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TO: Daryl Morey
FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP
DATE: 5 August 2016
RE: Lakeville – Zoning Ordinance; Multiple Family Development
TPC FILE: 135.01
The City Council, at a work session on 28 March 2016, requested that City staff provide
preliminary information as to possible actions that could be taken within the City’s land use
controls to facilitate greater opportunity for multiple family development. This effort is being
initiated in response to contacts made by several developers interested in possible multiple
family developments and in consideration of the Economic Development Commission’s 2014-
2016 Strategic Plan for Economic Development that identified high density housing as a
strategic priority. The Planning Commission discussed these issues at a work session on 21
July 2016. The Planning Commission concurred with the recommendations of City staff to
address opportunities for multiple family development primarily through a PUD District process
on a case-by-case basis. The Planning Commission directed staff to initiate an amendment of
the Zoning Ordinance for off-street parking requirements for multiple family uses.
A. Draft Zoning Ordinance amendment
Number of Stalls Required. The Zoning Ordinance requires 2.5 off-street parking stalls per
multiple family dwelling unit to accommodate both the residents as well as guest parking. A
survey of communities with similar development characteristics to Lakeville was completed
regarding off-street parking requirements for multiple family uses:
City Parking Requirement Note
Apple Valley 1.5 stalls/du. 1 stall/du. must be enclosed
Burnsville 1.5 stalls/efficiency-1br. du.
2.25 stalls/2br.+ du.
1 stall must be enclosed
Add 0.5 stalls/du guest parking
Bloomington 1.8 stalls/1br. du
2.2 stalls/2br. du
2.6 stalls/3br.+ du
1 stall/du. must be enclosed
1 stall/100sf. of party room area
Eagan 2.0 stalls/du. 1 stall/du. must be underground
Eden Prairie 2.0 stalls/du. 1 stall/du. must be enclosed
Edina 2.0 stalls/du Minimum of 1.25 stalls must be
Maple Grove 2.0 stalls/du. 1 stall/du. must be underground
Plymouth 2.0 stalls/du. 1 stall/du. must be enclosed
Woodbury 2.5 stalls/du. 2.0 stalls/du if one underground
Lakeville 2.5 stalls/du.
The Institute of Transportation Engineer’s 4th Edition Parking Generation Study includes analysis
of off-street parking demand for multiple family uses based on the type of building and either in
an urban or suburban location. Most applicable to the potential development scenarios in
Lakeville are the Low/Mid-Rise Apartment having four or fewer floors being distinguished from
a High Rise Apartment, and being located in a suburban versus central city area.
ITE Parking Generation 4th Edition
Low/Mid-Rise Apartment
Peak Period Range 85th Percentile Average Peak
Suburban Midnight-
0.59 – 1.94
1.94 vehicles/du 1.23 vehicles/du
Urban 10:00PM-
0.66 – 2.50
1.61 vehicles/du 1.20 vehicles/du
The off-street parking requirements for multiple family uses in Lakeville and the surveyed
communities other than Bloomington and Burnsville do not account for variations in the
number of bedrooms within each dwelling unit, which may be expected to have a
corresponding effect on parking demand. Institute of Transportation Engineers included
reference to a subset of data regarding bedroom data acknowledging the need for further
studies, but indicating the following:
1.5 bedrooms/dwelling unit peak parking demand equals 92 percent of the average
peak parking demand for all of the study sites reporting bedrooms per unit data.
1.5 – 2.0 bedrooms / dwelling unit equals 98 percent of the average peak parking
demand for all of the study sites reporting bedrooms per unit data.
2.0 bedrooms / dwelling unit or more equals 113 percent of the average peak parking
demand for all of the study sites reporting bedrooms per unit data.
Based on the ITE study data and survey of surrounding communities, specifying off-street
parking of 2.0 stalls/dwelling unit for a multiple family land use within I-35 or Cedar Avenue
corridors having 2.0 bedrooms/dwelling unit or less with one stall/dwelling unit required to be
enclosed under the principal building (exempting housing meeting regional affordability
standards) is appropriate. It is the City’s intent at this time to implement a reduction in the
required number of parking stalls for multiple family uses based on the preceding analysis on a
case-by-case basis using a PUD District approach for development to allow the City opportunity
to further evaluate the functionality of the 2.0 parking stalls/dwelling unit requirement.
Parking Deferment. For multiple family developments exceeding the 2.0 bedroom threshold or
development occurring outside of a PUD District, flexibility as to the implementation of
required parking stalls can be accommodated through a parking deferment. Section 11-19-7.J
of the Zoning Ordinance allows a deferment in the number of required parking stalls for
commercial, industrial, or institutional uses subject to the criteria and requirements outlined
below. The Planning Commission agreed at their 21 July work session to expand the use of
parking deferments to include multiple family uses subject to these same criteria and
performance standards.
