HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-16 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES August 17, 2016 Chair Swan called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. in the Lake Marion Conference Room at City Hall. Members Present: Lori Bovitz, Tom Goodwin, Jeanne Peterson, Bob Swan Members Absent: Scott Kelly, Holly Weberg, Judy Hayes Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Hennen, Environmental Resources Manager Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Stella Eskelson 1. Approval of July 20, 2016 minutes Minutes were approved as written. 2. Citizen comments No citizens present. 3. Staff Report Staff shared an update on the progress of the completion of the Ritter Farm Dog Park; the tentative timeline for completion is slated for early September. Staff reported that the playground installation at Summerlyn Park has been completed and the structure is being utilized by the surrounding neighborhood. Staff also shared that future plans for the park include trails, basketball courts and other recreational amenities. Staff provided an update on the progress of the Land of Amazement 2.0 fundraising and community build efforts. Staff was pleased to report that the fundraising goal had been met with help from sponsors including Safety Signs, Lakeville Liquors and Post Consumer Brands. Additionally, the fundraising goal was then exceeded with a donation from the Lakeville Lions Club. Details around the community build dates and times were shared as well as a status update on the current volunteer sign up. The Committee members discussed tentative plans for organizing a group volunteer effort by the committee members and were directed to the online sign up form. Staff shared updates on a major ballfield renovation project that is currently underway at Steve Michaud Park. The Arts Festival is scheduled for September 17 th and 18th. Staff shared details regarding the Community Art Project planned for this year which will be a collective painting of a large moose. Plans to display this and other pieces of art work at Pioneer Plaza were discussed. Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, August 17, 2016 Page 2 The Arts Center playbill is complete and has been sent out in the mail. The Fall and Winter Parks and Recreation brochure has also been completed and will be in the mail around August 20th. Staff provided background information on the new part -time Forester, Emily Ball and what her role will be with the City as well as potential projects that she will be assisting with in the future. Staff shared that the Quail Meadows/North Trail Elementary School playground equipment replacement is to be completed next week. This project is a joint effo rt between the City and ISD #192. Committee member Bovitz shared details on the Lakeville Area Community band and their upcoming performance that is set for August 23rd at Antlers Park. The band members are optimistic about the expected turn out for this performance. Staff informed committee members that they are working with the mower operators to identify possible areas that can be eliminated from mowing or mowed less frequently. Staff shared follow up that had taken place regarding concerns for pedestrian traffic in roundabouts and what action could be taken to prevent issues. Staff reached out to the County and it was determined that crosswalks are placed in appropriate areas in the roundabouts. Staff offered to have a representative attend a future meeting to share knowledge of roundabouts and provide an open forum to discuss concerns. 4. Schneiderman’s Furniture Preliminary Plat Staff reviewed the Schneiderman’s Furniture Preliminary Plat and discussed storm water drainage, tree preservation plan, wetland delineation and additional stipulations that were discussed at a neighborhood meeting. Mac Cafferty indicated that while staff feels confident that all stipulations will be met, the project cannot start until all required information has been submitted. Staff addressed committee concerns that the plat was submitted prematurely and perhaps incomplete. Committee member Goodwin asked if the proposed construction will encro ach on shoreline overlay. Staff indicated that it would not. Committee member Peterson referred to a previous email from a neighbor to the proposed store location and asked if these issues had been addressed. Staff indicated that yes, this had been addressed and further requirements were outlined to be completed before the project begins. Committee member Goodwin requested clarification on the absence of the tree preservation plan and wetland delineation as well as expressed concerns over the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, August 17, 2016 Page 3 plat having been submitted as incomplete. Staff reiterated that Schneiderman’s Furniture is well aware that this project will not move forward without meeting the additional stipulations as outlined by City staff. While the plat is missing these items, staff is confident that Schneiderman’s Furniture will comply with all requirements. Committee member Storms revisited the prior discussion and asked what pieces were missing that made the proposal incomplete. Staff and committee members indicated that plats are to be submitted with a tree preservation plan and wetland delineations and the developer’s submittal did not include these items. Staff shared that while this information has not been submitted as this time it is to be submitted. Motion made by Jeanne Peterson, seconded by Lori Bovitz to recommend to City Council approval of the Schneiderman’s Furniture Preliminary Plat subject to the recommendations as presented by City staff which includes the stipulations in the August 12th Planning Report and August 12th Engineers Report. Ayes: Lori Bovitz, Jeanne Peterson, Bob Swan, Jim Storms Nays: Tom Goodwin Committee member Goodwin voted nay as a result of his concerns regarding the incompleteness of the plat submittal information and that this committee would not have an opportunity to review and approve a final plat that included a tree preservation plan and wetland delineation. He voiced that it would be more ideal for this committee to have access to all of these piec es prior to approving the plat but understands that staff has indicated the requirement of these items to Schneiderman’s Furniture and does feel confident that they will comply. 6. Other Business Staff provided a high level overview of the 2017 – 2021 Parks Capital Improvement Plan. Staff shared details and some specifics around various projects that have been budgeted for including major maintenance projects, park development, future land acquisition and future parks projects. An open discussion took place around different elements of the CIP and ideas on how future land could be utilized were shared. Staff and committee member s also discussed future renovations and how these would be best suited to the surrounding demographic. Committee member Swan inquired as to whether or not the verbiage of ‘Avonlea Community Play Field’ could be changed so that it isn’t perceived as the though the park property could only be used for playfields and not other amenities . Staff will review the Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan to determine the original reasoning behind this verbiage. 7. Announcements Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, August 17, 2016 Page 4 There were no further announcements. 8. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Stella Eskelson, Recording Secretary