HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.g Date: 18 April, 2016 Item No. APPROVE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE 2016 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS TO SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC., CITY PROJECT NO. 16-12 Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a contract with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for engineering consultant services associated with the 2016 Pedestrian Crossing Improvements, City Project No. 16-12. Approval of this contract will allow for the engineering design of pedestrian crossing improvements along Icalee Path and Ipava Avenue. Overview The existing push-button pedestrian crossing locations along Icalee Path (adjacent to Antlers Park) and Ipava Avenue (adjacent to Steve Michaud Park) are nearly 15-years old and in need of maintenance. In addition, neither pedestrian crossing meets current ADA design standards. The City has budgeted $60,000 in 2016 for the replacement of these pedestrian crossing facilities. The City solicited proposals for engineering services to design, bid and inspect the improvements. Three proposals were received. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. provided the most cost effective engineering services proposal and has an extensive history of working on transportation projects within the City of Lakeville. Primary Issues to Consider • Why are pedestrian crossing facilities necessary in these areas? • Both locations connect the City’s trail system to a park that does not have intersection controls for vehicular traffic at the pedestrian crossing location. Supporting Information • Pedestrian crossing location maps. • A copy of the proposal tabulation and consultant list is attached. Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y☒ N☐ Source: Related Documents: (CIP, ERP, etc.): Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Services Report Completed by: Monica Heil, PE Operations and Maintenance Engineer 17,300 Pavement Management TABULATION OF PROPOSALS 2016 Pedestrian Crossing Improvements CP 16-12 Engineering Consultant Proposal Total SRF Consulting Group, Inc. $17,300 Bolton & Menk, Inc. $24,978 Stonebrooke Engineering $34,761 LakeviewElementarySchool AntlersPark 202ND ST W ISLANDVIE W C I R IT A L Y A V E 203RD ST W I R O N R I D G E P A T H I C A L E E P A T H 201ST ST W I P A V A A V E I S L A N D V I E W C I R Lake Marion Icalee PathPedestrian Crossing- Location Map - 0 300 600150Feet Existing PedestrianCrossing Location Steve Michaud Park 171ST S T W I P A V A A V E IS A N T I C T 172ND STW 170TH ST W Ipava AvenuePedestrian Crossing- Location Map - 0 150 30075Feet Existing PedestrianCrossing Location March 25, 2016 Monica Heil, PE Operations and Maintenance Engineer City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Subject: Proposal for Professional Services for 2016 Pedestrian Crossing Improvements Dear Ms Heil: We understand that the City of Lakeville has identified two locations for pedestrian crossing improve- ments to be designed and constructed in 2016: 1. Icalee Path adjacent to Lake Marion, and 2. Ipava Avenue adjacent to Steve Michaud Park. Lakeville is requesting professional engineering assistance to assess the pedestrian/bicycle safety at these two locations; study a range of improvements that would be appropriate at each location; and develop detailed construction plans to implement the safety improvements. SRF has a long-term relationship providing engineering services to Lakeville and our experienced team of pedestrian/bicycle facility experts is ready to go. In August 2014, we completed a pedestrian/bicycle safety study (click for more info) that included evaluation of current pedestrian (ped)/bike crossings along Ipava Avenue and made recommendations for improvements. We have drawn on this recent experience and our knowledge of ped/bike safety strategies to develop a comprehensive scope of work that includes all tasks necessary for the proposed 2016 pedestrian crossing improvements. www.srfconsulting.com One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150 | Minneapolis, MN 55447-4443 | 763.475.0010 Fax: 763.475.2429 An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF LAKEVILLE Pedestrian Crossing Improvements City of Lakeville – 2016 Pedestrian Crossing Improvements 2 RELATED PROJECT EXPERIENCES SRF has a dedicated team of professionals with specific shared use trail design and crossing improvement experience. The following is a brief description of some of our recent projects. Ipava Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety Study for the City of Lakeville (2014). SRF analyzed the existing ped/bike crossings along Ipava Ave between 175th Street West and 185th Street West. SRF’s work included field observations, traffic and pedestrian/bicycle counts, design options, and safety improvement recommendations. Ridgway Parkway Trail Improvement Project for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (2015). SRF completed preliminary and final design of 4,500 feet of reconstructed trail including roadway crossings at Ridgway Parkway and St. Anthony Boulevard. The ped/bike crossings included new crosswalk pavement markings with advanced warning signs and upgrades to make the crossing accessible and compliant with current ADA standards. Crystal Lake Regional Trail in the City of Robbinsdale for Three Rivers Park District (2015). SRF completed preliminary and final design for conversion of 11,500 feet of urban sidewalk to multi-purpose ped/bike trail including major roadway crossings at 40th Avenue North and numerous residential streets. The ped/bike crossings included new crosswalk pavement markings with advanced warning signs and upgrades to make the crossings ADA compliant. Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail crossing at Shady Oak Road in Minnetonka for Three Rivers Park District (2016). SRF has completed the plans to reconfigure the ped/bike crossing to improve safety by realigning the trail, softening trail grades, adding new crosswalk pavement markings with advanced warning signs, and upgrades to ped ramps to make the crossing ADA compliant. Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail Crossing at CSAH 19 (Manitou Road) in Tonka Bay/ Shorewood for Three Rivers Park District (2016). SRF is finalizing plans to improve safety at the crossing by realigning the trail to eliminate a skewed condition, reconstructing a median refuge, and installing Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs). Crosswalk striping and advanced warning signage are being updated as well as pedestrian ramp upgrades to make the crossing ADA compliant. Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail Crossing at Dell Road in Eden Prairie for Three Rivers Park District (2016). (click for more info) SRF is under contract for final design to realign the ped/ bike crossing to eliminate the current skewed condition, and reconstruct a median refuge. Safety will be improved by adding new crosswalk pavement markings with advanced warning signs, installation of new RRFBs, and upgrades to make the crossing ADA compliant. Northwest Greenway Trail Phase 2 for the City of Plymouth (2016). SRF completed preliminary and final design of 5,700 feet of new trail including a major roadway crossing at Dunkirk Lane. The ped/bike crossing was designed to be ADA compliant and included crosswalk pavement markings with advanced warning signs and new RRFBs. 3City of Lakeville – 2016 Pedestrian Crossing Improvements Steve Prusak, PE – Steve has 11 years of experience and leads many of SRF’s trail design and trail crossing projects. As Project Manager, Steve will coordinate the activities of the design team and remain the City’s main point of contact from project kickoff and design, through the punch list and project “turn-on” at each location. Jeff Bednar – Jeff has more than 30 years of experience and has been involved in a variety of traffic safety projects, often providing keen insight during the initial site investigation. Jeff will draw from his pedestrian safety knowledge and his long experience record in Lakeville to assist the team with crossing safety assessments. Jim Gersema, PE – Jim has 16 years of experience and has become SRF’s lead for ADA compliance requirements. Jim will help with initial assessments of the existing conditions and recommend trail design options that meet ADA requirements. He will also be available during construction observation to assure improvements are built accordingly. Scott Poska, PE – Scott has 12 years of experience and will lead the preliminary and final design of the pedestrian signal improvements. Scott has completed a wide variety of signal improvements that safely accommodate pedestrians and bicycles including traffic actuated signal systems, Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Systems (HAWK), and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB). CITY OF LAKEVILLE Monica Heil, PE PROJECT MANAGER Steve Prusak, PE Safety Analysis Jeff Bednar, TOPS Trail Design Steve Prusak, PE ADA Evaluation Jim Gersema, PE Surveying Russ Coons Pedestrian Signals Scott Poska, PE, PTOE Construction Observation Doug Rasmussen PROJECT ADVISOR Matt Hansen, PE, LS Key Staff Members An organizational chart of SRF’s trail and pedestrian/bicycle safety team members for this project is presented below. 4City of Lakeville – 2016 Pedestrian Crossing Improvements The following table summarizes our team’s recent ped/bike trail experience. Cr o s s i n g E v a l u a t i o n AD A R e v i e w Al t e r n a t i v e s S t u d y Fi n a l P l a n s & S p e c s Ro a d w a y M o d i f i c a t i o n s RR F B s Co n s t r u c t i o n A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Su r v e y i n g Co n s t r u c t i o n O b s e r v a t i o n AD A F i e l d C o m p l i a n c e St e v e P r u s a k , P E Ji m G e r s e m a , P E Je f f B e d n a r , T O P S Sc o t t P o s k a , P E , P T O E PROJECT SCOPE DESIGN Ipava Avenue Pedestrian/ Bicycle Safety Study • •• Ridgway Parkway Trail Improvements • • • • • • • Crystal Lake Regional Trail • • • • • • • • • • Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail Crossing at Shady Oak Road • • • • • • • • • Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail Crossing at CSAH 19 • • • • • •X X X X • • Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail Crossing at Dell Road • • • • • •X X X X • • Northwest Greenway Trail Phase 2 • •X X X X • • X = Anticipated future task, not in current contract Scope of Services We propose to carry out the work described below: Task 1: Preliminary Design Concepts ($2,450) • Site review – SRF will meet with City staff at each location to review existing conditions and assess the current pedestrian crossing operations. We will review ADA compliance criteria and make note of deficiencies or concerns. • Coordination meeting – SRF will facilitate a follow up meeting to review findings from the initial site visit and propose potential improvements. • Design options – the SRF team will draw from its ped/bike design experience to review potential crossing improvement options at each location. Our team has experience with a wide range of design strategies including but not limited to: –ADA compliant crosswalks with advanced warning signs –Pedestrian level lighting at crosswalk –Raised crosswalks 5City