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Date: Item No.
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a resolution approving the Spirit
of Brandtjen Farm Elementary Addition final plat.
Tradition Development and ISD 196 representatives are requesting approval of the Spirit of Brandtjen
Farm (SBF) Elementary Addition final plat to allow the construction of an elementary school facility for
the Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan public school district. The elementary school will be located in the
northeast corner of the SBF PUD abutting 160th Street (CSAH 46) and Diamond Path (future CR 33).
The SBF Elementary Addition preliminary plat and development stage PUD was approved by the City
Council at their June 20, 2016 meeting. Except for the elimination of the pedestrian underpass of 162nd
Street (explained under Primary Issues to Consider), the final plat is consistent with the approved
preliminary plat.
Primary Issues to Consider
• Why isn’t a second public street access being provided when the school opens in 2017?
• Why isn’t a pedestrian underpass of 162nd Street proposed with the final plat?
• Why is the City covering the entire cost of the trail along Diamond Path (future CR 33) and why isn’t
a trail being constructed on the south side of 160th Street (CSAH 46) with this final plat?
• Why is the developer being reimbursed for deeding Outlot A to the City?
• Why are there so many temporary easements with this final plat?
Supporting Information
• Staff response to primary issues to consider
• Final plat resolution
• Signed development contract, deeds, and temporary easement agreements
• Final plat and greenway corridor trail plans
• May 26, 2016 planning report and July 11, 2016 engineering report
• June 17, 2016 Dakota County Plat Commission letter
Financial Impact: $78,346.83 Budgeted: Y☐ N☒ Source: Park Dedication
Related Documents: (CIP, ERP, etc.):
Envision Lakeville Community Values: High Quality Education
Report Completed by: Daryl Morey, Planning Director
July 18, 2016
Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances
Primary Issues to Consider
• Why isn’t a second public street access being provided when the school opens in 2017?
As stated in my City Council memo for the SBF Elementary Addition preliminary plat, Tradition
Development representatives are requesting that the second public street access for the elementary
school be deferred until the start of the 2018-19 school year because the exact alignment of 162nd
Street between Eagleview Drive and the elementary school site, as well as the future street connections
south of 162nd Street in SBF, are unknown at this time. Construction of the second public street access
by September 1, 2018 was included as a stipulation of the preliminary plat resolution approved by the
City Council on June 20, 2016.
• Why isn’t a pedestrian underpass of 162nd Street proposed with the final plat?
A pedestrian underpass of 162nd Street was shown on the preliminary plat plans approved by the City
Council. The cost of the pedestrian underpass, as estimated by the developer, is approximately
$300,000. ISD 196 representatives have stated that the greenway corridor trail crossing of 162nd is not
vital to pedestrian access to the elementary school so they are not willing to contribute to the cost of
an underpass. Because this greenway corridor trail will be part of the County’s regional trail system,
Tradition Development representatives feel the County and City should be responsible for the cost of
an underpass. Dakota County is only willing to contribute $100,000 to the cost of the underpass,
leaving the City to cover the remaining approximately $200,000. As such, staff is recommending an
at-grade trail crossing of 162nd Street as shown on the plans included with this agenda item.
• Why is the City covering the entire cost of the trail along Diamond Path (future CR 33) and why isn’t
a trail being constructed on the south side of 160th Street (CSAH 46) with this final plat?
Tradition Development representatives feel the City should be responsible for all public trails within
the SBF PUD, including the trails along County roads, consistent with the Master PUD Agreement
approved in 2005. In all other developments, the City requires that developers pay 5/8ths of the cost
of constructing the aggregate base and bituminous pavement for trails along County roads. The cost
for the aggregate base and bituminous pavement for the trail along Diamond Path is $18,919.10.
ISD 196 representatives have stated the trail on the south side of CSAH 46 is not vital to pedestrian
access to the elementary school. Staff recommends that the developer bench grade for the future
construction of this trail and that the Trails section of the SBF Master PUD Agreement be reviewed
and reconsidered prior to consideration of the next SBF plat adjacent to CSAH 46.
• Why is the developer being reimbursed for deeding Outlot A to the City?
Tradition Development representatives feel that deeding Outlot A to the City for the greenway
corridor trail is above and beyond the park dedication requirement for the elementary school lot in
this final plat. Tradition Development representatives also feel they should be reimbursed for deeding
Outlot A to the City at the $63,416/acre fixed land value for attached dwelling units listed in the SBF
Master PUD Agreement for Park Dedication. The SBF Master Land Use Plan identifies this area of
the PUD for medium density uses. The development contract includes a provision that if Outlot B
develops in the future as detached dwelling units, the developer will reimburse the City the difference
in the fixed land value for attached and detached dwelling units listed in the Master PUD Agreement.
