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May 19 , 2016
Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
2. Swearing in of New Planning Commission member Elizabeth Bakewicz
Elizabeth Bakewicz was sworn in by Recording Secretary (and notary) Penny
Brevig as a Planning Commission alternate at tonight’s meeting. Chair Swenson
welcomed Commissioner Bakewicz.
Members Present: Chair Jason Swenson, Vice Chair Brooks Lillehei, Paul Reuvers,
Pat Kaluza, Jason Kelvie, Elizabeth Bakewicz, Ex-officio member Nic Stevens
Members Absent: Karl Drotning, Scott Einck
Others Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner;
Matt Decur, Project Engineer; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary
4. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
The May 5, 2016 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
5. Announcements
Mr. Morey stated the following item was distributed at tonight’s meeting:
• May 18, 2016 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee draft
motion regarding the Linden Ridge preliminary plat.
Mr. Morey welcomed Commissioner Bakewicz to the Planning Commission.
6. Linden Ridge
Chair Swenson opened the public hearing to consider the application of Progressive,
LLC for the preliminary plat of 93 single family residential lots to be known as Linden
Ridge, located on the east of Hamburg Avenue approximately one-quarter mile
south of 202nd Street (CSAH 50).
Bob Wiegert from Paramount Engineering and Design and representatives from
Country Joe Homes were in the audience and available for any questions. Mr.
Wiegert presented an overview of their request.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 19, 2016 Page 2
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that the Linden Ridge preliminary plat proposes 93 single family lots on
property zoned RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District. He identified the
remnant portion of the parent parcel located east of Cedar Avenue.
Development of the Linden Ridge plat is estimated to occur in a single phase. The
preliminary plat meets the lot area and lot width requirements of the RS-4 District,
which is the standard for single family homes in the RST-2 District. The proposed
house pads shown on the Linden Ridge preliminary grading plan indicate that all 93
lots have adequate building pad areas that meet the RS-4 District setback
Mr. Dempsey stated that the Linden Ridge preliminary plat proposes three outlots.
Outlot A will be deeded to the City for stormwater management, Outlot B will be
deeded to Dakota County for road right-of-way purposes, and Outlot C will be
retained by the developer for future development.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the Linden Ridge preliminary plat includes the construction
of four streets which are reviewed in the May 13, 2016 planning report.
A wetland delineation identified one wetland within the boundaries of the subject
property. A wetland replacement plan must be completed and submitted prior to
consideration of the Linden Ridge final plat.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that the developer has submitted a ghost plat for the
properties immediately north of the Linden Ridge preliminary plat.
The City’s Park, Trails and Open Space Plan does not identify a need for public park
land within the Linden Ridge preliminary plat. Therefore, cash will be required in lieu
of land to comply with the park dedication requirements.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that Stipulation 11 is a repeat of Stipulation 8 so there are a
total of 12 stipulations.
Mr. Dempsey stated that staff is recommending Stipulation 13 be modified to read as
13. The following corner lots abutting minor collector 205th Street shall have
their driveway access onto the adjacent local street: Lot 1, Block 3, Lots 1
and 29, Block 4, Lots 1 and 16, Block 5 and Lot 1, Block 6.
Mr. Dempsey stated that Planning Department staff recommends approval of the
Linden Ridge preliminary plat, subject to the 13 stipulations listed in the May 13,
2016 planning report, as amended.
Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 19, 2016 Page 3
Kathy Willis, 20555 Hampshire Way
Ms. Willis’ concerns were:
• Hamburg Avenue is the main access to the Village Creek neighborhood to the
west. She is concerned about the poor condition of Hamburg Avenue. She
was told by City staff that Hamburg Avenue was not scheduled to be
improved until 2018. Because of its poor condition, she feels it needs to be
improved sooner.
• Traffic safety and congestion at the Cedar Avenue and County Road 50
intersection is another concern.
Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Kaluza to close the public hearing
at 5:16 p.m.
Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous
Chair Swenson asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion
points included:
• Project Engineer Matt Decur responded to the condition of Hamburg Avenue.
Mr. Decur confirmed that Hamburg Avenue is programmed for reconditioning
in 2018. Curb and gutter will be installed and Hamburg Avenue from 202nd
Street (CSAH 50) to 210th Street will be resurfaced. Cedar Avenue and
202nd Street are both county roads and Dakota County is considering
modifications to this intersection to improve traffic safety and congestion.
• Chair Swenson commented that it’s a tough decision to determine if a road
should be improved prior to a development project. He stated there is a risk
of damaging the improved road with the heavy equipment that will be driven
on the road during construction of the new development. Commissioner
Kelvie agreed.
• Mr. Morey stated that City staff and the City Council weigh many factors,
including financial impacts, when examining possible street reconstruction
projects as part of the annual Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) process. It can
be a real balancing act.
• Mr. Dempsey indicated that the construction of 205th Street in Cedar
Crossings will have full access at Cedar Avenue that should help disperse
traffic heading north on Cedar Avenue.
Motion was made by Kelvie, seconded by Kaluza to recommend to City Council
approval of the Linden Ridge preliminary pl at, subject to the following stipulations:
1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the May 11, 2016 engineering
2. The recommendations of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
3. Outlot A shall be deeded to the City with the final plat.
4. Outlot B shall be deeded to Dakota County with the final plat.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, May 19, 2016 Page 4
5. All structures shall meet the minimum single family residential setback
requirements of the RS-4 District.
6. The developer shall construct sidewalks on one side of all local streets and on
both sides of 205th Street.
7. If development has not commenced in Cedar Crossings prior to submittal of the
Linden Ridge final plat, a “Future Street Extension” sign shall be installed at the
termini of both 205th Street and 207th Street.
8. Building permit plans for all lots must show space for three garage stalls whether
or not three garage stalls are proposed with the initial construction of houses on
each lot.
9. Any subdivision identification signs must be monument style, not more than 10
feet in height and 100 square feet in area, and must be maintenance free or
located within an outlot owned and maintained by a Homeowner’s Association.
10. A sign permit must be issued by the City prior to installation of any subdivision
identification sign.
11. Driveway access is not permitted onto Hamburg Avenue.
12. The following corner lots abutting minor collector 205th Street shall have their
driveway access onto the adjacent local street: Lot 1, Block 3, Lots 1 and 29,
Block 4, Lots 1 and 16, Block 5 and Lot 1, Block 6.
Ayes: Kelvie, Lillehei, Swenson, Reuvers, Kaluza, Bakewicz
Nays: 0
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary