to the
appropriate CivicPlus department.
Client requests for additional provided services are forwarded to CivicPlus’ Client Care personnel.
Client concerns/questions regarding GCMS® or associated application errors are reported to CivicPlus’ technical team through
CivicPlus’ issue tracking and management system to be addressed in a priority order to be determined by CivicPlus’ technical team.
All other requests that do not meet these criteria will be forwarded to appropriate personnel within CivicPlus’ organization at the
discretion of the customer support liaison.
Included Services:
Support Maintenance of CivicPlus GCMS®
7 a.m. – 7 p.m. (CST) Monday – Friday
(excluding holidays)
Install Service Patches for OS
System Enhancements
24/7 Emergency Support Fixes
Dedicated Support Personnel Improvements
Usability Improvements Integration
Integration of System Enhancements Testing
Proactive Support for Updates & Fixes Development
Online Training Manuals Usage License
Monthly Newsletters
Routine Follow-up Check-ins
CivicPlus Connection
Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Exhibit E 1 of 2
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. SLA 06.01.2015-0202
Exhibit E - CivicPlus Service Level Agreement
CivicPlus will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the GCMS® available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage (defined belo w) of
at least 99.7%, in each case during any monthly billing cycle (the “Service Commitment”). In the event CivicPlus does not meet the
Service Commitment, you will be eligible to receive a Service Credit as described below.
“Monthly Uptime Percentage” is calculated by subtracting from 100% the percentage of minutes during the month in which the
CGMS, was “Unavailable.” Monthly Uptime Percentage measurements exclude downtime resulting directly or indirectly from
any Exclusion (defined below).
“Unavailable” and “Unavailability” mean:
o The HTML of the home page of the site is not delivered in 10 seconds or less 3 times in a row when tested from
inside our network and returns a status of 200.
o The Main page of the site returns a status other than 200 or 302 3 times in a row.
A “Service Credit” is a dollar credit, calculated as set forth below, that we may credit back to an eligible account.
Service Commitments and Service Credits
Service Credits are calculated as a percentage of the total charges paid by you (excluding one -time payments such as upfront
payments) for the month accordance with the schedule below.
Monthly Uptime Percentage Service Credit Percentage
Less than 99.7% 1% of one month’s fee
We will apply any Service Credits only against future payments otherwise due from you. Service Credits will not entitle you to any
refund or other payment from CivicPlus. A Service Credit will be applicable and issued only if the credit amount for the appl icable
monthly billing cycle is greater than one dollar ($1 USD). Service Credits may not be transferred or applied to any other account. Unless
otherwise provided in the Client Agreement, your sole and exclusive remedy for any unavailability, non -performance, or other failure by
us to provide the service is the receipt of a Service Credit (if eligible) in accordance with the terms of this SLA.
Credit Request and Payment Procedures
To receive a Service Credit, you must submit a claim by opening a case with Support. To be eligible, the credit request must be
received by us by the end of the second billing cycle after which the incident occurred and must include:
1. the words “SLA Credit Request” in the subject line;
2. the dates and times of each Unavailability incident that you are claiming;
3. the affected Site domains; and
4. Any documentation that corroborate your claimed outage.
If the Monthly Uptime Percentage of such request is confirmed by us and is less than the Service Commitment, then we will iss ue the
Service Credit to you within one billing cycle following the month in which your request is confirmed by us. Your failure to provide the
request and other information as required above will disqualify you from receiving a Service Credit.
SLA Exclusions
The Service Commitment does not apply to any unavailability, suspension or termination of GCMS®, or any other GCMS® performance
issues: (i) that result from a suspension; (ii) caused by factors outside of our reasonable control, including any force maje ure event or
Internet access or related problems beyond the demarcation point of CivicPlus; (iii) that result from any actions or inaction s of you or
any third party; (iv) that result from your equipment, software or other technology and/or third party equipm ent, software or other
technology (other than third party equipment within our direct control); (v) that result from any maintenance as provided for pursuant to
the Client Agreement; or (vi) arising from our suspension and termination of your right to use the GCMS® in accordance with the Client
Agreement (collectively, the “SLA Exclusions”). If availability is impacted by factors other than those used in our Monthly U ptime
Percentage calculation, then we may issue a Service Credit considering such factors a t our discretion.
Service & License Agreement for Lakeville, MN
Exhibit E 2 of 2
CivicPlus • 302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500 • Manhattan, KS 66502 • www.CivicPlus.com
Toll Free 888-228-2233 • Accounting Ext. 291 • Support Ext. 307 • Fax 785-587-8951
V. SLA 06.01.2015-0202
Disaster Recovery Feature Service Commitment
CivicPlus will use commercially reasonable efforts to make insure that in the event of a disaster that make the Primary data center
unavailable (defined below) Client site will be brought back online at a secondary data center (the “Service Commitment”). In the event
CivicPlus does not meet the Service Commitment, you will be eligible to receive a Service Credit as described below.
“Datacenter availability” is determined by inability to provide or restore functions necessary to support the Service. Examples
of necessary functions include but are not limited Cooling, Electrical, Sufficient Internet Access, Physical space, and Physi cal
A “Service Credit” is a dollar credit, calculated as set forth below, that we may credit back to an eligible account.
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is the most anticipated time it will take to bring the service back online in the event of a da ta
center event.
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) the amount of data lost that is considered acceptable.
Service Commitments and Service Credits
Service Credits are calculated as a percentage of the total charges paid by you (excluding one -time payments such as upfront
payments) for the month accordance with the schedule below.
Recovery Time Objective Service Credit Percentage
8 Hours 10% of one month’s fee
Recovery Point Objective Service Credit Percentage
24 Hours 10% of one month’s fee
Lakeville , MN
September 25, 2015
82% of users have completed
at least one transaction on
a government website and
69% have completed more
than one.
Public Policy & Administration
of Utah, 2012
A unique and customized
responsive website design
reflecting your vision.
Intuitive navigation and
page layout with unlimited
submenus and subpages.
True live editing and training
so your staff can be efficent
on day one of your new
website. Interactive
functionality through our
GCMS® Continuously
updated, cutting-edge
solutions designed by
experts specifically for you.
September 25, 2015
RE: Lakeville Website Proposal
Dear Ms. Palm,
Meeting the expectations of citizens is at the core of civic responsibility. Finding that perfect blend of
functionality, ease of maintenance and citizen engagement can be daunting. Lakeville’s “what I want,
when I need it” population is all about digital and timely responses. Saving time and money and increasing
citizen satisfaction is every government entity’s goal. How do you achieve both? It’s easy with CivicPlus —
we help you achieve your vision of success.
Our company is passionate about our mission to help make local government better. We are not just
designing a website, we are helping build a trusted and long-term relationship between you and your
community through our state-of-the-art technology and process. Our expertise lies in collaborating with
our clients to deliver the right solution, housed within a sophisticated and custom design that captures the
culture of your community.
How will we help you achieve your vision? With our proven, The 5 Essentials, process to creating functional
and dynamic websites and teaming with CivicPlus on the journey, you will get where you
want to go.
Vision – Finding your way with clarity. Determine where you want to go, and why.
Alignment – Moving forward…together. Clearly communicate your goals and plans to all
Usability – Navigating your journey in style. Designing a website that is up-to-date, easy-to-
navigate and user friendly.
Mobility – Keeping your visitors in touch – wherever they access. Today’s websites need to be
accessible from any device.
Measurement – Monitoring how successful your website is throughout the process and beyond.
Analyze and adjust to meet your needs.
The following information will show you how the CivicPlus solution will reduce your staff’s workload,
respect your available budget and most importantly provide your community with a powerful online
resource. A resource that promotes open and transparent access to your municipal offices and becomes
an engaging communication hub for your community.
Please review our proposal closely. We encourage you to contact our references and find out for yourself
their experiences working with CivicPlus. We think you will be impressed. With CivicPlus, you will save
time, resources, and dollars by moving your communications online and your citizens will find what they
need, when they need it. We look forward to working with you and your staff to help make your vision
become a reality.
Andrew Dame, RSM
82% of users have completed
at least one transaction on
a government website and
69% have completed more
than one.
Public Policy & Administration
of Utah, 2012
A unique and customized
responsive website design
reflecting your vision.
Intuitive navigation and
page layout with unlimited
submenus and subpages.
True live editing and training
so your staff can be efficent
on day one of your new
website. Interactive
functionality through our
GCMS® Continuously
updated, cutting-edge
solutions designed by
experts specifically for you.
Your proactive vision to develop a user-friendly, self-service government web environment
for your community and employees is commendable. In today’s society, citizens expect and
seek access to information outside of normal business hours. CivicPlus and our team of
dedicated professionals will bring your vision to life. We have the tools and the expertise to
design and implement a dynamic, visually attractive and end-user friendly, searchable and
interactive website that will be easy to maintain for your staff.
You should have complete confidence that the firm you choose to achieve your vision and
create your website is the right choice. Becoming your strategic, trusted partner is
paramount to the professionals at CivicPlus.
How will you achieve your vision? By following The 5 Essentials to building a trustworthy
website and by allowing CivicPlus to help you along the journey.
Helping you reach your goal is our goal. Although you currently have a capable web
presence, it’s time for a new look with better functionality. CivicPlus will help you
re-envision, re-new and re-invigorate your website. Working closely with you, we will assist
in designing a new look, updated usability, accessibility and quality for the delivery and
exchange of information for your audience.
Our approach to achieving your vision will include:
Unique Design – A customized website design to meet your unique needs and desires.
This will include project design, development, and implementation of our GCMS, as
well as hosting and continual support.
eGovernment Content Management System (GCMS®) - A robust and sophisticated
management system which allows migration of existing content and ease of use for
your staff to update and manage.
Customized Training – to allow your staff to hit the ground running
at Go Live.
Project Team – to assist you through the development process, including your Project
Manager, expert designer, and a team of content experts to edit and optimize your
82% of users have completed
at least
one transaction on
a government website
and 69% have completed
more than one.
Public Policy & Administration
of Utah, 2012
CivicPlus is the unique provider of the Government Content Management System
(GCMS®)—the most innovative, user-friendly and comprehensive source for engaging
eGovernment websites. Our clients’ solutions are based on the latest in web coding
technologies. They function across all major browsers, platforms (including mobile) and
incorporate engaging features such as social media integration.
Today, under the leadership of founder Ward Morgan, CivicPlus has more than 200 staff
members and continues to implement new technologies and services to maintain the
highest standards of excellence and efficiency for our more than 1,800 clients with over
50,000 users. Our commitment to setting the standard in website design, management and
government communication has been instrumental in making CivicPlus a leader in web
design, communication programming and hosting. We consider it a privilege to partner
with municipalities such as yours to provide your community a website that will serve your
needs today and in the future.
Your new website will convey a sense of place for your community, be visually appealing
and utilize the latest technology to provide a convenient source of information to
communicate and engage your community – so they can find the information they need,
when they want it.
“I became increasingly
impressed with the
capability of CivicPlus.
We had other companies
come in and do
presentations; some
of their websites were
beautiful, but they
weren’t as interactive
or integrated with other
modules, or they were
limited as to what they
could do. The fact that
CivicPlus customized from
scratch, not from a
template, was fantastic.
Every module I could ever
think of and more was fully
integrated with the site —
which was a dream come
Tricia Dzuris
Assistant to Town Manager
Chelmsford, MA
Why should you choose CivicPlus to achieve your vision?
We are driven by client service, not billings. Our goal is to become your trusted
partner and deliver what you need.
We set the industry standard and have the reputation to back it up, for helping
governments better connect with citizens and constituents and we will bring
that same expertise to your project.
We deliver in-house professional consulting services to provide direction for your
vision, alignment, consistency and peace of mind knowing your website will be
what you need today and tomorrow.
We develop highly-usable, mobile responsive sites so your website is available
anywhere at any time.
We create a website specific to how you and your citizens will use it and design it
to be both end-user and maintenance friendly. We securely host your site in our
state-of-the-art facilities – keeping it safe. We exceed industry standards
maintaining over 99.7% up time for our clients’ websites!
Our proven step-by-step implementation process has been effective for clients
throughout the United States, Canada and Australia.
Our dedication to working closely with you throughout the project and developing a
unique-to-you design ensures we deliver a website that is not only functional, but will
WOW your visitors.
We can’t wait to get started on yours!
Our technical and
development staff holds a
variety of certifications
including: Microsoft-
certified system engineer,
Cisco- certified engineer,
Microsoft- certified
software developer,
Microsoft Office user
specialist and project
management professional
from the Project
Management Institute.
From project management, design and development to training and support, our professional
staff ensures the success of your website. Our expert project leaders will coordinate your needs
with qualified specialists who will work directly with you throughout your project development
and beyond.
Katrina Lewison – Manager of Project Administration
Katrina leads our project management team. This team
oversees inter-departmental and client interactions
assuring that your project will be developed in a timely
manner by professional website experts. Using their
knowledge of effective online citizen engagement
techniques, they will keep the process moving smoothly
from phase to phase.
Jessica Jones – Manager of Content Development
Jessica’s goal is to help make your website convey the
messages you need. She heads our content development
department. She will assign a team of developers to help
you develop and maintain quality content for your site and
keep your project on schedule.
Tony Ridder – Manager of Creative Services
Tony knows all things design. He is the head of our creative
development and graphic representations and is responsible
for each website overview and uniqueness. He leads our
brilliant team of designers at CivicPlus and will team you
with the right designer for your project. Your senior
designer will assist the project manager in the direction of
your project.
Jim Steffensmeier – Manager of Training and Consulting
From consulting services to content development to technical specifications, our
consulting and training department will assist you in developing the right message in the
right way by the right team. As Manager, Jim brings unprecedented experience to our
customers through his many years with CivicPlus and in the technology industry. He will
coordinate his team of professionals to deliver the solutions you need to achieve your
training and consulting success and hit the ground running at Go Live.
Kelsey Thomas – Lead Account Manager
Upon launch of your website to the public, Kelsey will assign an account manager to your
project. Your dedicated account manager stays current on new CivicPlus products and will
continue to optimize your site. This specialized team member will provide you with
information on how to better engage your citizens utilizing the tools that CivicPlus has put
into place on your website.
Robin Genschorck – Manager of Support
Robin’s team is here to help you. Our proactive approach to keeping you up and running is
in identifying and preventing potential issues before they occur. Through regularly
scheduled reviews of site logs, error messages, servers, router activity and the internet in
general, our personnel often identify and correct issues before they even affect our
clients’ websites. They are ready and available to answer your staff members’ questions
and ensure their confidence in using our site.
Consulting, design, usability guidance, programming, secure hosting
and dedicated training - CivicPlus delivers all of this and more during
the development of your new website.
Typical Project Timeline Timeline
Website Optimization
Includes: Needs assessment, best practices, and takeaways
4-6 weeks
Website Layout
Includes: Layout presentation, mood board and main
navigation review, design feedback meeting and approval and
takeaways assigned.
3-5 weeks
Website Reveal
Includes: Presentation of a functional website based on goals,
recommendations and combined vision; final approval and
take- always assigned.
3-5 weeks
Customized Training
Includes: Customized to give your staff the skills they need
to maintain your website.
3-4 weeks
Go Live 3-5 weeks
Website Launch 16 – 24 Weeks
(On Average)
Our Network Operations
Center, based in Kansas
City, MO, is set up specifically
for website hosting and
Kickoff Meeting
During the initial kick-off meeting, you will meet your project manager to establish your project
timeline, review the startup kit and discuss the takeaway items that need to be completed. Your
project manager will discuss the implications of deadlines and the expectations required to keep the
project on track.
Phase 1: Website Optimization
Review Needs
We will review where you are now and discuss where you want to go.
Functionality, Design & Content
We will review how you want your website to look, feel and function.
Best Practices
We will discuss our CivicPlus content best practices and standards
Phase 2: Website Layout
Based on your results and goals outlined during the website optimization phase, your project team
will collaborate to present the most effective user interface for your website, ensuring a flexible
design optimized to display in any format now and in the future.
Deliverables Include:
Layout: You will be presented with a custom layout that showcases the placement of your
navigation and key functionality. Very similar to the floor plan of a house, the layout will
allow you to focus on where things are and if the function and proportion of the space is
Global Navigation: Simple navigation and consistent page layouts ensure that your visitors
can easily find the information they seek. We’ll provide you with a best practice
navigation for your new website based on your community engagement goals and our
prior experience in working with government entities.
Mood Board: Your Project Team will also present a custom mood board reflecting the
color and imagery that will set the tone for your design. A mood board is a collection of
colors, textures, images, graphics, text and descriptive words.
These items will be applied to the floor plan you choose. Think of this as the paint that
will be used on the canvas that you have chosen.
Our Network Operations
Center, based in Kansas
City, MO, is set up specifically
for website hosting and
Phase 3: Website Reveal
Your Project Team will present your layout, functionality and design based on your goals, our
recommendations and our combined vision.
Content Development
During the Kick-Off Meeting and Phase 1 your staff has the role of updating the content on your
current primary site. While you are making design decisions, our content development team will
optimize and reorganize your content based on CivicPlus best practices. Content from sites other
than the primary site can be migrated to the new primary site for an additional fee.
The CivicPlus content usability experts research and establish their standards from the following
resources: Jakob Nielsen, www.Usability.gov and www.HowTo.gov. We will format and reorganize
your content so it is easy for visitors to quickly scan and retrieve desired information. There is no
limit to the pages you can create after you have gone through training.
Design Review
You will have the opportunity to evaluate and collaborate with the Project Team on proposed
changes. You can revise your design composition up to the deadline that you and your project
manager agree upon during the timeline meeting (the average client requests a total of three). After
that deadline, your project’s Go Live date will be adjusted.
Following design approval and functionality development, we conduct a review to ensure your
expectations are met and website best practices are upheld. Custom designs are rarely produced in
anticipation of a project. Copyright authorization and/or photography production are required
unless you already have quality, usable photographs.
Accessibility Compliance
Our designers and programmers automatically implement all the accessibility features necessary to
ensure your site is compliant with accessibility standards outlined within Section 508. We will make
recommendations on best practices for keeping your content accessible and available for all users by
ensuring that, among other things:
All menu items are clickable
Submenus display throughout the site
Alt tags are used for images
Site maps are dynamically generated
Documents and links can be set to open in the same window
CivicPlus recognizes accessibility standards recommendations made by a variety of groups, including
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) as written in the
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Through adherence to Section 508, CivicPlus is able to
meet nearly all Priority One, Two and Three guidelines set forth in the WCAG. Those left unmet do
not need to be addressed in order to allow basic access to content; some of the more stringent
requirements of the WCAG may limit design and content development options.
Our Network Operations
Center, based in Kansas
City, MO, is set up specifically
for website hosting and
Phase 4: Customized Training
Our goal for training is to give your staff the skills and tools they need to quickly and easily keep your
website current. Trainers will work with you to ensure your staff is correctly trained. Before your site
is launched, CivicPlus provides in-person or online webinar training to equip your staff with the
knowledge, tools and comfort level needed to maintain the site’s integrity upon Go Live.
Regardless of technical ability, we will help your staff gain the confidence to effectively maintain
your website.
Features, Module & Page Creation Training - for Administrators & Content Contributors to better
understand your site’s navigation and page layout and how these affect target audiences, we will
instruct your staff on creating area-rights and back-end features for site administration as well as
review all the modules included with your site. Your staff will learn how to create links, format text
and lay out pages for usability and scannability. Training manuals and videos are available online and
can be downloaded at no cost.
Phase 5: Go Live
This is an exciting time; it is the last step before your new site launches! Your Project Team will
provide you the information you need to prepare your site for Go Live.
Testing and Review
You typically have three weeks after training to become familiar with your site. This will allow you to
add, create and make adjustments to content on your production site, as well as ensure overall
satisfaction with your website. Content changes will display and function the same way before and
after your Go Live date.
Upon completion of a collaborative final review of the website and a final spelling and links checkup
by our Quality Control Team, your domain name is directed to the newly developed website.
You are now a part of the CP family and will continue to receive both technical and consultative
support from our support and account management team.
Our Network Operations
Center, based in Kansas
City, MO, is set up specifically
for website hosting and
Your Role
We will need your help to create the strongest possible website for your community. During the
process, you will have homework. Yes, homework! We will need you to:
Assess Your Current Website
For the best consulting experience possible the following takeaways need to be completed prior to
your consulting:
Functionality and Design Form - Prior to starting this form, research other websites that you like
based on functionality and design elements. Provide URLs and specifics about what you like.
This form also asks for details on your community’s tagline, logo and branding.
Web Team Form - Prior to starting this form, please have an understanding of your project
goals, focus and expectations. This allows your CivicPlus Project Team to develop a site specific
to your needs and lays the foundation for developing a highly functional information
Content Form – The information that you provide on this form will also help the content
development to assess your wants and needs.
Clean House and Update Content
Update the content on your current primary live website. This step is critical to guaranteeing the
information available is relevant, fresh and on-point. Your staff should delete any pages from your
current website that you no longer want or need and ensure the remaining information is applicable
and up-to-date. If you are not able to access your current site, CP will work with you to ensure that
your content needs are addressed.
Gather Photos and Logos
Collect pictures that will be used in the overall design and logos or branding that should remain
Department List
Provide a list of all departments in your organization.
Website Statistics
Provide statistics from you current site for the last 12 months along with a list of all pages and
downloaded documents.
Site Map
Provide the outline of your current site’s navigational structure.
External Application List
Supply a list of all third-party or in-house applications being utilized.
Template for PDF’s
Create a Microsoft Word document template that features your branding and logo.
Verbatim Content
Compile a list of any content on your current website that must remain as-is.
Update Internet Browsers
Our Network Operations
Center, based in Kansas
City, MO, is set up specifically
for website hosting and
CivicPlus protects your investment and takes hosting and security of our client sites seriously.
Redundant power sources and internet access ensures consistent and stable connections. We invest
over $1.0m annually in to ensure we adapt to the ever-changing security landscape while providing
maximum availability. To help ensure your site is protected at the level you need, CivicPlus offers two
options for coverage.
Included Hosting & Security Package
Your system is monitored 24/7/365. CivicPlus’ extensive, industry-leading process and procedures for
protecting and hosting your site is unparalleled. From our secure data center facilities to constant and
vigilant monitoring and updating of your system, including 99.7% guaranteed up-time. We’ve got you
Platinum Hosting & Security Package
Ensuring your visitors can access your site and that it continues to be business as usual with least
amount of interruption is attainable through the CivicPlus Platinum hosting and security. Cyber security
is a high profile topic that makes the news almost daily. Every industry is a target, including local
government. Our Platinum package protects your site through all of our included hosting and security
features, but also adds the peace of mind of comprehensive and continuous DDoS protection. Our team
has been pressure tested by high-profile events and has the experience and expertise to handle any
situation. We’ve got you covered.
Ongoing Protection Services
If you choose the Included Package and experience a DDoS attack or threat, CivicPlus has mitigation and
DDoS Advanced Security options that are available to you at the time of event. Whatever your needs
are we have an option that will be a fit for your community.
Hosting & Security Features Included
Hosting & Security
Platinum Upgrade
Hosting & Security
Data Center
Highly reliable data center
Managed network infrastructure
On-site power backup & generators
Multiple telecom/network providers
Fully redundant network
Highly secure facility
System monitoring 24/7/365 24/7/365
Automated GCMS software updates
Server management & monitoring
Multi-tiered software architecture
Server software updates & security patches
Database server updates & security patches
Antivirus management & updates
Server-class hardware from nationally recognized provider
Redundant firewall solutions
High performance SAN with N+2 reliability
Multiple network providers in place
Unlimited bandwidth usage for normal business operations
(does not apply in the event of a cyber attack)
Burst bandwidth 22 Gb/s 45 Gb/s
Disaster Recovery
Emergency after-hours support, live agent (24/7)
On-line status monitor by Data Center
Event notification emails
Guaranteed recovery TIME objective (RTO) 8 hours 4 hours
Guaranteed recovery POINT objective (RPO) 24 hours 4 hours
Pre-emptive monitoring for disaster situations
Multiple data centers
Geographically diverse data centers
DDoS Mitigation
Defined DDoS Attack Process
Identify attack source
Identify type of attack
Monitor attack for threshold engagement
DDoS Advanced Security Coverage
Continuous DDoS mitigation coverage
Not Included
Additional coverage
available at time of event.
(Additional fees apply)
Content Distribution Network support
Proxy server support
Live User Detection service
CivicPlus won’t be with you just for the development, design and launch – we will be here year after year to
respond to new needs and new opportunities for you to continue to have the best site possible. We offer all of our
clients continuing support and additional advantages as a member of the CivicPlus family.
Dedicated Account Management
CivicPlus has a team of dedicated account managers to help you implement the tools needed to successfully meet
the level of Community Engagement that you desire. Upon website Go Live, you will have a dedicated member of
this team to help you keep up on new CivicPlus products and optimize your site. This specialized team member can
provide you with further information on how to engage your citizens, utilizing the tools that CivicPlus has put into
place on your new website.
Around-the-Clock Technical Support
Our support personnel are ready to answer your staff members’ questions and ensure their confidence in using our
site. When you choose CivicPlus, our knowledgeable staff is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (CST) to field your calls
and emails, and emergency services are available after regular hours with our on-call staff 24-hours a day.
In addition to fielding support requests, CivicPlus is proactive in identifying any potential system issues. Through
regularly scheduled reviews of site logs, error messages, servers, router activity and the internet in general, our
personnel often identify and correct issues before they even affect our clients’ websites. Our expertise in website
management provides assurance
Maintenance of CivicPlus
Application & Modules
7 a.m. – 7 p.m. (CST) Monday – Friday
(excluding holidays)
Install service patches for OS system
Shared Web/SQL Server DNS
Consulting & Maintenance
24/7 Emergency Support Fixes Monitor bandwidth-router traffic
Dedicated support personnel Improvements Redundant ISP
2-hour response during normal hours Integration Redundant cooling
Usability improvements Testing Diesel powered generator
Integration of system enhancements Development Daily tape backup
Proactive support for updates & fixes Usage License Intrusion detection & prevention
Online training manuals Antivirus protection
Monthly newsletters Upgrade hardware
Contact Information
Andrew Dame, RSM
Primary Office
302 S. 4th Street, Suite 500
Manhattan, KS 66502
Toll Free 888-228-2233
Fax 785-587-8951
Incorporated In State of Kansas Primary Office www.CivicPlus.com
Legal Name
Icon Enterprises, Inc.
d/b/a CivicPlus
Primary Office
Ward Morgan, President/CEO
GSA Contract # GS-35F-0124U Primary Office # 2092613
CMAS Contract # 3-13-70-2966A
Find out below how our
CivicPlus Advantage
alternative payment plan
can assist you.
We hope you’ll join us.
Development &
Initial GCMS® upgrades, maintenance, support
migration of 500 pages of existing content $59,477
Enhancements &
24 Hours Customized Interactive Webinar
Training ( for up to 6 employees)
3 Days of On-Site Navigation & Content
1 Day of On-Site Citizen Engagement &
Roadmap Consulting
3 Department Headers Packages w/ Themes
CivicMedia (10GB)
Hosting & Security
Hosting server storage not to exceed 10 GB Included
Project Development Investment
(Find out below how our CivicPlus Advantage alternative payment plan can assist
Ongoing Protection Services allows you to receive maximum benefit at minimal cost
and Protecting your investment is important. You’ll receive system enhancements,
maintenance and optimization and have full access to our support staff so your site
stays up to date with our latest features and functionality. Includes redundant hosting
services, daily backups, extensive disaster recovery plans, 24/7 support, software
maintenance, system enhancements, recurring training, and access to the CivicPlus
Subject to annual 5% increase beginning year 2 $9,648
Total First Year Investment
(Find out below how our CivicPlus Advantage alternative payment plan can assist
CivicPlus Advantage eases the budgetary impact of your new site and provides a
level payment plan option which will dramatically lower your Year 1 Investment,
project development and start-up costs. Through a minimum four-year contract, this
zero interest plan spreads your investment costs over the life of the contract.
CivicPlus Advantage 1st year 2nd year 3rd year
Annual Investment Payments $29,474 $29,474 $29,474
At the end of your fourth
year of continuous
service with us, you are
eligible to receive a basic
website redesign with no
further out-of-pocket
expense. Your website
stays current and
doesn’t need to be re-
built from the ground up
On-Site Kick-Off Meeting Three days on-site.
Optional - $10,000
Add up to six departments per
additional day for $2,200
Phase 1: Content Consultation
Three days on-site, up to six departments per day.
Optional - $10,000
Phase 1: Process Roadmap
Consultation Three days on-site.
Optional - $10,000
Phase 1: Public Engagement
Evaluation Two days on-site.
Optional - $7,800
Phase 1: Website Design Consultation
Two days off-site – conducted remotely.
Optional - $3,600
Phase 1: Intranet Consultation Three
days on-site.
Optional - $10,000
Phase 4: Training/Consulting
Two days on-site website review website with department administrators
Optional - $7,800
Phase 5: Consolidation of Identified External Site
Full Content, less than 100 pages
Optional - $2,450
Phase 5: Consolidation of Identified External Site
Full Content, more than 100 pages, 50 page block
Optional - $1,400 per block
Post-Training: Website Presentation
Two days of on-site meetings to present website to stakeholders.
Optional - $7,800
Post-Training: Three-Month Checkup
Held three months after go-live, includes two days on-site of additional
consultation/ training.
Optional - $7,800
Post-Training: Three Day Annual Refresher
One day on-site consultation, two days on-site refresher/advanced training.
Optional - $10,000
Post Go-Live
50 Pages of Additional Content
Virtual Webmaster
Five Hours of Content Updates per month.
Optional - $5,700 /Annual
Annual Recurring Training
Training on new functionality and services
Optional - $2,000 / Annually
CivicMobile App (iOS & Android) $5,500 $1,950
Department Header Package includes up to 20 pages of content migration
(No annual fee in the first year; annual fees starts in second year)
$3,500 $650
Department Header THEME Package includes up to XX pages of content migration
(No annual fee in the first year; annual fees starts in second year)
$5,000 $650
CivicSend TBD TBD
CivicReady TBD TBD
CivicHR - Applicant Tracking
(Annual subscription fee is subject to an annual 5% increase year 3 and beyond)
n/a $4,495
CivicHR – Onboarding
(Annual subscription fee is subject to an annual 5% increase year 3 and beyond)
CivicHR – Performance Management
(Annual subscription fee is subject to an annual 5% increase year 3 and beyond)
CivicHR – HRIS
(Annual subscription fee is subject to an annual 5% increase year 3 and beyond)
LDAP Integration $1,200 $300
Media Center
with Live Streaming Video (10 GB of server storage included)
$1,000 $1,000
New Logo Development $5,000 n/a
New Logo Development with Branding & Graphics Development $7,000 n/a
Subsite includes up to 20 pages of content migration
(No annual fee in the first year; annual fees starts in second year)
$8,000 $1,575
“I think that the modules
that are offered give a lot of
flexibility to not only the
taxpayers but our
employees. We can use this
site as much as a tool as the
taxpayers do.”
Ellis County, Kansas
Michael Leiker
Developed for organizations that have a need to update their site frequently, CivicPlus provides a powerful
government content management structure and website menu management system. The system allows non-technical
employees the ability to easily update any portion of your website instantaneously. The CivicPlus Government
Content Management System (GCMS®) utilizes Microsoft SQL Server, ASP, JavaScript and HTML for web development.
Each website begins with a unique design developed to meet your specific communication and marketing goals, while
showcasing the individuality of your community. Features and capabilities are added and customized as necessary,
and all content is organized in accordance with web usability standards.
Modules Functionality
Agenda Center Action Items Queue
Alerts Center & Emergency Alert Notification Audit Trail / History Log
Archive Center Automated PDF Converter
Bid Postings Automatic Content Archiving
Blog Dynamic Breadcrumbs
Business/Resource Directory Dynamic Sitemap
Citizen Request Tracker™ Expiring Items Library
Community Connection Graphic Link Administration
Community Voice™ Links Redirect
Document Center Menu Management
ePayment Center or eCommerce Integration Mouse-over Menu Structure
Facilities & Reservations Live Editing and Page Creation
Frequently Asked Questions Online Web Statistics
Forms Center Printer Friendly/Email Page
Intranet RSS
Job Postings Site Layout Options
My Dashboard Site Search & Entry Log
News Flash Slideshow
Notify MeTM email and 500 SMS subscribers Social Media Integration
Photo Gallery User & Group Administration Rights
Quick Links Web Page Upload Utility
Spotlight Website Administrative Log
Staff Directory
Agenda Center – Create and display agendas and
minutes for various civic organizations
Alert Center - Graphically show when there is an
emergency or important notification
Bid Postings - Simple and easy to use method of
posting your bids
Blog - Post opinions/information about various topics.
Can also be set up to allow site visitors to comment
and subscribe
Business / Resource Directory – The Yellow Pages of
your website
Calendar – Create multiple calendars for various
divisions and departments
Citizen Request Tracker™ - Allow users to report a
problem while providing follow-up communication
with the point of contact
Community VoiceTM – Open forum in which citizens can
interact while allowing you to showcase projects in
your community
Document Center – Organize and house documents in
department or division folders and sub-folders
Payment Center - Integrate eCommerce on your
website with no third-party store to setup
Facilities & Reservations - Facilities and meeting places
in one convenient place allowing reservations online
Form Center - Create custom online forms that can be
completed and submitted online
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Answer the most
frequently asked questions from your visitors
Job Postings - Post available jobs in an easy to access
My Dashboard – Allow users to personalize their
dashboard to stay updated on news, events, and
information they care about
NotifyMeTM - Send out mass emails to subscribers of
specific lists and modules, includes 500 SMS
News Flash - Post organizational news items,
right on your home page, that are important to your
Opinion Poll – Interact with your site visitors
by posting various questions and polls
Photo Gallery - Store and display photos
Quick Links - Place links on any page
Spotlight – Allows you to highlight important text
or widgets in a compact, easy-to-update module
Staff Directory - Detailed contact information for your
staff and offices
Social Networking & Gov 2.0
CivicPlus understands the importance of Gov 2.0 and
how social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter
help governments connect with their residents in unique
and innovative ways. From community-centric pages on
Facebook to real-time Twitter feeds that can deliver
emergency alerts, we are dedicated to helping our clients
integrate their web content into the most dynamic social
media sites and make their marks in the world
of Gov 2.0.