The reimbursement amount would be $11,331.77. The developer will be reimbursed $39,761.83 for
deeding Outlot A to the City and $19,665.90 for the cost of constructing the aggregate base and
bituminous pavement for the greenway corridor trail within Outlot A.
The school district will be paying a $2,250 park dedication fee with their building permit application.
This is the per lot cash contribution requirement for detached dwellings that was fixed for the entire
SBF PUD with the Master PUD Agreement in 2005.
• Why are there so many temporary easements with this final plat?
162nd Street right-of-way is not being platted and constructed to Eagleview Drive, where the existing
watermain to serve the elementary school is located, with SBF Elementary Addition. Temporary
drainage and utility easements are needed over the outlots in SBF Elementary Addition and SBF
Commercial 2nd Addition to provide a watermain connection to the elementary school. In addition,
temporary roadway easements are needed to provide for a temporary second (gravel) emergency
vehicle access to the elementary school.
(Reserved for Dakota County Recording Information)
RESOLUTION NO. __________
WHEREAS, the owner of the plat described as Spirit of Brandtjen Farm
Elementary Addition has requested final plat approval; and
WHEREAS, the preliminary plat was reviewed by the Planning Commission and
the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee and approved by the City
Council; and
WHEREAS, the final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat; and
WHEREAS, the final plat is acceptable to the City.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council:
1. The final plat of Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Elementary Addition is hereby
approved subject to the development contract and planned unit development
agreement, the security requirements, and the terms and conditions of the
Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Master Planned Unit Development Stage Plan
Agreement dated October 17, 2005.
2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to sign the final plat mylars and
the development contract.
3. The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the
Dakota County Recorder.
ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 18th day of July 2016.
BY: _____________________
Matt Little, Mayor
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. _______ is a true and correct copy of
the resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lakeville at a
duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 18th day of July 2016 as shown by the
minutes of said meeting in my possession.
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
TO: Daryl Morey
FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP
DATE: 26 May 2016
RE: Lakeville – SBF; Elementary Addition
TPC FILE: 135.01
SBF Development Corporation and ISD 196 representatives have submitted plans for Spirit of
Brandtjen Farm Elementary Addition for development of an elementary school facility in the
northeast corner of SBF abutting 160th Street (CSAH 46) and future Diamond Path. The
subject site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District as approved by the City Council
on 20 June 2005. The applications involved in considering the submitted plans include PUD
Development Stage Plan, preliminary plat, and final plat.
A. Site Location
B. SBF Land Use Plan
C. Title Sheet
D. Preliminary Plat
E. Preliminary Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (2 pages)
F. Preliminary Grading & Drainage Plan (3 pages)
G. Preliminary Utility Plan (2 pages)
H. Final Plat
I. Elementary School Site (Finishing) Plan
J. Elementary School Grading and Drainage Plan
K. Elementary School Utility Plan
L. Elementary School Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
M. Elementary School Landscaping Plan
N. Elementary School Floor Plans
O. Elementary School Exterior Elevations
P. Dakota County Plat Commission Letter
Land Use. The SBF Land Use Plan (Page 3.4 of the SBF PUD Booklet) designates the area to be
developed for Medium Density Residential land uses. Based on the 22.6 acre area of the
proposed lot and allowed density of eight dwelling units per acre for medium density land uses,
up to 180 dwelling units could be developed within the proposed lot. The Zoning Ordinance
allows for development of public schools within neighborhoods as needed facilities in support
of residential land uses and the development of an elementary school within SBF is positive.
Building Design. Exterior elevations and floorplans have been submitted for the proposed
principal building. The architect has indicated that 70 percent of the exterior of the building
will be brick with the remaining 30 percent of the exterior finish will be ornamental metal,
which complies with the requirements of Section 11-17-9.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance for the
exterior finish of institutional buildings. The height of the proposed building is 41 feet. The
SBF PUD District establishes a height limit of 55 feet for residential structures within areas
designated for Medium Density Land Uses. The height proposed principal building is consistent
with the height allowances for this area of SBF.
Landscaping. A landscape plan has been submitted for the subject site. The density of
plantings along Diamond Path and 162nd Street is in keeping with the character of landscaping
within SBF. The plans for 162nd Street must include planting of boulevard trees consistent with
the pattern of landscaping for streets within SBF. Landscaping along the west property line
must be developed as plans for the regional greenway corridor are finalized.
