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July 20, 2016
Chair Swan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Lake Marion Conference
Room at City Hall.
Members Present: Lori Bovitz, Scott Kelly, Tom Goodwin, Jeanne Peterson, Bob
Swan, Judy Hayes (arrived at 6:08 p.m.)
Members Absent: Jim Storms
Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Hennen, Environmental Resources
Manager Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Stella Eskelson
1. Approval of June 15, 2016 minutes
Minutes were approved as written.
2. Citizen comments
Mikaela Ruzicka, a student at Dakota County Technical College, was in attendance
as part of a class assignment.
3. Staff Report
Staff introduced Stella Eskelson, the new Senior Administrative Assistant for the
Parks & Recreation department, and recording secretary for the committee.
Staff informed committee members that the Warweg property purchase next to
Antlers Park has been completed. Mr. Warweg can continue to live in his home for
5 years. The timeline for Antlers Park and Warweg property redevelopment will
depend on how long Mr. Warweg stays living in the home. Various ideas regarding
the land and usage were discussed when the property is able to be developed.
Staff shared updates regarding the Summerlyn Park development; playground has
been completed and there is some additional development to complete within the
actual park.
Staff shared updates regarding the King Park ballfield lighting project that is still in
progress. A tentative timeline for completion within the next couple of weeks.
Staff shared updates regarding the development of the Ritter Farm Dog Park. A
new parking lot has been completed. Amenities are still progressing. The opening
date of this park is to be decided, but working with contractor to set official date
sometime in August. Shared the fundraising and donation efforts by Chuck and
Don’s Pet Food and Supplies for this project and ongoing support with various
items such as dog waste bags.
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Staff shared that the City is within $10,000 of making fundraising goal for the Land
of Amazement 2.0 playground. Provided information around dates and times of
community build and steps to follow. Community build is set for Sept. 16 th – 17th
and invites will be sent to the committee members and council for this event.
The 29th Annual Youth Fishing Contest will take on Saturday July 23, 2016 at
Casperson Park along with a Family Campout on Friday, July 22nd and Saturday,
July 23.
Runner’s Gate 5k Trail Run on Saturday, July 23, 2016 will be held at Ritter Farm
Staff shared feedback from Pan-o-Prog around the popularity of the carnival this
year and considering incorporating this at future events.
The Arts Center playbill for the 2016-2017 years is in the process of being
completed as well as the Parks and Recreation Fall Brochure, and slated to be
released on August 20th.
The Arts Festival is scheduled for September 17th and 18th.
4. Bee Well Preliminary and Final Plat
Staff reviewed the Bee Well Preliminary and Final Plat and discussed storm water/
infiltration on site, wetland impact & wetland buffer, park dedication, tree
preservation, and grading.
Nate Reitz, 10635 166th St. W. noted future development plans for the area and is
concerned that this project would impede the ability to move forward with future trail
development. Requesting clarity around proposed bike lanes and trails as there
was nothing listed in the current developmen t information. Citizen ultimately
requesting that as the development moves forward to consider leaving room for the
prospect of a future bike trail for residents to utilize in the neighborhood and around
the lake.
Mac Cafferty indicated if future trail projects were coincided it would make most
sense to be in conjunction with a road reconstruction project for the area. Any
potential improvements would look at ways to increase accessibility in areas. The
Bee Well Development is dedicating the required right-of-way for Judicial
Road. There is an existing sidewalk along the east side of the Judicial Road
adjacent to the Bee Well Development.
Committee members indicated accommodating for both bike and foot traffic would
be ideal but understand that plans for development are limited in this area.
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Committee member Goodwin requested clarification around hash-marked areas
and what those represented on the plans. Staff shared that this designated the
drainage and utility easement being used as part of right of way.
Committee member Weberg requested additional clarification around citizen’s
concern. Staff revisited the earlier discussion and stated that this area is of interest
for future development of trails and sidewalks. Again, this would need to coincide
with other development proposals and the reconstruction of Judicial Road.
Committee member Hayes inquired about the construction timeline. Per Staff’s
response, this is still to be determined.
Committee member Weberg asked if there was a possibility of constructing a multi-
use trail in the area. Staff agreed that this would be optimal but the area is very
narrow and limits the usability.
Motion made by Jeanne Peterson, seconded by Tom Goodwin to recommend
to City Council approval of the Bee Well Preliminary and Final Plat subject to the
recommendations as presented by City staff.
Ayes: unanimous
5. Kenwood Place Preliminary Plat
Staff reviewed the Kenwood Place preliminary Plat and discussed trail connectivity,
wetland and road impact and tree preservation.
Committee member Goodwin asked if the development of Kenwood Place could
begin before the street reconstruction project is complete. Staff advised that this
would not be a possibility and that the street project would need to be completed
Committee member Swan inquired if the current development location is adjacent
to railroad tracks and staff confirmed that this was correct.
Committee member Swan asked is there going to be a trail spur to Klamath Trail
from the development. Staff shared that the grade issue in the area ruled out the
extension for the sidewalk in the development to the trail along Klamath Trail.
Committee member Goodwin asked if there will be a sidewalk along Kenyon. Staff
confirmed that this would be the case and an existing link up will remain.
Committee member Weberg asked if vacant lot on the corner would be developed.
Staff advised that this is a privately owned lot and that staff recommended to the
developer to reach out to the property owner to incorporate this lot into the
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Committee member Swan inquired around what development would take place
between the commercial lots. Staff stated that this would remain much the same
and be used as drainage.
Committee member Goodwin inquired about the reduction of space between lots.
Staff discussed the possibility of an ordinance change around this due to seeing
increasingly tighter lots. The development is not crowding the wetland o r
surrounding buffer.
Motion made by Lori Bovitz, seconded by Bob Swan to recommend to City
Council approval of the Kenwood Place Preliminary Plat subject to the
recommendations as presented by City staff.
Ayes: unanimous
6. Other Business
Committee member Peterson requested follow up from past discussion on signage
indicating parks along roadways. Staff shared that after researching this that the
City is unable to install City Park signage on County or State roadways but th
at locations for potential signage could be explored along City roadways. Staff also
advised that the City is making an effort to reduce the amount of signs along
Committee Member Swan shared the possible danger for pedestrians who are
utilizing the crosswalk at roundabouts and voiced ideas for how to best remedy this
issue. A possible solution provided would be to move the crosswalk further away
from the higher traffic areas to provide more visibility for motorists and pedestrians.
Committee member Goodwin inquired about a past discussion regarding park areas
that could cease to be mowed by the City and allowed to revert back to natural
growth. Staff shared that there were not any further areas identified at this time but
will continue to identify areas. Some areas had already been eliminated from
mowing due to budget needs.
7. Announcements
There were no further announcements.
8. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stella Eskelson, Recording Secretary