HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.k December 5, 2016 Item No. RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2016 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AND THE 2016 COMMUNICATIONS FUND BUDGET Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Resolution Amending the 2016 General Fund and Communications Fund Budgets. Overview Various events have transpired during the year which requires an adjustment to the 2016 budget for the General Fund. One amendment has been approved by the City Council during the year. Approval of this resolution authorizes the amendment of the budget to more accurately reflect changes in operations. Final Adopted YTD 12/5/2016 Amended Budget Amended Amendment Budget Revenues 24,944,532$ 24,944,532$ 125,561$ 25,070,093$ Expenditures 25,388,691 25,388,691 149,978 25,538,669 Excess (Deficiency)(444,159) (444,159) (24,417) (468,576) Other Financing Sources (Uses)756,513 211,513 - 211,513 Net Change in Fund Balance 312,354 (232,646) (24,417) (257,063) Fund Balance, January 1 11,406,277 11,406,277 968,651 12,374,928 Fund Balance, December 31 11,718,631$ 11,173,631$ 944,234$ 12,117,865$ Final Adopted YTD 12/5/2016 Amended Budget Amended Amendment Budget Revenues 760,644$ 760,644$ -$ 760,644$ Expenditures 588,926 588,926 73,129 662,055 Excess (Deficiency)171,718 171,718 (73,129) 98,589 Other Financing Sources (Uses)(384,978) (384,978) - (384,978) Net Change in Fund Balance (213,260) (213,260) (73,129) (286,389) Fund Balance, January 1 781,543 781,543 11,140 792,683 Fund Balance, December 31 568,283$ 568,283$ (61,989)$ 506,294$ General Fund Communications Fund A detailed explanation of the adjustments is attached. Primary Issues to Consider • Exhibit A: General Fund • Exhibit B: Communications Fund Supporting Information • Resolution Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y☐ N☐ Source: Related Documents: (CIP, ERP, etc.): Envision Lakeville Community Values: Good Value for Public Services Report Completed by: Jerilyn Erickson, Finance Director See attached Various 2016 Budget CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. ________ RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2016 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AND THE 2016 COMMUNICATIONS FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota that the 2016 General Fund budget and the 2016 Communications Fund Budget are hereby amended for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016 as per Exhibit A and B, as attached hereto. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this 5th day of December, 2016 CITY OF LAKEVILLE ________________________________ Matt Little, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Charlene Friedges, City Clerk EXHIBIT A 2016 2016 YTD Final Amended 12/5/2016 Amended Budget Adjust Budget Notes Revenues General property taxes 18,553,538 $ -$ 18,553,538 $ Licenses and permits 1,855,528 50,000 1,905,528 (10) Intergovernmental 988,816 9,400 998,216 (13) Charges for services 3,149,629 50,000 3,199,629 (3)(15)(17) Court fines 315,000 - 315,000 Investment income 40,376 - 40,376 Miscellaneous 41,645 16,161 57,806 (3)(14) Total revenues 24,944,532 125,561 25,070,093 Expenditures General government Mayor and Council 99,866 - 99,866 Committees and Commissions 71,284 13,500 84,784 (3) City administration 413,336 19,005 432,341 (1)(7) City Clerk 195,441 2,311 197,752 (1) Legal counsel 78,178 - 78,178 Planning 458,036 8,695 466,731 (1) Community and econ. development 297,952 5,905 303,857 (1) Inspections 1,000,761 120,252 1,121,013 (1)(8)(10)(11) General government facilities 427,117 56,061 483,178 (1)(12) Finance 718,826 16,836 735,662 (1) Information systems 543,979 58,604 602,583 (1)(2)(6) Human resources 490,511 44,334 534,845 (1)(4)(9) Insurance 182,180 - 182,180 Public safety Police 9,693,385 127,522 9,820,907 (1)(2)(4)(12)(13)(14) Fire 1,753,089 (1,706) 1,751,383 (1)(12) Public works Engineering 785,343 14,533 799,876 (1) Operations and Maintenance 652,545 9,467 662,012 (1) Streets 3,321,247 31,402 3,352,649 (1)(12) Parks and recreation Parks 2,442,197 19,859 2,462,056 (1)(12) Recreation 622,974 13,680 636,654 (1)(17)(18) Heritage Center 98,770 12,007 110,777 (1)(15) Arts Center 479,173 20,441 499,614 (1)(17) Other 562,501 (442,730) 119,771 (1)(6)(7)(8)(9)(11) Total expenditures 25,388,691 149,978 25,538,669 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (444,159) (24,417) (468,576) - Other financing sources (uses) - Transfer from other funds 806,513 - 806,513 Transfer to other funds (595,000) - (595,000) Total other financing sources (uses) 211,513 - 211,513 - Net change in fund balance (232,646) (24,417) (257,063) Fund balance, January 1 11,406,277 968,651 12,374,928 (5) Fund balance, December 31 11,173,631 $ 944,234 $ 12,117,865 $ 2016 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Exhibit A (1)Increase departmental personnel services for the 2016 COLA Adjustment. Expenditures: Personnel Services 331,730 Decrease in Contingency (331,730) (2) Expenditures: Personnel Services - Information Systems 41,656 Personnel Services - Police Records (41,656) (3) Expenditures: Personnel Services 7,000 Other Charges and Services 6,500 Revenues: General Government Services 15,000 Donations (3,500) Use of Fund Balance 2,000 (4) Expenditures: Personnel Services - Police 12,924 Personnel Services - Human Resources (12,924) (5) Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2016 12,374,928 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2016 11,406,277 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2016 968,651 Reclassify the Information Systems and Police budgets to account for the Information Systems Technician to be funded in the Information Systems Department. Amend the Pan-O-Prog program to reflect the city share of the fire works and increase the contribution from the Pan-O-Prog Committee. Reclassify the injured officer benefits from the Human Resources budget to the Police Department budget. Amend the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2016 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Fund Balance. G:\Budget\2016 Budget\Budget Amendments - Potential\2016 GENERAL FUND AMENDMENT 12-05-2016 12/1/2016 Exhibit A (6) Expenditures: Personnel Services 10,000 Contingency (10,000) (7) Expenditures: Personnel Services 10,000 Contingency (10,000) (8) Expenditures: Personnel Services 16,000 Contingency (16,000) (9) Expenditures: Personnel Services 50,000 Contingency (50,000) Amend the Information Systems Department personnel services to reflect the leave hour payout for the retiring manager with a net savings from vacant positions during the year. Amend the City Administration Department personnel services to reflect the leave hour payout for the Administrative Assistant with a net savings from other personnel costs. Amend the Inspections Department personnel services to reflect the leave hour payout for the Administrative Assistant. Amend the Human Resources Department personnel services to reflect the leave hour payout for the Human Resources Director. G:\Budget\2016 Budget\Budget Amendments - Potential\2016 GENERAL FUND AMENDMENT 12-05-2016 12/1/2016 Exhibit A (10) Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 50,000 Revenues: Permits - Electrical 50,000 (11) Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 40,000 Contingency (25,000) Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 15,000 (12) Expenditures: Personnel Services 76,545 Other Charges and Services - Cleaning (69,128) Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 7,417 (13) Expenditures: Capital Outlay 9,400 Revenues: Grants 9,400 Amend the Police Department budget for equipment purchased in 2016 for the Auto Theft Prevention grant. The grant was anticipated to be completed in 2015. Amend the Inspections Department budget to account for the increase in contractual electrical inspections and the offsetting electrical permit revenues. Amend the budget to account for a property demolition that the city will be assessing the property in the future. However, collection of the assessment may be difficult. Amend the budget to account for the addition of Facility Attendants replacing the Contractual Cleaning Services. G:\Budget\2016 Budget\Budget Amendments - Potential\2016 GENERAL FUND AMENDMENT 12-05-2016 12/1/2016 Exhibit A (14) Expenditures: Commodities 1,156 Other Charges and Services 7,354 Capital Outlay 11,151 Revenues: Donations 19,661 (15) Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 20,000 Revenues: Charges for Services - Recreation Chrgs 20,000 (16) Expenditures: Personnel Services - Heritage Center 11,500 Personnel Services - Recreation Dept.(11,500) (17) Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 15,000 Revenues: Charges for Services - Event Admissions/Rent 15,000 Amend the Arts Center budget to account for additional expenditure related to increases in events and increased revenues. Amend the budget to record the 2016 K9 expenditures to be funded with Donations. Amend the Recreation Department budget to account for the increased youth activities and the offsetting program participation revenues. Amend the Heritage Center and Recreation Department budgets to account for the additional part-time staff hired during 2016. G:\Budget\2016 Budget\Budget Amendments - Potential\2016 GENERAL FUND AMENDMENT 12-05-2016 12/1/2016 Exhibit B 2016 2016 Final Adopted 12/5/2016 Amended Budget Adjust Budget Notes Revenues Franchise fees 690,879 $ -$ 690,879 $ P.E.G. fees 65,067 - 65,067 State-aid pensions 516 516 Investment income 4,182 - 4,182 Total Revenues 760,644 - 760,644 Expenditures Personnel services 342,859 38,129 380,988 (1)(2) Commodities 2,583 - 2,583 Other charges and services 195,222 35,000 230,222 (3) Capital outlay 48,262 - 48,262 Total Expenditures 588,926 73,129 662,055 Transfers Transfer to General Fund (134,978) - (134,978) Transfer to Building Fund (150,000) - (150,000) Transfer to Equipment Fund (100,000) - (100,000) Total Transfers (384,978) - (384,978) Net Change in Fund Balance (213,260) (73,129) (286,389) Fund Balance, January 1 781,543 11,140 792,683 (4) Fund Balance, December 31 568,283 $ (61,989) $ 506,294 $ 2016 COMMUNICATIONS FUND BUDGET Exhibit B (1)Increase personnel cost for the 2016 COLA Expenditures: Personnel Services 4,386 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 4,386 (2)Amend personnel services to reflect the leave hours payout for the Communications Manager. Expenditures: Personnel Services 33,743 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 33,743 (3)Additional legal fees incurred related to the Cable Franchise Renewal process. Expenditures: Other Charges and Services 35,000 Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 35,000 (4)Adjust the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2016 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Fund Balance Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2016 511,596 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2016 500,456 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2016 11,140