of Lakeville – 2016 Pedestrian Crossing Improvements –Roadway modifications, curb bump-outs, pedestrian refuge median improvements –Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) –Passive pedestrian detection –Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon System (HAWK) –Grade-separated crossing SRF will evaluate the conditions and recommend the best treatment at each location. • Preliminary cost estimates – SRF will develop cost estimates of potential alternatives to help select a preferred alternative. Task 2: Final Design, Specifications, and Bidding ($8,000) Our final design tasks include the following: • Topographic survey and data collection. • Preparation of plans • Preparation of specifications and engineer’s estimate • Preparation of details for system • Coordination with electric service providers to ensure the necessary facilities are available to complete the project. • Prepare and administer bidding of the project • Prepare contract documents for execution. Depending on City policy, it may be possible to solicit quotes from qualified contractors instead of going through a formal bidding process. SRF has used this process in the past, allowing our clients to save time and money. Task 3: Construction Administration ($6,100) Our construction administration tasks include the following: • Coordination/pre-construction meeting with the City • Shop drawing review • Construction site staking • Construction observation during the installation of the pedestrian facilities and any necessary sidewalk improvements to satisfy ADA requirements. • Respond to all Requests for Information from the contractor. • Prepare monthly pay vouchers and change orders (if any). • Generate a punchlist prior to final acceptance of the project. • Provide as-built record drawings. 6City of Lakeville – 2016 Pedestrian Crossing Improvements Task 4: On-Site Meeting with the City for the “Turn-On” of Each Location ($400) Once construction is complete, SRF will facilitate an on-site meeting at both locations to review the opera- tions of the new facilities. Assumptions In preparing our scope of work and fee we have made the following assumptions: • City staff will accompany SRF on initial site review. • SRF will facilitate one preliminary design coordination meeting to discuss design options with City staff. • Both locations are assumed to be local (city) roadways and all improvements will fall within existing right-of-way. City staff will be responsible for any necessary coordination with Dakota County. • For the purposes of preparing this proposal and estimating our scope of services, installation of RRFBs at each location was assumed. • If RRFB improvements are selected and the City does not have RRFB specifications and details, SRF will follow Bloomington or Hennepin County RRFB details available from previous projects completed by SRF . • Proposed improvements will be AC powered using existing flasher source of power. • Concrete testing, if required, will be completed by others. Schedule The SRF team is available to begin immediately upon your authorization. We will complete this work within a mutually agreed-upon time schedule. In order to meet the goal of construction in July 2016, we propose the following schedule: • April Site investigation, alternatives analysis, Preliminary design and cost estimates • May Final detailed design (plans, specifications, and cost estimates) • June Bidding and award • July Construction, punch-list, project acceptance, project close-out, as built record drawings Basis of Payment/Budget We propose to be reimbursed for our services on an hourly basis for the actual time expended. Other direct project expenses, such as printing, supplies, reproduction, etc., will be billed at cost, and mileage will be billed at the current allowable IRS rate for business miles. Invoices are submitted on a monthly basis for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due within 30 days. 7City of Lakeville – 2016 Pedestrian Crossing Improvements Based on our understanding of the project and our scope of services, we estimate the cost of our services to be as follows: FEE TASK $2,450 Task 1: Preliminary Design Concepts $8,000 Task 2: Final Design, Specifications, and Bidding $6,100 Task 3: Construction Administration $400 Task 4: On-Site Meeting with the City for the “Turn On” of Each Location $350 Expenses $17 ,300 TOTAL Changes in the Scope of Services It is understood that if the scope or extent of work changes, the cost will be adjusted accordingly. Before any out-of-scope work is initiated, however, we will submit a budget request for the new work and will not begin work until we receive authorization from you. Standard Terms and Conditions The attached Standard Terms and Conditions (Attachment A), together with this proposal for profes- sional services, constitute the entire agreement between the Client and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. and supersede all prior written or oral understandings. This agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. Acceptance/Notice to Proceed A signed copy of this proposal, mailed or emailed to our office, will serve as acceptance of this proposal and our notice to proceed. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, SRF CONSULTING GROUP , INC. SRF #P160147 Steven B. Prusak, PE Associate Matthew D. Hansen, PE, LS Principal 8City of Lakeville – 2016 Pedestrian Crossing Improvements Approved: (signature) Name Title Date This cost proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. SRF reserves the right to adjust its cost estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposal. Attachment A - Standard Terms and Conditions