Lot Requirements. The Zoning Ordinance does not establish specific minimum lot area and
width requirements for elementary schools located within RM zoning districts and no specific
performance standards were adopted as part of the SBF PUD District. The subject site is 22.60
acres with a more than adequate building envelope to accommodate development of the
principal building, outdoor recreation and playfields, off-street parking, and open space.
Setbacks. No setback requirements were adopted as part of the SBF PUD District that would
directly apply to the proposed elementary school. Elementary schools are allowed within a RM
zoning district subject to base district setbacks from public rights-of-way and a minimum 30
foot side yard setback. The applicable setbacks for the proposed elementary school are shown
160th St. Diamond Path 162nd St. West
Required 50ft. 50ft. 30ft. 30ft.
Proposed 155ft. 275ft. 298ft. 770ft.
Streets. The proposed development will provide for construction of Diamond Path and 162nd
Street abutting the subject site. The right-of-way and construction of Diamond Path and
location of the intersection of Diamond Path (future CR 33) and 162nd Street is subject to
approval of Dakota County. At the Plat Commission meeting on 16 May 2016, Dakota County is
requiring an additional 15 feet of right-of-way for 160th Street (CSAH 46), which must be shown
on the preliminary and final plat plans.
The preliminary plat provides 80 feet of right-of-way for 162nd Street. The street section is 36
feet wide from back of curb to back of curb with dedicated right and left turn lanes at the
school driveway and Draft Horse Boulevard. There is a median on 162nd Street on either side of
the future intersection with Draft Horse Boulevard and extending to the intersection with
Diamond Path. No landscaping is shown to be installed within the medians. The proposed
section for 162nd Street includes a five foot wide concrete sidewalk on both sides of the
roadway, consistent with the City’s standards for collector streets and the provision of
sidewalks on both sides of the street within SBF as originally proposed by the developer. The
design and construction of 162nd Street is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
City staff and the developer have discussed the need to provide a second public street access to
the proposed elementary school for improved connectivity to neighborhoods likely served by
the facility and emergency vehicle access. A condition of preliminary plat approval will be that
the developer must construct 162nd Street to Eagleview Drive or construct the public street
south of 162nd Street at the access to the proposed elementary school by 1 September 2018 to
provide a second connection to either Eagleview Drive or Draft Horse Boulevard. Language
requiring construction of this street will be included in the development agreement for the final
Trails. The Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan includes planned trails along the south side of
160th Street and west side of Diamond Path. The trail on the west side of Diamond Path is
shown but the trail on the south side of 160th Street is not shown on the submitted plans and
must be added. Construction of the trail on the south side of 160th Street will be deferred until
Outlot B is developed and connection can be made to Eagleview Drive.
The Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan and SBF Land Use Plan identify development of a regional
greenway corridor through SBF following the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
utility easement. The submitted plans detail construction of the planned regional trail from a
box culvert under 162nd Street north to 160th Street and a connection with the existing box
culvert under 160th Street to Apple Valley. Revising the planned alignment of the regional trail
north of 162nd Street to provide a direct connection to the existing box culvert under 160th
Street is appropriate rather than following the MCES easement through the subject site to 160th
The regional trail corridor is to be constructed within Outlot A, which will be required to be
deeded to the City. The submitted plans must be revised to make provision for a connection
between the trail to be constructed on the south side of 160th Street and the regional trail
within Outlot A. The regional trail can connect to the sidewalk on the north side of 162nd
Street via a trail within Lot 1, Block 1. An agreement between the developer, City, and Dakota
County regarding the costs for construction of the regional trail (including the culvert under
162nd Street) must be provided for prior to City Council consideration of the applications.
Access. The proposed elementary school has one driveway to 162nd Street. The driveway is
55 feet wide at the street intersection to accommodate four vehicle lanes. The width of the
driveway narrows to three lanes 230 feet back from the street intersection and these lanes are
maintained past the bus corral to the main parking area another 620 feet. Vehicles in the
morning will be routed in a loop around the main parking area to drop students at the curb on
the east side of the building. The overall length of the driveway between 162nd Street and the
bus corral and main parking area, together with the additional lanes and loop around the main
parking area, maximizes vehicle stacking space to avoid traffic generated at peak times from
affecting public streets.
Off-Street Parking. Section 11-19-13 of the Zoning Ordinance requires one off-street parking
stall per seven students of design capacity for the proposed building. The proposed building
has a design capacity for 800 students requiring 115 parking stalls, of which six are required to
be disability accessible stalls. Vehicle parking stalls are designed as 20 feet by 9 feet and
accessed by 24 foot wide two-way drive aisles. The site plan provides for 149 parking stalls for
passenger vehicles, including six disability accessible stalls consistent with ADA requirements, in
a single parking area to the east of the proposed building. There are also 16 bus
parking/loading stalls in a corral off of the main drive aisle. The supply of off-street parking
stalls and their dimensions comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The details
sheets indicate asphalt pavement and concrete curb sections that are also identified on the site
plan. All pavement and concrete curb specifications are subject to review and approval of the
City Engineer.
Exterior Lighting. A photometric lighting plan has been submitted for the subject site. The
intensity of the lighting is less than one foot candle measured at all property lines in accordance
with Section 11-16-17.A of the Zoning Ordinance. The lighting plan must be revised to specify
that all lighting fixtures have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off and freestanding lights are mounted
35 feet high or less as required by Section 11-16-17.B of the Zoning Ordinance for institutional
Signs. The submitted plans do not include details regarding proposed wall or freestanding
signs. All signs must comply with Section 11-23-19.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance for signs within
residential districts and require a sign permit issued by the Zoning Administrator prior to
Trash. Facilities for trash and recycling storage will be handled within the loading and receiving
area identified on the site plan and building floor plans. Outdoor storage of trash and
recycling containers is allowed subject to provision of an enclosure meeting the requirements
of Section 11-18-11.B of the Zoning Ordinance.
Open Space. The site plan for the proposed elementary school includes several outdoor
recreation facilities including play structure containers, hard play surfaces, a softball diamond,
and playfield with dimensions to accommodate soccer. The 2015 Parks, Trails and Open Space
Plan acknowledges the benefit of school district facilities as part of the meeting community’s
overall parks and recreation system needs. As such, park dedication requirements for the
proposed development will be satisfied through dedication of land and construction of the
proposed regional trail (including the box culvert crossing of 162nd Street) and trails along
Diamond Path and 160th Street. All parks and trails issues are subject to review and approval of
the Parks and Recreation Director.
Storm Water Management. The submitted plans included grading, drainage and erosion
control plans. Outlot C includes the storm water basin for Lot 1, Block 1 located south of 162nd
Street. A temporary drainage and utility easement will be required with the final plat over the
basin located in Outlot C that will be retained by the developer until that parcel is subdivided as
a future phase. All grading plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer.
MUSA/Utilities. The subject site is located within the current MUSA and plans have been
submitted for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to serve the subject site. All
utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
Easements. The preliminary plat and final plat illustrate drainage and utility easements at the
perimeter of the proposed lot as required by Section 10-4-4 of the Subdivision Ordinance. All
drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
Outlots. The preliminary and final plat include the following outlots:
Outlot Function Ownership
A Regional trail City
B, C Future phases Developer
Development Agreement. The Subdivision Ordinance requires the developer to provide
construction and warranty securities for the public improvements within the final plat that are
to be outlined within a development agreement. The development agreement will be drafted
by the City Attorney and is to be executed by the applicant prior to City Council consideration of
the final plat.
The proposed development of an elementary school for ISD 196 within the Spirit of Brandtjen
Farms complies with requirements of the SBF PUD District, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision
Ordinance. Our office and City staff recommend approval of the applications subject to the
following conditions:
1. The submitted plans shall be revised to provide for a trail on the south side of 160th
Street. Construction of this trail will be deferred until Outlot B is developed and
connection can be made to Eagleview Drive.
2. The plans for 162nd Street shall include planting of boulevard trees consistent with the
pattern of landscaping for streets within SBF.
3. The landscape plan shall be revised to include proposed plantings along the west line of
Lot 1 adjacent to the regional greenway corridor trail.
4. The submitted plans shall be revised to make provision for a connection between the
trail to be constructed on the south side of 160th Street and the regional trail within
Outlot A.
5. An agreement between the developer, City, and Dakota County regarding the costs for
construction of the regional trail (including the culvert under 162nd Street) shall be
provided for prior to City Council consideration of the applications.
6. The plans shall be revised to provide an additional 15 feet of right-of-way for 160th
Street (CSAH 46) as required by Dakota County.
7. All signs shall comply with Section 11-23-19.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance and require a
sign permit issued by the Zoning Administrator prior to installation.
8. Outdoor storage of trash and recycling containers is allowed subject to provision of an
enclosure meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-11.B of the Zoning Ordinance.
9. The storm water basin for Lot 1, Block 1 located south of 162nd Street shall be overlaid
by a temporary drainage and utility easement. All grading, drainage and erosion control
plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer.
10. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.
11. All drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City
12. Outlot A shall be deeded to the City.
13. The developer shall execute a development agreement with the City as drafted by City
Attorney and subject to approval of the City Council.
City of Lakeville
Public Works– Engineering Division
To: Daryl Morey, Planning Director
From: Alex Jordan, Project Engineer
McKenzie Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager
John Hennen, Parks and Recreation Director
Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer
Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director
Gene Abbott, Building Official
Date: May 26, 2016
Subject: Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Elementary Addition
• Preliminary and Final Plat Review
• Site Plan Application
• Grading Plan Review
• Utility Plan Review
• Erosion Control Plan Review
• Tree Preservation Plan Review
SBF Development Corporation has submitted a preliminary and final plat named Spirit of
Brandtjen Farm (SBF) Elementary Addition. ISD 196 representatives have also submitted site
plans to construct an elementary school on Lot 1, Block 1, SBF Elementary Addition. The
proposed development is located south of and adjacent to 160th Street (CSAH 46), west of and
adjacent to Diamond Path (future CSAH 33), and north of 165th Street. The parent parcels
consists of Outlot FF, Spirit of Brandtjen Farm and a portion of Outlot HH, Spirit of Brandtjen
Farm. The development is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development. The Developer is
dedicating 0.22 acres as County right-of-way (CSAH 46) and 4.51 acres as right-of-way for
Diamond Path (future CSAH 33).
The preliminary and final plat consists of one (1) lot within one (1) block and three (3) outlots.
The outlots created with the final plat will have the following uses:
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Outlot A: Greenway Corridor, pedestrian underpass and trails; to be deeded to the City
(1.28 acres)
Outlot B: Future Development; to be retained by the Developer (30.04 acres)
Outlot C: Future Development and stormwater management basins; to be retained by
the Developer (24.03 acres)
The proposed development will be completed by:
Developer: SBF Development Corporation
Engineer/Surveyor: James R. Hill, Inc.
The proposed Elementary School will be completed by:
Developer: Independent School District 196
Engineer/Surveyor: Anderson-Johnson Associates, Inc.
The site was previously a gravel processing operation. The gravel processing on the parent
parcels has been completed and the site encroachments have been removed.
The site is sloped from the north to a series of existing wash basins in the southeast corner of the
parent parcels. These wash basins were constructed for sand processing of the gravel operations.
The largest basin is proposed to remain with the development improvements and to be utilities
for stormwater treatment and volume reduction of the stormwater generated within the
watershed. Existing trunk public and private utilities are located throughout the site.
The parent parcels contain existing public and private easements. The following easements
will remain with the development and will not be impacted:
• 20-foot wide public right-of-way, drainage, and utility easement per Doc. No. 1656358.
• 35-foot wide Metropolitan Council Sanitary Sewer Easement per Doc. No. 1292581.
• Williams Brothers pipeline easement per book 80 of miscellaneous records, Page 186
and amended per Document No. 545492, over E ½ of the NE ¼ of Sec. 1.
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160th Street (CSAH 46)
SBF Elementary Addition is located south of and adjacent to 160th Street, a minor arterial County
roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. 160th Street adjacent to the site is a four
lane divided urban roadway, with a continuous concrete center median island. Dakota County
controls the right-of-way requirements and access locations along 160th Street. The current
Dakota County Plat Review Needs Map indicates a half right-of-way requirement of 100-feet and
designates this roadway as a future six-lane divided urban roadway over its entire length adjacent
to the plat. The widening of 160th Street is not identified in the City’s or County’s current Capital
Improvement Plans. Additional right-of-way for 160th Street shall be dedicated with the final plat
to satisfy the County’s right-of-way requirement. The preliminary plat was reviewed and
recommended for approval by the Dakota County Plat Commission at their May 16, 2016
meeting, subject to the Developer dedicating the additional right-of-way.
Eastbound right and westbound left turn lanes exist along 160th Street at the proposed Diamond
Path intersection, aligning with Diamond Path to the north in Apple Valley. This intersection will
provide a full access for SBF Elementary Addition, and meets the County’s ½ mile spacing
guidelines for 160th Street. The Developer shall coordinate with Dakota County for any additional
improvements that will be required along 160th Street.
Diamond Path (Future CSAH 33)
SBF Elementary Addition is located west of and adjacent to Diamond Path, a future major
collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. The current Dakota County
Road Plat Review Needs Map identifies Diamond Path as a future three-lane undivided urban
roadway with center turn lanes or a two-lane divided urban County State Aid Highway with a
½ right of way requirement of 60 feet. The Developer is dedicating 80-feet of right-of-way
south of 162nd Street and 150-feet of right-of-way north of 162nd Street for Diamond Path
adjacent to the plat. The additional right-of-way is necessary to construct turn lanes at the
intersection with 160th Street.
The Developer will construct Diamond Path from 160th Street to 162nd Street with the SBF
Elementary Addition improvements. Diamond Path is designed as a 2-lane urban roadway with
dedicated left and right turn lanes at the intersection with 160th Street and a 10-foot wide
bituminous trail along the west side of the road. The Developer shall coordinate with Dakota
County regarding the design of Diamond Path and for any additional improvements that will be
required along Diamond Path. Diamond Path will be a city road until jurisdiction is transferred to
Dakota County.
The Developer shall pay 100% of the costs to construct Diamond Path. The Developer is eligible
for reimbursement for costs above the standards of a City collector roadway, consistent with
Dakota County Transportation policy. The City and Dakota County will enter into a Joint Powers
Agreement “JPA” to reimburse the Developer for the County’s share of the project costs.
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162nd Street
Development of SBF Elementary Addition includes the construction of 162nd Street, a minor
collector roadway as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. 162nd Street is is designed as
a 36-foot wide two-lane urban roadway, within 80-feet of right-of-way. A concrete median
will be constructed at Draft Horse Boulevard and Diamond Path to allow for the construction
of turn lanes on 162nd Street at the intersections. 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks will be
installed along the north and south sides of the street. Future street extension signs and
barricades shall be installed at the terminus of 162nd Street, until it is extended in the future.
162nd Street via Diamond Path will provide the only public street access to the proposed
elementary school. 162nd Street will be constructed from Diamond Path to a point 1500-feet
east of the portion of 162nd Street previously constructed with Spirit of Brandtjen Farm
Commercial 2nd Addition, just east of Eagleview Drive. To provide a second roadway access
from Eagleview Drive or Draft Horse Boulevard to the proposed elementary school, the
Developer shall either; construct 162nd Street, and dedicate the necessary public right-of-way,
from Eagleview Drive to its proposed terminus in SBF Elementary Addition, or construct the
public street south of 162nd Street at the access to the proposed elementary school, by no
later than September 1, 2018.
The Developer shall grade a temporary access within a dedicated temporary right-of-way
easement to allow for a secondary emergency access to the Elementary School until 162nd
Street is extended to Eagleview Drive.
Future Street Connections
Development of SBF Elementary Addition includes the construction of two future street
intersections. The public streets will be extended in the future at the time Outlot C is final
platted into lots and blocks. The private driveway access to the elementary school will align
with the westerly future street access location. The Developer shall grant temporary right-of-
way, drainage and utility easements with the final plat over any portion of the public streets
and any utilities that will extend outside of the dedicated 162nd Street right-of-way.
Site Plan Review
SBF Elementary Addition includes the construction of an elementary school to serve
Independent School District 196. A single access driveway is proposed to connect to 162nd
Street aligning with a future public street to the south. The access drive will provide vehicle
circulation within the site and access to a proposed main parking lot and separate bus corral.
The applicant has proposed a signing and striping layout for the main access drive aisle that
will be reviewed with the building permit application. The applicant shall install a stop sign
and stop bar at the location of the access driveway to 162nd Street.
A series of privately owned and maintained trails and sidewalks are proposed to be
constructed with the site improvements. The private trails will connect to the public
greenway corridor trail system north of the proposed pedestrian underpass. The section of
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this trail that will be constructed within Outlot A, extending from Lot 1, Block 1 connecting to
the greenway corridor, shall be privately owned and maintained by the property owner.
The applicant will grade and construct outdoor play areas west of the proposed building
including: a soccer deck, softball field, hard play and soft play. The play areas will be publically
accessible and privately maintained within Lot 1, Block 1.
Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility and street construction for SBF
Elementary Addition and the proposed elementary school shall be restricted to 162nd Street
by way of Diamond Path.
Development of SBF Elementary Addition includes the construction of public sidewalks and
trails. 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks will be constructed along both sides of 162nd Street and
a bituminous trail will be constructed along the west side of Diamond Path. The public
sidewalks and pedestrian curb ramps shall be constructed entirely within the public right-of-
The Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan identifies the area of the parent parcels as a location for
a future greenway corridor and trail system. The greenway corridor will follow the alignment
of the existing Metropolitan Council Sanitary Sewer easement, extending from the existing
pedestrian underpass at 160th Street. The Developer proposes to construct a portion of this
greenway corridor trail, which includes the construction of a trail and a 10-foot by 14-foot
pedestrian underpass under 162nd Street. The pedestrian underpass will allow for a
continuous extension of the existing greenway corridor to the southwest and also allow the
elementary school to be designated as a “walkable” school. The City will credit the
Developer’s cash fees the cost of the bituminous pavement and aggregate base for the public
trail construction with the final plat.
