HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 05.aJanuary Prese The Cert of Lakev (GFOA) f The Cert accounti accompl I would CAFR: The CAFR including financial The City its CAFRs The GFO financial Jerilyn Er 19, 2016 ntation of t ificate of Ac ille by the G for its 2014 c ificate of Ac ing and f ishment by like to reco R has been j g demonstra story and m has received s for the yea OA is a nonpr professiona rickson, Fina the Certifica chievement Government comprehens chievement financial re a governme gnize three Julie Th judged by a ating a cons motivate pot d the Certifi ars ending 1 rofit profess als with offic ance Directo ate of Achie for Excellen t Finance Of sive annual f is the highe eporting, a ent and its m City staff m e Werner, A David Lan homas Ness n impartial structive “sp tential users cate of Achi 988 through sional associ ces and Chic or evement fo nce in Finan fficers Assoc financial rep est form of r and its a managemen members pr Assistant Fin g, Senior A seth, Senior panel to me pirit of full di s and user gr ievement fo h 2014. iation servic cago, IL, and It or Excellenc ncial Reporti ciation of th port (CAFR). recognition attainment nt. imarily resp nance Direc Accountant r Accounta eet the high isclosure” to roups to rea or Excellence cing approxi d Washingto tem No. 5A ce in Financ ing was awa e United Sta in the area o represents ponsible for ctor nt standards o o clearly com ad the CAFR e in Financia imately 17,5 on, D.C. cial Reporti arded to the ates and Ca of governm s a signif preparing t of the progr mmunicate i R. al Reporting 500 governm ng e City anada ental ficant the 2014 am ts g for ment