HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To : Planning Commission From: Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: August 31, 2016 Subject: Packet Material for the September 8, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Lakeville Pet Medicine Conditional Use Permit Action Deadline: October 18, 2016 INTRODUCTION Representatives of Lakeville Pet Medicine P.C. have submitted a conditional use permit application and plans for a veterinary clinic to be located at 17510 Dodd Boulevard. The clinic is proposed to occupy 3,300 square feet of an existing multi-tenant commercial building in Crossroads. The proposed space was previously occupied by a dental office. The subject property is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District subject to the performance standards outlined in the C-3, General Commercial District. Section 11-73-7.S of the Zoning Ordinance allows veterinary clinics by conditional use permit subject to certain criteria to be addressed further in this planning report. EXHIBITS The following exhibits are attached for your reference: A. Location and Zoning Map B. Aerial Photo Map C. Site Plan D. Floor Plan E. Applicant’s Summary Narrative 2 Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning North – Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9) and undeveloped property (C-3 District) South – Crossroads multi-tenant commercial building (PUD District) East – Glasgow Avenue and undeveloped commercial (PUD District) West – Barley and Vine Restaurant (PUD District) PLANNING ANALYSIS The subject property is approximately 1.45 acres in area and was platted as Lot 6, Block 1, Crossroads in 2003. The proposed floor plan has been reviewed for compliance with Zoning Ordinance performance standards for veterinary clinics as outlined in Section 11-73-7.S as follows: 1. All areas in which animals are confined are located indoors and are properly soundproofed from adjacent properties. The applicant’s narrative indicates that all animals will be confined to the building. The wall design and floor plan identifies the utility room, storage, staff lounge and office located along the wall shared with the adjacent tenant. This wall is an insulated demising wall that will maximize sound attenuation. 2. Animal carcasses are properly disposed of in a manner not utilizing on site garbage facilities or incineration and the carcasses are properly refrigerated during periods prior to disposal. An animal morgue consisting of a freezer to hold the carcasses will be included in the plans. Animal carcasses will be held there until they can be properly disposed of. 3. An animal kennel is permitted as a use accessory to the veterinary clinic provided that certain conditions are met. There is no proposal to board animals on site other than those being treated at the veterinary clinic. a. The number of animals boarded shall not exceed twenty (20). The boarding of animals being treated overnight for veterinary services shall not exceed 20 animals. b. An indoor exercise area shall be provided to accommodate the periodic exercising of animals boarded at the kennel. No outdoor exercising of animals shall be permitted. This veterinary clinic will not provide boarding other than those animals being treated, therefore no indoor exercise area is proposed. Indoor runs are provided 3 for animals recovering from surgery. Outdoor exercising of animals shall not be permitted. c. A ventilation system shall be designed so that no odors or organisms will spread between wards or to the outside air and will be capable of completely exchanging internal air at a rate of at least twice per hour. Air temperature must be maintained between sixty degrees (60°) and seventy five degrees Fahrenheit (75°F). The applicant narrative states that the space will be designed to meet these requirements. d. A room separate from the kennel area shall be provided of sufficient size to adequately separate animals that are sick or injured from healthy animals. The floor plan provides a location to provide isolation of sick animals. e. Indoor animal kennel floors and walls shall be made of nonporous materials or sealed concrete to make it nonporous. The applicant’s narrative states that nonporous material or sealed concrete will be included in the construction drawings as required by the Zoning Ordinance. f. Animal wastes shall be flushed down an existing sanitary sewer system or enclosed in a container of sufficient construction to eliminate odors and organisms and shall be properly disposed of at least once a day. The applicant’s narrative states that all waste shall be properly stored and disposed of at least once a day. g. The appropriate license is obtained from the city clerk and the conditions of section 5-1-12 of the City Code are met. The provisions of Section 5-1-12 of the City Code pertaining to animal kennels do not apply to veterinary clinics that do not propose general animal kenneling not associated with animal treatment at the clinic. h. All state health department and Minnesota pollution control agency requirements for such facilities are met. This requirement will be a stipulation of the conditional use permit. 4. There shall be adequate physical separation within a multiple occupancy building between the veterinary clinic and other individual tenant spaces to protect public health and safety. 