The pedestrian underpass will be subject to issuance of a building permit and the City’s
Building Official must approve the plans. The pedestrian underpass must meet all MnDOT
requirements. A registered structural engineer must design the pedestrian underpass and
certify the inspection and installation. The Developer shall pay for and install the pedestrian
underpass. The City will reimburse the Developer the cost of the pedestrian underpass, to be
determined prior to final plat consideration, when the following conditions have been met:
• The City has inspected and accepted the pedestrian underpass improvements.
• Dakota County has provided the City with the full amount of the agreed upon
reimbursement of the pedestrian underpass installation.
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The Developer shall install lighting within the proposed and existing pedestrian underpass
(under 160th Street and 162nd Street) with the development improvements.
The City and Dakota County will enter into a JPA to establish a cost share and responsibilities
for the pedestrian underpass construction.
The Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan also identifies a 10-foot wide bituminous trail along the
south side of 160th Street adjacent to the development. The Developer shall grade the trail
bench and construct the trail from Pilot Knob Road to Diamond Path at the time Outlot B is
final platted into lots and blocks. Additionally, the Developer shall explore the possibility of
providing a connection from the trail along 160th Street to the greenway corridor at the time
Outlot B is final platted into lots and blocks.
The Park Dedication Fee has not been collected on the parent parcels and will be satisfied
through land dedication for the greenway corridor within Outlot A.
The Park Dedication Fee for Outlots B and C will be required at the time the outlots are final
platted into lots and blocks at a rate consistent with the Master PUD Agreement.
SBF Elementary Addition is located within sub-district NC-20060 of the North Creek sanitary
sewer district as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Wastewater will be
conveyed via existing trunk sanitary sewer to the MCES Farmington Interceptor and continue
to the Empire Wastewater Facility. No public sanitary sewer is proposed to be constructed
with the development.
To provide sewer service to the proposed elementary school, a private service connection is
proposed to the existing Metropolitan Council (METC) trunk sanitary sewer bisecting the
parent parcels. A connection permit will be required with the elementary school building
permit application from the METC for the connection to the sanitary sewer.
The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and must
be paid for Lot 1, Block 1, with the building permit application. The Sanitary Sewer Availability
Charge will be calculated at the rate in effect at the time of approval of the building permit
application, as determined by the City’s Building Official.
The private sanitary sewer design shall be reviewed by the City’s Plumbing Inspector with the
building permit application.
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The City’s Comprehensive Water Plan identifies 12-inch trunk watermain to be constructed
along 162nd Street. The Developer shall install 12-inch watermain along 162nd Street, in
accordance with the City’s Water Plan, extending from Eagleview Drive to the location of
future Draft Horse Boulevard with the SBF Elementary Addition improvements. The
watermain from Eagleview Drive to the west plat boundary of Lot 1, Block 1 will be temporary
and shall be replaced with a permanent public watermain at the time Outlot B is final platted
into lots and blocks. A temporary public utility easement is required with the final plat over
the temporary public watermain to be installed on Outlot B and Outlot G, Spirit of Brandtjen
Farm Commercial 2nd Addition.
Public 8-inch watermain will be extended to Outlot C at the locations of the public street
stubs to provide service to the future residential development areas. The extension of the
services to the outlot is allowed to reduce the construction impacts of excavating the
roadway to install services in the future. A temporary utility easement is required with the
final plat over the public watermain to be installed on Outlot C.
Two privately owned and maintained 8-inch water services will be installed to Lot 1, Block 1 to
provide water service to the proposed elementary school. The private watermain on Lot 1,
Block 1 will include the following: a looped distribution system, installation of private
hydrants, individual domestic and fire protection services to the proposed elementary school.
The private watermain design shall be reviewed by the City’s Plumbing Inspector and Fire
Marshall with the building permit application.
Final locations and sizes of all public sanitary sewer and watermain facilities will be reviewed
by City staff with the final construction plans.
There are no existing overhead utility lines and/or poles within the parent parcels.
Spirit of Brandtjen Farm (SBF) is a planned unit development of which development began in
2005. The proposed development encompasses nearly all of the north half of Section 1,
Township 114 Range 20 and a substantial portion of the south half of said section. The initial
stormwater modeling and drainage plan for SBF, located on the south half of Section 1, was
prepared by Westwood Professional Services. The original design consisted of a main basin,
Spirit, surrounded by six National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) basins.
