HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11December 30, 2015 0 Item No. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF A REDEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE GRANT PROGRAM PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION January 4, 2016 City Council Meeting Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to adopt a Resolution Authorizing an Application for a Dakota County CDA Redevelopment Incentive Grant Program Planning Grant Application. Adoption of this resolution will result in the submittal of a grant application to the Dakota County CDA that if funded would assist in the development of the design for the reconstruction of the Holyoke Avenue streetscape project scheduled for 2017. Overview The City Council will be considering Capital Improvement Program that calls for a mill and overlay of Holyoke Avenue from Co. Rd. 70 to Heritage Drive in 2017 at this same meeting. This project will likely also include the reconstruction of the sidewalks along Holyoke Avenue in the Central Business District. Staff has presented information to the Council on the current condition of the sidewalks and lighting along Holyoke Avenue and has also met with the Downtown Lakeville Business Association (DLBA) on the issue. The DLBA has established a subcommittee of its membership to continue to meet with City staff on this possible project. The next meeting with the subcommittee is scheduled for January 19`h The CDA Redevelopment Incentive Grant (RIG) program is a competitive grant program that provides grants to cities for both planning and implementation of redevelopment projects. This is an annual program with applications due January 15`h every year with funding decisions made by the CDA in April of each year. The maximum award for a Planning Grant is $15,000. This grant program requires a one for one local match which staff is recommending be funded with City of Lakeville CDBG dollars that have already been programmed for planning activities. Approval of this grant would allow the City to retain a planning and design firm to develop concepts and ultimately a final design for the sidewalk/streetscape for the Downtown by working with the DLBA and Downtown property owners. It would position the City to apply for up to an additional $250,000 in RIG funds in 2017 for the actual construction of the streetscape improvements in 2017. Primary Issues to Consider How would proceeding with a streetscape planning process in 2016 impact a future overall Downtown Planning Process? (See Attachment A) Supporting Information • Resolution approving the submittal of a RIG Planning Grant Application • RIG Planning Grant Application David L. Olson, Community and Economic Development Director c: Chris Petree, Public Works Director, Monica Heil, Operations and Maintenance Engineer Financial Impact: $ 30,000 Budgeted: Y/N N Source: RIG and CDBG Funds Attachment A The need for a plan for the replacement of the sidewalks in Downtown Lakeville is very apparent. The RIG Planning Grant program is an excellent way to fund this type of planning process. There has also been some discussion about updating the Downtown Development Guide that was completed in December of 2006. This document has been the basis for a number of City public improvement initiatives in the Downtown including Market Plaza, wayfinding improvements, and the Downtown Public Parking Lot improvements completed in 2014. It would certainly be appropriate to re -visit the Downtown Development Guide to complete a comprehensive review of future land use and zoning designations for Downtown as well as other issues that may impact future development and redevelopment in this area of the City. However the repaving of Holyoke Avenue and reconstruction of the existing sidewalks along Holyoke Avenue in the Central Business District are public infrastructure improvements that are needed in the near future. The dimensions and location of the travel lanes, on -street parking, and adjacent sidewalks for Holyoke Avenue are not likely to change. Staff recommends that if a more comprehensive Downtown overall planning process is desired, that it be considered for 2017. This would allow time for the identification of a scope, budget, and possible funding sources for this type of planning process to be done in 2016. (Reserved for Dakota County Recording Information) CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR A PLANNING GRANT FROM THE DAKOTA COUNTY CDA REDEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville has identified a proposed project within the City that meets the Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) Redevelopment Incentive Grant program's purposes and criteria; and WHEREAS, the City has established a Redevelopment Plan of which the proposed project is a component; and WHEREAS, the City has the capability and capacity to ensure the proposed project be completed and administered within the Redevelopment Incentive Grant program guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance; and WHEREAS, the City is supportive of affordable housing and of the CDA's mission, to improve the lives of Dakota County residents through affordable housing and community development. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Lakeville approves the application for funding from the Dakota County CDA Redevelopment Incentive Grant program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of its application by the Dakota County CDA, the Mayor, and the City Clerk, are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to receive and use the funding for the proposed project. DATED this 4th day of January, 2016 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Matt Little, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA) CITY OF LAKEVILLE ) I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. is a true and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lakeville at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 411 day of January 2016 as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. Drafted By: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 ii Charlene Friedges City Clerk (SEAL) County Irk I% a A Community Development AgencyDakota CDA Redevelopment PLANNING Grant Application General Information Planning Project Name: Downtown Lakeville Streetscape Plan Applicant City: Lakeville Applicant Address: 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Application/Project Contact: David L. Olson Contact Email Address: dolson(a-Wakevillemn.gov Phone Number: 952-985-4421 Fax Number: Authorized Official(s) for Execution of Contracts (name and title): Mayor Matt Little and Charlene Fried eg s, City Clerk How much funding are you requesting? $15,000.00 Project Site Information (supply information if known) Site Address(es): Holyoke Avenue (south of Upper 206th Street, north of 210'h Street) Acreage of Site: N/A Number of Parcels: N/A Is the site publicly or privately owned? Public Right of Way Current Site Owner(s): N/A Current Appraised or Assessed Value of the Site: N/A Projected appraised or Assessed Value of the Site after redevelopment: N/A Attach the appraisal or assessor's current and projected values. After redevelopment is complete, will the site be publicly or privately owned? Public Right of Way Post -redevelopment Site Owner(s): N/A When has/will the acquisition be completed? N/A Legal Description of Site: may be attached N/A Provide a location map, photos, and current site plan. Maps should include property boundaries, north arrow, and bar scale. Attach a brief history of the site including previous uses, activities, prior or existing contamination, and other attempts at redevelopment. How many residential buildings are on site? Commercial buildings? How many residential buildings are vacant? Commercial buildings? Project Information Describe the city's goals and need for this project. The City of Lakeville has identified road improvements on Holyoke Avenue between Heritage Drive and 215th Street (CSAH 70) in 2017 (Exhibit B). The identified improvements include a mill and overlay to address the current street condition. In addition to the roadway improvements, the City has also identified needed improvements to the sidewalk, street lighting and streetscape in the commercial core of the Downtown. The area extends from Upper 206th Street to 210th Street (Exhibit A). The existing sidewalk currently consists of a mix of concrete, paver blocks and colored concrete which have been ground down and repaired in numerous spots. Additionally, the overgrown trees are causing the grates and surrounding paver blocks or concrete around them to heave, causing additional damage. (See attached images) The City's goal is to combine the planned roadway improvements with streetscape improvements in order to lessen the disruptions to the businesses in Downtown's commercial core. The City of Lakeville is gathering input from property owners as well as Downtown Lakeville Business Association to determine the full scope of the project. Describe the type and scope of the planning project. This planning project will focus on approximately 6 blocks of Downtown Lakeville's commercial core and the sidewalk, street lighting and streetscape that provide access to local businesses. What outcome or product will the planning project help identify? The planning project will identify concepts and ultimately the design specifications that will be used for the reconstruction in 2017. Describe how this planning project fits into the pre -redevelopment activities. The Downtown Development Guide, which has served as the City's Redevelopment Plan since 2006, sets out many objectives in which its vision statement seeks to achieve. The objectives that this project addresses include: • A system of streets, sidewalks and parking lots allow safe and convenient access to Downtown. • Downtown builds strong connections with the civic, park and commercial uses that draws people to this part of Lakeville. • Downtown is a great place to operate a business and to be a customer. • The development pattern and public improvements combine to make Downtown the most recognizable place in Lakeville. • Downtown maintains the heritage and history of Lakeville. • Downtown provides people with reasons to shop and the experience of shopping Downtown encourages people to return. Describe the redevelopment project, if established, for which this planning project is a component. The City of Lakeville has identified needed improvements to the sidewalk, street lighting and streetscape in the commercial core of the Downtown. The area extends from Upper 206th Street to 210th Street (approximately 6 blocks). The planning process will compile input received from property owners, the Downtown Lakeville Business Association and the City Council into a detailed construction design that will be constructed in 2017. Who will perform this planning project? Consultant(s) yet to be selected. Describe all other funding sources. Source of Funds Amount Committed Pending Dakota County CDA RIG Planning Grant $15,000 ❑ CDBG Funds — Economic Development Plan $15,000 ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Total: $30,000 When is the planning project expected to be completed? December 2016 History of the Holyoke Avenue Streetscape In 1994, the City of Lakeville replaced the street and utilities along Holyoke Avenue in Downtown Lakeville. Part of the project included tree grates and stamped concrete in areas and was the last time the City addressed the streetscape of its Commercial Central Business District. Since that time, the trees have outgrown their grates and the concrete sidewalks have been damaged and impaired throughout the area. A new plan for streetscape design is needed in order to enhance the Central Commercial Business District for a prolonged period of time. In 2006, the City of Lakeville adopted the Downtown Development Guide, which has guided the redevelopment efforts throughout downtown. For example, in 2008 with the assistance of Dakota County CDA's Redevelopment Incentive Grant was able to construct Market Plaza, which met the goals of being a multi -functional space in the heart of Downtown which provides off street parking as well as a gathering spot that supports short-term events such as farmer's markets and other community events. In addition to Market Plaza, the CDA's Redevelopment Incentive Grant also supported a downtown parking lot project in 2014 which was a recommendation in the 2006 Downtown Development Guide to create a public parking system. In 2012, the CDA Board conveyed their portion of the parking lot across from Windsor Plaza. The City of Lakeville acquired the remaining portions from the private owners and was able to reconstruct the parking lot, installed landscaping improvements and constructed a public sidewalk adjacent to the parking lot. Project Name: Collector Road Reconstruction Project Manager: Chris Petree, Public Works Director Anticipated Start: Annual Project Description and Location Lakeville's collector road reconstruction program is designed to provide maintenance tc City collector roadways, to maintain the overall condition of the road surface, and gain the maximum service life at the best overall cost. 6 Total 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016-2020 Revenues Improvement Const. Fund Debt Issuance - G. D. Improvement Bonds Property Taxes (future years) 250,019 2,112,892 1,408,704 2,591,644 665,933 7,029,192 Est. Special Assessments* 166,680 1,354,594 1,008,789 1,647,742 443,955 4,621,760 Escrow Fund - - 104,480 - - 104,480 Total $ 416,699 $ 3,467,486 $ 2,521,973 $ 4,239,386 $ 1,109,888 $ 11,755,432 *Estimated Special Assessments include assessments to City -owned properties with front footage along the project. Expenditures Collector Rehabilitation Highview Avenue: CR 70 - S. City Limit 416,699 - - Kenrick Ave: N. City Limit - 173rd 2,234,045 - Holyoke Ave: 215th - Heritage Dr 1,152,441 Holyoke Ave/210th Intersection - 81,000 - Ipava Ave: 185th - Kenwood Tr - 1,405,366 Hamburg Avenue: 202nd - Lkvl. Blvd. - 1,116,607 - 172nd St: Kenyon Ave - Kodiak Ave - - 701,731 Klamath Tr: S. CR 5 - N. CR 5 - 1,534,103 Kodiak/175th Street - 796,525 Judicial/168th Street 744,044 Heritage Dr/Iberia Ave - 462,983 - Highview Avenue: CR 46 - 175th - - - 1,109,888 Total $ 416,699 $ 3,467,486 $ 2,521,973 $ 4,239,386 $ 1,109,888 $ 11,755,432 6 Q a 1 / '�. 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