CivicPlus can sync your website to your Facebook and
Twitter profiles to automatically publish news, notices,
and calendar events on Facebook with a link to your
website for more information. Twitter’s short, 140-
character “tweets” offers a way to distribute information
quickly and effectively. Other social networking sites
(such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, etc.) can be
featured on your website as links to your profile on those
Administrative Features
Instantaneous Updates – Once published, updates are
posted to the live site in real time
Browser Based – No installation of programs or
software needed! Your staff can update the site from
an internet connection or platform (Mac or PC) at any
Mobile Updates – Immediately upgrade
your site from any location using your tablet
or phone
Action Items – Direct access to a queue of pending
items to be published or reviewed by the administrator
upon login.
Site Search and Search Log – Powerful site search
automatically indexes all content making it easy for
visitors to find information.
A log of all words that have been searched by visitors is
kept, allowing you to update highly searched
information and feature key items.
Automatic Alt Tags – Built-in features ensure your site
is Section 508 compliant without having to know the
Bad Links Identifier - This module creates a
list of the broken links on your site when they
are accessed.
Content Creation - The CivicPlus GCMS® makes it easy
to add new content, edit old content, and keep page
layout consistent through use of our What You See Is
What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor. Content changes
will not affect the design - site breadcrumbs, page
structure and sitemaps will dynamically update upon
publishing. With mega menus and drop-down, pop-out
menu functionality, you can essentially get to any page
on your website within a single click if desired!
Content Scheduling - Material throughout the entire
system can be set to auto-unpublish (expire) or it can
be manually retired.
Content Versioning - The GCMS includes version
control, a history log for reviewing changes made
within the system, file locking through our permission
system and an archive of all
published content.
Dynamic Layout - The layout for your website will be
determined by you and the designer. Placement of
navigation and dynamic areas are important in guiding
site visitors to key information quickly and easily.
Dynamic Page Components - Events Calendar, FAQs,
Opinion Poll, News Flash and other new features may
be included as dynamic page components. Dynamic
Page Components may be placed on any page and will
help dedicated areas of the site appear as its own
website. For example, the entry page for your Parks
and Recreation Department can be customized with
specific lists of events, FAQs and news announcements
pertaining to that department.
Dynamic Breadcrumbs and Site Map - Dynamic
Breadcrumbs are used to show a visitor’s location
within the site. Breadcrumbs are automatically
generated by our system. A dynamically generated site
map automatically updates to reflect your new
navigation if changes are made.
eCommerce Integration - CivicPlus offers our
ePayment Center in the GCMS, but we also work with
numerous trusted third-party payment processors to
handle payment and account information, allowing
vistors to easily log on and pay bills ranging from
property taxes to utilities.
History Log - Easily tracks changes made to your
website including items in your Page Menu, Archive
Center, Document Center and more. History Log
information is searchable, sortable and exportable.
Integration/Interfacing - CivicPlus’ integration services
work cohesively with most third-party software
applications. We have the capability to link with most
software or databases currently utilized. Systems such
as purchasing, taxes, assessment and utilities have
been developed for many of our clients.
Intranet - An intranet is a secure location on your
website that allows employees and other groups
to login and access non-public resources and
information. You will have the ability to set up multiple
intranet groups with varying view rights.
Levels of Rights - Levels of Rights may be defined as
publishers (create or publish) or authors (create but
not publish), or as administrators of modules.
Assigned groups may have the right to update their
own content without affecting web pages, menu
structure, top of page, banner or navigation.
LDAP Authentication - LDAP authentication provides a
powerful and simple way to manage users and
permissions within our system by syncing your website
with your existing active directory database - negating
the need for multiple user upload and sign-on. Because
LDAP authentication requires custom programming
time, additional fees apply.
Link Redirects - Instead of sending your users to
http://civicplus.com/248/Awards-and-Recognition, you
can send them to http://civicplus.com/awards. A more
intuitive approach to help visitors find particular pages.
Maps – Help website users find commonly requested
information such as bus routes, highways, tourist
attractions, education information, major employers,
or demographics. Maps can be simple, clickable maps,
our Image Map Editor, or more sophisticated
JavaScript or Flash (additional fees required
for JavaScript or Flash development).
Printer Friendly - Our printer friendly functionality does
separates critical content from the site template to
provide a clean print without menu structure and
banner information included.
RSS Feeds - RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication and
in short, it brings your site to the people. After signing
up, they receive email notifications of the latest news
Supported Browsers - CivicPlus websites are viewable
in all common browsers. We optimize them for
administrative use with Windows 2000+ and in the two
most recent versions of major browsers including:
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome.
Website Statistics - Administrators will be trained on
the use and analysis of web statistics, provided
through Piwik Analytics.
Application Programming Interfaces
We have nearly a dozen application programming
interfaces (APIs) throughout the system and continue to
build more to make integrations with our GCMS® and
disparate applications as straightforward as possible. It’s
this “open architecture” approach that allows your IT
staff and programmers to spend time creating
applications and systems that are specific to your
community’s needs and tie them into the site, using the
site itself as a sturdy platform on which to build.
Media Center - Mobile Video
CivicPlus offers a robust mobile video experience as part
of our Media Center solution. Consumption of mobile
video is continuing to grow, and providing this option ias
part of your overall mobile experience is a must have to
drive engagement. Media Center is available for an
additional fee.
Mobile Video
Just about any file format is supported and are easily
searchable, shareable and accessible from all devices.
Live streaming is also available—use for anything from
traffic cams to beach cams (additional charges may
CivicAdvise helps you create the web environment that fits your needs with the right look, content,
functionality and the right people involved. The CivicPlus consultants listen to what you want and need in
order to accomplish your vision and then help develop the best solution to achieve it. Our job is to make
sure your issues, ideas and needs are addressed and met to your satisfaction by our team of professionals.
We take the time to ensure you are moving in the right direction with your online needs for today and well
into the future. Our consulting packages can be purchased at any time during the life of a client’s website.
Consulting services include:
Content Evaluation and Planning
Process Roadmap Assessment and Recommendations
Citizen Engagement and Marketing Strategy
Current Website Assessment and Adjustment Planning
Interactive Training
Social Media Planning and Integration
CivicHRTM is the only software specifically focused on helping governments recruit, hire and engage
employees with personalized customer service and easy implementation. CivicHRTM simplifies the HRTMTM
processes associated with hiring and engagement to help communities perform at their best. Our web-
based platform integrates and organizes data, automates job postings, parses resumes, and simplifies
onboarding and performance management. The CivicHRTM tools are designed to help local government HR
professionals hire, onboard, and manage high performing employees.
The suite includes the following product modules:
Applicant Tracking
Employee Onboarding
Performance Management
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Portal
Mobile device ownership is at an all-time high, and it’s growing! In
order to meet your citizens where they’re at—you need to provide
a comprehensive mobile experience. CivicPlus addresses all of your
mobile needs including responsive web design, the CivicMobile
app, and a robust mobile video experience as part of Media Center.
Mobile devices are used everywhere for everything by everyone.
Drive engagement by offering a robust mobile experience.
Responsive Web Design
As part of providing industry-leading technology, responsive
design is included with your CivicPlus site. With responsive
design, your site adjusts to the screen size of the device its
being view on. This flexibility provides a seamless user
Benefits of Responsive Design
Seamless experience between desktop
and mobile device
Shorter URL structure
Easier management of search engine optimization
Content adjusts to screen size and device orientation
CivicMobile App
The CivicMobile App is designed to look and work great
on both iOS and Android mobile devices. Designed to
keep users informed, content and alerts can be
scheduled for automatic delivery. The controls are
simple and easy for anyone to use. The CivicMobile app
is connected directly to your CivicPlus website; your
content will always be in-sync with your mobile site
visitors. Our professional staff makes sure the system
stays up-to-date with hardware and software upgrades.
This will ensure a system that is always optimized, secure
and problem-free.
We work closely with our clients to match the aesthetics of
their application – from the splash screen to the background
imagery to the banner – with their website to create a
polished and seamless theme across the different media with
which your site visitors are interacting with you.
Benefits of CivicMobile:
Cross-Platform Compatibility. CivicMobile is designed
to both look and work great on both iOS and Android
mobile devices. The controls are simple and easy for
anyone to use.
Push Notifications. The CivicMobile app will keep your
citizens informed. Content and alerts can be scheduled
for automatic delivery, freeing up local administrators
for more pressing tasks.
Fully Integrated. The CivicMobile app is connected
directly to your CivicPlus website; your content will
always be in-sync with your mobile citizens. Our
professional staff makes sure the system stays up-to-
date with hardware and software upgrades. This will
ensure a system that is always optimized, secure and
Custom Design. We’ve got it covered. We work closely
with our clients to match the aesthetics of their
application – from the splash screen to the background
imagery to the banner – with their website to create a
polished and seamless theme across the different
media with which your citizens are interacting with
Emergency Alerts. Alert your citizens about
emergencies in the community quickly and efficiently
right to their mobile devices.
CivicSendTM is a visually rich e-communication platform designed with governments and citizens in mind. It saves
time, improves efficiency and increases citizen engagement.
CivicSendTM offers both beauty and brains. Our clients use CivicSendTM to deliver all types of non-emergency
communication—from simple messages to event invitations to multi-image e-newsletters. Templates can be
customized to reflect the client’s style. CivicSendTM is built to communicate over multiple channels—email, text and
social media from a single point of access. One communication solution. One user-friendly interface. Endless
The advantages of adding CivicSendTM are many:
Versatility and efficiency in multiple communication channel delivery
Citizens can receive mobile responsive communication
Keeps citizens informed and engaged
Content posts to the front end of the client’s website —no extra effort
Intuitive and easy-to-use. Integrates with the CivicPlus GCMS® subscriber list
Value-conscious for clients by offering unlimited emails and lists
CivicReadyTM enables communication quickly, clearly and effectively in times of emergency and weather-related
disasters within communities. Advanced preparation and timely communication with citizens during an emergency is
critical. CivicReady’s Emergency Preparedness focuses on helping emergency management professionals prepare and
communicate quickly with citizens before, during and after a local emergency. This cloud-based emergency
preparedness and mass notification solution goes beyond sending out alerts and notifications. We engage citizens
through a customized website where they can easily access emergency preparedness content.
CivicReadyTM’s Weather Warning enables local government to inform communities in severe weather situations.
Automated weather warning keeps communities informed via multiple distribution venues including SMS, text or
email providing citizens extra time to prepare. In this cloud-based emergency communication portal, designed for high
traffic and low bandwidth connections, efficient communication is available when you need to share it. Notifications
can be sent to all citizens or predefined groups via phone, email or SMS.