The Spirit basin design did not include a gravity outlet other than infiltration. A system of
pumps was incorporated into the design to serve three functions: 1) Irrigation supply, 2)
Recirculation for water features, and 3) Drawdown, if needed. During 2008, a decision was
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made to not construct the recirculation features. As a result, the proposed pumping station
was not constructed, however, the pump station draw intake line was.
As development has continued, Spirit basin appears to have adequately infiltrated all runoff
from the development without the presence of the pumping system.
A gravel processing area has been in operation on the north half of Section 1 in excess of forty
years. As part of gravel operations years ago, a series of basins was constructed as wash basins
for sand processing. The operational need for these basins ended approximately in 2013 and
a reclamation plan was prepared for the gravel processing area. As part of the reclamation
plan, the largest basin was measured and quantified, and incorporated into the reclamation
plan with intended use as a stormwater management basin. The basin is referred to as
Nordeast Basin.
SBF Elementary Addition is located within the North Creek drainage district as identified in
the City’s Water Resources Management Plan. The plat is located within sub-districts NC-11A,
NC-11B, and NC-13. The North Creek Stormwater District management plan identifies two
stormwater basins in these drainage districts; NC-11-1 and NC-13-1. Nordeast Basin is
intended to fulfill the requirements of Basin NC-11-1 and NC-13-1.
The proposed stormwater management plan is a regional plan that connects the 96 acres
within the Nordeast Basin drainage area. The proposed system utilizes the existing Nordeast
Basin for flood storage and infiltration, having peripheral National Urban Runoff Protection
(NURP) and stormwater collection systems. The pretreatment NURP basin is proposed to be
multi-celled. The initial cell will be the portion constructed with the SBF Elementary Addition.
Future development of the drainage area will allow for the expansion of the NURP basins.
Additionally, the existing size and configuration of the Nordeast Basin will be expanded with
development. An overflow pipe and overland route is proposed to be extended from the
existing Spirit Basin system to the Nordeast Basin. The overflow pipe is designed as an
emergency outlet, should the Nordeast Basin’s water elevation extend beyond the peak
design storm.
The proposed NURP basin and Nordeast basin will be located within Outlot C, until Outlot C is
final platted into lots and blocks with future development in SBF. The Developer shall grant to
the City a temporary drainage and utility easement over the location of the public stormwater
management basins until deeded to the City.
The proposed stormwater management design is consistent with City requirements.
An as-built certified grading plan will be required within 30-days of final stabilization of the
disturbed areas to verify that the basins were constructed in accordance with the final
grading plan.
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Lot 1, Block 1 will be mass graded in conjunction with the elementary school improvements.
The proposed grading plan submitted with the site plan application was reviewed for
conformance with the City’s engineering performance standards.
A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for
construction activity is required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas
exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit
Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA.
Development of SBF Elementary Addition includes the construction of a public storm sewer
system. Storm sewer will be installed to collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from
the streets and open space within the development. The storm sewer will convey the runoff
to the stormwater management basins within the development. The constructed public
storm sewer shall be located within public right-of-way and/or temporary public drainage
and utility easements until the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks. The Developer
shall grant to the City the necessary temporary drainage and utility easements with the final
The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels and shall be
paid with the final plat, at the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval.
The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge for the outlots within the Development will be collected
at the time they are final platted into lots and blocks, at the rate in effect at the time of final
The proposed elementary school includes the construction of a privately owned and
maintained storm sewer system on Lot 1, Block 1. The private storm sewer system will
connect to the public storm sewer proposed to be installed with the development.
Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final
construction plans.
SBF Elementary Addition is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone X by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on this designation, there are no
areas in the plat located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), as determined by FEMA.
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There are no wetlands within the project area.
There are no significant trees within the project area.
The developer is responsible for obtaining a MPCA Construction Permit for the site as well as
developing and maintaining the SWPPP throughout construction phase. The permit requires
that all erosion and sediment BMPS be clearly outlined in a site’s SWPPP. Changes made
throughout construction should be documented in the SWPPP.
Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed
necessary by City staff or the Dakota County Soil and Water District. Any additional measures
required shall be installed and maintained by the developer.
Engineering recommends approval of the SBF Elementary Addition preliminary and final plat,
grading plan, utility plan, erosion control plan, and tree preservation plan subject to the
requirements and stipulations of this report. Calculations of securities and cash requirements
will be determined prior to final plat consideration by the City Council.