4 The wall design and floor plan show a separation of the utility room, storage, staff lounge and office areas from the single shared demising wall and a separation of the animal area. The closest animal area to the demising wall is 18 feet, which will also aids in minimizing sound transmission. Sound attenuation blankets in the walls will also provide additional sound buffering. Required Building and Parking Lot Setbacks. The existing building meets all setback and parking requirements for a commercial use of the building. No exterior site or building alterations are proposed other than business signage. Floor Plan. The building floor plan describes the various rooms and interior uses within the 3,300 square foot veterinary clinic space. Signs. Signs will require a permit prior to installation and compliance with Chapter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Lakeville Pet Medicine P.C. conditional use permit subject to the following stipulations: 1. The floor plan and remodeling shall be consistent with the plan and narrative described in the application and approved by the City Council to ensure compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 2. A building permit shall be issued prior to commencing work on the building interior. 3. A sign permit shall be obtained prior to installation of any signage. Findings of fact for approval of the conditional use permit request are attached. PROJ. NO:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DESCRIPTIONISSUE SCHEDULE NO. DATE PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONAll design, documents and data prepared shall remain the property of TerWisscha Construction Inc and shall not be copied, changed, or disclosed in any form without written consent. TerWisscha Construction Inc shall not be responsible for any alterations or revisions made by anyone other than employees of TerWisscha Construction Inc.© TerWisscha Construction Inc1550 WILLMAR AVENUE S.E.WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 320.235.1664 FAX 320.235.3137 email ktw@twcinc.com 8 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 6 9 : 2 3 : 4 4 A M T : \ P r o j e c t s \ 1 7 2 0 2 D r S h a n n o n K e n n e l l y , L a k e v i l l e M N \ P P A \ 1 7 2 0 2 K e n n e l l y P P A . r v t CU-1SITE PLAN1720217510 DODD BLVD. LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 WW TWCLAKEVILLE PET MEDICINE PC 8-15-16 CUP 1 1 " = 3 0 ' - 0 " CU - 1 1 SI T E P L A N REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE CU R B C U T D E T A I L N. T . S . 2 CU - 1 BO L L A R D D E T A I L 3/ 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " 3 CU - 1 CU R B C U T P L A N 3/ 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 4 CU - 1 MO N U M E N T S I G N E L E V A T I O N 3/ 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " 5 CU - 1 MO N U M E N T S I G N D E T A I L 3/ 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " 6 CU - 1 MO N U M E N T S I G N D E T A I L 3/ 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " 7 CU - 1 NORTH PLAN NORTHTENANT SPACE * E X I S T I N G S I T E P L A N PR O V I D E D B Y L A N D L O R D OR I G I N A L L Y C R E A T E D B Y P O P E A S S O C I A T E S EXHIBIT C W WH D S c a l e RE F . R E F . 26 7 . 1 3 S F LO B B Y 10 2 65 . 2 8 S F WA I T I N G ( D O G ) 10 4 . 2 25 . 0 0 S F KI D ' S A R E A 11 1 86 . 7 0 S F WA I T I N G ( C A T ) 10 4 . 1 17 3 . 5 8 S F RE C E P T I O N 10 3 77 . 0 8 S F BU S I N E S S O F F I C E 30 5 54 . 3 3 S F RE T A I L ( S M A L L ) 10 6 51 . 0 0 S F RR 10 9 . 1 39 . 9 7 S F UT I L I T Y 70 1 73 . 0 8 S F LA U N D R Y 60 2 39 . 4 5 S F ST O R A G E 70 2 51 . 7 2 S F RE S T R O O M (E M P L O Y E E ) 30 9 15 9 . 2 5 S F ST A F F R O O M / L O U N G E 21 6 17 5 . 6 4 S F TR E A T M E N T CI R C U L A T I O N 29 9 16 . 3 7 S F MO R G U E 60 3 55 . 5 5 S F IS O L A T I O N 40 6 69 . 8 2 S F RA D I O L O G Y 20 6 10 9 . 5 6 S F SU R G E R Y 20 5 11 2 . 4 4 S F LA B / P R E P 20 3 29 0 . 9 8 S F TR E A T M E N T 20 2 91 . 5 4 S F PH A R M A C Y 20 1 21 . 6 4 S F IC U 21 0 89 . 1 4 S F DE N T A L S U I T E 21 2 12 8 . 3 4 S F CO M F O R T R O O M 11 5 89 . 4 2 S F EX A M 3 11 4 . 3 90 . 6 4 S F EX A M 2 11 4 . 2 11 3 . 5 9 S F EX A M 1 11 4 . 1 10 0 . 5 8 S F DO G W A R D 40 2 89 . 2 5 S F DO C T O R ' S O F F I C E 30 2 35 . 5 4 S F VE S T I B U L E 10 1 . 1 49 . 8 4 S F RE T A I L ( F O O D ) 10 7 1901.57 SFREMODEL AREA1358.12 SFEXISTING AREA PROJ. NO:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DESCRIPTIONISSUE SCHEDULE NO. DATE PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONAll design, documents and data prepared shall remain the property of TerWisscha Construction Inc and shall not be copied, changed, or disclosed in any form without written consent. TerWisscha Construction Inc shall not be responsible for any alterations or revisions made by anyone other than employees of TerWisscha Construction Inc.© TerWisscha Construction Inc1550 WILLMAR AVENUE S.E.WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 320.235.1664 FAX 320.235.3137 email ktw@twcinc.com 8 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 6 9 : 2 3 : 5 4 A M T : \ P r o j e c t s \ 1 7 2 0 2 D r S h a n n o n K e n n e l l y , L a k e v i l l e M N \ P P A \ 1 7 2 0 2 K e n n e l l y P P A . r v t CU-2FLOOR PLAN1720217510 DODD BLVD. LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 WW TWCLAKEVILLE PET MEDICINE PC 8-15-16 CUP 1 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " CU - 2 1 FI R S T L E V E L F L O O R P L A N 0' 4' 8' 16 ' 32 ' AREA SCHEDULE (GROSS BUILDING AREA)NAME AREA EXISTING AREA 1358.12 SF REMODEL AREA 1901.57 SF 3259.69 SF 1" = 10'-0"CU-22AREA PLAN REVISION SCHEDULE NO. DESCRIPTION DATE EXHIBIT D Page 1 of 3 August 15, 2016 Frank Dempsey Associate Planner, City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 952.985.4423 fax 952.985.4499 RE: Conditional Use Permit for Lakeville Pet Medicine PC 17510 Dodd Blvd. Lakeville, MN 55044 Dear Mr. Dempsey: As discussed on the phone we will be providing you with the existing site plan that has been used previously for the construction of Crossroads of Lakeville. We will also include the floor plan for the proposed tenant space. Conditional use requirements for veterinary clinics that are laid out in the zoning code section 11-73-7 S. Below are our responses to how we will meet all the requirements. I have included a bio background as well as a practice description provided to me from Dr. Kennelly. 1. All areas in which animals are confined are located indoors and are properly soundproofed from adjacent properties. Our tenant space is located in the Crossroads of Lakeville shopping center. Our building within this shopping center is located 87’-6” from the closest property line and further separated by additional parking lots and the streets Dodd Blvd. and Glasgow Ave. Our tenant space is adjacent to one existing tenant space and is separated by a demising wall with an approximate STC rating of 47. Also all existing spaces that are adjacent to the demising wall will maintain their same function (utility room, storage, staff lounge and office). The closest room that would house the animals for a small amount of time is approximately 18’-0” away from the demising wall. This room would also provide sound attenuation blankets in the walls which will also provide an STC rating of 47 as well. 2. Animal carcasses are properly disposed of in a manner not utilizing on site garbage facilities or incineration and the carcasses are properly refrigerated during periods prior to disposal. As you can see on our floor plan we will be providing a morgue which consists of a freezer that will hold the carcasses until it can be picked up by an outside company that will dispose of them properly. 3. An animal kennel is permitted as a use accessory to the veterinary clinic provided that: There will be no boarding provided at this facility. On occasion we may need to house a dog overnight because they are not fully recovered from the surgery the day before. Page 2 of 3 a. The number of animals boarded shall not exceed twenty (20). This number will never exceed 20. b. An indoor exercise area shall be provided to accommodate the periodic exercising of animals boarded at the kennel. No outdoor exercising of animals shall be permitted. Since this practice will not be providing boarding no indoor or outdoor exercising of animals will be provided at this site. Due to the condition of the animals that may stay overnight exercise areas are not necessary. Runs have been provided which would allow the recovering animal to have adequate space to move about. c. A ventilation system shall be designed so that no odors or organisms will spread between wards or to the outside air and will be capable of completely exchanging internal air at a rate of at least twice per hour. Air temperature must be maintained between sixty degrees (60°) and seventy five degrees Fahrenheit (75°F). This new tenant space will be designed by our mechanical engineers to meet all the requirements set above. d. A room separate from the kennel area shall be provided of sufficient size to adequately separate animals that are sick or injured from healthy animals. Per our plan we are providing an isolation room for these sick animals. It is located near the back exit of the space to prevent bringing these sick animals through the rest of the space and potentially contaminating other areas. e. Indoor animal kennel floors and walls shall be made of nonporous materials or sealed concrete to make it nonporous. These spaces will be specified as a nonporous material or sealed concrete in our construction drawings and will be built accordingly. f. Animal wastes shall be flushed down an existing sanitary sewer system or enclosed in a container of sufficient construction to eliminate odors and organisms and shall be properly disposed of at least once a day. Animal wastes shall be stored in an enclosed container to eliminate odors and organisms and shall be properly disposed of at least once a day. g. The appropriate license is obtained from the city clerk and the conditions of section 5-1-12 of this code are met. The appropriate licenses shall be obtained as required. h. All state health department and Minnesota pollution control agency requirements for such facilities are met. (Ord. 867, sec. 110, 5-17-2010; amd. Ord. 917, 2-18-2014). All state health department and Minnesota pollution control agency requirements shall be met. 4. There shall be adequate physical separation within a multiple occupancy building between the veterinary clinic and other individual tenant spaces to protect