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January 19, 2016
Mayor Little called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
Members Present: Mayor Little, Council Members Davis, Swecker, Anderson and LaBeau
Webelos Pack 267 presented the Colors and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; John
Kornmann, Deputy Police Chief; Chris Petree, Public Works Director; David Olson,
Community & Economic Development Director; Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director; John
Hennen, Interim Parks & Recreation Director; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator;
Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Brenda Visnovec, Liquor Director; Judi Hawkins, Deputy
City Clerk
3. Citizen Comments: None
4. Additional Agenda Information: None
5. Presentations/Introductions
Finance Director Jerilyn Erickson presented Council with the 2014 Certificate of Achievement
for Excellence in Financial Reporting which the City has received from the Government
Finance Officers Association for 27 consecutive years. Ms. Erickson recognized employees
Julie Werner, David Lang and Thomas Nesseth for their dedication and commitment.
Jay Young, Lakeville Rotary Foundation Chair, presented a check in the amount of $25,000 to
be used for the new Land of Amazement playground equipment. The funds were raised by
the Rotary Club at the 2015 Taste of Lakeville celebration. Interim Parks and Recreation
Director John Hennen accepted the donation and provided an update on the LOA
fundraising efforts.
Liquor Director Brenda Visnovec presented the 2015 Annual Liquor Report. Ms. Visnovec
stated that although several factors including increased competition and road construction
had a negative impact, ultimately sales exceeded expectations. The Liquor Stores conducted
several fundraising events in 2015 and contributed thousands of dollars to the City’s General
Fund and community causes. Visnovec was awarded the Minnesota Licensed Beverage
City Council Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2016 Page 2
Association Friends of the Industry Award in 2015 for her successful efforts in competing
against new big box competition.
6. Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Davis, to approve the consent agenda items as
a. Claims for payment
b. Minutes of the January 4, 2016 City Council meeting
c. Minutes of the January 4, 2016 special City Council meeting
d. Resolution No. 16-13 accepting donation from Joey Miller, Country Joe Homes, to the
Police Department
e. Audit Engagement Letter with Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich & Co. P.A.
f. Separation Agreement and Release of Claims between the City of Lakeville and John
g. Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County for Sentence to Service Program work crews
h. Agreement with Choice Electric for construction of King Park baseball complex lighting
i. Resolution No. 16-14 accepting donations to the Parks & Recreation Department
j. Kenwood Hills Planned Unit Development Amendment
k. Grant of Permanent Easement to the Metropolitan Council for Pheasant Run
l. Contract with SavATree for tree pruning services within the 2016 street construction
project area
m. Agreement with SPC Marketing for digital marketing services at the Lakeville Area Arts
n. Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County Community Development Agency for the
Open to Business Program
o. Resolution No. 16-15 authorizing submittal of the application for 2016 Dakota County
Community Development Block Grant funding
City Council Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2016 Page 3
p. Resolution No. 16-16 approving an off-site gambling permit for VFW Post 210
q. Final acceptance of public streets and utilities in Chokecherry Hill Addition
r. Second Amendment to Purchase Agreement with George Warweg
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
7. Rosehenge Hall Conditional Use Permit Amendment
George Maverick of Rose Mountain, LLC has applied for an amendment to Conditional Use
Permit #12-14 to allow extended hours for a private community center at 20732 Holt Avenue
known as Rosehenge Hall. This was the former site of the Lakeville Senior Center and has
been used as an event/banquet center since 2012. Thirty events were held at Rosehenge in
2014 and 27 in 2015. Mr. Maverick provided information on his request to extend the hours
at Rosehenge Hall to midnight on Friday and Saturday nights as well as six other specified
evenings throughout the year. Mr. Maverick outlined steps he has taken to reduce the impact
to surrounding properties by ensuring that music and noise is contained inside of the building
and that guests do not carry alcohol outside. Food and alcohol at the facility are catered
exclusively by Rudy’s Redeye Grill. The bar currently closes at 10:30 p.m. and guests leave by
11:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights, as stipulated in the CUP.
Planning Director Daryl Morey stated that the Planning Commission held a public hearing at
their January 7, 2016 meeting; two residents spoke against the request at that meeting. The
Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendment on a 4 to 1 vote subject to
two stipulations, one being the hours of operation and the other relating to additional parking
lot screening adjacent to residential properties. Mr. Maverick is proposing installation of a
six-foot vinyl fence on the south and east sides of the property. Since the public hearing a few
residents have expressed their desire for Council to deny the request. In the three years since
Rosehenge Hall has hosted events the Police Dept. has not received any complaints from
neighbors. Planning staff believes the one-hour extension would not have a negative impact
and recommends approval.
Mayor Little asked if the hours of operation could revert to what is currently allowed if the
business was sold and operated in a less responsible manner. City Attorney Knutson stated
that would be possible with an interim use permit, which terminates at some specific date, but
not with an existing CUP which is attached to the property and the business. If stipulations
are violated a CUP can be revoked by Council.
