HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA147512 SBF11.04.02 Trotter 11x171 11OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 2 11OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 3 11OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) Co p y r i g h t o f t h e s e d o c u m e n t s i s o w n e d b y Ro b e r t T h o m a s H o m e s , I n c . an d r e s e r v e s A L L r i g h t s . T h e s e p l a n s m a y n o t b e r e - u s e d , c o p i e d o r as s i g n e d t o a n o t h e r p a r t y n o r s h a l l t h e y b e m o d i f i e d o r u s e d i n p a r t i n o t h e r de s i g n s w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Ro b e r t T h o m a s H o m e s , I n c . 4 11OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. × 5 11OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 6 11OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 7 11OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 8 11OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 9 OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) 11Co p y r i g h t o f t h e s e d o c u m e n t s i s o w n e d b y Ro b e r t T h o m a s H o m e s , I n c . an d r e s e r v e s A L L r i g h t s . T h e s e p l a n s m a y n o t b e r e - u s e d , c o p i e d o r as s i g n e d t o a n o t h e r p a r t y n o r s h a l l t h e y b e m o d i f i e d o r u s e d i n p a r t i n o t h e r de s i g n s w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Ro b e r t T h o m a s H o m e s , I n c . 1/ 4 " 1- 1 / 2 " 10 11OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) CFL INCANDESCENT LED LED LED LED HALOGEN LED 11 11OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X DRAWN BY: SAE 4-15-16 4-22-16 SHAKES 5-3-16 (CO 1-5) CFL INCANDESCENT LED LED LED LED HALOGEN LED