HomeMy WebLinkAbout149436 SBF12.09.02-11X171 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. The Buyer(s) approve(s) these Construction Plans as the final plans and agrees that these Construction Plans are incorporated into the Purchase Agreement & Construction Contract as the final approved Exhibit C. Dated Signed x Dated Signed x 2 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS)Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 3 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 4 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 5 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. × 6 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 7 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 8 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 9 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 10 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) Copyright of these documents is owned by Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. and reserves ALL rights. These plans may not be re-used, copied or assigned to another party nor shall they be modified or used in part in other designs without the prior written consent of Robert Thomas Homes, Inc. 11 OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) 14 Co p y r i g h t o f t h e s e d o c u m e n t s i s o w n e d b y Ro b e r t T h o m a s H o m e s , I n c . an d r e s e r v e s A L L r i g h t s . T h e s e p l a n s m a y n o t b e r e - u s e d , c o p i e d o r as s i g n e d t o a n o t h e r p a r t y n o r s h a l l t h e y b e m o d i f i e d o r u s e d i n p a r t i n o t h e r de s i g n s w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f Ro b e r t T h o m a s H o m e s , I n c . 1/ 4 " 1- 1 / 2 " 12 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) CFL INCANDESCENT LED LED LED LED HALOGEN LED 13 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) CFL INCANDESCENT LED LED LED LED HALOGEN LED 14 14OF SHEET 07-00-BUYERPROJECT # BUYER S/O BUYER S/O REVISIONS: STARTED: AGENT:X X 7-5-16 DRAWN BY: SAE 7-13-16 CO. 10-12 8-4-16 (HS) CFL INCANDESCENT LED LED LED LED HALOGEN LED