HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-civil planOrr Hayeron 4 Associates. Inc, Salinesrs Is Arebltrots • Planners a Surveyors FAIR I D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Lakeville, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, fee owner of the following described land situated In the State of VInnesoto. County of Dakota, to wit: Outlot A in FAIRFIELD BUSINESS CJ,MPUS, according to the recorded plot thereof EXCEPT that part lying easterly of a southerly extension of the westerly lot line of Lot 2, Block I. FAIRFIELD BUSINESS CAMPUS. Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as FAIRFIELD BUSINESS CAMPUS 3RD ADDITION and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the easements as shown on the plat for drainage and utility purposes only. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. said City of Lakeville. a municipal corporation under the laws of the t to of Mtnnes .has caused these presents to be signed by Its proper officers this T day of SIGN BY: BY: ,its Mayor , its Clerk .� i 1 1 rr W r I STATE OF MINffC(1 kQ�� COUNTY OF ,,•gyp - i Th oregol q Instrument was 4+:' owledged before me this'" day of . 199 - by.-w1A "a .ZAP . Mayor, and by Clerk of the City of Lakeville. o municipal corporation under the laws of the tote of Minnei;ota, on behalf of the corporation, and pursuant to the authority of its city council. VO DAKOTA 00UNTY a.wAL im m' soon Nat,Qr_v Public County. MIDnesoto My-CoExpires VICINITY MAP (NO SCALE) NBC. U. T.114N, R.21W SITE C. S. A.H. 210TH ST. W. NO. 70 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: �-10 II 10 10 —I -----I L_—jE10 -- BEING 10 FEET IN WIDTH ADJOINING STREET LINES AND 10 FEET IN WIDTH ADJOINING LOT LINES AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 0 100 200 SCALE IN FEET BEARING NOTE: BEARINCS ARE ORIENTED TO FAIRFIELD BUSINESS CAMPUS IN WHICH THE SOUTH LINE OF OUTLOT A BEARS S89°5433"W. LEGEND • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND 0 DENOT-_S 1,2" x 14" IRON PIPE SET CAPPE) R.L.S. NO. 11394 I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plot as FAIRFIELD BUSINESS CAMPUS 3RD ADDITION, that this plot is a correct representation of the survey, that all distonce€ are correctly shown on the plot In feet and hundredths of a foot, that all monuments have been correctly placed In the ground as shown, that the outside boundary lines ore correctly deCgnoted on the plat and that there are no wetlands as defined 120 by M.S., Section 5115.02, Subd. I, or ;)ublic In ways to be designated other than as shown. - 1 A=14027'30" (� �7 L—= 85 80 _ vaial o ~,,; \ R=340.00CID �--- D. Edward Ames, Lind Surveyor. Minnesota License No. 11394 ,, r / I i G S 7S • 140.33 37 0 �, , 6 ��E1, �+ �o om •opo _ -A=96° 09 17 660.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA �� �� i� __- N890 55' 24 "E 0 ���%' ° •=°v `'� � L =100.69 S89 55' 24 "W COUNTY OF DAKOTA ` 256.30 \� Th fore olnq Surveyor's Certlflcate was acknowledged before me this day of 10.00 I— 246.30 —� \ + O 199 a�y D. Edward Ames, Land Surveyor. Minnesota I (o I + o License No. 11394. N LIJ • � N ►��` Kim 6. MI thun. No my Public. Hennepin County, Minnesotang" Cor^ 1 "y 31, 200u �, �- My ._;�: rsroz Fx�',-?s 'anua� /+����� /P^`1i � �,`, y' I` I cn , rn10 Approved by the Planning isshn of e City of Lakeville, Minn sots, at a regular IV A), �� PP _ MIS g thereof, on the _�dcy of . 199 `J N89° 55' 24 "E� I l o ( Z y % 10.00 z ai • I i _ Chair N89° 55'24 "E 700.01 N �l "L`� Secr ary '�` ~ y'`�� `n I I M Z s a We o hereby certify that on the day of �' p ����\ �,L; �\ \ O N I I I 1 F- 199 t Ity Council of eville° �1lnnesota approve is plot. h0 �, a .� \ I I I w o ,fo \ A 2 y \ I v BY ^/11•� Mayor . 1 `�? >0 �c9 . I I ® o h N . .'� o o o ►� BY: Clerk OUTLET A ,,� ��F �jql o I I `�' �' o z z Pursuant to Section 383D , Minnesota Statutes, this plat has been approved this day s•! ��\ �� I� SSS � . \ o I I I------A� S'LY EXTENSION OF THE of 199—„ O \\`� h0.• ��0 `���`'�> z I I BLOCKLY LOT LINE FAIRF�ELDOT 2, BYS 11P BUSINESS CAMPUS O- Gary H. Stevenson, Dakota County Surveyor \ 0 `� pa / /g ` I O`/s \\ \\ /\O I I herebycertify that the taxes for the year 19.— for the land described on this plot as \��' --1-DRAINAGE EASEMENT ,� �� rL(a i y FOR PONDING PURPOSES < 94.52 �° I FAIRFIELD BUSINESS CAMPUS 3RD ADDITION have been paid and that there are no delinquent taxes due and transfer entered this day of 54' 33 "E 199— . $e i ---- "' o _ - 1360.02 --__ o 1 Rte? S� O - 219.65 ----------------- )�' S89.54' 33 "W 636.43 ------o Count Treasurer-1,jdltor, Dakota County, Minnesota Q " •• -- Document Number Certificate Number I hereby certif y that this instrument was filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles for �+ SOUTH LINE OUTLET A record on this day of _. 199 , at o'clock � FAIRFIELD BUSINESS CAMPUS--- _ +--- .m., and was duly recorded In EOOK of on page SOUTH LINE S I�2 - SE I�, SEC. 25 T. 114, R. 21 Registrar of Titles,, Dakota County, Minnesota Oak FAIRFIELD BUSINESS CAMPUS 3RD ADDN CL Q 0 N m 0 0 0 m 0 co 0 3 „ v W a m v 0 0 Q 0 0 .. Support post anchorage --I Note: Wire mesh is not required in-situ soil SILT FENCE PAVEMENT MATERIAL 2" x 2- wood or steel BIT. WEAR (TYPE 41) fence post, 8' max, spacing BIT. BASE (TYPE 31) Wire mesh reinforcement. Std. Overlap geotextile fabric field fence. min. 30- high, 6 and fasten at 2' intervals max. mesh spocing 6_and C.B. min. 141/gauge wire is optional. 48" Wire fencW not required for this project c Geotextile fabric - overlap fabric a 6" and fasten at 2' intervals r c Loy fabric in the trench E fabrc anchorage trench R -3250-A Backfill trench with 4 tomped natural soil runoff NEENAH plrection of 1.(4) 50' IN LENGTH AND AS WIDE AS NECESSARY FOR TRAFFI, C.B. z z W 27" Z NEENAH a Ow Zw r 0 O a Extend wire mesh into trench 6" MIN. Support post anchorage --I Note: Wire mesh is not required in-situ soil SILT FENCE PAVEMENT MATERIAL AUTO TRAFFIC BIT. WEAR (TYPE 41) 1 112 - /2"BIT. BIT. BASE (TYPE 31) 1 1/2" AGG. BASE (CLASS 5) 8" TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION PROPOSED GRADING, EROSION CONTROL & UTILITY PLAN WCEVrFY AW GRAPHIC SCALE D. R. HOR TON LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA A EX. M.H. 10-3 R.E. 1101.97 I.E. 1073 30 EX. 12" DIP WATERMAIN J EX. L.B. �l 1 1 1 I 1---1 I 1 1-- 1 F R. E. 100.29 <' EX 33„ / '> > > > EX. 10" PVC SAN. RC S tx: ivi:rf: 1rr�i > > > > > .84, I.E. 1089.58 ORM R.E. 1098.8 EX. M.H. 10-2W1 w < EX. C.B. R.E. 1102.19 c) U EX. B. 1074.4 > > R.E. 1100.49 —<< R.E. 1098 79 EX. 30" RCP STORM I.E. 1073.61 j (it « < I.E. 1091.67,I.E. 1092.24, I.E. 1088.70 EX. 18" RCP STORM @ 0.97% --*' (FIELD VERIFY) C. B. M. H. 1 R.E. 1101.0 I.E. 1091.52 I.E.S.W. 1094.9 34'-15" RCP ® 2.00% 62'-15" RCP ® 1.05 40 0 20 40 Bo 160 ' _ _X110210- '..,���S� TAMPER • p SWITeko EG N N89'S5 4' — I g,6 `V o ( IN FEET ) 1 .00' — EXISTING 1 inch = 40 ft. F I SANITARY SEWER > 1 J 103.10 F (- WATERMAIN I — I • »- STORM SEWER >>- 00 > o® M. - MANHOLE OS O I FIN. FL. ELEV. 1104.00 Ito r- CATCH BASIN 0 1 PROPOSED BUILDING I N• I , 22,864 S.F. FLARED END SECTION -Q • I w -11 I I GATE VALVE >Q I �,�Qq I • . I I HYDRANT 1 77 I LiI I .41 X -9"q 0, 7 I 1 EXISTING00 PONDING AREA /�o� • I N89.54'33"E , • ae 52' , ------- -- \--------------------� L- ---------------------------------------------- - - - - - I -- -- I S89'54'33„W _ _ - _ — J 1) X1101.50 Proposed Spot Elevation* GENERAL NOTES 2) Denotes Direction of Surface Drainage 3) Denotes Proposed Contour EROSION CONTROL NOTES & IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 4) USE STRUCTURE SCHEDULE (1) PRIOR TO ROUGH GRADING, INSTALL SILT STOP FENCES C. B. M. H. 1 48” DIAMETER W/ CASTING NEENAH R -3250—A C.B. 2 48" DIAMETER NEENAH R -3250-A C.B. 3 48" DIAMETER NEENAH R -3250-A C.B. 4 27" DIAMETER SHALLOW C.B. NEENAH R-2668 1.(4) 50' IN LENGTH AND AS WIDE AS NECESSARY FOR TRAFFI, C.B. 5 27" DIAMETER SHALLOW C.B. NEENAH R-2688 1) X1101.50 Proposed Spot Elevation* GENERAL NOTES 2) Denotes Direction of Surface Drainage 3) Denotes Proposed Contour EROSION CONTROL NOTES & IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 4) USE a Denotes Silt Fence (1) PRIOR TO ROUGH GRADING, INSTALL SILT STOP FENCES IN LOCATIONS SHOWN * All spot elevations are bituminous surface or CURB 5 -6- ADDITIONAL SILT STOP FENCES WILL BE REQUIRED WHERE LOCAL CONDITIONS REQUIRE of the State gutter unless otherwise noted. (2) ROUGH GRADING SHALL PROCEED ON AN AREA BY AREA BASIS TO MINIMIZE 5'-6" 7'j �6- 1 6X6X10 UNCOMPLETED AREAS f 15` 8 A ROCK CONSTRUCTION ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AT (3) PROVIDE NATIVE TOPSOIL, SEED, AND MULCH ANCHORED WITH A STRAIGHT SET ENTRANCES TO EXISTING HARD SURFACE ROADS ROCK ENTRANCE SHALL BE NO DISC WITHIN 14 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING LESS THAN 1.(4) 50' IN LENGTH AND AS WIDE AS NECESSARY FOR TRAFFI, MAINTAIN AND REPAIR SILT STOP FENCES (INCLUDE THE REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED TO 2" WASHED ROCK. SILT) UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED BUILDING D BY OWNER REVISIONS 7/14/00 REVISED BLDG. LOC. V7100 00 CITY COMMENTS 819100 CITY COMMENTS I' - 2" WASHED ROO( ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - -- PROPERTY LINE - - -- -- -- -- -- — 1 /2 - EXPANSION JOINT IF DRIVEWAY IS CONCRETE VARIES 16'-0" MIN. SAWED JOINT CENTERED 1/2- EXPANSION ON DRIVEWAY JOINT DRIVEWAY 7.5 RAD. TYP. CURB 5 -6- engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. GUTTER 8618 CURB AND GUTTER 5'-6" 7'j �6- 1 6X6X10 7 1/2' WELDED WIRE MESH f 15` 8 STREET INTEGRAL D/W APRON (COMMERCIAL/INDSTRIAL) NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING WATERMAIN, SANITARY & STORM SEWER AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO START OF INSTALLATIONS. NOTE: SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BITUMINOUS SURFACE OR GUTTERLINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXISTING UTILITIES 1 ) The information shown on these drawinqs concerning type and location of on utilities is not guaranteed to be accurate or all inclusive. The contractor is responsible for making his own determination as to the type and location of utilities as may be necessary to avoid damage to these utilities. 2) The Contractor shall be responsible for existing utility locations. Call Gopher State One at 454-0002 for locations. / hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that / am a duly registered pro- fessional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. DA TE.' 8/9/00 REG. NO, 18227 SITE PLANNING ENGINEER/NG PLO WE ENGINEERING, INC 9180 LEXINGTON AVENUE N. E. CIRCLE PINES, MN 55014 (763) 785-1043 DATE: 7/11/00 C1