HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.g Date: Item No. ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 11 OF THE CITY CODE (THE ZONING ORDINANCE) OPTING OUT OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 462.3593 Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve an ordinance amending Title 11 of the City Code opting out of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.3593. Overview Planning Department staff recommends approval of an ordinance amending Title 11 of the City Code opting out of Minnesota Statutes pertaining to temporary family health care dwellings. The City Council directed staff to prepare the opt-out ordinance at their June 27, 2016 work session. The opt-out ordinance was prepared by the City Attorney. Cities have until September 1, 2016 to opt-out of this State Statute. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the opt-out ordinance at their July 21, 2016 meeting. There was public comment from one Lakeville resident. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the opt-out ordinance. Primary Issues to Consider • Does approval of this ordinance preclude the City from allowing temporary family health care dwellings in the future? At their July 21st meeting, the Planning Commission agreed to add the review and discussion of temporary family health care dwellings to their annual Zoning Ordinance update that will occur at the end of this year. Supporting Information • Ordinance amending Title 11 of the City Code • July 21, 2016 draft Planning Commission meeting minutes • June 27, 2016 City Council work session minutes • July 15 and June 23, 2016 planning memorandums Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y☐ N☐ Source: Related Documents: (CIP, ERP, etc.): Envision Lakeville Community Values: A Home for All Ages and Stages of Life Report Completed by: Daryl Morey, Planning Director August 1, 2016 187240v1 ORDINANCE NO. __________ CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 11 OF THE LAKEVILLE CITY CODE CONCERNING MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 462.3593 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Title 11 of the Lakeville City Code is amended by adding Section 11-1-16 to provide as follows: 11-1-17 OPT-OUT OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 462.3593: Pursuant to authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.3593, subdivision 9, the City of Lakeville opts-out of the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.3593. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED this 1st day of August, 2016 by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota. CITY OF LAKEVILLE By: Matt Little, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: Daryl Morey, Planning Director Date: July 15, 2016 Subject: Packet Material for the July 21, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Zoning Ordinance Amendment Opting Out of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.3593 (Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings) Background During the 2016 legislative session, a law was passed that amended Minnesota Statutes 462 (Municipal Planning) by requiring Minnesota cities to allow temporary family health care dwellings. Governor Dayton passed the legislation into law on May 12, 2016. The legislation is unique in that it allows cities to opt out of this amendment to State Statutes by September 1, 2016. Temporary family health care dwellings, which are defined in the Statutes, are essentially temporary portable housing units (aka “drop homes”) that would be accessory to the principal dwelling on a residential property. The temporary family health care dwelling would be occupied by a mentally or physically impaired person on a residential lot that is owned and/or occupied by a relative or caregiver of the mentally or physically impaired person. The Statutes (462.3593) includes an application and review process as well as performance standards that cities must follow. While the allowance of temporary family health care dwellings would be consistent with goals of the City’s Comprehensive Plan to provide a variety of housing types, styles and choices to meet the changing life cycle needs of Lakeville’s residents, staff has concerns about the compatibility of these temporary dwellings with surrounding land uses. The performance standards in the Statutes are not “one size fits all” for Minnesota cities. The temporary family health care dwellings legislation was discussed with the City Council at their June 27, 2016 work session. State representative Roz Peterson, one of the authors of the legislation, as well as the owners of Next Door Housing, which manufactures these portable dwelling units, attended the work session. The City Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance opting out of the Statutes. The City Council also requested that staff and the 2 Planning Commission review temporary housing options as part of the annual Zoning Ordinance update. The opt out ordinance, which was prepared by the City Attorney, is an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and requires a public hearing. Exhibits • Opt out ordinance • June 27, 2016 City Council work session minutes • June 23, 2016 City Council work session memo Recommendation Staff recommends approval of an ordinance opting out of Minnesota Statutes concerning temporary family health care dwellings. (word\\G:PlanningCommission:CoverMemo-ZO Amendment for Opting Out)