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Council Member LaBeau stated that this Council’s decision needs to be based on the existing
owner and amendment request. Mr. Maverick has shown himself to be a good neighbor and
responsible business owners. Mr. Knutson stated that code violations need to be dealt with at
the time they take place. Mr. Miller added that the current CUP stipulates hours of operation
and that all activities take place indoors; if violations are documented, revocation could be
considered by Council. Mr. Maverick stated that keeping the current bar-closing time of
10:30 p.m. would be acceptable. Mr. Knutson stated that Council could choose to add this
Mayor Little stated that this is not a public hearing, but opened the meeting for comments.
Doug Ringeisen, 18876 Joplin Avenue, stated that their family owns the three properties south
of Rosehenge Hall. He believes that the hours that were agreed on in the original CUP were a
good compromise and the neighbors are opposed to extending the hours. Parking is limited
and the privacy of the neighbors needs to be considered.
Glenn Nord, 20655 Holt Avenue, stated that there is no buffer surrounding the business. He
spoke to several neighbors on the block and did not find anyone in support of the extended
hours. He believes a long range plan for this established downtown area needs to be
developed and questioned if this type of business is appropriate in a neighborhood.
Rick Ringeisen, 20058 Italy Avenue, is concerned about the potential for more frequent use of
this facility. He believes he represents the neighborhood and residents of Lakeville and that
Council is weighing a significant number of voters against only one business.
Council Member Swecker stated that she understands the neighbors’ concerns due to the
change in use from when it was a Senior Center. She believes that one hour is a reasonable
request by Mr. Maverick to accommodate his business needs; he wants to continue to be a
good neighbor and is willing to end liquor service at 10:30 p.m. Swecker is not in favor of
stipulating 10:30 p.m. as the end of liquor service, but feels one additional hour is not a major
change for the neighborhood, especially since there haven’t been any complaints. She
supports the CUP amendment request as presented.
Council Member Anderson agrees that one of the biggest challenges in the downtown is lack
of buffer areas and that a long-range plan for the downtown would help Council with future
decisions. Anderson suggested adding the following stipulations: planting foliage on the
parking lot side of the fence to improve aesthetics and add a noise buffer; screening the waste
containers per the ordinance; discontinuing alcohol service at 10:30 p.m. as offered by Mr.
Maverick; creating an incentive for renters to end their event at 11:00 p.m. instead of
midnight; and designating overflow parking in the lot across the street if the owner is willing.
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Council Member Davis also agrees with Mr. Nord that a long-range plan is needed for the
area to avoid future similar situations. Davis believes some of Anderson’s suggestions might
overstep Council’s authority and attempt to micromanage a private business. He would
support the amendment with the additional screening stipulations.
Mayor Little stated that Council is faced with difficult decisions when a small group of citizens
expresses opposition. Little believes that the business fits into the vision of the downtown and
in fairness to Mr. Maverick only stipulations regarding hours of operation, liquor sales and
screening should be considered and not the details of the business.
Council Member LaBeau stated that this is a unique and challenging property and agrees that
an overall long-range plan for the downtown is needed. Out of respect to the citizens she is
inclined to deny the request; however, she also respects the business owner as he has done
everything possible to work within the existing stipulations.
Mr. Morey pointed out that within the setback on the south side of the parking lot there is
room for landscaping or a fence, but not both. The Planning Commission also discussed
limited parking in the downtown. Parking on site meets the ordinance requirements based on
the building capacity and additional parking is located nearby and on the street. Anderson
stated that the DLBA needs to work with the downtown businesses on parking solutions.
Swecker stated that a downtown plan would be very beneficial to the Council in making these
decisions but without a plan there is no basis for adding detailed stipulations when the request
is for a one-hour extension.
Motion was made by Swecker to approve the amendment to Conditional Use Permit #12-14
for Rosehenge Hall and adopt the Findings of Fact as written. There was no second.
R. Ringeisen stated that he had discussed screening with Mr. Maverick and would like to wait
until spring to move forward. He believes there was a plan at one time and that properties
were put into a TIF District. (Staff subsequently confirmed that there was no TIF District.)
Motion was made by Little, seconded by Swecker, to approve the Amendment to Conditional
Use Permit #12-14 to extend the hours of operation for a private community center at 20732
Holt Avenue, with additional stipulations: 1) a fence or other screening shall be constructed
or planted on the south and east sides of the parking lot, and 2) to discontinue the sale of
alcoholic beverages at 10:30 p.m., and to adopt the Findings of Fact.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes – Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau, Davis, Little
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Mr. Maverick stated that he continues to be committed to working with the neighbors.
8. City Administrator Performance Evaluation – Summary
Council Member Anderson stated that the Council’ annual performance review of Mr. Justin
Miller was discussed at a closed meeting earlier this evening. Mr. Miller was found to meet or
exceed Council’s expectations in all areas. Mr. Miller thanked Council and staff.
9. Unfinished business: None
10. New business: None
11. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, February 1, 2016
Council work session, January 26, 2016
Mayor Little adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judi Hawkins, Deputy City Clerk
Matt Little, Mayor