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HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-03 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES November 3, 2016 Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Members Present: Chair Jason Swenson, Vice Chair Brooks Lillehei, Karl Drotning, Scott Einck, Elizabeth Bakewicz, Jason Kelvie, Paul Reuvers, Ex-officio member Nic Stevens Members Absent: Pat Kaluza Others Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director, Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Zach Johnson, City Engineer; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary 3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes The October 6, 2016 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. 4. Announcements Mr. Morey stated that if there are no items tabled at tonight’s meeting, the November 17th Planning Commission meeting will be cancelled. Mr. Morey asked the Planning Commission to respond to an e-mail that the Planning Commission Secretary will be sending out regarding their availability if the December 1st Planning Commission meeting were to be rescheduled to December 8th. 5. City of Lakeville City Engineer Zach Johnson presented the draft 2017-2021 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Mr. Johnson reviewed the objectives of the CIP and indicated that the CIP includes future transportation, utilities, parks and recreation, facilities and equipment improvements for the years 2017-2021. Mr. Johnson commented that the items included in the CIP are mainly due to increased growth and maintaining our existing infrastructure. Mr. Johnson stated that the draft CIP was presented to the City Council at their July 25th work session. The 2017-2021 CIP will be considered for approval at the November 21st City Council meeting. He highlighted the more significant projects included in the CIP. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, November 3, 2016 Page 2 Mr. Johnson stated that staff has reviewed the 2017-2021 CIP and finds it to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and therefore recommends approval as presented. Chair Swenson thanked Mr. Johnson for his presentation and asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: • Commissioner Kelvie asked if there will be any utility work done in conjunction with the downtown reconstruction project. Mr. Johnson indicated that the majority of the downtown utilities were reconstructed in 1994. No new utilities are scheduled to be installed with this CIP. There will be some road rehabilitation and complete replacement of the sidewalks. • Chair Swenson commented that he feels the CIP is an exciting document. Several of the projects in the CIP are addressing issues that the public has raised at public hearings for new development projects. • Mr. Johnson stated that the City continuously examines new technologies and safety ideas concerning public street construction. The City is continually updating our construction standards so that public improvements are a good investment for our residents. • Commissioner Drotning explained that most public streets are built and paid for by developers with new development projects. Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Kelvie to recommend to City Council adoption of the 2017-2021 Capital Improvement Plan as presented, finding that it is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Ayes: Kelvie, Einck, Lillehei, Swenson, Reuvers, Bakewicz, Drotning Nays: 0 6. Northern Natural Gas Company Chair Swenson opened the public hearing to consider the application of Northern Natural Gas Company for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a utility building at an existing natural gas substation, located at the northeast corner of 215th Street and Kenrick Avenue. Tony Stucchi from Northern Natural Gas (NNG) presented a short overview of the request. He indicated that the proposed building would house a regulator system. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that NNG is proposing to construct a utility shed relating to the natural gas transmission use of the property. There is no record of any previous CUPs being approved for the development of this substation site. A CUP was approved in 2015 to allow installation of additional transmission line equipment from this location to the west City limits. Mr. Dempsey reviewed the non-conformities that must be identified and eliminated when a CUP is requested, including the area of 215th Street right-of-way adjacent to Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, November 3, 2016 Page 3 the NNG property that will need to be restored to grass consistent with the adjacent Kenrick Avenue ditch section, and the paving of the unpaved driveway access that leads into the substation property. Planning Department staff recommends approval of the NNG CUP, subject to the 3 stipulations listed in the October 27, 2016 planning report and approval of the Findings of Fact dated November 3, 2016. Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. Motion was made by Kelvie, seconded by Reuvers to close the public hearing at 6:22 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes – unanimous Chair Swenson commented that NNG provides a public service to our community and he does not see any issues with the proposed CUP request. He appreciates their willingness to restore the grass boulevard along 215th Street. Motion was made by Lillehei, seconded by Kelvie to recommend to City Council approval of the Northern Natural Gas Company Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a utility building at an existing natural gas substation, located at the northeast corner of 215th Street and Kenrick Avenue, subject to the following stipulations and approval of the Findings of Fact dated November 3, 2016: 1. A building permit from the City of Lakeville is required prior to construction of the accessory utility building. 2. The area of 215th Street right-of-way identified on Exhibit D shall be restored to a grass surface consistent with the grass surface in the Kenrick Avenue east ditch section. The area of turf planting shall begin at a point measured 33 feet north of the centerline of 215th Street up to the Northern Natural Gas south property line between the grass ditch section on Kenrick Avenue and the east property line. A cash security in the amount of $3,000 shall be submitted with the building permit application to guarantee completion by June 30, 2017 3. The gravel driveway for the Northern Natural Gas substation shall be paved from the edge of 215th Street to the south property line when 215th Street is paved. Ayes: Einck, Lillehei, Swenson, Reuvers, Bakewicz, Drotning, Kelvie Nays: 0 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary