HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.b CITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 16, 2016 Mayor Little called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was given. Members Present: Mayor Little, Council Members Davis, Anderson, LaBeau Absent: Council Member Swecker Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Jeff Long, Police Chief; Chris Petree, Public Works Director; David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director; Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 3. Citizen Comments: John Lenvik, 16598 Galena Avenue, expressed frustration regarding tree brush in his neighbor’s yard and the fact that the City has done nothing about it. Mayor Little referred the matter to the Public Works Director. Gordon Storlie, 16369 Grenoble Avenue, questioned the need to replace all of the pipe within phase two of the street reconstruction project area. He also questioned the unit costs charged by the contractor for repairing driveways and what options are available to have the contractor replace his entire driveway. Ms. Heil explained that not all of the watermain pipe is corroded to the point of falling apart; however, watermain breaks are continuing to occur within the project area. With respect to driveways, she explained that the contractors submit unit prices based on estimated quantities of driveway repairs. She stated the construction contract only includes work within the City’s right-of-way and does not include any private work for residents. 4. Additional Agenda Information: None 5. Presentations/Introductions Mr. Miller introduced several new City employees. In attendance were Renee Brekken, Heritage Center Recreation Program Coordinator, Kacie Robinson, Recreation Program Coordinator, and Todd Sellner, Assistant Fire Chief. Mr. Miller also recognized Christina Orlowski, Civil Engineer, and Laura Miller, Senior Accountant, who were not present. City Council Meeting Minutes – May 16, 2016 Page 2 Bob Billings, Commander of Lakeville American Legion, Post 44, presented the 2015 Outstanding Firefighter of the Year award to Walt Branz and the 2015 Outstanding Officer of the Year award to Detective Jim Dronen. Chief Long presented a Medal of Commendation to Detective Jim Dronen for his work on the missing Rucki girls’ case. Detective Dronen expressed appreciation to the other members of the Police Department for their assistance and support. Mr. Hennen introduced Jay and Sue Blanchard of Safety Signs, who presented a check in the amount of $100,000 to Land of Amazement 2.0. He explained that this donation will give Safety Signs naming rights to the new playground. It also brings the City’s fundraising efforts to within $15,000 of its $270,000 goal. 6. Consent Agenda Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Davis, to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment b. Minutes of the May 2, 2016 City Council meeting c. Minutes of the May 2, 2016 Council work session d. (Removed from consent agenda) e. Departmental Use of Consultants Policy f. Agreement with Kevin Casey, LLC for the construction of Ritter Farm Dog Park g. Agreement with Hartmann Well Company for the installation of a well at Ritter Farm Dog Park h. Agreement with Game Time c/o Minnesota Wisconsin Playground for the purchase of playground equipment and accessories for the Land of Amazement i. Agreement with PlayPower LT Farmington, Inc. for the purchase and installation of playground equipment for Summerlyn Park j. Findings of fact and fence variance for 18561 Jasper Way City Council Meeting Minutes – May 16, 2016 Page 3 k. Resolution No. 16-61 approving the Dodd Crossing final plat l. Resolution No. 16-62 approving the Nicholas Estates final plat m. Resolution No. 16-63 approving the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 16th Addition final plat; Resolution No. 16-64 approving right-of-way easement vacation; and Resolution No. 16- 65 designating “no parking” n. Purchase agreement with Moses Family Limited Partnership for future well site o. Final acceptance of public streets in Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition and public streets and utilities in Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 14th Addition p. Resolution No. 16-66 approving plans and specifications and setting a bid date for County State Aid Highway 5 (Kenwood Trail) intersection improvements at 172nd Street and Kenyon Avenue q. Agreements for professional services with EnergyScapes (rain garden and shoreline maintenance) and Minnesota Native Landscapes (prairie and woodland maintenance) r. Agreement with Dakota Pet Hospital s. Resolution No. 16-67 accepting donation to the Police Department from Joey Miller t. Set a public hearing to be held on June 6, 2016 to consider applications for a cable franchise u. Liquor license amendment for Baldy’s BBQ, 11276-210th Street W., to include an outdoor patio v. Contract with Archer Mechanical for Heritage Center rooftop unit replacement Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous Item 6d Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Davis, to approve Resolution No. 16-57 approving amendment to Real Estate Purchase Agreement for property located at 9210 – 202nd Street W. City Council Meeting Minutes – May 16, 2016 Page 4 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes – Davis, Little, Anderson; LaBeau abstained due to a conflict of interest. 7. Improvement Project 16-04, Highview Avenue Mayor Little opened the public hearing to consider assessments for Improvement Project 16- 04, Highview Avenue from CSAH 70 to the south city limits. Ms. Heil provided a brief overview of the project. Seven bids were received and, based on the bid results, the total cost for this project is expected to be $324,180. This amount is $92,355 less than what was presented in the feasibility report, resulting in a 22.2% reduction to the special assessment amounts that were estimated last fall. She outlined the City’s assessment policy, which follows State Statute Chapter 429. The front foot assessment rate for this project is $26.28, assessed over a 20-year period at 4.5% interest. There were no questions or comments. Motion was made by Davis, seconded by Anderson, to close the public hearing. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Davis, to approve Resolution No. 16-68 adopting assessments for Improvement Project 16-04. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes – Little, Anderson, LaBeau, Davis Motion was made by LaBeau, seconded by Davis, to approve Resolution No. 16-69 awarding a construction contract for Improvement Project 16-04. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes –Anderson, LaBeau, Davis, Little 8. Cedar Crossings Daren Laberee of Mattamy Homes requested Council approval of the Cedar Crossings preliminary plat. This preliminary plat consists of 108 single-family lots. In conjunction with the preliminary plat, he requested rezoning a portion of the property from RM-2 to RST-2 and a variance to allow a cul-de-sac street length in excess of 600 feet. He explained that the variance is being requested to avoid a hardship on the property to the west. Mr. Morey briefly summarized the planning report for Cedar Crossings. He pointed out the street connections between this development and the Linden Ridge development directly to the west, particularly 205th Street, which will connect Hamburg Avenue with Cedar Avenue as these two projects develop. City Council Meeting Minutes – May 16, 2016 Page 5 Motion was made by Davis, seconded by LaBeau to approve Resolution No. 16-70 approving the preliminary plat of Cedar Crossings; findings of fact and Ordinance No. 964rezoning property from RM-2 to RST-2; and findings of fact and a variance to allow cul-de-sac street length in excess of 600 feet. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes –LaBeau, Davis, Little, Anderson 11. Unfinished business: None 12. New business: None 13. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, June 6, 2016 Council work session, May 23, 2016 Mayor Little adjourned the meeting at 7:51p.m. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk ____________________________________ Matt Little, Mayor