public health and safety. There is a current demising wall between the adjacent tenant that goes to the roof deck. This will provide the required public health and safety separation. Dr. Shannon Kennelly Background Shannon has served the Dakota County area as a veterinarian for over 11 years. Through her work at a medically progressive & busy multi-doctor practice, she has developed an expertise in diagnosing & treating complex medical conditions, and has a very strong track record of delivering successful outcomes for her patients. Her primary medical interests are internal medicine, preventative medicine, dermatology, behavior, & dentistry. Over her years of hard work, dedication, and focusing on client- patient relationships, Shannon has developed the skills needed to start her own practice. Shannon is a graduate of the University of Minnesota for both her undergraduate and Veterinary degrees. She realized at an early age that her dream was to become a veterinarian, so she began working at Twin Cities veterinary practices and at a humane society, starting at the age of 15 and continued to do so throughout her education. These experiences have allowed her to appreciate how many different practices operate, and to learn from many mentors along the way. Shannon & her family have quickly fallen in love with the city of Lakeville while exploring the variety Page 3 of 3 of parks, restaurants, and stores. She has spent considerable time studying Lakeville and its growth patterns, and determined that a veterinary hospital located in the central part of Lakeville would be the ideal location to serve the city’s ever expanding community of pet owners. Shannon’s community involvement includes serving as a Girl Scout troop co-leader, as well as being an active member of the Minnesota Valley Mothers of Multiples. Lakeville Pet Medicine Practice Description The vision for Lakeville Pet Medicine is to create a family oriented atmosphere where Lakeville’s pet owners can receive high quality preventive care as well as medical attention for their family dogs & cats throughout all life stages and challenges. The practice will focus on teaching the skills pet owners need to ensure optimal health and well-being for their pets, while providing the best medical care for them at a well-equipped facility. Lakeville Pet Medicine’s team will work to care for the community’s pets as they would care for their own, while always providing a warm and inviting environment. The team’s goals will include establishing lasting relationships with Lakeville’s pet owners which are built on trust and providing optimal health for their family pets. The practice will start small, with a single doctor and small support staff, however the practice’s location was selected to be able to support the high level of growth of the surrounding area. The 3,314 square foot hospital plans to eventually employ 3 or more full time doctors, and a growing support staff of veterinary technicians, receptionists, and animal care staff. Thank you for your time in reviewing these documents for the conditional use permit, and if you have any questions or comments concerning this review, please feel free to contact our office at 320.235.1664. Sincerely, William Wenchell Lead Designer 1 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA LAKEVILLE PET MEDICINE, P.C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION On September 8, 2016 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at it’s regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Lakeville Pet Medicine, P.C. for a conditional use permit to allow a veterinary clinic at 17510 Dodd Boulevard. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District. 2. The property is located in Planning District No. 3 and is classified as Commercial on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 6, Block 1, Crossroads 1st Addition 4. Section 11-4-3E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a) The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the Official City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed veterinary clinic is consistent with the policies and provisions of Planning District 3 of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. b) The proposed use is or will be compatible with future land uses of the area. The proposed veterinary clinic is compatible with existing land uses in the area. c) The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and the City Code. 2 The veterinary clinic will conform with all performance standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance given compliance with the approved conditional use permit. d) The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City’s service capacity. The proposed veterinary clinic will be served with existing public services. e) Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Traffic generation will not significantly increase due to the proposed veterinary clinic and can be accommodated by the adjacent public streets. 5. The planning report dated August 31, 2016 prepared by Associate Planner Frank Dempsey is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the conditional use permit in the form attached thereto. Dated: September 8, 2016 LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BY: ___________________________ Jason Swenson, Chair