1. The proposed use will have a peak parking demand less than the required
parking under section 11-19-13 of this chapter. Factors to be considered
when reviewing the proposed parking demand shall include, but not be
limited to:
a. Size of building.
b. Type and use.
c. Number of employees.
d. Projected volume and turnover of customer traffic.
e. Projected frequency and volume of delivery or service vehicles.
f. Number of company owned vehicles.
g. Storage of vehicles on site.
2. In no case shall the amount of parking provided be less than one-half (1/2)
of the amount of parking required by ordinance.
3. The site has sufficient property under the same ownership to
accommodate the expansion of the parking facilities to meet the
minimum requirements of this chapter if the parking demand exceeds on
site supply.
4. On site parking shall only occur in areas designed and constructed for
parking in accordance with this chapter.
5. The applicant and city enter into a development agreement, to be
recorded against the subject property, which includes a clause requiring
the owner to install the additional parking stalls, upon a finding of the
zoning administrator that such additional parking stalls are necessary to
accommodate the use.
6. A change of use will necessitate compliance with the applicable zoning
ordinance standard for parking.
7. Parking deferments, as provided for herein, shall not be granted for
parcels and uses within the RS-CBD, C-CBD, and I-CBD districts.
Parking Dimensions. Section 11-19-7.I.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires off-street parking
stalls to be nine feet wide and 20 feet deep, although a two foot overhang is allowed for
parking rows adjacent to a curb, accessed by 24 foot wide drive aisles. Section 11-19-7.I.3 of
the Zoning Ordinance allows enclosed parking stalls so designed to meet the requirements for
the number of off-street parking required by the Zoning Ordinance. In reviewing the
development application for Lakeville Pointe, the City considered interior parking stalls
designed to be nine feet wide and 18 feet deep accessed by a 24 foot wide drive aisle. The
developer provided a detail showing adequate access to the parking stalls by a typical
passenger car. These dimensions of the interior parking stalls are appropriate given that the
interior parking area are limited to tenant use, there are no environmental conditions such as
snow or pooled water to maneuver around, and there would be at least one exterior stall per
dwelling unit to accommodate larger vehicles tenants may own. City staff proposes including
language specifying nine foot by 18 foot stall dimensions accessed by a 24 foot drive aisle.
Our office and City staff have drafted a proposed amendment of the Zoning Ordinance based
on the direction of the City Council and Planning Commission regarding off-street parking
requirements for multiple family uses. A public hearing has been noticed for the Planning
Commission meeting on 8 September 2016 to consider said amendment. Our office
recommends approval of the draft Zoning Ordinance amendment as presented.
c. Justin Miller, City Administrator
David Olson, Community and Economic Development Director
Roger Knutson, City Attorney
ORDINANCE NO. _________
Section 1. Section 11-19-7.1.3 of the Zoning Ordinance (Off-Street
Parking – General Provisions) is hereby amended to read as follows:
3. Within Structures:
a. The off street parking requirements may be furnished by
providing a space so designedstalls within the principal
building or detached accessory structure.
b. Parking stalls shall comply with the dimensions specified
by Section 11-19-7.I.1 of this title, except that stalls for
multiple family uses and public uses shall be not less than
nine feet (9’) wide and twenty feet (20’) in length accessed
by access aisles a minimum of twenty four (24’) feet wide.
bc. Unless alternative provisions in compliance with this
chapter and title are made, no building permit shall be
issued to convert said parking structure into a dwelling unit
or living area or other activity.
Section 2. Section 11-19-7.J of the Zoning Ordinance (Off-Street
Parking – General Provisions) is hereby amended to read as follows:
J. Parking Deferment: The city may allow a reduction in the number of
required parking stalls for commercial, industrial, and institutional, and
multiple family uses by administrative permit provided that:
1. The proposed use will have a peak parking demand less than the
required parking under section 11-19-13 of this chapter. F actors to
be considered when reviewing the proposed parking demand shall
include, but not be limited to:
a. Size of building, or number of dwelling units and number
of bedrooms per dwelling unit.
b. Type and use.
c. Number of employees or residents.
d. Projected volume and turnover of customer traffic.
e. Projected frequency and volume of delivery or service
f. Number of company owned vehicles.
g. Storage of vehicles on site.
2. In no case shall the amount of parking provided be less than one-
half (1/2) of the amount of parking required by ordinance.
3. The site has sufficient property under the same ownership to
accommodate the expansion of the parking facilities to meet the
minimum requirements of this chapter if the parking demand
exceeds on site supply.
4. On site parking shall only occur in areas designed and constructed
for parking in accordance with this chapter.
5. The applicant and city enter into a development agreement, to be
recorded against the subject property, which includes a clause
requiring the owner to install the additional parking stalls, upon a
finding of the zoning administrator that such additional parking
stalls are necessary to accommodate the use.
6. A change of use will necessitate compliance with the applicable
zoning ordinance standard for parking.
7. Parking deferments, as provided for herein, shall not be granted for
parcels and uses within the RS-CBD, C-CBD, and I-CBD districts.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its
passage and publication.
ADOPTED this ____ day of ________, 2016, by the City Council of the
City of Lakeville, Minnesota.
Matt Little, Mayor
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk