HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21 work session CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MINUTES January 21, 2016 Chair Swenson called the work session to order at 6:23 p.m. Members Present: Chair Jason Swenson, Vice Chair Linda Maguire, Karl Drotning, Scott Einck, Pat Kaluza, Jason Kelvie, Brooks Lillehei, and Paul Reuvers Members Absent: None Staff Present: Planning Director Daryl Morey and Daniel Licht, TPC Annual Zoning Ordinance Update Discussion Daniel Licht presented possible amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, as compiled by Planning Department staff in 2015 and listed in his January 14, 2016 memorandum. He stated that City staff compiles a list of possible ordinance amendments throughout the year for discussion with the Planning Commission at a work session during the winter. Planning Commission discussion points: Electronic Signs The Planning Commission expressed concern about the potential negative impacts of dynamic display signs, especially as they become more affordable, and the cumulative effect of multiple dynamic display signs for adjacent businesses located a short distance apart in commercial corridors. Given that there have been no reported traffic safety issues with the seven electronic signs currently licensed by the City, the Planning Commission expressed support for a reduction in the rate of change from one minute to 30 seconds, but did not recommend any change to the restrictions on animation, scrolling, flashing, etc. so as to be in keeping with desired community aesthetics. The Planning Commission is open to re- visit the rate of change issue again as part of a future annual Zoning Ordinance update discussion as more electronic signs are installed in the City and the cumulative effects on traffic safety and aesthetics can be better evaluated. Interim Use Permits The Planning Commission supported adding language to clarify the purpose and intent of interim use permits. Exterior Building Materials The Planning Commission supported changing the term “façade” to “elevation” to clarify the exterior building materials requirements and other sections throughout the Zoning Ordinance. Planning Commission Work Session Minutes – January 21, 2016 Page 2 Yard Encroachments The Planning Commission did not recommend any change to the cantilevered building section encroachment allowance as the Planning Commission believed that there was potential to use the exception to increase the bulk of a building beyond what is intended by the limits imposed by the current language. Sports Courts The Planning Commission supported the proposed changes to provide a better distinction between a sports court and a patio to aid in administration of the requirements. Accessory Buildings The Planning Commission recommended that the maximum allowable floor area for accessory buildings in the RS-4 District be increased to match the maximum allowable floor area for single family uses in the RST-2, RM-1, RM-2, RH-1 and RH-2 districts. In addition, recommended a maximum width of 36 feet for attached garages facing a public street in the RS-4, RST-2, RM-1, RM-2, RH-1 and RH-2 districts. These changes would allow a four car garage on all single family lots with the fourth stall being in a tandem arrangement, thereby limiting the mass of the garage face to the public street. Fence Permits As a result of a problematic code enforcement issue concerning a garden bed enclosure on a single family lot, the Planning Commission recommended that a zoning permit only be required for defined fences that are to be constructed in a front yard, buffer yard, or along a boundary (property) line. A zoning permit would not be required for defined fences (such as garden bed enclosures) that are located internally within a non-buffer side or rear yard. Swimming Pools The Planning Commission supported the proposed change that would allow a cantilevered deck to be built over a five foot structure setback for a swimming pool provided there is at least eight feet of vertical clearance below the deck and still maintain a safe walkable perimeter at the edge of the swimming pool. Freeway Corridor Signs The Planning Commission supported a proposed modification to allow one of the two wall signs for a commercial use located on a corner lot in the freeway corridor district to be located on the building elevation that faces the freeway, even if that building elevation does not face a public street or if the property does not directly abut the freeway. Animals The Planning Commission recommended that the existing allowance of wild or exotic animals by interim use permit (IUP) be repealed on the basis that the domestic and farm animals allowed by the Zoning Ordinance allows appropriate keeping of animals. The falconry IUP approved last year would become legal non-conforming. Planning Commission Work Session Minutes – January 21, 2016 Page 3 Detached Townhouse Setbacks The Planning Commission recommended the setback between detached townhouses be reduced from 20 feet to 14 feet consistent with the side yard setback requirement for single family homes in the RS-4 District. Schools in O-R Districts The Planning Commission supported adding public and private elementary, middle and junior high schools as a conditional use within the O-R, Office/Residential Transition District. Convenience Food Uses For consistency purposes, the Planning Commission supported amending the wording related to convenience food uses, which are allowed by conditional use permit (CUP) in the C-2, C-3 and C-CBD districts, to match the wording in the definition section of the Zoning Ordinance. Community Gardens The Planning Commission supported allowing community gardens in the P-OS, C-2, C- 3, O-P, I-1 and I-2 districts subject to meeting specific performance standards, including prohibiting sales as the intent is not to allow for farmers markets with the proposed amendment. The Planning Commission directed staff to set a public hearing for formal consideration of the proposed amendments as recommended at tonight’s work session. The work session was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Daryl Morey, Planning Director